WordPress Site Work

WordPress Site Work
I’m willing to pay $80-130 for this work. Most of the work is done.

I’ve had a wordpress site made that emulates the site pennyZZZZZZZstockchaser.com, (remove the ZZZZs). supposedly all the functions of that site made (according to the programmer). If anything is not there that is in the stockchaser site it will need to be added.

Also any changes to the design, or functionality the client wants made will need to be done by you. For example the client wants to add an rss feed or whatever it is to the top of the site. The same as www.redXXXXchip.com (remove the XXXX).

Web Site Creation Simple Site

Web Site Creation Simple Site
i am looking for a 2 page template similar to purplepayday.com I already have an iframe form i just need the main page creating and 1 content template page. The content template page will be just like the applynow.aspx page of the above site. This is a 2 column layout with nav and header. as ive mentioned i have the application form and will be filling this in myself.To clarify this is the job description
1 x landing page
1 x content page (2 column + header)

this can either be writing in aspx or html and i wouldnt even mind if it was based on wp cms though would prefer a standalone page.

I will also be looking for 20 more of these to be made shortly after.


WordPress Template Corrections

WordPress Template Corrections
Please bid to correct the 1 homepage and 1 inner-page WordPress template encoding of http://tinyurl.com/yj3xbjh . General requirements:
-XHTML 1.0 Strict & CSS level 2.1 W3C compliant
-Output should match the 2 original approved template designs:
1. Homepage: http://tinyurl.com/yzz4dc4
2. Inner-page: http://tinyurl.com/yl2j34k
Homepage requirements:
-What is Resvetrol– WYSIWYG editable
-Latest news – Autopopulated in chronological order of news posts
-Sources of Resvetrol – WYSIWYG editable
-Latest Blogs – Autopopulated in chronological order of blog posts
-Resvetrol Dosage – WYSIWYG editable
-Resvetrol side effects – WYSIWYG editable
-Featured Blog Post – Autopopulated based on Webmaster tagging a blog post as featured
-Current Resvetrol Studies – WYSIWYG editable
-Resvetrol Properties – WYSIWYG editable

If these tasks are correctly implemented, the wining vendor will be asked to work on module implementation for this project and other WP encoding projects. Cost, delivery time and experience will be evaluated to select a vendor so please bid accordingly. Thanks.

Visual Changes To Joomla Site

Visual Changes To Joomla Site
I have a application made on a site. I really need the look of it changed. It’s no longer up, because I want to change the look. It’s for this site www.reveXXXXral.com (remove the XXXX)

The images attached should explain visually the look. And Addition of a 140 character message user who is sending can write in, small rounded icons, the img is uploaded from the sending page (not on profile page)

When users who receive a FITD click on the “view image”, a gray box pop up should come center with just that image, not a pop up of the portfolio as is

I’m willing to pay $50-70 for this work.

The site is php and joomla with ajax.

Post Content Via Email Script

Post Content Via Email Script
I am looking for someone to either install the currently available word press and Joomla “Content by email” script in my blogs or write a script that will receive an email and post the content to my blogs on a specific category.

I need this to work with Word Press and Joomla.
Currently there is a couple out here. They lack the functionality to make them receive and post the message efficiently.

This needs to be able to check for email for any specific time set by the script (ex. 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 15 .. or more)

In order to understand how this work, please go to wordpess.com and open an account.
I need this script asap.

Need A Wikipedia Article Read

Need A Wikipedia Article Read
we are looking for a Wikipedia expert to write an article for one of our clients that owns a gold buying website you will be paid once article is approved and viewable on the Wikipedia website. I have 99% positive feedback on script Lance total budget is $245 any bids over 245 will be rejected make sure you can handle this project before bidding must have adequate experience also must have good English writing skills and good grammar skills. Happy bidding.

Biz Social Networking Site

Biz Social Networking Site

I need to have business social network similar to Xing.com with a different design. In terms of design, I want Netvibes.com. It looks more like Web 2.0 stylish – so to speak: pastel colors, relatively bigger size of text, etc. Therefore, What I hope to have is that Xing structure and functionalities implemented with netvibes color scheme.(grey background, blue, green pastel colors, etc.. of course it shouldn’t look like a candy store either since this is a business network:) you can ask for extra info in detail before a bid). Here is the list of requirements that I need to have:

– All Xing functionality and web page structure with NetVibes color scheme
– Full Facebook connect implementation: identity, friends linking, story publishing etc (http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Facebook_Connect)
– a backend system/CMS/admin section..whatever you call it. which provides an interface for non technical people/roles to manage site and community
– banner rotation management in admin module (targeting by country – language- gender- age- income level – education level – seniority level , etc..)
– SEO optimization
– high performance

Here is the key. I have already started to development. I used an open source social network .NET and converted it according to my needs bit by bit.It is pretty cool, and easy understand architecture with
— DDD(domain driven design) and n-tiered architecture
— .Net 3.5, Linq to SQL for Repository Layer
— SQL server
— most of social networking structure is already implemented..friends, profiles, messaging, groups, caching, much more…so basically you need to do some adding extra code, like jobs, questions…etc., but nothing like implementing it from scratch!!

