Back Link Building

Back Link Building
I am looking for a few people who are exp in back link building
I will provide a list of sites with pr4 and up that I want
Profiles with my site url and achor txt used for backlinking.

You must fill out each bio 100% and make it sound real I will not pay for any banned are removed profiles.
It works best if you make the accounts one day and go back aweek later to ad the links and achor but that is up to you.

I want to get at least 1000 back links aweek . only bid if you can handle that kind of volume and dont try to break the bank.
I only want 1 url and 1 achor txt per profile.
I will pay via paypal every 100 profiles finished after 3 days this will give enough time to tell if they have been removed are banned.

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