Weight Loss Article Writer

Weight Loss Article Writer
I’m looking for an experieced weight loss article writer to write 15 articles for me, 450 words. Here is my criteria

1,You must have written and submitted to Ezinearticles

2,You must be familiar with the AIDA writing formula

3, I must see your sample work to proof you are familiar with the AIDA writing formula.

5,Work must be completed in 4days or less.

6, Good grammer, excellent writer and must know how to use keywords in article writing.

Code Frontend And Admin Site

Code Frontend And Admin Site
We are looking for an experienced developer/coder who can code a dynamic site for us. The site is fairly simple, as it contains a basic user front-end to view property information and a basic admin which allows admins to manage users permissions and property information/photos.

Please see the attached files to get a clear understanding of the requirements. The site is only made up of about 5-6 pages plus user login.


-we will be providing finished XHTML/CSS files for the entire project, so this work is already done, just need the coding done.

-looking to have this done in PHP/MySQL with necessary javascript, and using shadowbox to pop up images in a photo gallery.

-looking for consistent communication and updates via email/instant messenger

Questions, ask via pmb!

View Wireframes Here

View screenshots here

Classifed Site. Fixes / Mods 2

Classifed Site. Fixes / Mods 2
We currently have a classified site ready to go live asap. There are a few changes and modifications that are required and are looking for an experienced php programmer to complete.

The last fixes are not complicated for someone who knows what they are doing. They range from fixing a couple of php errors, making sure all columns are aligned, re-do adsense & latest google map, up-date images/picture, fix search box.

Ultimately we want a professional look to the site and to make sure everything is working perfectly. There may be smaller fixes required which we can go over , i.e. fonts, also pages need to fit screen and are viewable in different browsers.

If you have any questions please ask.

Thank you, Happy Bidding.

Basic Website Needed

Basic Website Needed

I am needing a basic website designed from a template, the main page of which I have attached to this project (I will provide the rest of the files upon bid selection). It will be very similar to the attached .html file without the flowers. In place of the flowers I would like a flash-type design that has more to do with financials (dollar signs, pictures of cash, etc). I will provide the content, most of which is at my old site (http://metronotes.webs.com/). I also need to be able to add pages at a later date.

I will also need a logo that fits in with the style/theme of the site.

Needing a site as soon as possible. Let me know what you can do! Please provide samples of your work and please make sure that this work actually belongs to you. Many times I have had programmers provide me with sample sites that they actually had no hand in creating.

Looking forward to your responses!

Install Opensource Wp Plugin 2

Install Opensource Wp Plugin 2
I need a programmer to install Open-Source WordPress Plugin from Openinviter.com on my WordPress Blog. My resulting page on my blog on, say, http://www.myblog.org/invitefriends/, should look like http://openinviter.com/demo/ on it and be a standalone url.

Install plugin such that every theme activated on my blog shows that look at that url, so you only need to install once will do, rather than install on every theme. I guess iframe can help show on every theme’s standalone page. No pop-ups allowed.

Note: To download the wordpress plugin from http://openinviter.com/download.php, you have to sign up on their site yourself and get their password.

For the dropdown box, please also show social networks category above the email providers category, as currently the latter is above the former.

Edit Porn Site Descriptions 2

Edit Porn Site Descriptions 2
I have 194 descriptions that are each 500+ characters long. I need them edited down or re-written to be 180 to 350 characters long each (…that’s about 40 to 70 words).

They are currently repedative, gramatically poor and much too long. Some are of no use and will require a complete re-write.

The final product needs to be in good english, readable, make sense and do a reasonable job of describing the target porn site. I will have examples for you to follow.

Once you get rolling, if you’re fast at typing, this should take you less than 90 minutes to complete.

I need this job done in 24 hours.

Payment via ScriptLance.

Online Music Portal 2

Online Music Portal 2
I need a portal where visitors can listen to music online. That to maintain the portal I just need to upload the files in MP3 format in the appropriate folder by musical genre, album or artist.

The site should be easy to administer, preferably by a CMS. must have advertising space and space for users to share links of songs are listening with others. Optimized for search engines. With sitemap.xml

This page will be hosted on a Linux dedicated server.

Whoever makes the project the best price and offer me the best support and maintenance will be my exclusive service provider for this project, we will work together for a long time.

I expect something similar to:

Phpdug Modification (more…)

Phpdug Modification (more…)
I need two things modified on my PHPdug platform:

1.) Install new CAPTCHA system to be used for user sign-up process. There is already one installed, but it is extremely vulnerable to allowing SPAM. I would like a new, free CAPTCHA system installed. As long as the new system is free and can handle unlimited requests, it is the programmer’s choice to decide which CAPTCHA system to utilize.

2.) On the sub-category pages, I would like the name of the parent category to be displayed as well (along with the sub-category name). I will provide specific details on this once a bidder has been accepted.