College Profile Article Writer

College Profile Article Writer
Looking for Native English Speaker or skilled writer/researcher for 15
profiles of colleges listed at

Quality standards:

Excellent grammar
No typos
Excellent research
Articles must be written in an easy, friendly tone–these will go on blogs.

All articles must have the following structure in their titles: (rotate among these title templates–5 each since there’s 15 articles total)
Applying to (Name of School)
Getting admitted to (Name of school)
(Name of School) Admissions secrets

Each article must be at least 750 words in length and organized in the following manner. Follow the subheadings:

(SCHOOL)’s claim to fame — discuss what makes this school famous. Discuss it’s history. Discuss it’s awards and international acclaim, if any. 100 words minimum

Degree/Research Specialization — discuss the major research or degree emphasis of the school. List them out with a small description. 150 words minimum

Famous alumni — list them out with a small description each 100 words

Review Summary — List summaries/paraphrase of reviews by blogs or newspapers about the school 100 words (needs link to review source for each review item)

Admission Facts — I need the following listed 50 words
Avg GPA to get in
Avg SAT score to get in
Name and Address of Admissions office
Phone number/email/URL of admissions

How to get into (SCHOOL NAME) 250 words
Rewrite existing admissions tips written about getting admitted to this school. Rewrite admission tips the school itself or its alumni post about getting admitted to this school

Blog Content Articles

Blog Content Articles
I am in need of a reliable writer to provide articles to me on a weekly basis. All articles will be within the green/natural niche. I will provide topics and also several great published articles that need to be re-written or used as a guide for new articles.

Must speak and write good English. All articles must pass CS and be unique to me, never re-sold.

This project today is for 5 articles. (please place your bid for 5 articles of 350-400 words, posibally more depening on how re-written. If your writing is good, I would like to move forward to constant work and will need at least 10 articles per week.

This project is for 5 unique articles on green living. I will provide exact ideas upon selection.
If you can not complete it, do not bid.
Please give an accurate time for completion. Do not quote a time you can not complete under.
Payment will be sent immediately upon completion. You can see from my feedback I always pay, but will not tie my money up in escrows until I know you can do what you say you can.

Article Writer Needed Asap

Article Writer Needed Asap
I am in need of a reliable writer to provide articles to me on a weekly basis. All articles will be within the green/natural niche. I will provide topics and also several great published articles that need to be re-written or used as a guide for new articles.

Must speak and write good English. All articles must pass CS and be unique to me, never re-sold.

This project today is for 5 articles. (please place your bid for 5 articles of 350-400 words, posibally more depening on how re-written. If your writing is good, I would like to move forward to constant work and will need at least 10 articles per week.

This project is for 5 unique articles on green living. I will provide exact ideas upon selection.
If you can not complete it, do not bid.
Please give an accurate time for completion. Do not quote a time you can not complete under.
Payment will be sent immediately upon completion. You can see from my feedback I always pay, but will not tie my money up in escrows until I know you can do what you say you can.

Car Rental Website

Car Rental Website
Hi all,

I am looking for someone that can provide a car rental website for me. As I don’t have enough time to do one myself for a friend I am enlisting the help of someone on ScriptLance.

The website will be a static content website with a list of the cars and their prices in an easy to navigate system preferably keeping the actual website display to a minimum and using hidden divs with links.

Attached is an idea that I had for the site, but it is missing something. Either you can fix up the design or start your own one.

The current website is located at:

Additional information can be provided on request.


Flash Banner Using Webcam

Flash Banner Using Webcam

We need someone to code a flash banner ad (we will provide all PSDs) which will allow user to capture their face on webcam, and this image will be captured on screen and if user is happy with it, submit to send to admin via server side email script.


We will provide all images, but will need your coding, and the email script.

Please quote time / cost and send similar samples using webcam.


Clone Smarty Template Simple 2

Clone Smarty Template Simple 2
I own a copy of i want a template done that lookes like just a different color. I have a demo template file that you can use as reference also if you want you can download a 15day free trial of the script so you can see how it works etc….

please don’t bid if you “think” you can do this i need skilled provider.

Win a Copy of Rockable’s Latest eBook, ‘How to Write Great Copy for the Web’

Win a Copy of Rockable’s Latest eBook, ‘How to Write Great Copy for the Web’

Today we’ve got three copies of the new eBook from Rockable and FreelanceSwitch, How to Write Great Copy for the Web, to give away. Entering takes seconds, just leave a comment below and three lucky people will be selected.

Win How to Write Great Copy for the Web

    How to Write Great Copy for the Web Cover
  • About the Book

    How to Write Great Copy for the Web is the latest book from Rockable Press. You may not know this, but Rockable is Envato’s book publishing house! This book takes a concise and practical approach to writing fantastic copy for any website.

