Joomla Restuarant Review Redon

Joomla Restuarant Review Redon
2. Restaurant review section. Currently all restaurants are in one big table. The page should be elegant. It should allow users to select their city and then have the restaurants selectable there. Restaurants need to be organized by, cuisine, price, area and rating by selecting the top of the table header sections. Also restaurant owners should be able to claim there restaurant. By going to the restaurant page and selecting this is my restaurant. This should allow them to add menu, specials and coupons for site visitors.

The restaurant section has a list of Restaurants in categories. These restaurants are reviews submitted by users from their profile page. I need these page redesigned to look good. I need the restaurant page to have a map like the front page. Users should be able to select their city and see all the restaurants in a list as shown below. Each of these city restaurant pages should have these two categories.

Our favorites
User favorite

Other users should be able to add to reviews(comment), add pictures, on the restaurants actual page. Such as

there should also be an area on the page the city restaurant page as fallowed

best steak
best restaurant
most romantic

when you add a restaurant to the page you will see which catagorys to have because it ask if they are the best of….

Also when adding events, restaurants, and attractions it is a little unclear, when you are typing in the information of, what to type in for the address. Which ever bar feeds the google map should say address and then the one that categorizes them into the table should say area. For Example the State is California, The City is San Diego, and the area is Delmar. I wish I could give you an example for your country because I really hope you get the point.

Check Box Reqired On Form

Check Box Reqired On Form
I need a script that will work independantly from whatever email/lead capture system I might be using (eg; aweber or self hosted auto responder script)…

That when someone fills out their name and email, they “MUST” click
the checkbox in the form or they can’t move to the payment page…

It is so that they must take an action to agree to the terms before
moving forward.

I suspect there is something already created out there or if someone where to build it from scratch in php, it should be a pretty quick job.

Anyways, thanks and I look forward to your bids.


WordPress Plugin 2

WordPress Plugin 2
The WordPress Plugin Would be able to post to the following sites when a blog post is made..

When doing a blog post, there should be a extra box below the content where it has a box by itself to
allow the user to input

Which category they want to submit to based on what login and password that they have input in the

Please download the attachment i have attached the ready made GUI plugin just need to work on the backend…please install wordpress and install the plugin to see how it works…

Looking for long term relationship show me your experience with wordpress plugins best if its related to social marketing. Lowest bidder with good experience wins the project!

Programming Project 1262886216

Programming Project 1262886216
I need a script to scrap ALL posts from all types of blogs (, self hosted wordpress, blogger, and typepad).
If a blog has 1000 posts, I want all 1000 posts to be extracted and stored in a database.

I will input a list of blog urls from an admin area and the script will get me all posts of the blog and store them into a SQL database.

The data extracted will be similar as what I will get from the rss feed of a blog. See below blog feed for an idea of the data i need…

If you have an existing script, please quote me a price.
If you need to develope the script, please briefly descript how your developed script will work.