I did convert some part and did necessary code implementation, but I can not continue due to some busy schedule. There is a book/documentation of this open source project which goes into every detail. SO for a professional developer it shouldn’t be a problem to finish this project..But I definitely need a senior level developer who has great experience on c#, .NET3.5, LinqToSQL, and caching logic(MemCached is used), Jquery(Jueryy used for Ajax calls not Microsoft Script) and creative designer. I will provide details about project with private messages..

Technical Requirements:
– .Net 3.5, SQL server 2005, C#, Linq to SQL for repository layer, MVP pattern for Presentation layer
– Full testing including Load/Stress, profiling etc. Before deployment, I need to be sure that site can handle heavy user scenario
– Help with uploading and setting up the site on host server

I expect this project to be done till end of january although, might be little flexible

I would like to work with a company rather than an individual due to that this will be an ongoing project. First release will be considered Alpha 1 release, and there will be 1 or 2 more Alpha releases based on user feedback within 6 months. Then 1 Beta release and finally full launch. I don’t want to find a new provider for every single time.

My max budget is $500 for this release. There will be other releases (for sure..not just a typo!), and there are also some other tools development (facebook app, iphone app, outlook plugin, browser plugin..etc.) requirements within for this project. I will negotiate the cost for each new case. Therefore, please take it into consideration.

I need developer team to have their own development environment, so they can show me what they got during the process. Also, I need weekly plan/schedule, daily status update reports. I expect to professional approach to project management.

I am open to any of your questions before bidding in case you need to ask.

Apartment Finding Website

Apartment Finding Website
Looking to have a website created to function just as this example website: http://www.apartmentsforatlanta.net

Need to have a backend customized CMS database created, and for a fresh, edgy, and professional looking front-end. Back-end, needs to allow for apartment community owners to be able to login, change their perspective listing & pay invoices.

Website will start off as a national company with thousands of apartments.

For more details, please inquire. Looking for the PROFESSIONAL, EXPERIENCED DESIGNERS with Strong Work Ethic. BIDS are OPEN and best Qualified Bid with lowest BID will obtain the project. Good Luck.

Classified Ads Website.

Classified Ads Website.
I need a professional classifieds ads portal for multi country use, preferably with IP detection Technology for country identification with single domain designed for specialist industry with Built in payment gateway for free and paid advertising, The site must be designed with SEO friendly URLs for top rankings in major search engines, Powerful and robust admin system and also must be bug free and guaranteed.

1.Classifieds advertising.
2.Post ads in multiple cities and in multiple categories.
3.Business directory.
5.Jobs area
6.Events listing with calendar.
7.Rss feed
8.Banners management system for advertising worldwide by country and states.
9.Built in payment gateway.
10.Multi country use with IP detection Technology for country identification.
11.Seo friendly URLS
12.CMS must be Simple and easy to use.
13.Open source.
14.Preferably JAVA, PHP, MYSQL.
15.W3c validated.
16.Data entry for countries, states, cities and terms and conditions must be included in the price.
17.Installation to my host must be included in the price.
18.Google adsense integration to ads area

I would like something like,
The site must be open source with crispier professional look, I will need full design done with heavy graphics designed with bright colours, I want a very up market crisp look that will appeal to all the advertisers who are typically buying and selling specialist items, It needs to be very simple and easy to use, also must be easily search able by major search engines and a fast loading site.

Please don’t ask me to visit your company profile or portfolio, just provide me links to 2 or 3 classifieds websites that you have developed and proven successful, you need to give me the user ID and password of the front and back ends of the website to prove those are developed by you.

I know some of you may already have the scripts ready, Please post fully functional demo, If you don’t have a demo please don’t bid your bid will be deleted.

Communication is the key so regular update is a must, Selected Bidder must be able to provide me with DAILY updates as well as links to previews / designs every step along the way.

Bidders cannot list their company links on the completed website and All open Source code and copyrights license must be included in the bid price.

Only bid if you agree with payment terms. No upfront payment will be made escrow only our payment terms as follow:

Payment Terms for designers with good feedback:

No upfront payment will be made.
All payment will be made via escrow only and any fees involved will be your responsibility.

I am fed up of time wasters, only bid if you are willing to show me a demo.

Please provide me a complete proposal and Happy Bidding!


Bulk Sms Sending Website

Bulk Sms Sending Website
Web based bulk SMS sending application with user and admin interface and contact book.
Site need to have solution for registering users, and payment gateway as well.
Need to be in PHP and MySQL, AJAX is a big plus.
Solution need to be modern, intuitive, and easy for all groups of users.
Connection to SMS gateway it will be SMPP
Detailed specification is available on request.