Minor Design An Css Issues 2

Minor Design An Css Issues 2
I am looking for someone to help us to add a little marketing excitement to a couple of our pages (actually 1/4 of the page on three pages) similar to what you see on http://www.broadjam.com/delivery/index.php?contest_id=1723. In addition, I need help fixing some minor CSS issues, This shouldn’t take too long. I’d like to get it done quickly.

WordPress Plugin Fix 2

WordPress Plugin Fix 2
I am seeking a php programmer with experience in wordpress plugins.

The plugin wp-o-matic is no longer supported by the author, and it has a glitch when used with wordpress 2.9.

If you respond to this post, please list your specific experience with wordpress.

This plugin grabs posts from specific feeds, and re-posts them to a wordpress blog. The problem is that sometimes there are duplicate postings — sometimes a long list of duplicate postings.

There was a fix that supposedly worked prior to wordpress 2.85, however it is not working with 2.9.

The programming should be simple for a person who has experience with these plugins.

If I cannot solve this problem with a fix, I will try downgrading wordpress to an earlier version and see if that works.


Software + Php Modifications

Software + Php Modifications
I’m looking for someone who can create for me professional looking software for PC.

1. What that software should do?
It should remember all application’s and websites that user entered while program was running, randomly make screenshot’s and save time (how long application was running each time).
Then those info have to be send directly to webserver (it can’t be saved on users PC).
2. How does it look like from user side?
User open program, he have to login with details from website, and choose ‘operator’. After that software goes to tray, and user can only check timer, shut down or log out from the system.
User can see only operator’s who choose him to their program (and when operator reject user then he can’t log into or even see his program).
Operator can see (on website) info that was saved while user was logged into ONLY his program, so operator1 can’t see info for operator2 even if the same user joined to their program.

I’ve got php script that will have to be a bit configured for this software.

It’s easy job, even I can create something like that in Delphi ,but It have to have modern look, so I’m looking for someone with experience. It can be written in any language like Python or visual basic, C++ delphi . Don’t worry about language it will be changed too, so it doeasn’t matter from which part of the world you are.

(Sorry for my poor english, if you have any questions PM me)

Facebook Page Fbml – 2

Facebook Page Fbml – 2
For experts with FBML this will be 10 mins job and I need to get this project award ASAP!

Please look at these before you read more:

a) http://www.facebook.com/pampers
b) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mafia-Wars-Infinite-Energy-Glitch-Working-100-legit-GET-IT-NOW/384752331647?v=app_4949752878#

I need following:

1- Greet User by Name
2- Some Text with Graphics*
3- Some Bullet points*
4- Become Page Fan Button

After the User becomes fan of the page…

5- Some Text with Graphics*
6- Text Link which will slide down the page and revels more text
7- Text Link which will open up a dialog box
8- Button to Join a Group

After the User joins the group…

9- Button to Share the page which will post a news feed on the wall of the user
10- Button which will slide down the page and revels more text
11- Button to do the following:

which will do the following:

<div align=”center” id=”help_button”><a style=”cursor: pointer;” onclick=”showHelp(‘scale’, ‘Widget Help’, ‘http://www.cpalead.com/widget-help.php?id=NDQxMTY%3D&pub=39722&clicked=’+has_clicked);”><img border=”0″ src=”http://static.cpalead.com/images/help/help_new.png”></a></div>

