Long Term – Wp-php Developer

Long Term – Wp-php Developer
Great PHP developer with expertise and vast experience in WordPress plugin development.

Hhould have design expertise only to make sure that when they layout the websites they take care of the aesthetics and deliver a great product to the client, the first time.

Should be reliable and deliver on time. communicative.

Keep in touch regularly and updte on the progress using our project management tool without having to follow up.

If you can meet above please contact us through pmb, thanks

Article Writing & Submission

Article Writing & Submission
I need 10 articles written. Writer must be able to submit articles to article directories such as Ezine, Go articles, Buzzle etc.

The articles should be between 400 and 600 words. Will be checked for plagiarism, no rewrites, article must be original.
If you write the articles with poor grammar, I will not accept these articles at all. I need these to be written in perfect American English.

If you plagiarize or copy articles from the internet, you will not receive payment as well. Articles must pass CopyScape. Additionally, I use other software to check the originality of work, thus it’s pretty hard to cheat the system.

I will provide the keywords that are to be focused on for this project.

Please submit your quotes quickly as I will need more than 200 articles in future. I am looking for someone I can work with long term.

Please PMB me with a sample of your writing so I can get a feel for your style.

Let me know your best offer to get this project completed – lowest offers will get priority!

How to Create a Simple iTunes-like Slider

How to Create a Simple iTunes-like Slider

When space is at a premium, making use of sliders is the optimal way to present information. Today, we’ll take a look at how to create a slider similar to the one used in the iTunes store.

iTunes Version

Developers often seek the functionality provided by sliders in order to fit lots of information in the space provided. But creating such a slider is not as difficult as you might think. With a little planning and some experimenting, you can create one rather quickly.

I believe a demo is worth a thousand words. Hit the demo and try it out yourselves.

Interested? Let’s get started right away!

Design Goals

Before we start coding, here are a few goals for this widget.

  • Minimize the space taken up by images by making the slideshow’s dimensions the same size of a single image and then fading between them.
  • Provide a vertical carousel of images on the side showing upcoming images.
  • Provide a method to manually move the carousel and the slideshow forward. In this instance, we make use of a simple anchor element.
  • On the carousel, the top most image is the next in line and will be displayed when the next button is clicked.
  • Minimize DOM manipulation as much as possible. That’s not to say we aren’t going to touch the DOM, it’s just that we aren’t going to meddle with the DOM too much.

Plan of Action

There are actually a handful of techniques to make a widget like this. For our purposes today, I’m going to stick with a technique which adheres to a saying:

When in doubt, use brute force.

Step 1: Setup the CSS for the gallery container so that all the main images collapse into taking the space of a single image. I’ll explain this point later below.

Step 2: Setup the CSS for the thumbnail container so that only three images are visible at once.

Step 3: Cycle through the images and assign a class to each thumbnail and image with a numeric index to identify each independently. For example, each image gets a class of thumb-xx where xx is a number.

Step 4: When the next button is clicked, move the carousel one thumbnail up and then display the thumbnail’s corresponding image.

These are the basic steps involved in creating such an effect. I’ll explain each step in detail as we go along.

Step 1: Core Markup

The HTML markup for the demo page looks like so:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-GB">
		<title>iTunes slider</title>
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />

    	<div id="container">
        	<h1>Create a simple iTunes-esque slider with jQuery</h1>
		<div>by Siddharth for the lovely folks at Net Tuts</div>
		<p>A simple slider/slideshow which mostly emulates the one on iTunes barring a few changes. Click the down button to cycle the images.</p> 

		<div id="gallery">
    		   <img src="img/1.jpg" />
    		   <img src="img/2.jpg" />
    		   <img src="img/3.jpg" />
    		   <img src="img/4.jpg" />
            	   <img src="img/5.jpg" />
            	   <img src="img/6.jpg" />

                <div id="thumbs">
    	   	   <img src="img/11.jpg" />
    		   <img src="img/22.jpg" />
    		   <img src="img/33.jpg" />
    		   <img src="img/44.jpg" />
            	   <img src="img/55.jpg" />
            	   <img src="img/66.jpg" />

        	<a href="#" id="next"></a>

	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/mocha.js"></script>


Disregarding the boiler plate code, we have two container elements full of images: one for the main gallery images and one for the thumbnails. I’ve given an ID to both of them so they can be easily accessed from the JavaScript. We also include an anchor element which acts as the next button.

We include the jQuery library and our own script file at the end.

At the end of this stage, our demo page looks like just a list of images.

