French Writer

French Writer
I’m looking to hire a French writer to produce 10 articles (2 articles a day). Here are the requirements: the articles must be between 650-800 words each, pass Copyscape (100% unique) and have proper formatting, punctuation and grammar. A good level of French is required. You agree that upon sending me the rewrites all rights to the rewritten articles transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any way.

Writing 50 X 250 Word Articles

Writing 50 X 250 Word Articles
Hello, I’m needing to create some original content for a series 50 similar websites.

I need you to write 50 completely original 250 word articles. I don’t want any spinning, scraping or other garbage that google might end up banning. I just want original written content. It needs to be written in clearly written english. If that’s not your strength then this project is not for you.

The subjects will be all very similar in nature: ie: a name of a city or province followed by the subject on “insurance”

Hello, I need you to write an article at least 250 words in length, completely original, on 50 similar subjects listed below.

The subjects are all on a name of a city or province located in Canada, followed by the keyword “insurance”. So ie:

1) Vancouver insurance
2) Toronto insurance
3) Montreal insurance
…. would be same for all 50 subjects.

So you’d talk about how many people living in the city or province are looking for insurance quotes. Talk about how an insurance quote can save them money, talk about home, auto, life insurance. Talk about why insurance is important, why someone should have it, where to shop for the best insurance rates, and how it can help the person. To make it unique mention something unqiue in a sentence or two about that city or province. To find that info use wikipedia or just google the name of the city and you’ll find unique information on it to incorporate into your article. ie: population, climate, major industries, important landmarks, or whatever, you can find about that city or province.

Each of the articles need to be as unique as possible. (and not copies of each other) The keyword should be included in the article at least 4 times.

I have another 2 of these exact projects to do after this one. So if you can get me this project done this week I’ll give you the next one if you want it. Email me back on here or at my email to let me know if you want to proceed. Thanks.

This is from a similar project, only it was on debt consolidation. But basically the same rules apply. Only for this project you’d be talking about insurance rather than debt.
—————————sample article——————–

Barrie Ontario residents are seeking debt consolidation more than ever before due to the challenging economic climate Canada is facing. Barrie is a nice sized city of almost 200,000 and in this quiet community on Kempenfelt Bay it would seem like debt problems would be the last thing on people’s minds. But for these southern Ontario residents unsecure loans and mounting personal debt is a serious concern. One of the biggest challenges is often not knowing where to turn or how to repair the problem. Between the various choices of proposals, consolidation, refinancing or even bankruptcy it can be very confusing road to financial recovery for people in Barrie ON. The first and easiest step is always speaking with a debt advisor who is an expert in this area. They can help you to evaluate your money situation and find the best possible solution to help you recover. Then they can help you get started in a debt recovery program that is right for you. Often these programs can help you to get back on your feet much faster, with much less stress, and for a fraction of the cost that you might pay otherwise. So if you live in the Simcoe County or Barrie and you’re feeling the pinch then maybe it’s time to get some help. Please don’t try and do this alone. Just talk to an expert. They can show you options that you never knew you even had. Start by filling out the form above to learn some options and begin the process to debt settlement and recovery now.

Home Page Plus More

Home Page Plus More
I need only the best Web 2.0 and CSS website/graphic designer using latest techniques about to bid for this. Need to communicate and understand brief fully and to doing the work in super quick time yet delivering quality output. Must be willing to sign NDA with notary and only if you are willing then bid. Autobots will be spotted and rejected. Send me sample work as i dont want cut and shut template guys. Need to design from scratch. I am price sensitive so price accordingly. My page needs refining but must be stunning on the eye with the wow factor. Are you up to the challenge? There is very real potential for much more work. Happy bidding!

Adult Toy Website

Adult Toy Website
I hired a programmer from Script Lance and after payment was complete found problems through out the shopping cart that made the site unuseable.
I’m now in the process of starting over. Here is what I’m looking to achive.
1. Website designed using a shopping cart that is user friendly. Here are two sites that I found to have nice shopping carts. I’m not sure what kind they are using. They are and
2. I have the Logo but need a template or banner
3. Need SSL setup and PayPal
4. Have the links for descriptions and images.
5. Within the shopping cart I need to be able to change the prices to all products or by catogory by %.

