Ecommerce For Marketplace

Ecommerce For Marketplace
I am exploring a ecommece solution for a marketplace (ie multiple vendors/ sellers) selling and buying ebooks and physical products. The vendor can have their own storefront (ie their own website) to sell whatever products that are available in the main store. On top of selling own products, they get commission for selling other vendor’s products. The vendor’s storefront is a clone of the main storefront but can look entirely different that carries their own domain name. The storefront links to the main central database.

Remuneration structure:
60% of revenue will be given to sellers and 40% to go admin and affiliate.
Admin and Affiliates can earn from selling any of the products sold here with 50:50 revenue split.
For example, seller list a price say USD10
Admin & Affiliate takes 40% of every sale done. In this case, USD4
Admin and Affiliate have a 50% split.
If the sale is generated from an Affiliate, USD2 goes to Admin and USD2 goes to Affliate.
Need to have features such as:
1. When buyer buys a product, the system pay seller 60% of the fees instantly and the remaining 40% goes to Admin?
2. From revenue received, admin will then pay 50% to respective affiliate and remaining goes to admin.
3. When seller received order, seller will process order and update status in the system.
4. If it is a ebook, ebook will be instantly sent for download upon receipt of payment.
5. Sellers get to see sales report.
6. Affiliate report is available?

Vbulletin Lounge Addon

Vbulletin Lounge Addon
I’m building a website using vBulletin similar to, but vBulletin doesn’t have an add-on that we would like created.
Lounge Add-on

• Create Lounge (Title/Name – Example: groupname)

• Users can join (subscribe) the lounge.

• Creator of Lounge “Known as: Owner” can set “Users” with admin privileges.

• Ban Users from Lounge (Owner Only)

• Users can leave (unsubscribe) the lounge.

• Ability to completely change the look and style of your lounge.

• Ability “Add Keywords, Privacy Setting, Add Music”.

• Customizable Lounge Page (Right/Left Blocks / Center Blocks)
Ability to enable/disable HTML/JavaScript.

• Add Music Add-on, Needs to have options; Drop-down menu: Flash
Player, Windows Media Player or Custom. Flash Player and Windows
Media Player will show options to set “Stream URL” and “Port” and Skinning options. Custom will show a text area box to place your own code.

• Ability to interact with User Level and Points/Cash System

• Store Options, Such as virtual gifts – Use Points/Cash System to by them – Even “Happy Hour” for buying “drinks” Customized by “SITE OWNER” and how much each gift/drink costs.

• Subscription Mod, Create plans or just set it for free (none would be free)

• Customized IRC Based Chat Room, (Main Settings->Connects to my main network) ‘Auto Sets’ admins as OWNER (~) and the admins with defined options in the admin center. (at – % – &) Joined Members will have (+Voice) – Settings

• Mod rewrite for lounge.

• Mass Mail option for Joined Members (to come back)

We’re using vBulletin 3.8.x – Going to be upgrading to 4.0.x
Test Forum, cPanel/FTP Access can be provided. (4.0)

NOTE: Possible NEW features, Upgrades (Newer for vBulletin) maybe required and after initial script is coded, possible small fee for doing NEW features/upgrades.

If I have any additional ideas after this post, please read the PMB.

Our budget is specified above, Please DO NOT bid more than the amount shown otherwise you will not be picked.

This script is a robust Fubar Clone like script an Lounge Addon using vBulletin Products/Plugin.


Whmcs Licensing Add On Install

Whmcs Licensing Add On Install
We currently use WHMCS and have recently purchased and installed the Licensing Addon. It is successfully installed and it working via the admin. We now need it to work with a database in mySQL so that we can distribute scripts in a zip/rar file and have the licensing system generate a unique license for the install and call back to our database to verify that it is a valid install.

This is some of the info provided to us regarding the set up:

For database calls you would just use the regular PHP query functions. For example if you were to create a database table named “licensedata” with 2 text fields called licensekey and localkey then when you first install you would populate the licensekey value only, and then each time a license check needs to be performed, you would first use the Get Local Key section to retrieve the values then call the check_license function as in the sample code already provided, and then when that completes and is successful so you get a new local key returned, you would run the Update Local Key section of the below example:

$whmcsmysql = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_username,$db_password);
mysql_select_db($db_name) or die(“Could not connect to the database”);

# Get Local Key
$result = mysql_query(“SELECT licensekey,localkey FROM licensedata”);
$data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$licensekey = $data[0];
$localkey = $data[1];

# Save Local Key
$result = mysql_query(“UPDATE licensedata SET localkey='”.mysql_real_escape_string($localkey).”‘”);


We will test the finished product with a couple of scripts by generating the download and installing to a correct domain and an incorrect domain.

Template Customization – Css

Template Customization – Css
Immediate need for customizing a Pligg template (Mystique), which is essentially a CSS template with callouts to Pligg modules. You must be superb at CSS, and able to work with Pligg V 1.0.3.

Ongoing, we will have needs for customization of Pligg, some Javascript and PHP work.

