Pop Up Ajax Form

Pop Up Ajax Form
We have a page at http://www.elikaassociates.com/home-services that we would like to integrate an ajax pop-up form in a similar style if you select the more link at http://www.elikaassociates.com/ in the first paragraph. The form would need to activate through a button that we will design and provide. The form needs to contain the fields below:

First Name:
Last Name;
Phone Number;
What do you need help with?:
– Organization/Relocation/Lifestyle
– Project Services/Renovations
– I require both services
Best to contact by:
– Phone
– Email

The form will need to have an auto thank you response email sent from our website that we will design after you implement a .html file on the server.

Also the form inquiry will need to be email to services-at-elikaassociates.com however in case
Organization/Relocation/Lifestyle is selected then the form would need to be cc’d to linda-at-crossitoffyourlist.com
and in the case Project Services/Renovations is selected then it would need to be cc’d to alan-at-alchemyred.com

In the case of “I require both services then email should only be sent to info-at-elikaassociates.com

Also need the ability just in case to add another field option.

Looking to complete his asap.

Ecommerce With Api

Ecommerce With Api
I have ready HTML pages where functionality should be made. Project’s requirement is to make shopping & member pages functional.

1. Purchasing the Card / Ecommerce
There are two options for making a purchase.

Purchase Options
Option 1) Purchase a new card. This is for when people DO NOT have a physical card in their possession, and the card will be mailed to them, requiring shipping information on the order page.

Option 2) Purchase a card already in the users possession. The card is purchased and activated in a single step by entering the serial number during the purchase process.

• The site will use a custom shopping cart that accepts MC, Visa, and Discover through a standard payment gateway. The payment gateway api from First Data needs to be integrated into the site.
• A paypal button will lead users over to purchase via paypal.

II. Coupon Codes
The purchaser has the ability to input a “coupon code”

Coupon code: A code that recalculates the purchase amount, providing a discount based purchase

Joomla Classified Component

Joomla Classified Component

I use now in a website the Almond Classified Component.
I need something like that, but with more functions.
Here is the list with the functions I need:

free and paid ads.
Possible to change the language
PayPal payments

If you have a component build like that, I am interested in it.

I am NOT interested in EXPENSIVE web-design. I have a budget. Please read it carefully. I am in a hurry to get this done soon.

P.S. I know that there are component out there that are a copy. I do NOT need that. I need something that you can create yourself. Must be a JOOMLA component.

Or, if you have something that I can easily fit in, then I am interested to.

Let me know asap. And give a example url. Not to much talk, tell what you are offering.

Thank you.

Make Joomla Shop Multilingual

Make Joomla Shop Multilingual
We need to add some more features to this joomla shop (virtue mart):

1. It has to be multilingual (English/ German/ Italien)
2. Add Paypal payment.
3. The newsletter component also has to work in different languages
4. The dark blocks on top and bottom of the template should have another color.


Hi all

This project is for a fluent English writer to write 10 unique articles related to distance learning, courses and training.
I will provide you text file with around 150 sample topics.

It must be must be 100% original high quality content, not copied or generated with some spinning software, and must have perfect spelling and grammar.

The project is for 10 articles relating to distance learning, courses and training and you can select the titles from the list I give you.

The articles must not be published sold or given to anyone else and we retain ownership of the articles and all copyright.

Completed posts should be spell checked and sent as Microsoft Word files.

Payment by escrow.


Clone Of Ebay In Php With New

Clone Of Ebay In Php With New
I need A Clone of eBay.com in php with many new features. I will suggest programmer to use and modify any existing free or hacked auction script available in market. Please tell me your minimum salary/fees & time that will be required for this project. Along with fixed salary I will also give u 10% of my profits every month for first 10 months. For eg. = If I earn total U$D 25000 in first 10 months . I will give U$D 2500 to u !! I will choose the lowest bid

Easy Job (adult Jobsite) 2

Easy Job (adult Jobsite) 2
this is an easy job shouldnt take long, i need an adult jobsite but i want it to look more mainstream than adult for marketing purposes… i have provided specs of the project in attachment and i have the psd file need to pust it into CSS tableless if possible, and do all of the dynamic php and mysql work… front and backend and admins for jobseekers, employers and administration… i will provide records for database data… i will attach all the specs so far and the psd files that are in layer comp for the pages…

Php Fax To Email Site

Php Fax To Email Site
I’m willing to pay $150-250 for. It must be done in 12 days or less.

Atleast half of the work has been done. I had a programmer do the work, but he didn’t do it in drupal which I wanted it to be made in. Anyway we are stuck with what he has. He made some custom backend cms.

The pages (or most of them atleaste) have been made in psd. They will need to be chopped up and put into the site. This includes the homepage. The old programmer put in the wrong homepage.

Anyway the good news is he did a lot of the work. According to him most of the coding. I’m not sure of that, but I do know the login and account sign up work. And that was a lot of the programming. I know it works, not positive it works 100% but he said it does. So it doesnt’ work 100% you’d have to make fixes to it.

The company has teamed up with a fax to email company. So they program is there it just needs to be put on the site. Sort of like putting in a plug in.

Email Fax Website Project Scope:
This project is for the development of a new Email to Fax website that will allow customers to send and receive faxes through their email, similar to myCCCfax.com (remove the CCC). The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in custom APIs, web development and merchant account integration.
We have partnered with a Fax company that will handle the faxing services on the backend, but we need an experienced web developer who can customize and integrate their Faxing API into our website. Detailed API documentation will be provided during developer interviews.
The API will need to be integrated into our site and the web developer for this project will need to be able to customize it with our website to include the following features:
1. Merchant Account Integration – When users sign up for a faxing subscription plan, the web developer must be able to integrate our Merchant Account to process the payments (we will probably be using PayPal or Authorize.net depending on the developer’s recommendations).
2. New User Sign Up – Once users successfully complete the payment process for the fax subscription plan, we need an automatic provisioning feature that allows new customers to have immediate access to their account to select a new fax number and begin faxing. The customer information from the sign up form / payment information, must be automatically moved over to their Faxing account login so that we do not have to manually create an account for new customers every time someone signs up… the process has to be automated.
3. Automatic Email Notifications – We need automatic email notifications to be sent out every time a customer signs up for the first time, makes certain changes to their account, monthly subscription payment is due, etc. In addition, when someone fills out the Contact Us form or a new user signs up, we need an automatic email notification sent to our administrator email account.
4. Fax Limits – We will be offering several different faxing plans based on the number of faxes (either incoming or outgoing) each customer is entitled to per month. If a customer goes over their allotted amount of monthly faxes, their account needs to be automatically billed .08 cents for each additional incoming / outgoing fax until the customer’s next billing cycle. The web developer must be able to customize the API / Faxing account up so that once the customer goes over their allotted monthly faxing limit, each additional fax will be automatically charged to their account.
5. Account Login – Users need to be able to login to their account and make changes to their account information, change their password, update e-mail addresses, etc.
In addition to integrating the Faxing API, features listed above and merchant account integration, we will need the web developer to build the front end of our website. Our website will consist of the following pages:
Sign Up
Contact Us
Account Login / Administration for customers
For the design of the homepage / inner pages, we will provide more detail, put it will be similar to the design / content of MyCCCFax.com (remove the CCC) (but we will not have an “Enterprise” section – only the pages mentioned above.
On the backend of the site, we as site administrators need to be able to do the following:
View Customers’ accounts / account activity
Suspend / Delete / Create customers’ accounts