This will show below div tag

<div align=”center” style=”z-index: 1000000010; position: absolute; width: 100%; display: none;” id=”help_wrap”><div align=”center” style=”background: url(“http://static.cpalead.com/images/help/helpSkin.png”) no-repeat scroll center top transparent; width: 700px; height: 437px;” id=”help_frame”><div style=”color: rgb(93, 93, 93); height: 37px; background-color: transparent;”><div style=”float: right; width: 34px; height: 37px; margin-right: 24px;”><a style=”cursor: pointer;” onclick=”closeHelp(‘blind’);”><img width=”34″ height=”37″ border=”0″ style=”width: 34px; height: 37px; display: inline;” src=”http://static.cpalead.com/images/help/closeButton.jpg”></a></div><div style=”font-family: Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; color: rgb(93, 93, 93); padding-top: 4px;” id=”help_title”>Widget Help</div></div><iframe width=”100%” height=”388″ frameborder=”0″ style=”background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; visibility: hidden; overflow: auto; display: inline;” allowtransparency=”true” src=”http://www.cpalead.com/widget-help.php?id=NDQxMTY%3D&pub=39722&clicked=0″ id=”help_iframe”></iframe><div style=”height: 5px;”></div></div></div>

Reference: http://mafia-wars-glitcher.blogspot.com/2010/03/brand-new-working-glitches-unlimited.html

Just click the Need Help image and you will see how the image & the window popups up, i want the exact thing to happen for pop-up
*- I will user graphic image, please tell me how to do it and I will take care of the rest
**- Please tell me how to include the page backgrounds and all I will take care of it
***- If user is not the fan of page then they will only see 2 to 4

Webgui On Freebsd 2

Webgui On Freebsd 2
Coder has to develop php codes on Freebsd. The codes itself should:

change the ifconfig parameters (ip, speed, duplex, pppoe)
modify the rc.conf file
modify the ppp.conf file
modify the raconn file

Unix Commands are known by me, only need a coder to write the php code so they can be parsed (webgui)

solid skills in freebsd , Php and IP are essential

Php App License W Zend Guide

Php App License W Zend Guide
I have some simple Php applications (3 applications) that needs to be modified so that I can provide license using Zend Guide. Basically what needs to be done is to recode the php applications to include the zend optimizer license path in php.ini of the php applications so that I can issue these apps with the license created with the Zend Guide to my buyers.

If you need any clarifications, please PM me.

Ac3 Media Flash

Ac3 Media Flash
Hello guys i am not an expert (or close to that) in AS. I had to write a script that pulls image names out of a mysql database and load them into a flash. It’s some kind of slide show, 2 movie clips objects that go from left to right and when one reaches the end of the main frame borders then go back to starting position, change its picture and go from left to right again. I think that problem might be some memory leak (from the Loader). i have to finish this project ASAP and i need someone professional to help me fix this problem.

you can check out this link there is all the details over there:

Clone This WordPress Theme

Clone This WordPress Theme

All features must work as they do on the site. The theme must work properly in WordPress MU. You should include any plugins that are necessary to make the theme work properly (i.e. retweet, sociable).

The ad positions can be flat jpg images.

Provide me with a link to the theme you have developed for us to test – and payment will be sent promptly.

Minor Changes To Forum Color

Minor Changes To Forum Color

I would like to customize some of this forum website.
I already own the script, zip file. I can provide you with the download. I would like a backup copy created and a new copy script of your work after completed.

Preview forum here:

I would like the forum to be easily managed through dreamweaver.
I dont know php but I can edit html, java, and can edit
the template through dreamweaver. I may need you again in the future
for any difficult updating.

I would like to have colors customized and
my logo put in.

That’s it!

Magento Layered Navigation Ext

Magento Layered Navigation Ext

I’m looking for a developer to create an extension for me to enhance layered navigation in Magento.

This extension is similar to what I am looking to develop


I want the extension to have the same features as this but also it needs to have 2 further differences –

1. Ability for user to set maximum results in layered navigation displayed. For example, the user sets the value ‘5’. If there are 30 different manufacturers normally displayed, the extension would only show 5 (those being the results with greatest number of products), and then a link underneath displaying ‘More’. This brings me to the next point.

2. When the customers clicks ‘more’ an Ajax pop up would appear with all of the available options. The customer can then select all the ones they want to display and then click ‘update’. If there is a large number of options, the pop-up could split them up in to different pages, similar to this link (http://www.espares.co.uk/models/washing-machines/hotpoint/p/1085/808).


