Clone Develop WordPress Site 2

Clone Develop WordPress Site 2
I would like to hire you to clone/develop a small WordPress website that is a cross between and Our site will be smaller = see attached “rough layout.”

All text/content will be provided to you. You will NOT need to create a Blog, or Forum functionality like has.
Besides ‘contact us’ and ‘price quote forms’ (can be same form), we’ll need a ‘make a payment’ form like this one:

Final deliverable will be a website uploaded and functional on our server. All server details will be provided and you can start developing on our server/domain name from the beginning.

This is an easy project for a skilled WordPress Developer. Budget is $100 for QUICK turnaround time! + bonus. Thank you for taking the time to read my project I really appreciate it.

Wedding Planning Software

Wedding Planning Software
I am looking to have wedding organizing software made. To understand what I am looking for in software I have added to URL links to the same type of software I am looking for. and

I currently have a wedding website that I want the software to work with and be integrated into. ( The software has to be able to Multi user friendly and accommodate hundreds of brides with their own personal logins from our site.

1. The bride will visit my website
2. A bride login button will need to be made; the bride can click the button to log into her very own personal wedding planning section of our website.
3. The software will include all the functions of the two sample software located at: and
4. View both these sample videos, this is exactly what I am looking for with the same operating features.
5. The new button will need to be able to generate a secure password for the bride.
6. Once the bride has registered she will now have access to the new Wedding Planning software.
7. We are expecting at least 1000 plus brides will use the software all with their own logins.
Please send me your quotes for designing this software.
I beleive the site is done in php code.

Walter Harris

A Project In Codeigniter

A Project In Codeigniter
Hello Geeks,

Brief Project Description as Follows

Hair cutting saloon will register in our website with their services and rates and availability.

User can search the saloon based on various criteria like Area, Service and Rates.

Based on the Search Result, user can book appointment with hair cutting saloon and that saloon people will receive SMS/Email (SMS api will be provided to you) and that saloon people will log into the website and will either approve/reject the appointment.

That action will be informed to the user via SMS/Email.

Once we finalize the Bid, we will provide you detailed SRS with all the screen and flow.

Along with that design will be provided to you.

(1) You must have alteast 6 months to 1 year hands on Experience on codeigniter
(2) We are looking Long Term Relationship as we are having almost 5-7 projects a month.
(3) Programmers from India-Gujarat is preferred.
(4) Design and SMS Api will be provided to you.
(5) This is a limited Budget Project

Let us provide your best Quote and Minimum Days, We will provide you with more Projects, if you satisfy the Requirements.

Website Needed

Website Needed
I have a dvd that i’m about to release and i need something identical to this:
I have the background picture already and just need someone who can build the site exactly like the demo a.s.a.p. I will need cms access to change and add the content such as photos, about the film, etc..

Thanks and happy Bidding

Keyword Extractor – Quick/easy

Keyword Extractor – Quick/easy
I need a script to extract keywords from a url and display them.

Extract keywords from any website and create a list of single, double, and triple word keyphrases.


I want the same function as this (above link). Please use jquery. Needs to have no page refresh.

Please PM questions and demos

Convert Paper To Php Forms 2

Convert Paper To Php Forms 2

We have several paper forms that need to be converted to PHP forms and saved to mySQL db.


1) Convert paper forms to PHP form
2) Save form to database
3) Add/Edit/Delete Fields on form
4) Create new forms
5) Search function – When search results print, allow to sort by date, order number, etc.
6) Backup database
7) The form must look exactly like the paper form when printed
8) Simple design

There will be two types of logins, admin and user.

The admin can create/edit/delete forms and fields. The admin can create users.

The users can only fill out forms and change password.

This is simple project.

Let the bids begin.


Logos (125) Needed – Basi ( 3

Logos (125) Needed – Basi ( 3
Hello 🙂

I will need roughly 120 logos done for some affiliate websites we are doing. I was using and it worked great. Feel free to use that or another program.

We do NOT need original designs – just quick logos to go with our themes.

We will provide you the the (1) theme and (2) color of the logo. Just one color.. not multiple colors.

You then need to find the logo that relays what our site is (for example, flower for flower site, etc) and put ‘Your URL here’ next to it.

I have attached a sample that I did using the software at

Easy job, just don’t have the time!



Web 2.0 Sites

Web 2.0 Sites
I am looking for a few people for a on going assignment.
I will provide a list of 100 web 2.0 sites example hubpages,squido etc
You will need to write a 600 word article and rewrite it for each site.
It must be written well and even the rewrites should be written well if it sounds like a kid wrote it are doesnt make sence I will not pay until it is fixed.
I want these setup for backlinks to my money sites.
Only bid if you have exp with web 2.0 site posting and can do 100 sites in a week max.
I will pay via paypal once the first 10 are done and approved to show I pay then every 10 you finish ill make another payment,

Back Link Building

Back Link Building
I am looking for a few people who are exp in back link building
I will provide a list of sites with pr4 and up that I want
Profiles with my site url and achor txt used for backlinking.

You must fill out each bio 100% and make it sound real I will not pay for any banned are removed profiles.
It works best if you make the accounts one day and go back aweek later to ad the links and achor but that is up to you.

I want to get at least 1000 back links aweek . only bid if you can handle that kind of volume and dont try to break the bank.
I only want 1 url and 1 achor txt per profile.
I will pay via paypal every 100 profiles finished after 3 days this will give enough time to tell if they have been removed are banned.

Emotional Sales Letter Story

Emotional Sales Letter Story
Hello Professional Writers,

We need someone VERY experienced to write our 1 page sales letter that really should be a ‘story’ of the path we can take our prospects from pain to profits. (rags to riches)

This letter needs to be a compelling story that emotionally connects with our prospects to the very core of their problem and how we can help them.

The letter/story must reach into their subconsicous and motivate them to take the next step. It needs to get them excited to purchase our products that offer relief from their pain.

The letter MUST be focused on helping people without BUY! BUY! BUY! blatant sales hype.

The writer we are looking for has a special technique of understanding the emotion driven buyer and the ability to tap into those emotions by offering solutions that provide relief.

If you don’t have at least one sample of an ’emotional sales letter/story’ you have completed in the past, please don’t apply for this project.

Please include a sample of your sales letter or story writing experience.

It doesn’t matter how long the letter is… as long as it meets the guidelines above and converts.

Thanks for bidding!

Facebook App And Php Functio 2

Facebook App And Php Functio 2
Follow these articles:

Publish facebook page status or wall post automatically

I want a simple facebook app and a php function, on that function I will be able to input text and attachment to appear on wall or pages or users who accept the app permission (extended permission if need).
