WordPress Website Clone

WordPress Website Clone
I am looking for a clone of http://crazythingsparentssay.com/.

This is a 3 column WordPress layout with a google adsense/or banner spot at the very top (768×90) one at the very top right (336×280)
and then a few spots for skyscraper type banners or adsense on the right hand side column.

I need the header to be changeable (top graphic) and require the same thumbs up and voting system. Obviously there has to be a way to admin the website like a regular WordPress blog.

Each post needs to have the ‘social buttons underneath like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon & Reddit..

It should have the ability to post a picture or embed a video instead of a text post.

Here is another example of a website: http://engrishfunny.com

I like all the available spaces for ad banners and advertisements.


*This is a simple job for someone who know WordPress design well-and shouldn’t be a big project!


10 Features to Look Forward to in WordPress 3.0

10 Features to Look Forward to in WordPress 3.0

WordPress 3.0 is scheduled to be released within the next 30-60 days. There are some great new features coming, including custom post types, a new default theme, and a menu manager. Read on to find out what to expect in version three!

1. Choose your Username and Password

You’ll encounter new features as soon as you start! Currently, when you first install WordPress, you are assigned a default username of admin, and a randomly generated password. No more – now WordPress lets you choose a username and password when installing.

What does this mean for us?

This means that security within WordPress has been enhanced. Previously, a hacker could probably depend on the fact that there was a username called ‘admin’. This will no longer be the case in version three. Read any tutorial on securing WordPress – you will always be told to remove the admin username. You no longer need to!

2. New Default Theme!

WordPress 3.0 comes with a new default theme, called TwentyTen (2010, like the current year – go figure). Apparently, the WP team has an aim to release a new default theme every year! TwentyTen is a nice theme. The main typeface used is Georgia; it has two columns, with a widgetized sidebar and footer – and it even has some nice dropdown menus built in! Needless to say, custom header and background (new feature) functions are also available.

What does this mean for us?

We start off with a nice new theme, and bloggers have more options to try out before they start looking for themes. More options are always helpful, right?

3. Custom Background Support

WordPress 3.0 adds custom background support. Add the code below to your functions.php to make your theme support it:


Once that’s done, you’ll see an option called Background added under Appearance in the WordPress admin. This will allows you to upload a header image and customize it.

What does this mean for us?

This doesn’t really mean much to advanced theme developers, since they often provide an option like this themselves. Nevertheless, I have no doubt that the WordPress community will come up with some creative use for this.

4. Multi-site Capabilities and WPMU Codebase Merge

WordPress and WPMU (WordPress MultiUser) are merging their codebases. This makes it much easier to handle large WordPress networks. See the Multi-Site settings under Settings>Network.

What does this mean for us?

A lot! A network of WordPress sites is much easier to maintain – either with a subdomain.domain.com structure, or a domain.com/subdirectory structure. This network capability is optional, and WordPress and WPMU users shouldn’t face any difficulties while upgrading. Also, this makes it easier for WPMU users to utilize plugins – no more plugins that go bust or stop working.

5. Custom Post Types

A great new feature! Before, all you could add from the WordPress admin section was new posts and pages. Now, you can create new post types to show up. Add the following code to create a new post type called ‘Portfolio’:

function post_type_portfolio() {
	register_post_type( 'Portfolio',
                array( 'label' => __('Portfolio'), 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => true ) );
	register_taxonomy_for_object_type('post_tag', 'Portfolio');

add_action('init', 'post_type_portfolio');

What does this mean for us?

Quite simply, it means WordPress has become much more of a CMS(Content Management System). This holds unlimited possibilites for theme developers, and reduces the need to fiddle around with custom fields.

6. Custom Taxonomies

Custom taxonomies have been made easier to use, as well as hierarchical – which means you could have a taxonomy called ‘Rating’, with sub-taxonomies like PG-13, R , U etc.

What does this mean for us?
It means that WordPress is moving more and more from a blog-type CMS with effort required for better capabilities to a much more flexible and usable Content Management System.

