Find Keywords From Cb Sites

Find Keywords From Cb Sites
Hello, I need someone to go to the Click Bank Marketplace. Once there you will find 100 of the sites according to my instructions. Then simply go to each of the sites and look at their page source and copy there “meta keyword line”.

And create a list of the site and it’s meta keyword line for 100 sites. Full instructions to follow. Need this done in the next few hours.

Writers Needed

Writers Needed

I preferably need a team of writers that are willing to deliver a minimum of 20 articles daily (500 words minimum) through out the week (7 days). I have just received a bulk order of re-writes/fresh articles but don’t have the man power to complete. The order is for 10,000 articles so the pay isn’t as high as other projects but the quantity is there. The more you do the more you earn. The pay will vary between $1 – $1.25 per article.

Payment will be made through paypal on a weekly basis. I will be willing to pay in advance for the first few articles to build a relationship of trust.

Please PM me with a sample of your work so we can start right away. The quicker the better.

Include “Urgent project” in your messages so i know you have read the requirements.


Needed 200 Web Articles

Needed 200 Web Articles
This is a project for 200 articles to be submitted at least 20 articles per week. Articles have a 250 word min.
Articles have to be of good english grammar and be of original content as it will be checked through copyscape.
A sample article with keywords provided will be required for you to be considered.
All rights to articles when accepted pass to us when completed.
Please give price for complete job as requested above if all terms are agreeable.
Happy bidding

Designer For Gpt Website

Designer For Gpt Website
We are seeking a skilled and inventive Website Designer to create a unique, fun and attractive GPT (Get Paid To) website using the ShiftCode script/platform. The site will consist of some custom features being added and intense design. We are not looking for a “cookie-cutter” design, but something completely custom and unique to stand out from the competition. We want someone who is artistic and will put his/her all into the project.

Prefer only those who have worked with ShiftCode websites in the past or familiar with their script. Design experience a must with creative skills to create custom graphics specific to the site. No stock artwork or copies of other work. This project is for a full design and custom logo, email templates, banners, etc. that will go with the site.

All interested Designers encouraged to reply. Further details will be relayed to the winner. Depending on the outcome of the project, the Designer may be offered a continued job offer to remain on as Technical Support. Looking to pay up to $500, but will offer a bonus if the project is completed exceptionally.

Flash Banner Needed

Flash Banner Needed
this is the link for my site

i want to replace the banner on the top left.

The banner I’m looking for .

i want a cute Monkey holding that will say


The monkey will have its head tilt back while holding the banner . The monkey will be drinking beer. The beer will be held by his tail.

show me the monkey before you start.

Java Spider

Java Spider
I want a have spider modified or built which ever is easier. You can use existing opensource libraries or anything, it doesn’t matter as long as it acheives the tasks.
I want to be able to run the spider as an applet and from the command line so that i can be execute as a cron job.

The spider must be able to accept command line arguments eg.
main(String args[]) { String var = args[0]}

and the applet should have a simple gui.

The spider should be able to take in the domain name and crawl that domain only unless the option is choosen for the spider to leave the domain. It must have the option to re-index if html page has changed.

It should check header status of a page and does not index unless the page is available, so status 200 etc.

————— Specs —————————

Spider gets full html page contents
if the html tag i want to check for (eg <object></object>) is found then
Parse all html tags
get : array of tags i specify
example String getTags[]={“title”,”keyword”}

if keyword is empty/missing and description or title not empty then
split description at every word
return array of keywords limit to 250
else if title empty
attempt to extract keywords from html body up 250 words
if the html tag i checked for is not found then do not parse the page just get all the links from the page and continue crawling.

the crawler need to be able to return the values of html tags and their attributes that i specify.

I’d like the values returned to be in an associative array/map so that

myObject[‘title’] will contain the title
myObject[‘keyword’] will contain an array of keywords
myObject[‘tagName’][‘Attribute’] will get the attribute value of the html tag example

Lastly i want the data to be inserted/indexed in my mySQL database but only if the html tag i checked for was found.

Please make sure you read and udnerstand the reqiurments. This will be integrated into one of my projects and it needs to be built according to my specs.

The spider can be a modification to the one found here

or here

or anything from the net

or if you already have a class or library that does this.

It doesn’t matter i just want a spider customized to do the above.

Escrow payment only… No automated bids please.

