Rewrite Articles Long Ter ( 3

Rewrite Articles Long Ter ( 3

I am looking for high quality writer to rewrite articles on a regular basis. I will use your service for long term if you are good and reliable.

Your task is to rewrite articles from any article directories except ezinearticles dot com. You can choose any topics/subjects. The minimum words are 415 words and max is 600 words. The target keyword density should not exceed 1.9%.


My budget is $1 for each rewrite.

For start, you will do 50 rewrites. I PAY VIA PAYPAL within 24 hours of completion of 50 articles, so the sooner you can finish the articles the sooner you will receive payment.

The rewrite articles will need to be concise and to the point. I cannot accept articles just filled with fluff words meant to fill space.The articles need to be informative to the reader with 100% correct grammar and Punctuation also they must copyscape since articles will be posted to ezinearticles.

Also, the articles must be at least 90% unique, they will be reviewed through Copyscape and Plagiarism Detect for plagiarism. If an article you submit to me does not pass Copyscape or has spelling and punctuation mistakes, you will not be paid for that article until it is corrected and resubmitted to me for approval.

REMEMBER: You are bidding on writing me 50 rewrites.

I will not be able to pay if all requirements in this listing aren’t met, so please don’t bid if you can’t meet these requirements.

In the future when you are in fact good, reliable and fast. You can submit as many as rewrites as you like and get paid

Configure Magento E-commerce

Configure Magento E-commerce

I have opened a magento e-commerce.

I am searching for someone can help me to configure it and use it.

Today i have a demo store on my url…

I want my logo and be abble to use my admin correctly !

Add catalog, categorie, configure my mail (newsletter, …), currency, …

Please put a bid ONLY if you have a very good knowledge of magento e-commerce!

Bests Regards

Vbulletin Server Load

Vbulletin Server Load
I believe there is a renegade query in my vBulletin forum that is causing my web server’s memory to exponentially increase until the server stalls out. My site loads fine on most pages, except for the forums and 1 page that grabs forum RSS information and embeds it. When I remove the forum RSS info from that page it loads just as fast as the other pages which makes me believe the problem lies somewhere in vBulletin.

Your job is to discover the cause of this problem, and then fix that problem as quickly as possible. I will provide you with root access to my dedicated server for you to use whatever logs or information you need to diagnose the problem. I will also provide you with a forum admin account and any other data that you might need.

I have had 2 people look into logs trying to figure out the problem, but nobody has been able to provide me with an answer so far. I have even switched my web host to an entirely different server, which is proof that it is not a hardware issue. The new server is plenty fast to accommodate the amount of traffic that this site gets so I don’t want to hear anyone come to a conclusion that my hardware needs upgraded.

Intel Core i5 750 processor
2x 2GB DDR3 1333
2x 500GB SATA Raid +1
100,000 pageviews/month (about 100 users online at any time)

Joomla Design Expert Start Now

Joomla Design Expert Start Now

For my custom Joomla design I need a Joomla expert to fix something.

The website is www. ri mo without the spaces.

The menu is not working as it should be.

As you can see,there should be a submenu when you go over a menu button,but this doesn’t work.

Find here an example how it should work:

The job has to be done immediately,I will pay you $15 after the job is done via Paypal.

Please,only bid if you have the time and knowledge to start immediately.

Joomla Sites For Dog

Joomla Sites For Dog
Hello Developers/Programmers,

With very good experience on SL with my first project. I am posting this project which i want to develop from scratch. This site is about dogs their breeds, care, tips, discussions forums, blogs and kennels of India. The project will be divided into 3 steps

First Step: finalizing of layout this will involve finalizing PSDs and other design stuffs

Second Step: Converting into Joomla template

Third Step: Customizing Joomla Components to meet my requirement. I will give more details on this step once i finalize the programmer.

Please give me reasonable bid any exaggerated bid will be removed from the list…

I am open to other CMS too provided if you can convince me 🙂

Happy bidding



I need an inforgrapher who is:
– excellent in writing English
– excellent in graphics (Vector illustration – 3d – Photoshop – etc)
– excellent in research for data and information and writing bibliography
– can keep information secret for his own good
the project can go for 1-3 years on monthly fixed budget between 200-300$ (favorable). would consider more depend on what you offer
the person will be doing infographs for projects , products , ideas and theories. Monthly minimum of infographs produced is 4 (1 per week). (depend on infograph work size number may go lower)
This site has good examples of what I want:

InfoGraphic Designs: Overview, Examples and Best Practices

Other examples of work required:

Bids with no sample work will be ignored or reported as spam unless you are willing to send an example later on PM.
Place a bid for monthly budget not total.