7. Easy Menu Management

This is my favorite new feature in WordPress 3.0 – a menu manager. It’s developed by WooThemes’ WooNav, and I absolutely love it. You can create multiple menus, categories, and even custom external or internal links! The menu feature even comes with a default widget to add to any widget ready area – awesome, isn’t it?

What does this mean for us?

On the surface, this provides us a great UI (user interface) for adding new menus, it simplifies the job of WordPress theme developers and makes things as simple as possible for users. Benearth the surface, there is a lot more – this marks a point where commercial WordPress theme developers join hands with WordPress and contribute to it. A win-win situation for both, and an incentive to continue working.

8. A Bunch of Other Smaller Features

  • Welcome guide:Allegedly, WordPress 3.0 will be including a guide with it which helps users to know the system better and teach them basic usage.
  • Specific author templates: We already have hierarchy for categories and tags like category-{slug}.php followed by category-{id}.php in the Template Hierarchy, but now you can do the same for authors. So, if the author name was ‘Rohan’ with id 1, WordPress would first look for author-rohan.php, then author-1.php before author.php in the template files for display.
  • Media UI redeign: Started, but not implemented in WordPress 2.9, the Media tab in the admin panel may get a UI redesign


The screenshots and features that I’ve written about here are taken from the most recent nightly build. You may want to try it out yourself, though keep in mind that it’s still unstable. Nevertheless, WordPress is evolving at a rate no one could have predicted, and is fully morphing into a powerful and flexible CMS.

Magento Ecommerce Project

Magento Ecommerce Project
I need a eCommerce developer who has actual experienced and is familiar with eCommerce platform Magento. If you are not an expert in Magento extensively, do not apply.

The job is: Customize the front end look and feel for a B to B site. We will provide graphics and template mockups, but we need to get it up and running as soon as possible. So we want to use the basic Magento framwork as much as possible. (The store is small and for less than 100 items for members only limited store. We do not sell to public. Visual merchandizing is not important.)

The back-end data base will be handled by myself. (I am a computer scientist)

The whole project is very well spelled out in detai in our proejct specs, you only need to provide the front end pages per our graphics to be provided to you.
I think it may take about 20 hours.
Specifiy how soon you can do it. If you are an expert individual devloper or a large company which will assing it to an expert.

Usps Tracking Custom Script

Usps Tracking Custom Script
I need a simple php script.
Its related to USPS Track and Confirm.

What I need is a big text field, where I can post over 50 tracking numbers (example of field http://www.mnr-tech.net/track/form.html)

The tracking numbers shall be posted in this style separated by enters:


Once you submit the script will automatically check the status of all the trackings (most of them will already be delivered).

I want the script to make different boxes, separating all the trackings by the zip code where it was delivered.

So for example this tracking:

4203 3122 9101 1501 3471 1102 2949 81
Your item was delivered at 2:42 PM on March 13, 2010 in MIAMI, FL 33122.

You see the zip code of delivery was 33122.

All other information is irrelevant to me, the ONLY information I need is the zip codes.

So for example the result will be.

[ 33122 ] [ 33139 ] [ 33136 ] <- Zip codes
[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ 33 ] [ 10 ] [ 7 ] <- Number of trackings per zip code

I also want the boxes to be click able, when you click on the box it takes you to a page where it shows you all the trackings for that zip code, so for example you click 33122

Tracking numbers for 33122

420331229102076346530675020927 – 33122
420331229102105280940478552174 – 33122
420331229101010521297748702787 – 33122
420331229102105280940478455376 – 33122
420331229101805213907434447569 – 33122

All the tracking being search have already been delived.

Magento Color Swatch Products

Magento Color Swatch Products
I need a Magento extension developed that does the following:

I have a product that is available in many colors, for example a lipstick. I would like to have one product page (configurable product?) that has all the colors the product is available in shown. The colors are specified in the admin page for each product, as RGB values. I must be able to specify the quantity available for each color.