Vidiscript Template Needed

Vidiscript Template Needed

I need a template designed for an Adult Content site running on the Vidiscript engine.

The template must be 100% unique in style and feel, and must have optomised ad placement locations (I have an example site in mind for ad placement location on my template).

The following will need to be done:

1. Template design for Vidiscript
2. Logo design and watermarked logo design
3. Unlimited revisions until I am 100% satisfied that every part of the design is to my expectations.


1. I pay via PayPal directly, ONLY after a 7 day testing period. If there are any bugs found within the testing period, these will be fixed BEFORE any payment is made. Once I am 100% satisfied that the script is working flawlessly, payment will be made directly to your paypal account.

2. Once payment has been made, all source code and full copyright shall be released to me. I have paid for the design, therefore I OWN IT, NOT YOU. Therefore you may not rent or resell the design or any part of it to any other person or company. By placing a bid on this project, you agree to delete all source code and/or reference to the code or any part of the design from your local machine, or any other means of backup in which you may have the design saved.

3. DO NOT state that you can complete the project in 5 days, if you know it will take you 30 days. I will expect the project to be completed timeously within your stated ETA when placing a bid.


I look forward to your bids.


Rewrite & Improve Mafia Mmorpg

Rewrite & Improve Mafia Mmorpg
I have a complete and working version of a Mafia style game for Facebook written in php. What I need done is for the script to be rewrote/edited so that it can be used as a standalone site using fb connect(an easy task for a skilled programmer).

On top of the rewrite/edit you will be adding new features that will implement ajax and javascript (or similar) to make the game more interactive and less sluggish, as well as add more features to fit the idea that I have. In summary you will be taking an existing php script and improving upon it making it into a new game.


Here’s a link to an application actively running the script you will be modifying.

The project will be to take this script and mod it into a new type of game with similar mechanics but with new features and abilities. I will provide mock-ups of the UI and details of the new game to the winning bidder and allow them to give their opinions and/or input.


The funds for the project will immediately be placed in escrow for the agreed on amount for the winning bidder and there will be no up front payments. You will be paid for a job that has been done not for bidding on a job.


Keep in mind you will be required to sign a NDA, I do not want someone who is just going to help me build my project then sell it 50x’s over (or once for that matter).

The winning bidder will be looked on to for continuous work as I extend the functionality of the game and on other projects.

All bids that show you have not read the listing itself will be ignored. Please address this posting directly to be considered!

Database For Classes 2

Database For Classes 2
I need to a “sample” database that allows users to view class schedule, price and other key factors seamlessly integrated into a webpage. The admin must be able to add and delete and set preferences.
*This not the final product its just used as a test model project.

sample layout-

1. 6 column/ 3 rows
2. 1st row is orange/2nd blue/ 3rd grey
3. columns types are – class type|start date|day(s)| course| time|price|register or request


-1 st row -By default “start date” displays “flexible” or “Any” and “course length” displays “Varies” or “3 days”
-2nd row show give user options for “start date” and “days”
-3rd row gives administrator options to show “start date” or “Call For dates” and for Day(s) it allow admin to display “day(s) or “TBD” –

other rules

– allows user to input price, time of course, course length, days of course, start date and class type

-for all the final columns ” register/request” by default the first two columns will display “register”. The last row will display “register” or “request” based on the Admins preference.

When it displays “Call for dates” and “TBD” it displays “Request” if “Start date and “Days” appear it displays “Register”

All rows doest have to display all at once. it can drop down to all three

Addonchat Integrated With Ni 2

Addonchat Integrated With Ni 2
Basically we need someone familiar with programming languages to follow the instructions laid out in this thread

It involves taking addonchat, which is a hosted chat solution, installing it on a ning page, and then setting the ning parameters to pass the user name and password of logged in losers.

The one small modification we need is for it to redircet users who are not logged in to the login screen.

It should be pretty simple and straight forward. All of the instructions are at the top of that forum post. We just need someone whose comfortable with programming to implement it.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Penny Auction Site

Penny Auction Site
Hello. I am looking to start a small online penny auction site similar to or This site must be able to include different auction types such as unique auctions, penny auctions, reverse auctions etc. Design templates must be simple and easy to use. I am not knowledgeable regarding programming and so unfortunately can not offer many specifics and will rely on your expertise on what a project like this would require. Thank you for your time.