Magento Add To Cart Problem 2

Magento Add To Cart Problem 2
I have a magento store with custom code. On a bundle item the problem is when clicking add to cart is it not transfering the selected options from the drop down bundle options so when you click add to cart it arrives in the cart with the standard default items.

This was working perfectly fine but stopped when some programmer was fixing something else.

I need it fixing. thanks

Note it works perfectly fine in IE8. I’ve not tested IE7 or Chrome but I assume its fine in them. It does not work in Mozilla so this is what needs to be fixed.


Clixpy Clone

Clixpy Clone
As clicktale, there is another service very similar called clixpy. ( : DEMO at

Before you continue reading, please review these two websites to understand what the concept is all about:


I’m looking for an experienced developer to create an screen recording website with all the basic functionality.

As you can see these are websites where users simply can register and get a javascript code which they add to their website in order to track user movements on site. The application must be able to track the following:

– Mouse movements and gestures
– User inputs
– Scrolling
– Where users click

Then, they can play the recorded session in a simple flash interface and have a couple of reports of time spent and others. (please, check the sites in details for all the funcionality needed)

All the data should be stored in a MySQL database.

Tracking JS code for different users/sites that tracks mouse movements and gestures, user inputs, scrolling, where users click
Store that information in a remote server running mysql/php.
Ability to play the user recorded sessions in flash.

No worry about the look and feel. This is not a design job. Any working example you can show to prove your expertise with this kind of tracking technology will be greatly considered.
Clixpy – consists of the JS, all the actions (onmousemove, onclick, onkeydown, onkeyup) and writes them in a stack, SWF-file ( / clixpy.swf), which is placed as JS script and receives from it the stack, sending POST data every 5 seconds on the php-script ( / clixpy_receiver.php). formatted script clixpy.js –

Original License Swoopoclone

Original License Swoopoclone
Original License Telebid Swoopoclone Pay Per Bid Penny Auction

Look ONLY for original license either of

Manufacturer FeistySites, Auckland/New Zealand
Version 2.2 Reverse Auction Released
with features Website-Forum and Buy-Now only (or higher)


Manufacturer PHPPennyAuction Scriptmatrix London, United Kingdom
Version Professional 2010 with moduls Payment Gateway Moneybookers and Buy-Now only


Manufacturer PennyAuctionsScript, Manchester, United Kingdom
Version 3.0 only or higher only) with moduls:
+ Buy-Now
+ Payment Gateway Moneybookers
+ Footer Penny auction link removal

Please enter ONLY then you place a bid if you can be the source of the original document in writing such accounts, e.g. orig. Invoice, orig. license document, etc.).

Thank you.

Priced max. $1.249 USD | Payment with escrow only.

Programming Project 1263484935

Programming Project 1263484935
IMMEDIATE NEED. Joomla 1.5 developer to design and develop a module that works with Community Builder and having the following capabilities:
1. Allows users to create news items with hidden tags
2. Allow users registered using Community Builder to automatically view only those news items that match tags in their profile.
3. When the news items are displayed, the hidden fields remain hidden.

For example, when I register on the site using Community Builder, I indicated that I enjoy hip-hop, soccer and am interested in concerts in the D.C area. Based on that registration profile, each time I sign-on to the site, I will automatically be presented only with news articles that were created by other users that meet one or more of those criteria on my frontpage.

Need Website Directory 2

Need Website Directory 2
This site will need to allow people to post ads, sell or trade their items. The website will be able to be searched by, City, State, country, also be able to be searched by item description and title. Users will need to sign up and have a profile to allow them to sell and trade. I like the way Craigslist works, its very simple. An admin page will be necessary for the site also. If you think you can do this please provide me with a timeline or when you think it will be done and how much you will charge. If you have any questions please PM and ask.

Writers Needed 2

Writers Needed 2
I’m in search for individuals to join my team of writers. If you are a team of writers yourself than please do apply as I will be considering you as well. This is a on going project and the project details will vary depending on which project you are assigned. They will mainly be 500 word articles however you will be required to follow complete instructions.

The pay for each article will vary depending on the project that you are assigned to. They will vary between $1 – $2 per article of 500 words.

At the current moment we have one long term project that will be needing a daily output of 100 articles daily. Seeing that this is a long term project the pay is between $1 – $1.25.

I have another project that has a smaller daily requirement but pays slightly bit more and will dicuss that with the writer i choose.

I need you to be able to offer a minimum of 5 articles daily preferably 10 without fail.

You will be required to keep in regular contact through IM and Email as i can’t be chasing you up as i will have my hands busy with cliental relations.

Please only bid if you agree to the payment terms and other conditions highlighted above.

The projects will most likely start from next week but i need to arrange a team in advance to be up and ready to start work when ever i give the go ahead so this process is simply creating a team i can trust and rely on.

Payment will only be made via paypal as all my other writers are paid through this way. I will be paying you for the first 5 – 10 articles that you do immediately to gain trust and to show you that i always pay. Once the trust has been established, payment will be made weekly.

Please also make sure that you provide me with a few samples of your work and include the words “looking for writers” in your PM so that i know you have read the details and not just posted an automated response.

Happy Bidding!


I deal with all my clients privately which is why i have zero reviews. We are expanding our business which is why i’m using scriptlance as a way to hire more writers. You being made for the first few articles that you do will be the way through which we will be able to establish trust. But i need quality and timely work.

I Always Pay

Writers Needed 1

Writers Needed 1
I’m in search for individuals to join my team of writers. If you are a team of writers yourself than please do apply as I will be considering you as well. This is a on going project and the project details will vary depending on which project you are assigned. They will mainly be 500 word articles however you will be required to follow complete instructions.