Please bid only if your a professional and can do this job right. You can view the crapy job the last programmer did by visiting the site at

I’m open to hearing what you may have to offer but please only bid if you can do the job. I have already spent over $300 and still don’t have a working site.

Convert Dotnetnuke Skin

Convert Dotnetnuke Skin
I would like to have a DOT NetNuke Skin Converted to a a SilverStripe Skin.

I will supply the Skin that works on DOTNetNuke.

I would like to see it operational on a live site (you control) to ensure it is fully operational prior to full payment as I have had a bad experience previously.

The SKIN will be supplied to the successful bidder.
for all, it is veiwable at:



Create 3 Page Peels 500×500

Create 3 Page Peels 500×500
I need 3 500 x 500 page peels for advertising.

Each page peels need to have a different background
who is about making money online, working from home
and rich and luxurious lifestyle.

-Rick & Luxurious background, work from home and make money online
-Need to have like a mom or dad work at home or on the internet…


Page peels #1: Découvrez comment créer votre entreprise sur Internet!
Page peels #2: Cliquez ici pour découvrir comment faire de l’argent en ligne!
Page peels #3: Un jeune de 23 ans gagne 55,000 euros/mois, découvrez comment il fait!

I need an expert and a fast turn around.

Ready to fund escrow,

Neondollars Affiliate Program

Neondollars Affiliate Program
I would like to find someone who can help setting up this adult webcam Affiliate program. The link below will tell you what is required. If you can do this supply me with a price and once I accept I will supply you with a Domain name to use.

This is what is needed to setup the Affiliate Program:
The purpose of co-branded sites is to make you able to provide the content of using your own graphics, domain and design elements. We will provide the full technical environment and server background. You only need to get a domain name. this is the free sample site that can be used. But would perfer one that looks like Check out to see how our webmasters are using this powerful tool.

Basic steps to set up your own co-branded site:

Register a domain name.
Set our server IP address ( as “A record”.
Set up the following sub-domains: www, member, static. Make sure that these domains refer to the same IP address.
Type the chosen domain name at the co-branded admin interface (without www).
This is all you need to do to start the website. Of course further modifications might be necessary in case you would like to fine tune the website. You can find detailed information about these topics in the submenus.
I’m told this is about 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours worth of work for someone who nows what there doing. And that leaves me out LOL. So only bid if you have gone to the links and understand what is needed.

Asp – Integrate Cart Template

Asp – Integrate Cart Template
Looking for someone familiar with .Asp/API and CSS to integrate the following template into my current Shopping cart platform, that is similar to a Volusion interface. (shortened url)

I just need this design sliced up and input into the current theme interface. The platform is similar to Volusion. Their website (short url) is:


Landing Page

Landing Page
We are looking to have a landing page designed and built.

– Need attractive color/design/professional – SIMPLE, no outgoing/crazy design.. Just a very very simple design with major headline about sexual transformation.

– Need a form with input.. First name & Email (input data to database, email thanks for signing up, send to another url after submission)

– Possibly bluish, green, medical colors

– Give benefits to our product (sex transformation, how it makes them look and feel, etc..)

– Must Offer free information for signing up in template!

– Need backend to allow admins to send emails out about products/services from backend.

– Deadline would be on or around January 11th.

If you have read and agree to the above, and understand it.. Include the word: Gotcha, in your reply.

Data Extraction Script

Data Extraction Script
We need a skilled PHP programmer to create a script to perform the data extration requirements as detailed in the attachment.

Please read the attachment before you bid. Please see our Feedback ratings. We are experienced buyers on SL and will treate you fair. We expect ANY biider on the project to have the full capabilities to complete the project. We do not excrow funds for any provider with a Rating lower than our own. In any event, payment terms are 50% once the development is complete and test provided on your server, 50% payable when working version is on our server.