Instal A Simple Script

Instal A Simple Script
i have a job installing a very simple script normally i van do this but i am rust and would appreciate you writing down exactly what you had to do most scripts will build there bown db this one need one build i believe . i have a cpanel so it should not take you longer than 20 mins if that. i will pay you $15, get back asap or i will have to find some one else this is a very easy job. thanks Nick

Finance Contents Required

Finance Contents Required

I need a 50 contents on American finance related topics.
All the contents should be grammatically and logically perfect. The contents should match ezine standard as these contents will be finally posted to ezine.

Attach sample of writings if any.
Word count:- 400 words
pay: $1-2 per content

Good work may reward future work too.

Web2 Css Xhtml Site Design

Web2 Css Xhtml Site Design
Bid ONLY if you can IMMEDIATELY start working on this project until its complete. No part-timers!

“Detailed specs attached. Please read that before quoting”

remove all deadlinks from your list of reference sites before sending.

provide references to Only Web2 standard LIVE NON-flash css/xhtml websites that you have designed. Dont send links to mockups.

Design a simple, crisp & elegant direct-response B2C mini -site template :
~4-5 pages.
html forms & boxes.
login box
gel type order buttons.
3d graphical bullets.
i expect responsiveness, sincerity, revisions till satisfaction & meticulous attention to detail.


Video Webinar Auto Play Site

Video Webinar Auto Play Site
I’m looking to get a site setup I have this script installed on my server – which does mostly what we want accept we need to be able to add the following information.

1. Have it set so that if we set a time and date that when someone enters the site and or webinar from a link it will start wherever it was playing so example if they are 10 mins late it will already be playing 10 mins into the presentation.

2. I want the ability to have these features also see this video I did this is another site that has most of the features I want but I want to customize what I have a bit more.

So basically my objective is to simply have what we do twice a day on Gotomeeting/webinar and have it set on a schedule so it is automated and no interaction necessary. We also want it to be able to rotate different video presentation of various types we do so it is changed up and different for each presentation we do.

Get with me if you have further questions of this is the jist of what I’m looking for on this project.

Online Radio Portal/directory

Online Radio Portal/directory
Real Time Online Radio Search Engine – Online Radio Portal/Directory

Looking to develop a clone/copy – a combination of several online radio websites – with a strong focus on search, social media, sharing and ease of use.

Functionality Requirements:

• Developed with AJAX/Web 2.0 updated code – instant in-page refreshes (also refresh ads)

• Search functionality, and sort by Genre, Region, Playlist (see

• Search for stations currently playing a specific artist, with in-browser player (see

• Support multiple player options (Windows Media, Real Player, QuickTime, and custom media player)

• Custom pop out player option – slim browser popup, with drop down functionality to change station

• PPV (pay per view) ads running prior to radio launch (see

User Experience:

• Create user account – save favorite stations, comments, ratings

• Social media (great samples at
o Add to social network (Facebook, Tweet this station, etc.)
o Rating scale, like/dislike
o View count
o Comments (FB integration and/or custom)
o Popular today/week/month – lists

• Embed options for users to add to their own blogs/sites (ad supported)

• Ability to browse other user playlists/favorites

• Easy “add to favorites” and functions for each site

Admin Controls:

• Admin back-end interface to add/remove stations, categories, banners

• Ability to import database of stations, with various, editable fields. Example: Station name, Description, Dial (e.g. 99.9 FM), Region (country, state, city), Genre , etc etc (editable)

• Future: build with functional ability to customize output for iPhone/BlackBerry browsers – stream to mobile (see

• Auto grab current artist/album/song – integrate with Amazon and iTunes API to “Buy Now” (import artwork/album info, where available). Also add affiliate links to ringtones.

• Some other sample sites that have referenced functionality:

• (API)


There are many available scripts out there – so looking for a developer to use a strong baseline for coding (NOT start completely from scratch).

Qualified bidders MUST send a portfolio of created sites, with good functionality. Without live examples you will not be considered.

Project completion is 1 month. Terms of payment will be 20% before, 80% on completion.

Looking forward to your replies.