Tutorial Image

Step 2: CSS Styling

	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	border: 0 none;
	outline: 0;

	font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Verdana", sans-serif;
	font-size: 12px;

	margin: 20px 0 40px 0;

	font-size: 30px;
	font-family: "Myriad Pro", "Lucida Grande", "Verdana", sans-serif;
	padding: 0;
	margin: 0;

	font-size: 20px;

	width: 900px;
	margin-left: auto;
	margin-right: auto;
	padding: 50px 0 0 0;
	position: relative;

	display: block;

#gallery, #thumbs{
	float: left;

	width: 800px;
	height: 300px;
	overflow: hidden;

#gallery img{
	position: absolute;

	width: 100px;
	height: 300px;
	overflow: hidden;

	display: block;
	width: 47px;
	height: 43px;
	background: url(img/arrow.png);
	position: relative;
	top: 257px;
	left: 855px;

	background: url(img/arrowmo.png);

	clear: both;

The CSS is pretty self explanatory but there are a couple of points I want you to take note of:

First up, notice that I’ve applied position: absolute to #gallery img. This makes sure that the images are stacked on top of each other instead of one below the other. This way we can later manipulate their opacity to decide which image to show.

Secondly, notice that the thumbs element has its height set to 300px. This is because the thumbnails in the demo are 100px tall each and I want the carousel to show 3 images at once. Essentially, for your own implementation, multiply the height of a thumbnail by the number of thumbnails you want to show at once to find the required height of the element.

Also, take note of the fact that we’ve set its overflow property to hidden to make sure no more than 3 thumbnails are shown at once.

After we’ve styled our slider, it looks like the image below. Notice that almost everything is in place. The last image is stacked at the top and is thus visible.

Tutorial Image

Step 3: JavaScript Implementation

Now that we have a solid framework and some basic styling in place, we can begin coding the required functionality. Note that we make extensive use of jQuery. Feel free to link to Google’s CDN if necessary.

Procuring the Elements and Prepping them

We first need to acquire the images and their corresponding thumbnails so that we can process them.

	var images = $("#gallery img");
	var thumbs = $("#thumbs img");
        var index = 0;

The above snippet will take care of obtaining the list of images and thumbnails, and storing them for later use. We also create a variable called index to denote which element to start from. For now, I’m setting it to start from the first element. Note that index is zero based.

	for (i=0; i<thumbs.length; i++)

Next, we just iterate through both the lists and and add a class of thumb-xx or image-xx to each element where xx is a number. This lets us look for each individual thumbnail or image independently.

Hooking up the Handler

We now need to create an event handler and attach it to the next button so that we can do something when the button is clicked.


The one liner above will take care of that. Essentially, we ask it to call the sift function everytime next is clicked.

function sift()
		if (index<(thumbs.length-1)) {index+=1 ; }
		else {index=0}
		show (index);

This is a very simple event handler actually. We just check to see what element is currently selected. If it is the last, we reset the index so the carousel goes back to the first element, thus creating a pseudo infinite carousel. Otherwise, we increment index by 1.

Next, we call the function show, passing in the index variable as a parameter. We’ll create the function in a bit.

Step 4: Implementing the Core Logic

function show(num)
		var scrollPos = (num+1)*imgHeight;
		$("#thumbs").stop().animate({scrollTop: scrollPos}, 400);

The show function implements the core functionality of this widget. Let me explain each part.

First, we fade out every image the gallery element contains. Next, we fade in just the required image making use of its class. Since each image can be accessed through its class and we have access to the positional index of the image, we just use the following selector: “.image-”+num

Next, we need to scroll the thumbnail element so that the required image is at the top of the carousel. There are two ways to go on about doing this.

The first method makes use of jQuery’s position property. This lets us find the element’s position relative to its parent element. Unfortunately, I’ve been running into quite a few problems with it and Chrome which means we’ll have to use our second method.

The next method is actually just as simple. Since we can easily obtain the height of a thumbnail and since each thumbnail is required to be of the same height, we can easily just find the product of the nth element’s position in the list and the height of a thumbnail to obtain its offset from the top.

var imgHeight = thumbs.attr("height");

The above line lets us obtain a thumbnail’s height. Remember that a collection of elements can be queried just like a normal element.

var scrollPos = (num+1)*imgHeight;

We now calculate the offset of the thumbnail we need. Since we need the thumbnail of the next element in the list and not of that image itself, we increment it by 1 before multiplying it by the height.

With all this info, we can now scroll the element to the height we need.

