Etsy Style Multiseller Shop

Etsy Style Multiseller Shop
I am looking for an Etsy style mall with similar features. Main points to be included are:

-Unique design integration (provided by us as PSD nothing too way out, just a nice clean design)
-Easy customer upload/listing process (text & images)
-individual shop domain names (ie. shop(at) and banners/logos
-All prices/options for GBP
-Option for %commision and/or rental charge for shop fees
-holiday mode

This is an ongoing project that will be expanding over time so I would like someone who can work for me again in the future.
Examples of similar previous work would be great!


Recipe WordPress Plugin

Recipe WordPress Plugin
I need a programmer who can develop simple plugin for wordpress. Its a recipe plugin for wordpress. The recipe plugin should work as
I am also professional programmer but getting busy nowadays. I can help you fully in your modules if you need.
here is a project detail:-
I need a plugin which works like
Create a account in this site and see. You can create recipes and categories.
When somebody creates the recipes system should print the message at wall.
Front page will be just a wall and recipe search section with account options for users.
There must be two membership section, general and premium.
Premium is paid membership but general is free.
All recipes must be searchable.
Our test site is
Need to theme like that.
I will give you the theme or you can directly download this theme, you will develop css like this theme or can you this the css of this theme.
More detail in PMB if needed.
I need to start it right now.
Thanks, Happy bidding.

WordPress – Auto Delete Posts

WordPress – Auto Delete Posts
we have a wordpress site (version 2.7 i believe – it might older) that we need a plugin either created or modified from an existing one. upgrading wordpress to the newest version IS NOT AN OPTION.

the general idea is that we need a plugin that will allow us to select certain categories to delete posts from once the posts reach a certain age (for example if they are 60 days old). this should be run daily and automatically through wp-cron.

what the plugin needs to do:

-allow us to select which categories this plugin will execute on
-ability to define the timeframe (days) for posts to be deleted
-run automatically daily (set & forget)

please feel free to ask any questions.


Ebook Creation From Transcript

Ebook Creation From Transcript
I have a 200 page transcript ( created in 5 sessions, 55 pages in each session ). It is actually a backlink workshop I purchased from James Martell. I am including the first session as an attachment. I have included comments and notes on all the paragraphs which needs special attention. I want this transcript to be created as an ebook with screen shots of websites ( mentioned in the ebook) and how to use it. etc.

The whole ebook should be rewritten and condensed in 100 -125 page.

In the transcript the author has given an example of certain keyword and website. I have included other keyword and website and hence lot of research and rewriting should be expected in the work along with rewriting.

Please see the attachment, read the comments and if you can do a good job, please bid. Writers with experience only preferred.

Content Rewrite 66520 Words

Content Rewrite 66520 Words
I need a responsible writer who can rewrite :
66520 word article

* Unique and Pass Copyscape
* Your articles must meet Ezine’s standard.
* Excellent written English with a good knowledge of Grammar.
* You should be able to write compelling and high-value articles with absolutely No Grammatical, Spelling & Structural Mistakes.
* SEO optimized, so you should have a basic knowledge of search engine optimization.
* The rewrite must be delivered in word 2003 format

Please bid for all 66520 words rewrite.

School Web Design 2

School Web Design 2
i have 2 school that we are building a Content management software for. Im looking for someone who can provide me creative weblayouts for the schools.

the process is as follows

– i need 3 layouts per school. so thats a total of 6 layouts. the different layouts.. must be different from each other and not just color differences.

– initially it must be just JPG files. On selection of the chosen layout. it must be converted into proper htmls.. so from 6 JPG layouts, it will become 2 final htmls layouts.

– to ensure quality of work .. i need to see 1 layout of each school immediately , so that we are on the right track.

please note im looking for great work, and not some templates from the net and not some childish designs. the person who does this well , will get all our future web design projects.

you will be provided with the logos and resource photos from each school.

Windows Live Writer WordPress

Windows Live Writer WordPress
I have 2 wordpress blogs, and I use wordpress Windows Live writer to post to them.

I have 2 problems.

1. The live theme view does not work. I have tried various work around with no success. Theme view must work on this.

2. I am now getting an error that won’t let me post:

The response to the metaWeblog.newMediaObject method received from the blog server was invalid:

Invalid response document returned from XmlRpc server

This is a “XmlRpc” issue for both of them.

My blogs are AND

The error comes from the second site.

I want both these issues fixed, and I am attaching the error log from Windows Live Writer. A search on this issue will bring up many possible fixes, many of which I have already tried.

Easy Logo Design… 2

Easy Logo Design… 2
This will be very easy for somebody who knows what they’re doing.

I’m looking for a logo design using the following:

– The logo is for a golf website called “The KYSS Golf System”
– It’s a play on words for ‘KISS’ Keep It Simple Stupid
– I would like a golf ball with a pair of red lips on it.
– However, I want the lips to look like somebody with red lipstick
actually kissed the ball so the dimples in the golf ball are still showing.

— I DO NOT want a one-dimensional pair of lips pasted over a 3-D dimpled golf ball.

Thank you.

Ldap Dns Dhcp

Ldap Dns Dhcp
First of all , this is documemt writing project requires Systems administration skills ,LDAP , DNS and DHCP skills,

I’m interesting in 3 seperate documents from experts in the feilds.

before requesting the document : I have a PC , Solaris 10 x86 installed on this PC as a server and i have laptop as a client ,I need the following:

1- A Document which should explain in details what is DNS , what is required to setup DNS , how to setup DNS in that PC and how to test that DNS ??? i have laptop as client , you need to explain how to connect the laptop to the PC and test DNS in details.

2- A Document which should explain in details what is DHCP, what is required to setup DHCP, how to setup DHCP in that PC and how to test that DHCP??? i have laptop as client , you need to explain how to connect the laptop to the PC and test DHCP in details.

The third Document is different :

3- I want to send RFP and RFQ for LDAP setup? i need to write a business case and user requirement for LDAP ?? so whats LDAP ? why LDAP ?? What is my requirement in LDAP from all prespectives ??? i need for this subject an expert in LDAP ???? so the document write of this document should be expert so he can help me in defining my requirement in the LDAP setup ??? in design , specfification , implementation , and specific features which you think in important …. it is good to know that LDAP will be used by external customers to the company so high availabilty is very important ….etc This document should be clear enough and have all the requirmenets which should be ready to be submitted to a vendor who should understand all the requirments and come up with a proposal with different LDAP , as i know there different products.