Article / Blog Writting

Article / Blog Writting
I need a highly experienced writer to produce articles that are suitable for posting on my English (UK based) business blog, website and article submission sites.

These articles need to be written in ‘fluent’ English, i.e. native English speaker – English must be first language.

Each article must be well researched and be 100% original – I will check sentence by sentence.

Articles must be grammatically correct, and pass Copyscape.

I require you agree not to resell or use these articles again in any way – all copy-write transferred to me.

I require samples of articles written in the past two months for review please.

Articles must have keywords worked into the Article title (I will provide keywords)

Article requires a strong and attention grabbing opening paragraph.

Articles must be written in short paragraphs, each based on a specific point.

Articles require an ending summary paragraph.

I require 30 articles – one per week for the next 30 weeks, I will require more after the first 30 weeks.

Articles are to be written about products on my website, I will provide the product image and a brief description, you will need to research and write about the product in an interesting way, explaining and describing the product features and uses in order to drive sales of the product and create interest in the blog.

Facebook Dating Application

Facebook Dating Application
I need Facebook Dating application – a clone of most of Zoosk functionalities plus couple extra features.
I expect bidder to have previous experience on FB applications. Performance and scalable structure for high volume is a priority. I prefer bidder use MemCache for caching unless bidder has a better option.
Please dont make any bid for over $500 since budget is fixed already. Lower bid is higher preference.
Details will be discussed within private messages.

Important! : I forgot to mention (not sure tough I need to mention additionally) that development includes a backend administration part for managing whole application content.

Also you might need to know before bidding : I need this development to be done in c#, VS 2008, .NET 3.5/4, SQL server for database ..

Internet Marketing Biz Website

Internet Marketing Biz Website

I need a website for my business. Something good quality!

My business is about Internet Marketing and i need a 2 pages
website where i can put my biz infos and the other pages a
simple contact form. (I can do the forum, etc..) I just want
the site ready to insert my text, script, etc.

I attached my logo so you can see what you will play with.

So 2 pages website, a nice looking design about internet marketing.
No logo to do, no script, etc.. Just give me the site coded in css
or html.

For the design, i need a creative designer who will make my biz
look verry good. It’s important! If i don’t like your design i will
not release escrow. Show me some real website you have done. No shit!

I need all this ready tomorrow in the day.
Ready to fund escrow,

Blackberry Gps Treasure Hunt 3

Blackberry Gps Treasure Hunt 3

I am looking to create a treasure hunt type of game for Blackberry with GPS functionality “BB API”and be added to the blackberry app world.

Game premise 10 questions 10 answers 10 gps coordinates start time end time username leaderboard

All questions, answers and coordinates can be easily changed either through admin section or through the code to create new versions of the game (you can show me how to do that later including compiling the app and submitting it)

The game begins with a few screens of text giving instructions to the players with a next button at the bottom. Then The Game Starts user clicks the Start button and the GPS locates them and shows 10 areas on the map #1-10 the user goes to a location and clicks or enters the location when they reach it or it pops up automatically when the GPS recognizes the area.

A question pops up with an answer screen and the user inputs the answer and presses enter. After that the user receives a response if correct or incorrect if correct the user goes to the next location and does this again. After finishing all 10 areas the user will receive a congratulations message for completing the race.

There will be a start time listed when users press start and when they finish the race. Users can submit race their times to us by clicking a button.

If you bid on this please let me know how you will create it and if you have any past experience on the GPS blackberry system please send me links.

Os Commerce Automatic Updates

Os Commerce Automatic Updates

Read project and feel free to ask questions.

I have an oscommerce website that opened today.

This website is not fully finished (bugs, other improvement…)

but i want an automatic update from this website to another that not opened until now.