$("#thumbs").stop().animate({scrollTop: scrollPos}, 400);

We use jQuery’s animate property to alter the scrollTop property to the value we calculated above. If you are new to jQuery’s animation functions, refer to my earlier article. Essentially, we scroll the element x pixels from the top to create a carousel effect.

Step 5: A Few Tweaks

Polishing the Pseudo Infinite Effect

We are essentially done but a few quick bits of code will make it a little bit more polished.


This line essentially takes the first three thumbnails, copies them over to the end of the list. The slice method selects the first three elements, the clone methods clones these DOM elements and finally the appendTo methods adds them to the passed element.

We can’t just use the appendTo method since it plucks the selected elements from their current position before placing it as required. We need the clone method to copy them first.

We do this to make sure when we approach the final few thumbnails, the illusion of an infinite carousel remains. Else, the user just sees empty blocks which isn’t really what we need.

Making it Auto Rotate

Making the widget auto rotate is actually very simple. Since we have a proper event handler in place, we just have to call the handler every n microseconds. The following line will take care of that:

setInterval(sift, 8000);

In the above code, I’ve asked to call the sift function every eight seconds. Remember, the duration is passed in as microseconds so n thousand equals n seconds.

Initializing the Widget

Currently, the page loads with the widget uninitialized. We’ll need to rectify this. All we need to do is to call the show function passing in the starting position as a parameter.

After you’ve attached the event handler, add this:


The Final Code

And we are done! The final code looks like so:

	var index = 0;
	var images = $("#gallery img");
	var thumbs = $("#thumbs img");
	var imgHeight = thumbs.attr("height");
	for (i=0; i<thumbs.length; i++)

	setInterval(sift, 8000);

	function sift()
		if (index<(thumbs.length-1)){index+=1 ; }
		else {index=0}
		show (index);

	function show(num)
		var scrollPos = (num+1)*imgHeight;
		$("#thumbs").stop().animate({scrollTop: scrollPos}, 400);


And there you have it: we’ve created a simple but useful slider. Hopefully you’ve found this tutorial interesting and useful. Feel free to reuse this code elsewhere in your projects, and chime in within the comments if you are running into difficulties.

Questions? Nice things to say? Criticisms? Hit the comments section and leave me a comment. Happy coding!

Add Content To WordPress Blo 2

Add Content To WordPress Blo 2
I want to add the following easy things for my 5 blogs. These are wordpress blogs.

I just want you to add sections for themes, screenshots, news, wallpapers, and reviews.

We will just be copy and pasting sections from another site to create sections on mine.

One example would be the following to create the wallpaper section


delete the * and copy and paste the link

Digital Good Delivery System

Digital Good Delivery System

I need a Digital good delivery system integrated with paypal, I need the script simple enough because i need to add it in my website or build my website based on this but don’t worry about ,y website I just need an script to add to cart or instanly checkout and then if checkout is success provide the download link or send and email containig the file to the buyer.

Please don’t bid more than $100.


Clothing Store And Logo Design

Clothing Store And Logo Design
I need an expert designer to design a clothing store for me
I want a combination of features of clothingshowroom dot com and wmsclothing dot com. But I need the background to be light as in wmsclothing
Also, I will need a classic logo design that will be provided seperately and also used on the site

Please this project must be completed within 2 weeks from now
I need a dedicated programmer to work with on long term basis

Thank you

Serious Php Coder Needed

Serious Php Coder Needed

I need a serious and qualified php coder for my auction website.

If php is your strong point, if you are serious and not behave as a kid who tries to avoid work but you have a word as any real Man should have, then bid my project and you will have a lifetime partnership.

Thank you

Convert Psd To A Webpage

Convert Psd To A Webpage
We have a website that we need to add a new page to. This is a custom built php website that already has it’s own template design. This is not a CMS like Drupal or WordPress. You will need to use the existing header and footer design to layout a new page in the content area. This is a static page that will later be coded for dynamic content. We just need the static design elements cut from the psd and layed out on the page for now. Please see the attached jpg file for reference.


1. You can re-use the same header and footer include files currently used on the website. However, make a separate copy of the files so they can be edited separately. There are some minor differences between the standard header and this new page’s header.

2. Use the provided psd to layout the page graphics below the top navigation and above the bottom navigation. Everything in the black bordered box.

3. The video image can be a static image which will later be replaced by banner code. Make the background behind the video player image black.

4. The box with the large girl to the right of the video with a title of “Shop the Episodes” should consist of two images. The title and the image of the girl below it.