    Ever been asked to write the copy for a website you’re working and had to say no because you aren’t a copywriter? Or maybe you did it for your client and weren’t happy with the final product? How to Write Great Copy for the Web will teach you how to add web copy writing to your skill set, maximizing your billable hours.

    This book will also help you write great copy for your portfolio or blog, to impress potential clients.

From the blurb: “In How to Write Great Copy for the Web, author Donna Spencer will help you start writing content for the web that works! Learn about how writing web copy differs from other forms of writing, and how writing useful, functional and concise copy can both help persuade your readers, and also help with search engine optimization!

Whether it’s for your own site, or for somebody else, How to Write Great Copy for the Web will quickly bring you up to speed with some clever strategies that will make you popular with your site’s visitors, or with your clients!”

How to Enter

For your chance to win one of the three books all you need to do is leave a comment below. Be sure to include your correct email address so that we can get in touch. The competition is open to anyone but you need to have entered by 12am March 18th AEST.

Want a Free Book? Join the Rockin’ List

Afraid you might not win? Sign up to the Rockin’ List to get the discount code for $5 off this great book and stay up to date with the latest Rockable news. You also get a free copy of Rockstar Personal Branding when you subscribe!

Decode Base 64 Php Files

Decode Base 64 Php Files
i look for somebody who can be able to decrypte my 15 files coded in php.

File example:

<? require “resources/db/password.php”; require “resources/db/questions.php”; require “resources/inc/utils.php”; require “resources/inc/mysql.php”; ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “”> <html xmlns=””> <head> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″ /> <title><?=base64_decode($DFA230BCF4D1A74EF030C65B9385BFBEEY)?></title> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”resources/styles.css” type=”text/css” /> </head> <body> <div id=”wrap”> <div class=”header”> <div class=”title”> <h1><a href=”#”><?=base64_decode($DFA230BCF4D1A74EF030C65B9385BFBEEY)?></a></h1> <h2>  <?=base64_decode($D44458C20948D246D775020127353F949Y)?></h2> </div> <div class=”nav”> <ul> <li><a href=”index.php”>Home</a></li> <li><a href=”about.php”>About Us</a></li> <li><a href=”faq.php”>FAQ</a></li> <li><a href=”mailto:<?=base64_decode($D4C9A943073587715F5A6B60A3B260427Y)?>”>Contact Us</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class=”clear”></div> </div> <div class=”pagewrapper”> <div class=”innerpagewrapper”> <div class=”page”> <div class=”content”> <form method=’post’ action=’screenshot.php’> <fieldset> <legend>Enter website address</legend> <p> http:// <input value='<?=$_POST[‘url’]?>’ class=’input’ name=’url’/> <input class=’button’ type=’submit’ value=’Take Screenshot’/> </p> </fieldset> </form> <h3>FAQ</h3> Type some informations about website here… </div> <div class=”footer”> <p> &copy 2010 by <?=base64_decode($DFA230BCF4D1A74EF030C65B9385BFBEEY)?>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

Facebook Api Post Wall 2

Facebook Api Post Wall 2
I want in php when a button is click it will post on the users facebook wall some text with a url link for others to see

This was taken from a job you did:

Status: Closed (Chosen Programmer: snapfire; Paid + bonus; Rated 10 out of 10)
Budget: $10-15
Created: 12/22/2009 at 22:50 EST
Closed: 12/23/2009 at 7:32 EST
Project Creator: jeanc
Description: I want in php when a button is click it will post on the users facebook wall some text with a url link for others to see

Job Type: PHP

Theme Development 2

Theme Development 2
Wanting themes developed for

Note that there is a theme / css editor on the site and themes should be created through this editor and submitted to the gallery.

To take a look, please sign up at, create a new network and then click ‘Theme manager’.

Would ideally like 4 or 5 themes creating and submitting to the gallery. Themes do not have to be original and can be ports of other cms themes.

Please indicate that you understand the method of creating themes in your bids.



WordPress Plugin-amazon E ( 3

WordPress Plugin-amazon E ( 3
i want worpress plugin which posts amazon, ebay, youtube, overstock and custom rss feeds to wordpress blog.
it should be completely written by you. compatiable to latest wordpress. Easy to use in any themes. Easy seo implementation.
This plugin should be written by you.
I want complete ownership to this plugin , i including author name as mine. I can distribute free, or sell. . You cannot sell this plugin to others.
i will give more details to selcted programmers.

Jooma Site Fixes

Jooma Site Fixes
I need a fax site that has been made to have a control panel that is like my(remove_this) The site it made and 85% of the control panel is made, but I need to change the look of the control panel to look like my(remove_this) and have the progess bars that site has.

The site is www.fax(remove_this) login using admin and password 123456 after you login go to the bottom of the page and click on the control panel.

So this job will require programming and design. I’m willing to pay $150 more because I need it done in 2 days or less. So I’m willing to pay $250 ($100 more for the short time frame).