Paypal Subscription Issue 2

Paypal Subscription Issue 2
My website allows users to signup or 3 types of Subscriptions. 1. Free 2. Basic 3. Pro.

After 1 month of service (BASIC or Pro) users account converts back to “Free” Account while their accounts on my website but are still being charged by PayPal.

I need for accounts (Basic or Pro) to stay active as long as their subscription stays recurring and never fails.

I need a PayPal Intergation Specialist. No ROOKIES.

I need to look into this ASAP.

Virtual Currency Site Features

Virtual Currency Site Features
I have a site setup, it needs work. I need the following features added/fixed – Features Needed –

Forgot Password (Must provide username or email), system then sends a link to users email with a newly generated password.

Transaction ID should be displayed after money is sent, when it says who you sent it to. Also if possible prevent a user from refreshing page to send money again, to prevent spam.

Email user(s) if money is sent and received (In email display transaction ID and username the money was sent from or sent to) this was already coded, but it is not really working and parts of it are not done.

reCaptcha to be added on Send Money page

Master key (Three digit number), Entered on registration, Required to change any information and to send money, so it is needed on Send Money page on the second page of send money where it asks to confirm payment and then the Edit Profile/Profile page to change information.

Confirm email change, email is sent even if email wasent changed, needs to be fixed, so that an email isnt sent if email isnt changed and if it is it should send an email like it does to confirm the email change.

Classified Ads

Classified Ads
Befor read description please download and see atachment..
Complete info is in atachment..
Most important that design of site shoulde be like screen shots in atachment
You may use any open source script or edit from any other script for my requirments…please put your bid and let me know if you have demo already
This script is simple Classified Ads and have 5 important section
1.Ad view page ..that show and ad when people click on title(check ad view.jpg)
2.Ad list.that show all ads in a category with pagination(check ad list.jpp) ad page that visitor can write name and ads info with price to post thire ads.(post ad.jpg)
4.Review ads befor post page that uset check thiere info befor sending the ad.
5.send mail page..that buyer can contact with ad poster to shop thiere good..

Another function are normal functions like other Classified site,like send notifaction email to seller about thiere ads info…number of ads view,date of post and like these.

Also all things are categorise by country and city..people will choose a country from index page and just see ads in country thay choosed..

header and footer shoulde be make like atachment.check images please.

Payment option in post ad page can be choose by user.paypal and some other option are ok..

Also allthing shoulde be edit from admin category,sub category.subsub category..add country ,,add city ..price …admin may choose free mode ,that allthing be free for user for limited time…

Design need to be like atachment…

use ajaz for male and image of ads,for fast loading page..

During job i will tell if some thing may be add or change..but most of them are this you see now..

Also make posible language i can translate it and add other languages later

Wp Comment Template Redesign

Wp Comment Template Redesign
I want a custom comment template designed for a WordPress theme. The theme I am currently using is Arthemia if it matters.

I want a comment template that is intended to be product review oriented and mimic other product review style sites. The site I would like to mimic is this one….

If you scroll to the bottom until you see “CoPilot Limo child bike seat Reviews” then you are in the right place. I would like a comment setup that will mimic that functionality almost exactly.

I currently use the WordPress GD star rating plugin which utlizes star ratings and the thumbs as well so that plugin would give you half the code I think…up to you though if you want to use it or code your own.

If you have any questions let me know.

Wp Theme Installation/config.

Wp Theme Installation/config.

I need :

1. configure this theme on my server (already installed, but not all functions are working, I have PDF help file)
2. Make index page like BUT add a scroller from
So main page content should be: scroller and then FIVE latest blog’s entries. NO right side column on this page, nothing else.
Also remove “Category: Featured | Web” wording from scroller: screenshot + title + text + ‘more’ button are enough
4. I still need a right column on the Article detail page (
3. Disable comments
4. Enable RSS
5. For each blog post add “Tweet” , “Share”/with dropdown menu “Most Popular Services” (see image attached, I think it’s addthis plugin) and “Subscribe RSS” links/buttons
6. Add 7 posts entry (I have screenshots for every post) with lipsum text description: two in “portfolio” category and five in “featured” category, I’ll edit dummy text later. So on the main page we’ll have 5 screenshots in the scroller + latest five posts

Please see screen1.jpg for a final index page setup; screen2 – for a blog and screen3- for an article


I Am Buying Scripts – W/rights

I Am Buying Scripts – W/rights

I am looking to buy scripts with Exclusive rights.

Need Job Portal, Classifieds, Directory, Clones, Social NWK, And any other type of scripts.

Main Requirement: I’ll need Re-branding and Copyrights Removal of Script Provider and Its Company.

Don’t send Scripts in PMB which are Open-Source or which you have bought in packages from sites.

I need unqiue yet any type of scripts except Adult (no Adult, Dating needed).

Send PM with your Script Demo and Price.


Website Landing Page Design

Website Landing Page Design
Template for a good landing page. This is a task for those of you who knows what a landing page is, and feel secure on the task.

The landing page should easily be changed to reflect other products. The color of writing and placement of elements must be optimal.

Top header must be easy to change / text to be deleted and added easily / opt-in forms placements…

Only bid if you know what to do to optimize it like it should.
The landing page is mostly for pay-per-click advertising, so it should be optimized for that according to quality scores etc.



Review Style Template

Review Style Template
I need a template I can use to review products. It must be easy to edit in any html editor. The same template is supposed to be used for many niches. It needs to be a fill in the blanks kinda site.
One page site. I will also need header for the site, if the price is right I will order more as I need them.

It should be a clean and easy on the eye site.

Please only bid if you know what I want, and understand the task.


Logo & Webpage Design

Logo & Webpage Design
I need someone to design me a logo for production & management copy, also i need a index page design with the logo on it and have to be type of that can be shrink to put the design on a business card. The name of my company is viralmutlimedia production & management.I really want someone that creative I need this by wednesday 2-10-10 most likely i will escrow the money.

Ea-land Private Server 2

Ea-land Private Server 2
This is a copy of an older project:

The Sims Online (EA-Land) was discontinued in 2008 and is shows no signs of returning. Much like World of Warcraft, Habbo Hotel, and other popular MMO’s out there, I would like to be able to run a PRIVATE SERVER of The Sims Online. Whether or not this action is illegal is beyond me, nonetheless, I would like to be the first and only Sims Online private server in business. I’m not sure if my budget is anywhere NEAR accurate, but I need somebody who can create a server emulator for The Sims Online using only the old EA-Land Client (not connected to any live server) to post their bid no matter how high or low it may be. If this is absolutely 100% impossible, let me know in the PMB. Thank you.

I will also need a PHP script to let people register.

Price Comparison Website

Price Comparison Website
We are looking for a firm to design and program a price comparison and review aggregator website. The websites we draw information from may or may not have SOAP or API capability (assume they don’t). The companies that we draw information from will be filtered according to client location. Results should be displayed similar to Froogle. Product will be of multiple types, and will be pulled from websites with (possibly) tens of thousands of products.

I am open to any programming language or hosting requirement proposed. Payment will be through escrow account.

Previous experience is essential.