5. The box to the right of the girl in #4 with the jacket, pants and shoes can be a single image.

6. The small images of the four girls needs to be set up as 6 separate images and a text title.
– 2 arrows (same size each)
– 4 girls (same size each)
– “ONE SKIRT TWO WAYS” in text

7. The box below the video player needs to have the following elements
– “ASK A STYLIST” title in text
– “AQUA + 80s Fashion” sub title in text
– Description text
– Image of “Brought to you by…”
– Share and Subscribe button

8. For the thumbnail icons of the videos, you can just set up 2 rows to save time. Just set up rows 1 and 3. Each box consist of a standard sized thumbnail image and the text below should be css formatted text. Make the red episode text a hyperlink to “#”. Load the icons in a scrollable iframe so that an unlimited number of icons can be set up.

9. Make the “more info” text link below each thumbnail episode icon generate a pop-up like the one in the psd. The pop-up should use text elements for the title, subtitle and description text. Watch should be a button, the close link should close the window. This should be a modular window that stops you from doing anything on the page until you click close or watch.

10. Set up the two 300×250 banners in the lower right corner as individual images.

Simple Personal Market Place

Simple Personal Market Place
I need a website with this abillities:
(I make a website myself but I don’t like it)

– Main Website Features

This is a very simple marketplace, user can upload the music file here and I will add the music manually to DB to add to site, the other users or guest must see who upload the file (member name)

so in DB we need some field like “publisher” to add the name of uploader.

the website just need about 6-7 page i tell you in detail now:

-Main Page
I need page with a header at the top not big in height aa navigation menu under this. the top sellers on right side and recently added and most popular music on some where in page.
the layout is your creativity. I need a search box at the top too.

-Preview Page
i need a preview page when the user click on the music title available in screen this page appear and user can listen to demo of song can add it to cart and checkout I just need paypal checkout

here. for more SEO I need some tags somewhere in preview page.

– an empty page with space for text for my privacy policy text.

– User management (simple)
— Login/register(forgot pw)
— member area (edit profile / upload)
— edit profile (fullname / paypal email address / email / nickname)
— in member area user can see his balance calculated from db like: $totalsales = $userallsales * $salescount /2;

– Digital good delivery
— add to cart (I don’t need quantity of items here)
— checkout
— send item to user email and add link for later download in member area

Something simple, the thing is really important is i need an secure digital good delivery system, when user checkout and pay, the website instantly get the link for download.

I’m not a company and just a person who want make a simple marketplace with low budget please just bid if you can make it in less than $100.

If you need more info tell me in PMB.


Fix Bugs (mass Mailing Script)

Fix Bugs (mass Mailing Script)
I need a PHP and SQL expert with >10 years of experience. You must have much experience with scripts that relate to mailing 10,000’s of emails per day from 1 virtual server per day.

The script seems to me almost complete – maybe complete with bugs. I need you to make this script work perfectly.

The script is a press release distribution site. Each day, customers post press releases and choose interest categories and target locations. The script is suppose to send daily emails to members. The content of each email depends on the interest category and location of the member.

The website is press **** release **** group **** dot **** com. ((((remove the ****))))).

The original project description is:

Some of the description has changed, and i will provide more detail for you after I pick you.

The main problem with the script has to do with sending mass mails.
My script is suppose to send 20,000 – 150,000 emails per day to my opt in members.

The current script has had problems with sending the emails. I am not sure that it has ever been able to do it perfectly.

Assume that I have no technical background. I know very very little about the code and this script.

The script is supposed to be totally automated, with no needed intervention from me.

You may need to write a totally new script to make the mass mailing work.

You will need to do anything and everything that is necessary to make this script work according to my description (uploading, debugging, server modificitions, etc…)

I am not exactly certain what the bug is. What I do know is my script would show me a list of emails that were sent ….BUT, the emails were not really sent (or at least not received by the recipient.)

Sometimes the cron job would not start, or not start on time. It is supposed to send emails at 09:00 EST (New York time) each day.

Also, recently I noticed a message on my server log: “numtcpsock – The number of TCP sockets (PF_INET family, SOCK_STREAM type). This parameter limits the number of TCP connections and, thus, the number of clients the server application can handle in parallel.”

I will pay by Scriptlance escrow once you have totally completed the job AND after the script is working perfectly and totally automated for 3 days with no problems.

If you do not complete the project within your bidded time frame, or if job is not complete, I reserve the right to null contract and receive escrow funds back.

I can provide current code to you of certain pages by PMB if desired.