Optional but desirable is general Pligg expertise.

Restrictions With Php/mysql

Restrictions With Php/mysql
Hello, I have a game where players get statistics such as wins and losses.

Let’s say Player1 wins a game against Player2, the Player1 will have a win to his profile, and Player2 will have a loss to his profile.
(You can click on a player to see his record)

All of this is already controlled by PHP and MySQL.

Though, let’s say Player1 is friends with Player2, and Player2 decides to give him “Freewins”, for example they will play 100 games on which Player2 will leave right at the start of the game.

I want to avoid this, and my idea is to simple add a restriction using the IP adresses of the players.

The IP adresses of each player are ALREADY recorded in MySQL.

The plan is, let’s say BOB plays against JACK one game, and Bob wins, he gets his win and Jack gets his loss. Then, any game they play afterwards WILL NOT BE COUNTED before let’s say 15 minutes.
They CAN play again for fun, but the record will not be counted, unless they play for real because a game lasts about 15 minutes.

Simple PHP/MySQL work, should be done fast and the price should be reasonable.

Web Based Time Keeping

Web Based Time Keeping
We are currently want to build an online time keeping system for our company. We have reviewed several out of the box solutions, as well as some web solutions with little success in meeting all of our needs.

We want to be able to manage the following areas:

Perm Employees

The system must allow for people to log in, fill in their hours. Upon confirmation, the hours must be approved by a manager. The system will notify a manager of the need to approve the hours and give them a unique URL to click on and approve. Once approved, the system will notify us of the approval and we can move forward with invoicing the client.

Administration role must be able to manage, modify, and create any of the above categories. All areas must be reportable, with a reporting function listing the amount of hours worked, and several different reporting functions to be detailed in further communication.

Web Designer

Web Designer
No time waster

Pls read the requirement and payment proposal in full before bidding

Also, max budget should be checked before applying

We are looking for an experience consultant that is able to design, develop and create a website containing numerous mini websites

Attached is a summary of the work required

More explanation can be given if required

You are to develop main website framework and 2 mini website as phase 1

Phase 2 and phase 3 will be decided in future

Payment terms is as follows

No escrow or payment release until work is completed on your server

After full testing and bug resolved, 50% is released and code is transferred to our live site

After successfuly code transfer, balance is released

Pop Up Window Help

Pop Up Window Help
I need someone to figure out why my site is not working properly and fix it. There is suppose to be a small window that appears when someone scrolls over each product image and function with 14 product pages. The window displays a description, order tab ect… The code previously worked well. However, I believe it has become altered and will be a quick fix for someone with exp. Thank you

Polish Translator Seo

Polish Translator Seo
We are looking for an experienced polish translator to translate our website pages from English to Polish. It has 8 pages with about 700 words each. If this project is completed successfully, we are willing to hire the professional to create 4 to 6 articles monthly about automotive industry.

It is crucial that you have deep knowledge about writing articles using SEO strategies.

Please, show references of past work.

Required 3 Articles

Required 3 Articles
I need 3 articles. Someone with the knowledge of science especially biotechnology or related field would be preferred.

Need the articles in next 24 hours.

Payment will be made upon the completion of the project.

Payment via Escrow or Paypal.

Lots of work coming your way so please bid wisely. Further details would be furnished to the chosen programmer.

Easy Job – Clone A Webpage

Easy Job – Clone A Webpage

I am looking to hire someone to copy an existing webpage.

The webpage can be found here:

I would like the entire page copied as it is, and put in an editable file, so I can tweek it slightly and then upload it onto the internet.

This is an easy, and fast job. Shouldn’t take long at all.

You will be paided fast upon completion of the project.

Thank you for looking at my project, I really appreciate it.



Ajax Comment System Clone

Ajax Comment System Clone
I am looking for a comment system that will use AJAX, JS, PHP and MySQL. I would like the comments to be stored in a MySQL database table. I need a system that can be placed on any page of my site (not a blog) and runs based on a table primary key ID system.

– Look at a comment thread for a youtube video (ex.
– ajax pagination (so reader doesn’t refresh page for next set of comments
– reply/spam functions
– new comment form box
– vote comment up down (with display totals)
– character count

The user would need to login to post a comment.

Basically a clone of the youtube comment system.

Please PMB questions.


we need an expert coversant in the use of CSS and XHTML to modify an exiating website.
The task:
1-change existing square tabs to rounded
2-change text colour
3-add background colour to existing box
4-change 3D menu to simple version
5-make all changes to be equally shown in all major browsers
some mockup images will be provided

timeframe: ASAP

Jomsocial Osdate Integration

Jomsocial Osdate Integration
We are seeking someone to integrate OSDate into our existing site. We have a very rapidly growing 12,000 plus member JomSocial social networking site and we want to offer a dating function.

The developer must be familiar with Joomla, JomSocial, and OSDate and general dating sites. Experience in dating sites and software is highly valuable.

We don’t want the user to have to enter any additional information to be able to use the dating software and any future changes in the JomSocial application should change the OSDate functions as well.