Best regards to all 🙂

Need Article Writers

Need Article Writers

I need article in various topics like mens, women, entertainment, technology etc.
Article quality should be meet like Please quote me per article basic. I really want some one who can write 50article for me in a short term period. i am looking for someone who can deliver 400 word article in 1$(dollar). Once you will complete 50 article then i will hire you on permanent basis for my site and then i will be able to provide you 2$ per article.
I have more similar project in pipeline so i would prefer someone who believes in long term professional relationship and hard working.

Quality of the site should meet following site:


Oscommerce Template Conversion

Oscommerce Template Conversion
Hi there I have an oscommerce theme which I would like to get converted to suit the latest v3 of oscommerce (it’s currently for 2.2). I have the psd files for the home page and inner pages along with the integrated 2.2 version files which I will supply.

For a preview of the theme please see:

Thanks and looking forward to working with you 🙂

Quick Tip: Cross Domain AJAX Request with YQL and jQuery

Quick Tip: Cross Domain AJAX Request with YQL and jQuery

For security reasons, we cannot make cross-domain AJAX requests with jQuery. For example, I can’t call the load() method, and pass in ‘’. As we’d be loading in scripts and such, as well as our desired content, this would present a significant security risk. Nonetheless, there may be times when this is specifically what you require. Thanks to YQL, we can allow for this functionality rather easily!

The Script

// Accepts a url and a callback function to run.
function requestCrossDomain( site, callback ) {

	// If no url was passed, exit.
	if ( !site ) {
		alert('No site was passed.');
		return false;

	// Take the provided url, and add it to a YQL query. Make sure you encode it!
	var yql = '' + encodeURIComponent('select * from html where url="' + site + '"') + '&format=xml&callback=?';

	// Request that YSQL string, and run a callback function.
	// Pass a defined function to prevent cache-busting.
	$.getJSON( yql, cbFunc );

	function cbFunc(data) {
	// If we have something to work with...
	if ( data.results[0] ) {
		// Strip out all script tags, for security reasons.
		// BE VERY CAREFUL. This helps, but we should do more.
		data = data.results[0].replace(/<script[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/script>/gi, '');

		// If the user passed a callback, and it
		// is a function, call it, and send through the data var.
		if ( typeof callback === 'function') {
	// Else, Maybe we requested a site that doesn't exist, and nothing returned.
	else throw new Error('Nothing returned from getJSON.');

Call the Function

requestCrossDomain('', function(results) {

Stripping Out the Script Tags

I had to progress rather quickly in the video, so perhaps the regular expression that strips out the <script> tags require further detail.

.replace(/<script[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/script>/gi, '');

When we load our desired page, it’s also going to load scripts! You must be very careful when making cross domain request. It definitely helps to strip out the <script> tags, but you should do more in an actual project.

Let’s take the regular expression step by step.


Find all open script tags; however, they could come in many forms: <script type=”text/javascript” src=”bla.js”></script> , or <script type=”text/javascript”>lots of code here…</script> . For this reason, we add a character class ( [^>]* ), which mean, “Find zero or more of anything that IS NOT a closing bracket. This will take care of the attributes and values.


Next, we want to strip out all code, as well as any spacing. \s refers to a space. \S refers to anything that IS NOT a space. Once again, we add a * after the character class to designate that we want zero or more occurrences.


Finally, find the closing script tags.

Further Reading

This is only meant to provide a glimpse of how we can achieve this functionality. Only so much can be covered in a five minute video. Feel free to discuss in the comments, and you’re always encouraged to fork the source code to improve upon it!

How to Generate PDFs with PHP: New Premium Tutorial

How to Generate PDFs with PHP: New Premium Tutorial

PDFs may well be the best format for distributing documents on the web. In today’s tutorial and screencast, I’ll show you how you can generated PDFs with PHP. Help give back to Nettuts+ by becoming a Premium member!

Example PDF Created with PHP!

By subscribing and becoming a Premium member, you’ll gain access to the best tutorial, screencasts, and freebies that every Tuts sites has to offer – all for a measly $9 a month.

