Database With Web Form

Database With Web Form
I issue debit cards. My clients need to be able to CHECK to see if their debit card has been funded. I need a web form that will ask the client for his CARD NUMBER once the client clicks submit it should then display a page with his status.

I also want to be able to deliver the response statuses in a way that would work with
GET and POST commands so that I can deliver statuses via HTTP.

Database Fields:

I need to able to upload data daily, existing records need to get updated with new or revised data and new records created for non existing data:

Date Issued (Date Field)
Card Number (Numerical Field)
Office Number (Numerical Field)
Card Status (text field – Awaiting Deposit, Funded)
*Admin Fee (Currency)
Preparer Fee (Currency
Date Funded (Date Field)

Fiesty Sites Telebid Script

Fiesty Sites Telebid Script
i have a cakephp script and the cron jobs are not working correctly,

here are the 4 cron jobs that need to be setup

curl -s -o /dev/null
curl -s -o /dev/null
curl -s -o /dev/null
curl -s -o /dev/null

the bidbutlers do not bid, auction extend does not work, autobidders dont work and auctions dont close.

Need 2 Pages Designed

Need 2 Pages Designed

i need to pages designed and sliced to html
check pmb for page url like which i want the page designed
i want my pages having all features of there pages but in different color and theme so they dont look like we scraped there design hope you understand.
use word “watchdog” in your bid

again i am telling that i want the page designed and sliced in to html
so u will give me designed psd and sliced html and images


Portal Design

Portal Design
We own a domain Currently we have a CGI classifieds on the site, site is not being used. We want to build a portal on the vBulletin technology. We need a forum, classified ad system, point system, etc so we can benefit monetarily from people posting items for sale, etc. Also need a photo gallery for people to post pictures of their jeeps, etc.

Let me know if this is something you can accomplish, time frame and samples of your work.

Create Webpage

Create Webpage

I require someone capable and reliable to create additional pages for a web site design I had created through a designer from this site.

The designer has disappeared, forcing me to complete this project through other means.

The site design is simple, and based on CSS. This should be a very simple project and could lead to future projects as long as you’re reliable and talented 🙂

For the time being, lets start with a simple plans page. At the end of the day, I simply need a nicely laid out page that shows a table of the plans we offer, with features.

I already have a ‘mockup’ from the previous designer which I like, so will show you this upon selection.


Snabid Penny Auction Script

Snabid Penny Auction Script
I have a penny auction script called snabid and would like it being changed to GBP £ not euros or dinars. And just genrally checking for errors and all old test products removing as in admin panel will not let you.

So really all products and users need deleting as i dont know where to look if it wont let me do it in admin ie in php files.

Hope i have given you enough details.

I just want a fresh site in which i can turn in to my own.

Not a big one that i have to have yet but a new logo saying Bid Crazy
could be done but not so important yet due to costs.

Changes To Modified Wp Site

Changes To Modified Wp Site
I have an extensively modified version of wordpress on my website, users can post to the site after registration so it’s a community.

I want to add:
– Make blog posts page, look and do exactly as my post a project page, I can provide demo login.
– I want to allow users to bookmark their favorite posts and authors, this will be seen inside their own control panel. The should be able to click on a link and view the authors profile page or listing/posting that they posted. They also must be able to delete that from their favorites.
– I want to allow registered users, to contact other registered users, so when viewing a users profile under their name, I want to add a “Contact this author”, with a generic form (email hidden).

Payment to be paid on completion and testing on my server, You must complete in the timeframe you specify with your bid.