My Wp Blog Not Working Right

My Wp Blog Not Working Right
My blog;

comes up and looks okay, I’m still creating it.

Click on any of the pages and an error 404 page not found comes up. It will only show that first page. This is my very first blog and I can’t figure out what I’ve done wrong.

Also, I’d like this banner

put in the header left justified. When I’ve done it, it wants to make it fit and I only want it on the left.

Changes To Graphic And Wrdpres

Changes To Graphic And Wrdpres
Hi I have a website that I need 3 changes on one is the graphic, I need the menu item removed called articulos from the top ofthe header image, I also need it removed from the side panel in wordpress.

If possible I would like to reduce the header image/ graphic so it takes up less space, if possible I understand that there could be some issues by reducing it but if it can be reduced even a little that would be great.

The website is

Clone Simple Ecommerce Store

Clone Simple Ecommerce Store
We are seeking an experienced developer who can build a site for us based off an existing site. The site is very simple, and has a few static pages, a flash sideshow gallery, and a simple shopping cart.

If possible, we would like for it to be built with existing codebases, so that we can do this quickly and effeciently. Perhaps OScommerce can be used for the ecommerce part if possible.

Needs to use PayPal as the payment processor.

Need to have CMS for the static pages of the site. This can be WordPress or something else simple.

Need asap, please bid appropriately and ask questions via PMB. The site url can be found in the attached text document.

Business Card Editor Tool 2

Business Card Editor Tool 2

My current Business Card Editor does not work

I am wanting one similar too’s editor

I will need it very nice looking!

I will need it integrated with rest of site through the checkout process.

Please ask if you have any questions.

Writing – Bridal Related

Writing – Bridal Related
I have been in the wedding industry for many years and write all my own material. But not having enough hours in the day, I am in need of someone to help me write articles.

I am looking for a lady that can write material as though she is an expert in the topic. I am not looking for fluff to fill pages. I will provide the exact topics to the winner of the posting.

The articles need to be researched and I am not interested in keyword stuffing.

Right now, I need ten (10) articles approximately 300-350 words each.

I will most likely choose more than one writer for this assignment.

Thank you for viewing this project.

Magento Website

Magento Website
I need a Magento Ecommerce Expert to develop my B2C website. I will provide a layered .psd to be used for the design. The site will consist of a basic store (homepage, dynamic category page, dynamic product page)

The site will also include the following integrations:

1) for user reviews on product page
2) Google earth integration. I need to be able to add a .kmz file to each item in the back end. The .kmz needs to be displayed using the google earth plugin
3) custom fields need to be added to each item on the back end.
4) Other slight modifications that can be seen on the design file.
5) Use the lazzymonk plugin to integrate a wordpress blog. (

I will provide you with:

1) A full layered .psd file to be used for full design
2) A .csv file with all items and information

Joomla Component Needed

Joomla Component Needed
Hello Freelancers,
This is Santa again with another project.
This time i am in need of someone to help us build a component to Joomla with a integrated Flash or Javascript editor.I am reposting this project as my previous programmer didnt even responding my mail and not yet provided anything related to this project even after six please make sure that you can create this editor before bidding.

The basics idea with the component is to publish and administrate Ads.
The idea with the Flash/JS editor is to create Ads that then will be exported as a .jpg and administrated by the component.

With a external flashfile (also refer as the module) we want to be able to show the Ads on other websites.

You should possess the following skills:
Good skills in Joomla (and PHP),Flash or Javascript and the GUI must be web 2.0

You can see the project description attached.
Please go through the requirement throughly before you place any bid.

Please understand the project exactly and place you bids according to that.This will help both of us save time and money.

I am sure there are good programmers here in scriptlance who can convert this idea into reality.

Inviting Bid from programmers who have good feedback and have similar experience.


Best Regards
Note:This is a well paid project.So only serious people needs to bid.Time wasters please excuse 🙂

Seo Content Article Writing

Seo Content Article Writing
There are 2 parts to this project:

I would like to have 5 pieces of writing done for the following topics:

1. Tibet Tibetan Jewelry

2. Nepal Nepalese Jewelry

3. India Indian Jewelry

4. China Chinese Jewelry

5. Asia Asian Jewelry

You should search keywords and see what comes up on the first two pages on google. And, you will have to look for other related keywords such as the material s and styles and names that are related to those jewelries.

Other keywords that are needed to be included in the writings: rings, bracelet, necklace, earrings, pendant.

Each piece of writing should be around 1000 words. So, 5 topics would be 5000 words, altogether.

I need you to add some of content on and link our site with those content to wikipedia as the source of reference.

1. Everything should be completed within 10 days, upon the start of the project.
2. You cannot copy content straight from other website. You can only rewrite the content form other websites. We will google your writings to make sure they are not identical with other sites.
3. We reserve the rights to ask you to rewrite the articles if the keyword density and the related jewelry information are not good.

Thanks for your interest in this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you!

Magento Display Sub Categories

Magento Display Sub Categories
I need some one to setup my Magento B store to display Subcategory name and link with 4 to 8 sub category products example

In Category1 page i want it to display like this;
– Sub-category 1a(1b with name and link)
– Product 1 from Sub-category 1a
– Product 2 from Sub-category 1a
– Sub-category (1b with name and link)
– Product 1 from Sub-category 1b
– Product 2 from Sub-category 1b


The store is small and less than 1000 items. We have a theme working with the products all ready added

I think it may take about 5 hours.
Specifiy how soon you can do it.