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NETTUTS+ Screencasts and Bonus Tutorials

For those unfamiliar, the family of TUTS sites runs a premium membership service. For $9 per month, you gain access to exclusive premium tutorials, screencasts, and freebies from Nettuts+, Psdtuts+, Aetuts+, Audiotuts+, and Vectortuts+! For the price of a pizza, you’ll learn from some of the best minds in the business. Help give back to Nettuts+ by becoming a Premium member!

Add Commission History Table

Add Commission History Table

First, here is an overview of my system. Whenever a member
purchases points and the payment status is “instant” or
the E-check status comes back as “Completed”, the points
are added to the member’s account, the commission is added
his referrer’s account and an email is sent to the

Sometimes PayPal’s IPN fails. When this happens, the
url_package_fee table is not updated, the points are not
updated to the member’s account, the referrer’s
commissions are not updated to his account and the email is
not sent to the referrer.

When the PayPal’s IPN fails, I search the url_package_fee
table (this is where the details of the purchases are
updated) to see if the transaction was updated there.
Sometimes the info is there and sometimes it’s not. So it
would be hard for me to tell if the referrer’s commissions
were updated to his account when the PayPal’s IPN fails.

So in order to help me to determine if the referrer’s
commissions where updated to his account when the IPN fails,
please do the following:

Note: Attached is my PayPal IPN file (notify.php) so you can
see the exact code. The only thing you will need to do is
create the commission history table and in the notify.php
file, have the script update this table whenever the payment
status is “Instant” or when the E-check status comes back
as “Completed”.

Below is what needs to be done:

1) Create a Commission History table and name it

In this table put the following variables: (Note: Most of
these variables can be found in the url_package_fee table).

– $user_id (This would be the referrer’s user id which is
the person who is receiving the commissions)

– The commission amount (This is the amount the referrer
received as commission from the purchase). This variable is
already in the notify.php file.

– $package_name

– $buy_date

– $payment_type

– $trans_id

– $user_id (This would be the user id of the referral which
is the member who made the purchase)

– When the transaction status comes back as “Instant” or
the E-check status comes back as “Completed”, the
url_package_fee table is updated, the points are updated to
the member’s account who just made the purchase, the
commissions are updated to the referrer’s account and the
referrer is sent the email. Now right after the email is
sent to the referrer, the last thing the IPN should do is
update the “url_commission_history” table.

Now let’s say that the IPN fails. (Note: Sometimes there is
a partial failure meaning the url_package_fee table is
updated Only and sometimes there is a full IPN failure
meaning the url_package_fee table, the points and the
commissions are not updated and the email is not sent to the
referrer). I always know if there is some kind of IPN
failure, because the points are never updated to the
member’s account.

So when there is one of these failures, I should be able to
go to the “url_commission_history” table to see if it was
updated, since this table is updated last in the IPN
process. Now if the transaction is not in the
“url_commission_history table, I can assume that the
commissions were not updated and that the email was not sent
to the referrer.

The goal here is to be able to accurately determine if the
commissions were added to the referrer’s account whenever
there is a partial or full IPN failure. Let me know what you
think is the best way to logically solve this problem.

– Whenever I delete a member from the admin panel, the
script should check the “url_commission_history” table and
delete all records in this table pertaining to that member.
(I delete member’s account from the admin panel, by click
on the “User Management” link, clicking on the email
address of that member and then clicking on the “Delete”
button underneath his account details).

******* NOTE: The commission history table should only be
updated when the payment status is “Instant” or the
E-check status comes back as “Completed”.

2) Commissions Not Added When E-check is completed. The
following problem only exists when an E-check comes back as
“Completed”. When a payment status is “Instant”, every
thing is working fine.

User ID# 4194 E-check was completed. The points were added
to his account which is correct. But here are the problems:

– The commissions were not added to his referrer’s account
User ID# 4193

– And User ID# 4193 did not receive the referrer’s
commission notification email.

The code is already there, you will just need to figure out
why the commission is not being added to the referrer’s
account and why the email is not being sent to him when an
E-check comes back as “Completed”.

3) Url’s not hyperlinked when I send a Plain Text email to
ALL members.

Whenever I send a Plain Text email to all member’s, the
url’s in that email are never hyperlinked. The url’s
should be hyperlinked. You can log into my admin control
panel and click on the “E-mail Members” links to check

