Contact Admin Panel Required

Contact Admin Panel Required

We have a letting agent website that requires a more advanced admin section for managing tenant, agents and landlord contact details (which are currently being captured on our website frontend).

We currently have a basic system, but its not got as many features as we want

*The admin panel will have log ins that allow us to define members of staff permssion levels
* We will be require an interface that allows staff to input email and telephone enquires directy onto (with just a few more extra fields that are currently not available on the frontend of searchable site).
* we will require all contacts to be searchable and with ability to text and email (texting facility already built into site).
*admin section where my staff can put on enquires that come in over the phone direct.
*my staff can then filter, delete, archive, add comments, email (and possibly text) individuals or groups of enquires.
*they also need to be able to edit enquires as well.
*each agent (user) will also be able to do the same for their enquires only
*mulitslect is also required to allow me to select a few for emailing, archiving etc.
*tenent takes a property, date/time reminder for when to follow up call or call them
*organize search criterias
* contacting tenants and/or agents via SMS or email
*follow up schedule
*good filter system and search engine
*good reporting statistics to analyze performance, search criterias and property hits

Mobile Dj Website Needed

Mobile Dj Website Needed
I need a website for a newly created mobile DJ business. The business specializes in high-energy dance music, and the website needs to reflect a nightclub-like experience. My hosting site uses a Linux server and can host both HTML and Joomla CMS. It doesn’t matter to me which one is used as the result is met. I can provide a link to a web site that can be used as a reference.

I have a logo that can be used, but would need you to supply some photos to place on the site. I have an idea on what text to include on the site. In addition, I will need to eventually incorporate a event reservation system from another web site. I can provide details.

You should have experience designing nightclub or DJ websites. Experience with search engine optimization is an added plus.

I would like to have this up as soon as possible. Please feel free to reach me if you have any questions. Thanks for looking!

Cookbook Graphic Design

Cookbook Graphic Design
I am looking for a professional typesetter/graphic designer to design a beautiful, artistic and mouth-watering cover of a 136-page cookbook and continue the mood by designing the font and layout of the entire book.

It is also important to create a design and layout that appeals to the target customer, and one that will actually sell. So marketing expertise is also required.

I will provide you with the manuscript in Word. You must use photos and illustrations only from, where I already have an account.

You will deliver:
1. Your recommendation from a marketing perspective on any changes to the book’s title, sub-title, or overall organization of the book;

2. At least 2 mock-up designs each: front cover, back cover, full-color section intro page, and black and white recipe page.

3. Once we agree on final designs and layout, you will deliver the final formatted document according to printer specifications.

See attached containing some sample pages from the Word doc.

I will retain copyright of final design work.

Content Writting For Company

Content Writting For Company
dear freelancer

i want the content about software development company related content.following are topic on which i required content.
1. how we works
project management
quality assurance
web design and UI development
web application development
content management system
opensource application development
ecommerce application development
rich media development
dedicate resource
mission and values

Extjs Interface

Extjs Interface
Download the office document which contains more details on what is required.

It is basically a gui built with extjs from
I need a javascript UI done with extjs.
NO SERVER SIDE CODE IS NECESSARY! Hard code any example data for testing!

The gui builder from can be used or hand coded, whatever you prefer

Writers Needed For New Forum

Writers Needed For New Forum
We are launching a new forum software program. Looking for writers to create multiple user IDs, and submit postings on the forum message board.

The website is an inspirational website. Looking to inspire people, and to motivate people.

Topics would topics such as:
a. how to be an effective leader
b. how to motivate others during tough times
c. how to have more self confidence
d. how to be assertive with nasty people
e. how to sell your ideas to other people
f. how to achieve your goals and ambitions
g. effective strategies for goal setting
h. how to forgive other people

Looking for writers who will create multiple accounts and post messages to the board. The purpose in hiring you is to get the board off and running. By making the board look like it is already an active board, we will be able to entice others to participate and get involved with forum discussions.

Some user might write in and say they are having a tough time at work, and they want to know some ways they can stay motivate.

Someone else might write in and say they want to move up the ladder in their career, and they want some ideas on how to behave in a way that their coworkers see them as a potential leader.

Someone else might write in and say they have a lot of good ideas at work, but they feel shy about speaking up and sharing their good ideas.

When bidding, perhaps mention the number of posts and messages and users you can create; and in how much time you’ll need.