Idea is to have :

1. same struture of both website
2. same tree in admin
3. same grafik template and button effects
4. exactly same modules installed (payment, shipping…)
… = same overview + same graphics effect / template to use
= same operations

4. not same logo in banner (or other specific logo of first website anywhere)
5. not same products
6. not same name of category
7. not same name of administrator nor password to access to admin of website
8. not same customers datas, … !!!
… = different datas as they are 2 differents website!

The first website don’t have to be crashed by update… nor the second.

I want you made me a tool to keep control of theses updates.

Control of this update can be made in admin of my first oscommerce website.

But if you have other idea please let me know. My objective is for something with the best security.

We can create a new menu in admin.

Parameters of this update :

– I can choose frequency of update : once per day, once per week, … hour of update, …
– I can stop any updates or restart them
– I can choose which website concerned by entering domain name (for example) – this part is to confirm with you for security reason
– I can cancel last update if a problem occurs – we can made an automatic save of last version well updated on my server.

Before each update to start I want to receive a mail to confirm my intention of update.

I have to answer to this mail to confirm my intention. Then it launch update.

It is possible I have forget something to say but I think you must understand what I am searching for…

Idea is this update is properly made and securely made too.

I insist on SECURITY. I don’t want password of website easily accessible to anybody!

Payment is for something properly made and finished + explanation to help me to control situation.
If something is broken by your fault you must repair.

Feel free to ask questions. You propose me other solutions if they are better. But my choice must be made before i choose you and you must explain me why your solution could be better than mine.

Possibility of others works on futur if i am fully satisfyed

Thanks for your interest,

Bests Regards

Finish Website

Finish Website
Previously a programmer was hired to create a website. He did quite a lot on the site and the bulk is done. The previous project read as follows:

I am looking for someone with skills and who is fast.

I do some websites myself, but have to many projects at the moment.

I have created the basic site template in photoshop cs3. The template doesn’t have to be exactly the same but the same sort of style etc.

The site will be used by three different groups of people. Admin, User and Fan.

User being the main focus of the site. User will have there own profile and home pages. Where every users page will be like there own site, with blog, music player and music track sales, image gallery, profile picture and events. On their own home page They will be able to upload their tracks, view stats etc.

Fans can sign up and follow “Users”. They can then comment on Users pages etc. They will have their own home pages displaying all their “Users”. They will have a basic profile with picture their info and who they are following.

The sites main home page will have latest, users, popular users and a monthly podcast download.

There is a bit more to it but nothing anymore hectic than above and not that much.

Dupal and Joomla etc can be used.

Site is hosted on Linux server.

The site has already been created though. And there is a list of finishes that need to be done.

I cannot stress the urgency of this project enough. The maximum no of days is 7. The maximum budget for this project is $25o. I do need someone who knows exactly what they are doing.


Wp Plugin Article Import

Wp Plugin Article Import
I need a wordpress plugin to be created which automatically post the latest articles to a wordpress blog on a weekly or monthly basis.

The process should be as follows:
I want to add the article to my database and all wordpress blogs that have the plugin installed, would be updated to have a new post of the new article.

In the wordpress admin panel, they need to
1. select the category they want the article posted to.
2. put in a subdomain that will replace a string in the article
3. put in an affiliate code that will replace a string in the article
4. set the time frame in which articles are to be posted (weekly, monthly, etc)
5. # of articles to first import

Please take a look at

That is a good basis to this project with some modifications.

For anyone who has created a wordpress plugin in the past, this should be a simple and easy task.

Greatest Php Programmer Req

Greatest Php Programmer Req
We require a great PHP programmer
To advance an existing site. Site is highly complex
Time and access will be made available for selected programmer to make themselves familiar with how the site functions.
A list of further developments to the existing structure and features will require a good knowledge of hands on PHP coding.
Its likely that this project will last for approx 1 month.
We will require a signed Non Disclosure Agreement, prior to access being given.
Please provide examples of programming skills and past works
This project is a programming DEVELOPMENT project.
Skills PHP, MySQL, development, payment gateways, cpanel
Main structure is complete, developments will be in the form of additional user and site features.