Price Comparison

Price Comparison
I am looking for a programmer that already has a Product and price Comparison script with many features:

– Unlimited Categories, sub categories at unlimited depth.
– Import products feeds through CSV, XML, and Manual.
– User wish list feature
– Reviews
– Price alert
– Merchant profiles page with information on their payment methods supported, their verifications.
– Advance Product Mapping Feature.
– Content management system(CMS).
– SEO friendly

Possible further cooperation in other projects…

Penny Auction Issues

Penny Auction Issues
I am looking for someone to fix an issue I am having with my penny auction site. I purchased a script from (telebidscript) and had it running on one domain.
Now I want it on second domain. They said I need to pay for the same script second time? I can’t install it on second domain. It doesn’t work. I get an error:

Fatal error:
The encoded file /home/bidchoic/public_html/app/controllers/components/mailer.php is not permissioned for in Unknown on line 0

I don’t want it to use this script on my first domain any more.
It looks like some files are IonCube encoded.
I want to run it on my second domain.

The programmer who accepts this project should have knowledge of CakePHP and IonCube.

Articles For Seo

Articles For Seo
Looking for 3 quality articles that are keyword rich and optimized for search engines. The articles should be grammatically correct and not broken english. The purpose of the first article is “The importance of good web design”. The purpose of the second article is “Why website redesign and maintenance is necessary”.

The third article should be a press release about a web design company.

Tshirt Website W/design Module

Tshirt Website W/design Module
Good day…
I just recently started my company. We specialize in creating custom tshirts for willing customers. We also would like to offer customers the ability to create their own tshirts. We are looking for a website to be built along with an intergrated Tshirt design module. Here are some key points and by all means, if i have left something out please ask whatever info you require:
1. The site (if possible) can be relatively blank so its open to my customization.
2. The most important for our customers is the Shirt Design Module that will allow them to choose shirt style, color and desired design and purchase from there. Similar to sites like or This too, should be open to my customization. (Flash/java/HTML)
3. customers will be purchasing from the site so there needs to be the availability for intergration of a payment gateway.
4. Again, i do not have a huge budget so the site does not have to be big, but just enough to add the module and a couple (customized enabled) pages for the designs.

We are open to any suggestions you may have. We are open to different payments solutions but prefer to do half when the project starts and 2nd half on completetion.

Thank you very much.

Web Redesign Flash And Html

Web Redesign Flash And Html
Looking for a basic redesign our webdite. We no longer offer all of the services and basically want a new look (same logo) with about 6 different pages. Concentrating on Portfolio, Websites, Ecommerce, Social Media, SEO, Programming, Graphics, Contact Us. Would like a cool intro since we are high tech and a slick portfolio page. We have been designing websites since 1995 and have done thousands so there is always more. We have outsourced over the past 5 years and had success. Big problem is contact, they seem to have a holiday and vanish for a week, or they dont understand english well. We require 3 rough templates (fresh) then like to select our favorites from each template and create a final look. Prefer a company with more then one contact person!

Video And Graphics Editing

Video And Graphics Editing
I have a lead capture page with a video that I want to be professionally edited. It is a very colorful page with a great video but want to be able to tweek the message that it says without taking away the effect of the page as well as the quality. Respond to the project and I will give the link to the website to see if what I want is possible. Thanks

Profile Website

Profile Website
We would like to design a profile website (example: where people can create their profile. Paid subscribers will have access to the profiles, specific statistics for professional use.
The interface is essential and should be similar to Google Analytics; profiles, dashboard, map overlay, traffic sources overview, credit check tool, etc.

Please submit project plan and send us relevant portfolios.

Webharvest / Beautiful Soup

Webharvest / Beautiful Soup
Hi there,

I am looking for a developer experienced with BeautifulSoup software (

I need to automate the checking of several webpages :
I am a professional mail router and i use many IP adresses to perform my routing job.
Each of them have a reputation that evolves with time, depending on how many mails i send, the deviation from the average number of mails sent, how many complaints, etc.
Several websites offer free services to check the IP reputation (for example :

Of course, checking each IP reputation “by hand” is impossible when you deal with several hundreds IPs…

Therefore i need to create an “IPPanel” kind of page that would interact with a MySQL table (in which i can list the IPs and domain names to check, the URLs of the web pages where to check, and of course the results of the checks).
To achieve this, I need to “web-harvest” the pages.

I came across Beautiful Soup, which is apparently the software of choice to perform such task.

Can anybody help ?

WordPress Theme Modification1

WordPress Theme Modification1
I need some small wordpress modifications.

I have a website :

I need my post to be displayed like Each category will display 6 videos at a time on the homepage. & the thumbnail will display the same way (video views, length of movie, & Year of the Movie) (Same Graphic Casing for Categories)
These will be custom fields. Also I will need the rating stars as well.

I need this as soon as possible starting now. PLEASE ONLY EXPERIENCED WORDPRESS PROFESSIONALS!

I also need a featured section for the top category.

The view all pages need to look exactly like :

The left side will feature all my categories. like the link above.

Website Using Drupal

Website Using Drupal
I want to get a site done. After much researching I have concluded that doing it with Drupal will be the best option.

I need a site with the following modules:

User Groups:
One can become a member or a fan. Members request the group admin for membership and vice versa. Any User can become a fan

Every user should have a blog.

There should be options for users to create polls. The results should be generated in such a way like age-groups,gender,location which the user gives in his PROFILE.

Product Browser:
A Profile for products. And Product comparison.

Product Recommendation:
The user fills out a form of specifications and products relevant to that specification shows up.

User Profiles:
The users will have a profile with their blogs,photo albums. A User will also have Fans.

News & Events:
A news and events module fully controlled by the admin.

Groups can message its members & fans. Users can message each other. Messages are private!

I found all these modules already available in the Drupal website. So I guess All you got to do is connect them all and do some modifications wit respect to my scenario.

Please make a reasonable bid. Thanks.

Website Design / Update

Website Design / Update

I want updated. I have created a draft of roughly what I want at

This design uses a template : and I would prefer to use this if possible due the SEO work that has alreday been done. Howver if you have your own template taht works in a similar way then fine.

The menau system is from again I am happy if this used or another easy to maintain menu system is used

In general I like the concept of using clearly marked <div> type designs so I can add content by using php includes in the relevant sections to bring content into the template

The bookmarking code that is currently in the header must be present in the new design

I owuld like the design to use light blue as the key colour i.e similar to existing template but forming a blue border around the central area which shoudl still be white

I would like a more “rounded” and “softer” feel to the site with edges taken off boxes and gentle gradient fills etc

All design / code MUST be serach engine friendly

I would also like a logo and favicon for the site

Please feel free to ask questions