Music Website Creation

Music Website Creation
Hello Everyone,…

I would like to create a website with almost identical features as the website abmp3.com

Either you could provide me with a fresh script
You can provide me with a pre-written script

But the final result should be similar to www.abmp3.com

Hope you understand the project……

Bid Reasonably….Im a programmer too. I just don’t have the time!

Happy Bidding.

Customising A WordPress Plugin

Customising A WordPress Plugin
I’m looking for some small enhancements to the awpcp classifieds plugin for wordpress.

It’s a free plugin with demo here http://www.awpcp.com/classifieds/

What I need:

1. Include ability to upload 3-4 image attachments when replying to an ad, eg add fields to this form http://www.awpcp.com/classifieds/reply-to-ad/254/Man-Seeking-Mate-for-Life/

2. Change date format from yyyy/mm/dd To dd/mm/yyyy
3. Modify SEO friendly urls, the plugin comes with friendly urls but in my template they are broken.
4. Identify category_name/id and subcategory so I can write a script that I can target different adverts for different categories
5. Add a RSS for each subcategory.

Fantasy Mma Site

Fantasy Mma Site
fantasy mma site with custom features;

need a custom website, with basic functionality from mmaplayground.com and cageplay.com and wagerline.com . i like the tools from poppydog.com too, which include Registration system with Members area tool, message inbox service as a *private mail, forum board builder for my member forum, and a multi-poll survey builder features for my polling ability.

I’m going to need an admin panel
– to control most of the site
– to post polls that will display for members when they log in, ability to select and move them wherever i want
– i must be able to grade the fights when i want
– member database

features include:

-membership w/paid membership option
ability to charge membership and give those members extra features, a member profile page. including a registration, email w/password, forgot password, and a secure/ip logging so there are no multiples by one member) must be able to control their pages(when they log in) and manage database(edit, activate, deactivate, delete, contact members,etc..)- members can only select fights once(no changing their play), a “are you sure” feature would be nice to make sure of their selections

user profile
-will be typical with various personal info, will include their 2010 record and +/- units along with current win/loss streak and a separate best win streak of the year. forum posts, possible mail

-2 leaderboards (built-in grading)
#1 like the “bankroll” feature at the above noted sites, however, just straight plays on the fights, grading of plays 1-3 units .. the leaderboard will have built-in tiebreakers that will show which member is listed higher when 2 or more members are tied
#2 a “custom” streaks leaderboard that will track members plays in order of how many wins and losses they have consecutively. plus how many units won/loss during the streak and the streak will be dated from when to when. this means i need to be able to date by time the events fights. the leaderboard will list top winning streaks for the year w/built in tiebreakers to show which member is listed higher. at wagerline.com they have a streak feature that you might be able to learn about

-tournament bracket contest for members
i need to have a contest that i can run in-site with chosen members, it will be a 32 slot tournament like http://www.hotbrackets.com/32-team-single-elimination-seeded-tournament-bracket.html … same rules as leaderboard one, but i need a separate application for members to get in and make plays (like password entry) and i can manually set the members into the brackets

-multi-poll/poll builder. i need to be able to post polls to members log in pages and make them *required to answer and i need to know who hasn’t answered the polls for each event by some indication. also, a polls archive for all polls.

-member forum

-*private mail as a member feature

-*fight pools, members can start their own fight pools(cageplay)

-*fighter rankings, like a voting poll(just like a top 25 in college football or basketball) must be able to count 1st place votes. these will be top 10’s

-a custom homepage, example would be like http://www.coolhomepages.com/store/cart.php?target=product&product_id=17026&category_id=3 . will need help with pages, or making them “ad ready”

-Must be available for chat IF needed. I will not go by pmb for the entire project. with all the custom work, back and forth communication is important to me so that i can get the site i envision.

-will need help uploading to my web host and some support. let me know what type of support you are willing to give.

*if the above features are “expensive” or “difficult” and affect your bid drastically, please let me know because maybe i can do without them.

thank you!