E-commerce Website Design Psd

E-commerce Website Design Psd
We are looking for someone to create a template based website for a clothing business, client wants to sell clothes online to as many customers as possible, you will add general content that can be adjusted as needed to fit the customer needs. We will need something that client can advertise… We will take care of domain name and hosting, we just need the PSD that we will convert to os commerce. We will provide document that outlines graphics and styles to be used once we select the designer. Please provide your portfolio links, thanks!

WordPress Feed Script

WordPress Feed Script
This project requires supplying of a php script which collects a number of articles for listing with brief and with first image of the articles from a WordPress installation and display it on another site.

The number of articles, the number of words in the brief and the mode of display; showing images or not must be configurable. Configuration will also need to include the database log in (of course 🙂 and may be included in the php file. This file will be installed on the target sites and via an iframe.

The installation on the target site is not part of this project’s requirements. The script however, needs to be able to demonstrate that it is fully functional if given the parameters.

Please provide consideration for the multi users WordPress installation as well.

Please state cost and required delivery time. Intellectual property of the script development belongs to us after payment.

Change Script Template Look

Change Script Template Look
I have modified the code for the client in an old copy of epay enterprise, but the site still looks like epay enterprise and the client is having problem with paypal accepting it.

I need a WEB DESIGNER to redo the look of the site (templates) so that it does not look like epay enterprise anymore. No coding work, just redo the site look around the code to give it a new look. Only the common pages need to be changed to match the new template.
(index, how 2nd dove works, etc)

I would like only a few of the member area pages changed.
(deposit.php page templates and withdraw.php page templates)

None of the admin area pages need to be change.

Once again, low budget, but I can work with reasonable offers.

Here is the site http://www.seconddove.com

Oscommerce Integration 2

Oscommerce Integration 2
Do not even bother to bid if you do not have experience with oscommerce and easy populate. I have installed oscommerce shopping cart and I need someone to install easy populate. I also need this person to double check my installation and make sure we are ready to upload the data feed. I need this done within 1 day. I would also like the UPS module installed but I am in no rush for that.

Only an experienced PHP programmer with oscommerce shopping cart installation experience should apply.

Joomla /oauth/ Twitter Project

Joomla /oauth/ Twitter Project
On the site www.engine.mefollow.com you will see a joomla driven site. It also has a login area on the left and down a bit that allows people to login using twitter. The problem is, this is not linked up to the system properly.

Here is the delima. The link with Oauth is already setup between our site and twitter, the problem is, we need the user account to be created inside the joomla database for the user account on this site inside jomsocial (the extension in joomla that drives the site).

Oauth gets the persons twitter info, like account name, bio, profile pic, etc. What we need is for this information to be taken, and brought back to our site and create an account for them with it.

We also need to add an email to the account, so if Oauth can pull that info from twitter, then that would be good, but if it cannot, you will need to allow that functionality once the person gets back to mefollow.com after verifying their information, it will popup asking to enter a name and email and link that up to our phplist mail client. I have the code you can use to do that in another system I have.

If you can manage this project well, there will be additional work for you.


Optin Page And Blog Mini Proj

Optin Page And Blog Mini Proj

Your task is to Edit this Marketing Website (72 Hours or Less)

Edit the MARKETING_landing_page (with the following changes>>
1. Edit Talk soon, to Talk soon,
John Doe Emmanuel Lescouflair
2. Edit 2009 Business Name Inc, to 2010 Super Affilate
Enterprises LLC.

3. Edit All bottom links,turn them into links (privacy notice, disclaimer, etc they will link to the new blog

4. Edit the css style sheet so that it will enable me to insert code
later without messing up the appearance of the landing page.

5. Copy the terms of use,Disclaimer etc and place on the blog

(One Site disclaimer is attached, copy and paste onto blog)

For a Brief Example of what this should look like :

1. Visit http://www.AdvancedDatingSecrets.com/specialreport.html and opt-in for the
free report.
http://www.AdvancedDatingSecrets.com/datingreportdownload.html, which is the
DOWNLOAD PAGE that allows you to download the free report.
4. Click on the “Download Now” link on the download page, and your free report will
load from http://www.AdvancedDatingSecrets.com/datingspecialreport09.pdf, instantly.
– his main web site should have articles (which are actually blog posts), affiliate
promotions, etc.

If you have any questions please let me know. I’ll send blog username and pass in personal e-mail.

Joomla / Oath/ Twitter Project

Joomla / Oath/ Twitter Project
On the site www.engine.mefollow.com you will see a joomla driven site. It also has a login area on the left and down a bit that allows people to login using twitter. The problem is, this is not linked up to the system properly.

Here is the delima. The link with Oauth is already setup between our site and twitter, the problem is, we need the user account to be created inside the joomla database for the user account on this site inside jomsocial (the extension in joomla that drives the site).

Oauth gets the persons twitter info, like account name, bio, profile pic, etc. What we need is for this information to be taken, and brought back to our site and create an account for them with it.

We also need to add an email to the account, so if Oauth can pull that info from twitter, then that would be good, but if it cannot, you will need to allow that functionality once the person gets back to mefollow.com after verifying their information, it will popup asking to enter a name and email and link that up to our phplist mail client. I have the code you can use to do that in another system I have.

If you can manage this project well, there will be additional work for you.


Upload Script Migrate Database

Upload Script Migrate Database
i have a php pro bid auction script installed but needs re-installation
we had one problem …we changed servers because of virus present…
previous programmer made fresh install on new server…imported database,now the virus is still present on new server…google chrome detecting virus on new server…i believe the virus is in database…programmer abandoned job..

-job includes
-erase script and reinstall or identify virus and remove
-install spanish mod
-configure site

site: Mercado Subasta dot com
thank you

job #2 installation of tube script on same server, add header

more jobs will follow
i have 5 websites that need fresh install on new server
Pay $20.00


Joomla Website Design & Build

Joomla Website Design & Build
See the attached document for the detail outline.

Sample designs will need to be submitted before the project is awarded.
1. You have made a bid and submit a list of previous work
2. We review all bids and previous work
3. We will contact you if we like what we see and we will ask you to mock up 3 samples (we will pay for this at a price to be agreed between us).
4. We will then select the programmer/designer from the samples submitted.

View Video Then Write Article

View Video Then Write Article
I have videos on my blog – 30 seconds to 2:00 minutes average time. Most are on parenting issues. I need someone to view the video and then write an article 300-500 words based on the content with a few select key words

There will be usually 2-3 articles a week in this format.

This first one is a test. If selected then the person will a select will do all of them in addition to being able to write other article for me.

Need good English and grammar.

Please provide a price for just one article as a test. We will can discuss the fees for the ongoing project once you are selected

Please provide a sample of your writing skills with your bid.