The pay for each article will vary depending on the project that you are assigned to. They will vary between $1 – $2 per article of 500 words.

At the current moment we have one long term project that will be needing a daily output of 100 articles daily. Seeing that this is a long term project the pay is between $1 – $1.25.

I have another project that has a smaller daily requirement but pays slightly bit more and will dicuss that with the writer i choose.

I need you to be able to offer a minimum of 5 articles daily preferably 10 without fail.

You will be required to keep in regular contact through IM and Email as i can’t be chasing you up as i will have my hands busy with cliental relations.

Please only bid if you agree to the payment terms and other conditions highlighted above.

The projects will most likely start from next week but i need to arrange a team in advance to be up and ready to start work when ever i give the go ahead so this process is simply creating a team i can trust and rely on.

Payment will only be made via paypal as all my other writers are paid through this way. I will be paying you for the first 5 – 10 articles that you do immediately to gain trust and to show you that i always pay. Once the trust has been established, payment will be made weekly.

Please also make sure that you provide me with a few samples of your work and include the words “looking for writers” in your PM so that i know you have read the details and not just posted an automated response.

Happy Bidding!


I deal with all my clients privately which is why i have zero reviews. We are expanding our business which is why i’m using scriptlance as a way to hire more writers. You being made for the first few articles that you do will be the way through which we will be able to establish trust. But i need quality and timely work.

I Always Pay

WordPress Blogger Needed For

WordPress Blogger Needed For
We are looking for a blogger expert with references to manage our blog, create articles and monetize it. IMPORTANT: Please read first before you apply and make sure to follow instructions and show references when applying.

Please, check link for project description:

Landing Page Comparing Product

Landing Page Comparing Product
I have about 40 domain names that I have not been able to develop.

Rather than let them sit until I have time, I need someone to develop a landing page for each.

The page will compare three (3) clickbank or cj products/services, which I will supply the links too.

Model/example page is: or

Must include an attractive layout, intro paragraph, graphic for each product/service, and a paragraph write-up for each product/service.

Must be SEO enhanced (high keyword density (2-2.5% density), search engine friendly, etc.).

Bid is for two (2) landing pages. Based on quality rest will follow.

Must be completed within 7 days of winning bid.

Include in your PMB, “I like landing page designing” so that I know that you read this complete project 😉

Restore Database Cant Log On

Restore Database Cant Log On
I have a penny auction site which needed to be pulled down to make some changes. Now that I want to put it back up there seems to be a problem with the database as none of the users (including myself) can log on.

I have a copy of the site and database (as far as I know identical) running on a separate server which seem to be running properly and allowing users to log on.

I have tried to restore the database of the 2nd site to the first and it doesn’t appear to work.

I need someone to restore the database to the first site so that users can log in and so all their account information and history is restored.

The site is written using CakePHP and ioncube so programmers that accept this project should have experience in these.

Api Integration Shopping Cart

Api Integration Shopping Cart
API shopping cart intergration

Our site is a topup first, customer receives a reference number after payment, and customer provide to us for activation manually.

Now our site require API integration shopping cart with the merchant processor, generate a random reference number/or generated by the merchant and sent with customers input userid/email to us automatically by email after payment is made.

We will provide PHP dev files provided by the merchant and details.
PHP dev files contains 5 important elements

Order number/Merchant Number/MD5 KEY/AMOUNT/RETURN URL

Urgent simple project, qualify programmer place your bids now.

Simple Design Work

Simple Design Work
I have a website that is completed and setup. my headers and footers are already designed. I have one php page that needs to be designed. this project could result into redesigning more pages for me on this site down the road. I can edit the output of my tables for you if you are not good at php, but id rather hire someone who knows php and mysql.

to start this project i just need the one page designed and i can provide a example of what im looking for before you start designing.
if i am pleased with the time an outcome of this project i would like to hire you for more pages on this site.

my goals on this site is to keep it table less. so keep that in mind when bidding on this job.

Oreio Web Update

Oreio Web Update
What I require is the following:

I have an existing corporate site that has registered users. These users are either members or non-members. Member is defined as users who have paid the yearly fee.

Our site hosts many services but the most important is our forum. The big difference in access from our members to our non-members is that paid members get to log new posts on the forum as for non-members only get to read posts.

The site uses the member module to distinguish between members and non-m members. There are several different ways to become a paid member, manually via our meetings and via our website using paypal. (lm-paypal module)

Currently we are not satisfied with our site using paypal because all the information is stored on paypal databases and it makes it difficult for us to track what happened with payment when things go wrong.

The paypal process does have a widget that updates the users membership status when they successfully pay via paypal but at the moment there is no confirmation e-mail sent from our site to the user indicating that his membership has been updated. Also the memberships are supposed to be updated by a year and currently they are only being given a year from the date of purchase. Therefore if the users account expires in June 2009 and renews his subscription in April 2009 he will now have an expiry date of April 2010 not June 2010.

A new feature we are also looking to add to the site is the ability to do mass e-mails to all our paid members. At this time there is no module installed for this although I know that there are a few.

Below I have listed the major and minor features that we would like modified or added to our Dupal website along with some criteria. The deadline for this work is very aggressive (2 weeks max) and we would like the ability to track progress on a daily basis. Due to the nature of the website we are not able to take the website off line so updates need to be done in batches once they are approved. Therefore it is imperative that a development area also be setup for this work.

To make the updates less complicated we have decided do away with the free access to all non-members so the database should only house paid members. In the future we may return to allowing non-members access with X days free before they must pay. Therefore, keep this in mind when choosing which modules to install.

Finally, as this website administered by volunteers it is imperative that the least amount of special coding be installed to ensure that upgrades are possible in the future without having to jump through too many hoops.

Thanks to anyone who responds to our urgent request.