Joomla Template Mod

Joomla Template Mod
Please review: start a small biz .com (remove spaces)

We purchased this template and it is very difficult to work with.
We want to change the top menu to one that is drop down any style that matches the current one is fine.(see joomla free ext.)

The other thing is we would like to remove read more buttons s owe can control them i nthe actual article.

If you cannot do the graphics that is okay.

We also need to modify the pictures to have one that uses a backup icon, computer icon, repair icon
I would like t oget this done asap.

Pdf To Html Conversion (xsite)

Pdf To Html Conversion (xsite)
I need someone to format and edit an 8 page pdf file to be put into X Site Pro. I have the original copy in a .pdf format. I will need the final formatted document to be able to be “properly” imported into X Site Pro 2. As the remainder of the site is already in X Site Pro 2.

I want a someone who will commit to and complete the project in a very reasonable amount of time. Please respond in the first line with the word Katy or you will not be considered due to lack of attention to detail.

You must have EXCELLENT grammer and spelling!

Blueprint Css Website Design

Blueprint Css Website Design
I am in need of a lightweight and nice CSS template for a site I am planning to build.

I would suggest using the blueprint CSS framework (if you are familiar with any other, you’re encouraged to suggest and use it).

The css template should contain CUSTOM css layout, forms, messages (error or success), buttons and a “USERS MEMBERS area” similar to

I would need a simple initial logo too.

Deliverables should contain:

CSS, layout for home and content page, layout for members area, PNG/PSD.

Please only bid if you are able to provide custom work in a short time.

Thank You

Clone Community Site

Clone Community Site
I would like to have a clone of this site created

It won’t be an exact clone of course and will be on another subject completely. I think this was done using Ruby on Rails, but it could be Drupal, or whatever you see fit. Please respond on the PMB saying what platform you would use and why and any similar projects you have worked on.

I will use escrow, I have perfect ratings on my projects and usually pay with a bonus.

Basically the site will be aggregating blogs like the site I listed, and have the social component, and almost all the functionality and have a simple CMS. This is not just for the script but for a full working website.

Zen Cart Website Design New

Zen Cart Website Design New
Modify a website, create an e-commerce with zen cart.

This site provides Address Information Checking.

The following is the process flow:
Option 1 ( single address check )
1 – User enters data & runs a query process ( this has been written
in ASP )
2 – The cart is updated.
3 – User repeats step 1-2 as many times as he wants
4 – User proceeds to get his report ( results of all his queries ):
a) User is 1st directed to the checkout
b) Upon successful checkout user is provided with a link or a
stub ( token ) to download his report ( PDF file ).

Option 2 ( multiple addresses check )
1 – User uploads Address data in Excel form & runs a number
of queries ( this script has been written in ASP )
2 – The cart is updated for every Address query ran.
3 – User proceeds to get his report ( results of all his queries ):
a) User is 1st directed to the checkout
b) Upon successful checkout user is provided with a stub ( token )
to download his report.
4 – The report ( PDF file ) is created and can be downloaded right
away or within 10 days using the stub provided to him during
the checkout.

1 – Need to be able to create a PDF report file that the user can download.
2 – Customize Zen Cart to work with results of ASP script.
3 – Create 2-3 Tabs on a Web Page
4 – ASP script may need to be modified to use MySQL database instead of Excel spreadsheet. Currently access keys are loaded from Excel.
5 – MySQL ( keys ) table maintenance page will be needed ( Admin ) to insert/delete keys.

As far as Zen Cart setup, Product = One Address Check

Blacklist Script 2

Blacklist Script 2
I’m looking for a blacklist script which does exactly the following:


– enter sites into a MySQL database (or delete them)
– approve recommendations from users (see at “User”)


– makes a .txt file from all the sites in the database once daily


– downloads a browser addon (see at “Addon”)
– recommends sites for blacklisting


– checks the .txt file generated by the script
– whenever a user navigates to a site which is blacklisted, it gives a warning including the reason for blacklisting
– should be available for Mozilla Firefox

This has been written by a layman. Don’t laugh if there is something stupid in it…

Newsletter Bug 2

Newsletter Bug 2
i have a software that generates newsletters code.

but they appear with problems at hot$mail, (you can see the faulty borders)


pass: maximaxim

(see the email)

this is a small glitch that needs to be investigate.

i’ll show the software that produces the problem if you are the choosen one so you should be a good programmer.


Php Club Script

Php Club Script
Im looking for a php script which could be used for a small group or club, this script must be php and mysql and have the same features as this version:

I would have thought there are scripts out there but I can’ find any, if there are any demo’s then it would be good to see them even if Im paying for your information.

Working Time Sheet Template

Working Time Sheet Template
I will create a visual layout of a timesheet so you can create, and design the web layout with working buttons and text boxes with no data base coding ( expect some changes during this process )

Program languages are PHP, JAVASCRIPT, and AJAX a MUST!
Other languages maybe used but must be discussed

Your role is to create a working functioning website template
1 Page Web and Graphic Design layout
** Menu and Left columns have already been designed **
Design must work in a professional mannor
Must work with popular browsers below
IE6, IE7, IE8, Chrome, Firefox, Safari
Amature Design will immediately be rejected

Must use Raw Design and Code
Will not accept other existing code or layouts
You can not reused this for other projects

Communication through MSN Live, Yahoo, and/or Phone is acceptable
Will communicate daily with progress updates
Project length should be no more then 5 business days Mon-Fri
Project will start in 1 Week from date posted