Here is a thread that discuss how to do this, i am unable to get it to work and willing to pay someone to finish it for me

I need a eCommerce developer who has actual experienced and is familiar with eCommerce platform Magento. If you are not an expert in Magento extensively, do not apply.
If you are an expert individual developer or a large company which will assign it to an expert.

Professional Joomla Template

Professional Joomla Template
Professional, clean, static website template to be built on Joomla platform.

3 page variations to include contact us form, blog and general content.

Needs to be built from scratch no pre-made templates thanks.

Will need at least one non-dynamic banner. Will provide logo.


Send examples of 3 or more JOOMLA sites you have built.

Looking for high standard, sharp work. Reliability, excellent attention to detail and communication.

More projects available to the right candidate.

Write &G* as the first word of your bid. Only bids with this first word AND their JOOMLA site examples will be considered.

Thank you.

Custom Php Registration /pol 2

Custom Php Registration /pol 2
I am looking for a custom php script registration/poll script to be built and installed that allows us dynamically add to or edit survery/registration form. This means that we will be able to add new questions to the registration form and choose whether they are text fields, drop downs, check boxes or radio buttons added to the form and whether those options appear in the poll or not as well as thier order in the list..

For example:

In the admin panel we need buttons to “add” and “edit” or “remove” Fields.

We could click an add a new field button. This would then allow us to choose whether we want a text field, text box, drop down, radio button group or a check box group. If we choose dropdown, radio, or check box group a field will come up allowing us to name the field group. Then we can add as many of dropdown, radio or check box variables to the field that we want and give their value and name.

If we add a text field or a text box we would have the option to name the text field or text box. These can be a set size to simplify things.

When we add or edit fields whether they are text boxes, text fields, dropdowns, radio button groups, or check box groups, we also need to be able to organize them in order using a dynamic drop down box that would give us the choice to put them in the order such as “at the top” and “below name field” and “below address field” or whatever fields we have already created.

When we add checkbox, dropdown, or radio button fields in the add or edit field page in the admin panel it will also give us a little check box that will allow this field group to be included in the poll. If we check that box when creating a new field group it would calculate the totals and show the data in poll data output page.

When we have this form the way we want it, via the administration panel, we will make it visible on the site for people to register.

When someone fills out the form it would store the register users information in a database. When someone registers it will use captcha to cut down on spam entries.

As mentioned above, second part of this will be an poll output or data page. This will display the poll calculations. This page will show dynamic bar or pie graphs that show the totals for the “Poll fields”. So not every field is included in the poll just the fields that we select when creating or editing them. Each field will have it’s own pie graph. For example if we create a field that says “how did you hear about us?” The radio buttons or dropdowns we choose to add may be tv, google, a friend, etc.. That will mean on the poll data page it will show a pie graph or bar graph that shows all the options that people have selected for the field. So if no one selects “google” in the poll, then google will not show up in the pie graph or bar graph. The only things that people select in the poll will appear in the bar or pie graph. It will need to give exact percentage totals for each choice for that field group.


Once someone registers it is recorded to a database. We would like a page that displays all the registrations and sort them by the text fields added to the registration form in the order they display on the registration form. Text boxes and the poll fields are not included in this. We need this to show them sorted in a table. If we click a field at the top it will sort in alphebetical order according to that field.. So if we click the last name text field it will sort users by last name. Once someone registers we would also get an email notification. One of the fields we will add in the admin panel for sure is an email field. If someone registers with the same email more than one it will send the email notification to us but it will not add their duplicate entry in the registration database.. Rather it will record how many times they registered. So if someone registers with the same email 10 times they were only added to the database the first time and sent to us in an email. The additional times they register it would only come to us in a email notification. The email notification will mention that this is a repeat entry and how many times that email address has registered.

When someone fills out the form, we may go to a confirmation page or we may have them go to the poll results page. The poll results page will not only show the calculated totals for the poll fields but also give a running total of how many total registrations there are in the database. If we edit the fields in the registration /poll form, it will show the new results on the poll data output page.

I am looking for someone who knows what they are doing–an expert in php and mysql databases. I need someone who speaks english and is willing to use msn messenger to communication as questions arise.

We don’t need a specific design for the site. But I will show you the layout of how we want the form, the admin panel and the poll data output page to appear. In addition, the form and the poll data output pages will have a header and footer include so that I can add my own template design later.

Please do not bid on this if you are a beginner or cannot speak good english. Please be honest about your completion dates.

Update Phpbb Style Code

Update Phpbb Style Code
I need someone experienced with the phpBB message board software to help me update an outdated STYLE for the current phpBB version.

The style I want to use is based on phpBB’s PROSILVER and is updated only for the 3.0.0 version of phpBB. The current version of phpBB is 3.0.7-PL1 — find info about phpBB here:

I need help only with the text updates, css and html code, and/or phpBB scripting code in the text files. I will do any graphics files editing myself.

Also if possible I would like the style code to be cleaned up — I noticed some errors in it myself (even tho I am not very experienced with css) and I found some un-needed graphics files included in the style’s package. I would like to end up with an updated, fully working and *clean* style set for the current phpBB version in order to make it as easy to maintain in the future as possible.

The style I want to have updated is called “SemiGreen” and it can be viewed and/or downloaded here:

Note it is NOT available from the ‘official’ phpBB styles database, since it has been removed due to being outdated and abandoned.

Thanks in advance for all interest 🙂