Basically you can see exactly what I want at Macy’s page – check this link, for example : http://www1.macys.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=308985&CategoryID=8742

Need Writers From India

Need Writers From India
We need freelance writers who reside in India. Need to write 12 articles each week. Each article needs a little research for close to an hour. Need people with good English writing skills. Prefer people from hyderabad, Bangalore or chennai as we need to have phone conversations weekly basis.

Please bid with your monthly rate for this freelance job opportunity.

Magento Product Feed Upload

Magento Product Feed Upload

I have a 3rd party supplier product feed in text format with about 20k products along with the relevant product images which I need uploaded to Magento.

I can provide feed location if you need more info, please PM.

If you also know of a way to automate this process on a frequent basis this would be even better.

For a Magento expert this would be a quick job only taking a few hours max.

Please get back to me with your suggested method +

– Examples of your previous work with Magento showing your expertise
– Your location
– Your cost
– Timeline to complete work


Joomla Pages

Joomla Pages
I currently have a Joomla Website I have Done.

The client has an old site with some important stuff.

On the new site I have a button called “Attorneys”
When they click on that I need it to go to a page that they have (copy and paste)

I need to have all the attorneys added to the drop down menu

– Attorneys Home
– Attorney #1
– Attorney #2
– Attorney #3

All this is copy and paste from the old website. I need it to be able to do all that it does.

I also need:

– Demo
– Demo 1
– Careers (copy and paste)

There might be more to do on the nav.

Joomsocial Photo Tag Mods 2

Joomsocial Photo Tag Mods 2
This is a modification to Joomsocial (1.5.248) on Joomla (1.5.15) and a Component called SIMGallery. SIMGallery allows for photo tagging of users, the settings can be changed from allowing registered users to tag photos or not, users can only tag their friends on their own photos.

This project needs to do the following:
– Ability to ONLY allow ADMINs to Tag photos, even if they don’t have a friendship with any user on the site.
– Admin can tag users either by username or email. Setting can be done on the admin side.

This is what we need for now, let us know if you can do it. Only experience programers please.


Copy And Paste 215 Description

Copy And Paste 215 Description

We have minor edits to do to an xml document. This is a simple cut and paste data entry project. You will need to use notepad for this project. We will send you the necessary files needed for this project

You need to be accurate and give us a list of any problems you had so we can check them.

You must use Yahoo IM OR Skype Chat for immediate communications.

This project includes:

1. Exchange Yahoo or Skype Chat info and time zone info.

2. Review the list of edits.

3. Ask any questions you have by IM or Skype Chat.

4. Make the edits to ONE record, and IM or Skype Chat us as soon as you are done so we can check it.

5. Make the edits to the rest of the document, CHECK IT CAREFULLY AGAINST THE ORIGINAL TEXT RECEIVED, and deliver it by email when it is done.

6. We will check your work and see if you missed anything in your check of the pages. We do pay bonuses for work that is correct the first time! If you missed anything we need you to correct it quickly.

THIS PROJECT IS READY TO START NOW. Please do not bid if you cannot start immediately.

Please post a PMB if you have any questions! See our reviews for excellent communications, fast payment.

Need Active Users For Website

Need Active Users For Website

Hosting website needs active users.
We have some directory names and you will submit to them. Also, you will post in forums, websites etc. Generally, you will find where to post and submit.
This will be ongoing. The more users you find, the more money you earn. But, the users who don’t use the service actively will not be counted.
Preference will be given to experienced individuals. Please bid per 100 users.

Happy bidding,

Data Gathering / Entry

Data Gathering / Entry

Hello, I would like someone to assist in gathering / grabbing data of celebrities and thier current information. Attached to this request is an excel sheet showing the fields that are required for this project.

The fields are:

First name
Last name
Business Address (multiple Addresses)
Source Link

The images should be named to match the serial numbers (see excel)

Facebook/twitter Follow People

Facebook/twitter Follow People


This is a simple quick project that could turn into many more projects.

Basically I need you to follow several hundred people and do some things to help build the fan base on Twitter and Facebook.

We already have these accounts and networks set up so all you will be doing is following people with the specific criteria I give you so we have a lot of people follow us back.

Also, let me know if you have any experience with this, building social media followers in general, that would be helpful.