Project: Auction Site

Project: Auction Site
We’re looking for an auction(more like and ad site with no time lapse) site written in two languages. Albanian and Macedonian. If you feel you can’t provide these two languages, then you should at least make language files, so that we can can sort this problem later with ease when we find proper translaters. “” is exactly how we want it. Still, regardless of web design, that’ll be totally different. When users post their ad, it’ll be there for one month until it expires. The users will be able to add their ads through two payment options. 1. Credit card, and 2. through SMS where they get charged. Depending on what they’re selling, the price changes. Still, we must be able to have a simple way for the sellers to add their ads for FREE the first few months. This is part of advertising. Type OK at the end of your feedback, for confirmation. Any questions, whatsoever please ask. Regards

Create Gui For Php

Create Gui For Php
Dear all,

I have a PHP script which can be executed and running on Windows because the exe file is embeded with php engine. After it is executed, the process is running on MS-DOS windows.

Now, I need a programmer to do these for me:

1) Create a setup.exe for it (for installations)
2) Rename it to the name I required.
3) Create a DEMO version of it in which the functions is limited. You suggest me the best registration method for full version.
4) Create GUI of it, instead of editing the settings with text editor.
5) Create GUI of it, showing the running process in graphical instead of MS-DOS.
6) Basically the running process is just showing some simple statistics. (I will tell you more about this in PMB, let me know if you are interested)

I have the source code so all you need to do is to integrate it with the GUI.


One Page Minisite Template

One Page Minisite Template

I’m looking for a provider who can create a 1 page minisite template for an SEO article writing company.

The template must be completed within 48 hours.


The template will not be too fancy but images used in the header must be crisp and clear with a blue background, pictures of people and money.

Please bid your lowest possible price. If possible please direct me toward samples. (non-usable only for skill evaluation

Sales Letter Needed

Sales Letter Needed

I need a writer who can produce 1 killer sales letter for an SEO article writing site. The sales page must be at least 750 words maximum 1000 and be keyword rich.

I will supply the keywords. Keyword density per keyword 2% to 4%


All content must be original and pass copyscape.
The content copyright belongs to me after payment.
Experienced sales copywriter preferred.
Samples appreciated (will not be used–for skills analysis only)

I need the sales page completed withing 48 hours from bid selection.

Lower bids preferred. US English preferred.

Good luck and I hope to work with you soon.

Website Design Work And Change

Website Design Work And Change
I needs some work done to my website

1. Fix the Video on the left side of the page so it’s boxed in and looks more professional.

2. I need below the testimonials on the right side where it says “Can I achieve this success” After clicking on it i want it to open up in a window exactly like does for there’s.

3. After Clicking the articles tab, I want there to be only 1 article shown on the page. I want the 5 articles to be at the top so if i want to click on a different article then that article will appear. I don’t want all 5 articles showing like they are right now

4. I want the background color changed. Something similar to but different colors then red and black.

A few other small things that i will explain to you once i hire you but those are the main things. It’s not a lot of work right now but i have plenty of more work to do to my website and this job could last a long time

I’m looking for a Professional designer that does Sharp looking work.

Web Site Development

Web Site Development
We require a professional web developer for long term relationship. We are involved in web site development for our global clients. The skills we are looking for involve Php, Javascript, Html and Jsp. Please quote for following work.

1. Websites upto 4 pages with template and code.
2. Websites upto 9 pages with template and code.
3. Websites upto 15 pages with template and code.

Mostly these are static website with minor flash animation or logo.

Work should be original and free of copyright infringement. Include man hours required to complete each site. Also provide us links or references to your existing work.
Payment terms shall be discussed later.


Clone A WordPress Website

Clone A WordPress Website
hi coders,
i am looking for a team of experts or individuals who work on wordpress & graphics designing.

i want to develop a clone of a wordpress website with few changes in the design and functions. the website is a celebrity based website which you will have to clone.
it will contain a picture gallery section also.

you will have to develop the graphics of the website.
you will have to develop the logo for the website also.
customize the wordpress platform.
the design should be w3c validated (xhtml & css) for all the pages.
the design should load quickly on slow Internet connections & browser independent.

you will also have to install the necessary modules in the website.
example( seo modules, newsletter modules etc)

you will also have to upload the initial content in the website.

if you have any questions do let me know through the pm.

**we had bad experience before. we will not pay any upfront payment, milestone payment, escrow etc. once we test the script/website in our server with full working condition we will transfer the funds to your account **

if you don’t agree to the terms then please don’t bid.