Advanced Joomla Form Js/php

Advanced Joomla Form Js/php
A copy of the following credit calculator form has to be programmed and put into our joomla project.

In the attached file you see the individual form steps.

It has to be almost exactly the same. Only a few fields will be different.
Your result should be as comfortable for the user as in the example page (error messages on the fly & mouse over explanations at question marks ”?” ).

First form page
Depending on the selected numbers at point 1) the number of input fields in point 2) varies.

First & second form page
On the first two form pages sums have to be calculated with javascript depending on the user input.

User details form pages
After the calculation there will be 4-6 form pages for the personal details of the user (name, city, etc.)

Result page
The result page shows all input data again with a checkbox to verify.

In the end a structured email with all user- and calculated data will be send via Email.

Joomla Feedback Form

Joomla Feedback Form
The attached PDF document shows one form that has to be included into our existing joomla project.

The little quares show the elements that have to be clickable (round) option fields.
In the first PDF page there are two columns.

1. The left column “Antragsteller” is for the person that applies.
2. The right column “Ehegatte/…” contains the same input fields as the left column. This only will be filled if another member of the same family wants to apply, too.
3. Before the last text paragraph there will be a checkbox field that the user has to click before submitting the form.

Action Script Flash

Action Script Flash
Hello guys i am not an expert (or close to that) in AS. I had to write a script that pulls image names out of a mysql database and load them into a flash. It’s some kind of slide show, 2 movie clips objects that go from left to right and when one reaches the end of the main frame borders then go back to starting position, change its picture and go from left to right again. I think that problem might be some memory leak (from the Loader). i have to finish this project ASAP and i need someone professional to help me fix this problem.

i attach here the .fla file

Website From Template

Website From Template
I need a brochure style website created from a template (templatemonster). I will provide the logo and content and general idea’s about the layout/template modifications. I will not need any CGI/FLASH/PHP or other coding.

The logo is in AI and incorporated into a business card. The logo will need to be extracted to be used on the website.

3-5 total pages, static.

The end product should be a professional looking Legal Themed website that has been installed on our server with all email addresses set up.

This job needs to be completed by 03/19/2010.

Shopping Cart Clone: WordPress

Shopping Cart Clone: WordPress
Serious Bidders Only.

This is a complex project so please only bid if you can do the job as described to the quality on the example and within the timeframe of your bid. Projects that run over will not be accepted. The project will be cancelled if it runs over and I will hire a new programmer.

I use a photo plugin that turns my wordpress site into a photography portfolio. I am looking for someone to integrate a shopping cart into the site that looks and functions a lot like the cart at this link:

I basically want the [Buy] button with the {This Photo} option and then the functionality of the cart in the example. It would include the ability to click to [checkout] that page will have to function much like the way this one does. I will provide further details on a few of the functions that will not be required.

The user will then click the [Checkout] link and add their shipping information. This will prepopulate to a paypal integration that will pass the variables to the paypal and the plugin user.

The admin side will include the ability to add your paypal email address and preferred currency. It will also let you add print size, type and price in the setting screen. Then, when you upload photos using the existing plugin, there will be a box that lets you check the print options available for that particular photo.

I can demonstrate much of the requirements with images or from other sites that have similar functionality.

Serious Bidders Only. Include the phrase “Photography Rules” along with your bid or it will not be considered.

Shopping Cart Clone For Wordpr

Shopping Cart Clone For Wordpr
Serious Bidders Only.

This is a complex project so please only bid if you can do the job as described to the quality on the example and within the timeframe of your bid. Projects that run over will not be accepted. The project will be cancelled if it runs over and I will hire a new programmer.

I use a photo plugin that turns my wordpress site into a photography portfolio. I am looking for someone to integrate a shopping cart into the site that looks and functions a lot like the cart at this link:

I basically want the [Buy] button with the {This Photo} option and then the functionality of the cart in the example. It would include the ability to click to [checkout] that page will have to function much like the way this one does. I will provide further details on a few of the functions that will not be required.

The the user click the [Checkout} link and adds their shipping information. This will prepopulate to a paypal integration that will pass the variables to the plugin user.

The admin side will include the ability to add your paypal email address and preferred currency. It will also let you add print size, type and price in the setting screen. Then, when you upload photos using the existing plugin, there will be a box that lets you check the print options available for that particular photo.

I can demonstrate much of the requirements with images or from other sites that have similar functionality.

Serious Bidders Only. Include the phrase “Photography Rules” along with your bid or it will not be considered.


One Project- This involves making 2 account per website provided by myself and put in links as directed by myself. I want back links from approximately 240 websites (240 websites x 2 account per website=480 accounts). For this, I will give you some documents which will tell you how to register with every single website (some of them will work while other sites may not work but you will have enough options to have 240 websites).

Firstly, you will need to create 2 accounts (with 2 different email addresses) with each website as will be directed in the document.

