Need 30 Blog Posts (100 Words)

Need 30 Blog Posts (100 Words)
I am in need of a freelancer to write about a list of 30 Press Release distribution websites.

Each blog post would be about 1 of the PR websites. The length of each post would be around 100 words. You would need to review the website and within the post briefly touch upon who the company is, what they offer, example pricing, and anything you the writer feel is beneficial. You can write in a relaxed tone.

Please PM a list of current articles and blogs you have written. This is extremely helpful when picking a freelancer.

Also include time frame to complete the project.

Payment will be made using Scriptlance Escrow to ensure both parties involved are protected.

Here are the 30 Press Release websites related to this project:

Ignore the following:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris condimentum, libero ac hendrerit faucibus, urna urna fermentum nisl, vitae hendrerit nulla neque at orci. Sed imperdiet metus a augue dapibus vitae pulvinar dui semper. Nulla mi lacus, faucibus vitae venenatis eget, pharetra ac orci. Nullam blandit sapien leo.

Nam dapibus consequat ante, sed lobortis lorem scelerisque non. Etiam egestas pulvinar erat, non eleifend turpis elementum in. Curabitur egestas turpis placerat felis porttitor id ullamcorper nibh semper. Duis mollis felis vel libero iaculis accumsan.

Curabitur at leo lectus. In eu lectus lorem. Mauris gravida volutpat odio sed sagittis. Aenean gravida, nunc non volutpat sagittis, tellus leo mattis nunc, et adipiscing sapien ligula a urna. Duis in consequat est. Donec eu nisi risus, at adipiscing dolor.

Stunning Sales Ad Needed

Stunning Sales Ad Needed
I need an experienced writer who can make a stunning eye catching sales ad in .doc format. It needs to be broken into these subjects:
1. What is SEO?
2. Why your website should be submitted to search engines.
3. Benefits to having it submitted
4. Our services
5. Why they should choose us.

More info will be given detailing our unique services. We have a software program that submits websites to search engines and gives out detailed reports.

We need this completed within 1 day and NO ridiculous bids. This will not talk someone long. We do not need it to be very long but it needs to catch someones attention and be dynamic.

100% of bid will be placed in Escrow immediately. We only want experienced writers.


Niche Article Writing

Niche Article Writing

I am looking for high quality writer to rewrite articles on a regular basis. I will use your service for long term if you are good and reliable.

Your task is to rewrite articles from any article directories except ezinearticles dot com. You can choose any topics/subjects. The minimum words are 415 words and max is 600 words. The target keyword density should not exceed 1.9%.
Right now, I need articles in three niches.
Homemade Dog Food or Homemade Dog Treats
PPC advertising
and vegetable gardening.

You must have very good english writing skills.

My budget is $2 for each rewrite.

For start, you will do 10 rewrites. I PAY VIA PAYPAL within 24 hours of completion of 10 articles, so the sooner you can finish the articles the sooner you will receive payment.

The rewrite articles will need to be concise and to the point. I cannot accept articles just filled with fluff words meant to fill space.The articles need to be informative to the reader with 98 % correct grammar and Punctuation. also they must copyscape since articles will be posted to ezinearticles.

Also, the articles must be at least 90% unique, they will be reviewed through Copyscape and Plagiarism Detect for plagiarism. If an article you submit to me does not pass Copyscape or has spelling and punctuation mistakes, you will not be paid for that article until it is corrected and resubmitted to me for approval.

REMEMBER: You are bidding on writing me 10 rewrites.

I will not be able to pay if all requirements in this listing aren’t met, so please don’t bid if you can’t meet these requirements.

In the future when you are in fact good, reliable and fast. You can submit as many as rewrites as you like and get paid

Children Book Writer Illust

Children Book Writer Illust
We need talented individuals to write and/or illustrate content for children’s books for grades preschool to 8th grade by grade level. Each book should be written for a specific grade level and should have questions and answers at the end to test the kids’ comprehension of what was read. We need as many books as possible written & illustrated. The writer does not have to be the illustrator. You can bring in an illustrator partner or we can offer an illustrator. You can also choose which grade level you want to write for.

Please place your bid based on how much you want per book and if this is for writing, illustration, or both. We will retain the rights to the books (no royalties paid) but you will be credited as author and/or illustrator. Our goal is 100 books to start covering various fictional & non-fictional topics written at preschool to 8th grade level. It goes without saying that these must all be original materials.

Clone Auction Listing Template

Clone Auction Listing Template
Hello 🙂

Looking for a clone design like the auction listing at:

Easy job for designer. Need quickly.

* * * Please DO NOT bid if you can’t provide us this design * * *

Cronjob + Mysql 2

Cronjob + Mysql 2
I need a cronjob script/php to be made.
It must do the following:

Every midnight, it connects to my SQL table.
It checks table Deposits. Searches for active deposits. When it finds an active deposit, it credits deposit amount/365 to user balance in another table.
It also checks deposit expiration date. If it’s today, then it moves the deposit data from the table to table Expireds. If it past today, then send admin a mail with warning and do not credit

The script must be done as a sample, and I’ll integrate it into my own table.
I’m not going to give sample DB or DB access because this is an already running site.

Bids under $20 please.

Zen Cart Custom Small Fixes

Zen Cart Custom Small Fixes
I would like someone to edit the existing Zen Cart file upload utility that is already installed on our website. We want the utility to create a folder on the server for each upload (customers upload files in the shopping cart module).

We would like this utility moved from step two of the shopping cart module to step 1 (in the shopping cart).

We would also like product listing changed to use one template for display of the products and that one of the links that appears be removed from the navigation bar.

These fixes are needed immediately and bidding will be closed quickly…

Payment will be transferred immediately upon receipt of working products.. thank you!


Google Shared Contacts

Google Shared Contacts
RE: Need a script for sharing personal contacts on a Google Premier Apps Account.

Would like to have a script installed to my Google Sites premier apps account that would enable the sharing & editing of my companys’ customer contact information. Would prefer to work with soemone that’s got experience doing this. Would want you to install the script as well. When you bid for the project would like to know in advance your preferred scripting language. The information that needs to be shared is the following. Would also like the ability to search & export to csv the contact fields.
1- Contact name
2- contact street address
3- contact city
4- contact state
5- Contact zip Code
6- contact email
7-contact phone
8- contact date of birth

Thanks for your consideration.


Joomla Changes

Joomla Changes
I have a Joomla site and my customer can post the own Hotdeal and if they want to put on the homepage they need to pay via paypal. When they have pay the hotdeal will be placed automatic in homepage and on backend will be notify a countdouwn to advice the admin the end of the hotdeal.

-Make an automatization after payement
-Pay by the original paypal
-make a countdown


Remove Virus Or Script 2

Remove Virus Or Script 2
We have noticed that spam emails are being sent to people using differentnames at

The “from” email addresses do not exist as pop3 email addresses on our server and we suspect that someone who worked on our server recently must have inserted a script / virus to send out these spam emails and making it seem as if the emails are coming from someone in our employ / service.

We are looking for someone to urgently fix this issue by removing the script or the virus.

WordPress 301 Redirection Help

WordPress 301 Redirection Help
I have a website that is currently living in the root directory and I have been working on a redesign which is currently in a subdirectory.
The site has ≈110 pages

The old site used ugly permalinks ?p=123
but the new site has pretty permalinks /features/hats/the-hats-are-great

I have pulled an XML sitemap and I have gotten on Google Webmaster Tools to go through linked to URLs. But I am having such a mental disconnect on how to get the new site as the root directory while 301 redirecting the old ugly permalinks to the new pretty permalinks.