Secondly, for each website after the accounts have been created you have to place in links (the document will tell you how to do this). Approximately 7-15 links per account per site would be required if possible (some sites allow less).This link placement is not difficult as for more than 95% sites all you need to do is copy past the html code (which will be provided by me). To give you an idea I can easily do 15-20 sites every hour i.e. create an account, verify it by clicking on a link in email(not all will require verification), log in and then put in the links in the form of html or sometimes using the WYSIWYG (depending on the site).

Thirdly, after you are done you will need to provide me with the link of the pages where the links are placed (the document lets you know how you can do this as well). Unfortunately that is the only way I can verify that you have done your job. This is a very straightforward job. Ideally you should do this slowly over 10 days although it can be done in 3-5 days. For me you can take upto 30 days as long as the work is done properly.

Facebook Page Fbml

Facebook Page Fbml
For experts with FBML this will be 10 mins job and I need to get this project award ASAP!

Please look at these before you read more:


I need following:

1- Greet User by Name
2- Some Text with Graphics*
3- Some Bullet points*
4- Become Page Fan Button

After the User becomes fan of the page…

5- Some Text with Graphics*
6- Text Link which will slide down the page and revels more text
7- Text Link which will open up a dialog box
8- Button to Join a Group

After the User joins the group…

9- Button to Share the page which will post a news feed on the wall of the user
10- Button which will slide down the page and revels more text
11- Button to do the following:

which will do the following:

<div align=”center” id=”help_button”><a style=”cursor: pointer;” onclick=”showHelp(‘scale’, ‘Widget Help’, ‘’+has_clicked);”><img border=”0″ src=””></a></div>

This will show below div tag

<div align=”center” style=”z-index: 1000000010; position: absolute; width: 100%; display: none;” id=”help_wrap”><div align=”center” style=”background: url("") no-repeat scroll center top transparent; width: 700px; height: 437px;” id=”help_frame”><div style=”color: rgb(93, 93, 93); height: 37px; background-color: transparent;”><div style=”float: right; width: 34px; height: 37px; margin-right: 24px;”><a style=”cursor: pointer;” onclick=”closeHelp(‘blind’);”><img width=”34″ height=”37″ border=”0″ style=”width: 34px; height: 37px; display: inline;” src=””></a></div><div style=”font-family: Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; color: rgb(93, 93, 93); padding-top: 4px;” id=”help_title”>Widget Help</div></div><iframe width=”100%” height=”388″ frameborder=”0″ style=”background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; visibility: hidden; overflow: auto; display: inline;” allowtransparency=”true” src=”″ id=”help_iframe”></iframe><div style=”height: 5px;”></div></div></div>


Just click the Need Help image and you will see how the image & the window popups up, i want the exact thing to happen for pop-up
*- I will user graphic image, please tell me how to do it and I will take care of the rest
**- Please tell me how to include the page backgrounds and all I will take care of it
***- If user is not the fan of page then they will only see 2 to 4

Simple WordPress Registration

Simple WordPress Registration

I’m looking for a simple mod on a wordpress registration functionality. You can use a popular plugin such as ‘Register Plus’ ( or any other registration plugin that has an email confirmation feature (ie. upon registration, it sends a confirmation email, and it needs to be clicked to activate the membership). The mods I’m looking for are:

1. Instead of sending the user to the registration page, it opens a popup for registration/login (ajax style).

2. It will have email, password and confirm password fields.

This is an easy job if you know wordpress. If you can finish it today, I’ll send you the payment as soon as I see it works and leave you a good feedback, and finish up everything in 24 hours.

Thanks for your bid.

Put My Header On An Html Page

Put My Header On An Html Page
I need the header and footer on this page:

(everything above the blog, news, me, search, follow, etc.)

to show up on this page:

I need the double grey bars at the bottom of the border to be the width of the thing on the madness page, and I need it to be centered. I also need a Retweet button near the top of the page that shows the number of retweets that it has received (I have tweetmeme installed on my site)

There will be no wordpress manipulation of my site to get this result, you can take from my site, but there can be no changes made to the wordpress website, this is to be separate from the blog.

I also need the links to be green, don’t think that’s too hard.

A 2000 Words Article Asap

A 2000 Words Article Asap
Hello all,

I need this writing job to be done within 24 hours. before going further please note that Timelines are very strict. This job needs to be completed by friday night EST( I’ll give more details for bidders at the project clarification board).

I nees a 2000 words article “material needs to be researched” about video marketing. In the article you will be talking about video marketing and mentioning some cases ( 1-3 cases) of websites that used video telemarketing and achieved good progress and succes by this. The article should be informative and errors free.

Think about it before delivery. For an experienced writer this wouldn’t be so hard. It is just a simple search and writing. After the timeline, Even if you delivered the work it will be useless to me.

I’m looking for good work passing copyscape and free from grammer and spelling mistakes (USA english). Type the word understood in your bid so i can make sure that you’ve gone through the details. I’m just starting the project so my budget is limited a little so bid accordingly. I’d prefer to get a rate per words or whatever needed for better estimation of the budget. Total bids are welcomed also. There may be future regular work if everything went well.

Thank you and happy bidding,

K. M.