Easy Php Modification

Easy Php Modification
Fast Cash for the right programmer!

I recently purchased an auction script and need to add 2 functions:

I need a search drop down coded into the script that offers search options by; keyword, product value, cost per bid, newest, oldest and bids remaining.

The homepage should display results at the top of the page that we mark as featured in the admin. We want to be able to modify the amount of featured items displayed on the homepage. Also, creating a seperate page that will list all auction items including featured in a “single line” detail view. Information displayed would be; Product name, Value, Total Bids, cost per Bid and Bids remaining – then a “Bid Now” button.

Here is a link to the script that I purchased:

Script is already installed and running on our server. Modifications will be done on my server and domain. Details given to winner.

This is an easy PHP modification and can be fast money for you if you can turn it around quick. We have many more projects coming up for the right programmer. We always look to build long term relationships.

(((( PLEASE NOTE: in order to eliminate spam and robots you must include the term “booya” in the subject line of your response. ))))

Looking forward to working with you.


Rewrite 300 Articles1 2

Rewrite 300 Articles1 2

I need some one to rewrite 100 % uniqe 300 article. Each article should be of around 350 words. The budget is very very low. Its a good opportunity for the coder to get thier first review.

Article should pass copyscape. Will keep some % of money in escrow and will be transfering as the work progresss.

I will give you list of topic you will have to search for article on that topic ane rewrite it in your words

Those who can not work with the given budget do not bother to bid.

Please attache your previous writing sample work in .doc file.

Dot Net Designer Needed

Dot Net Designer Needed
We need some one who has excellent designing skills for a project that is ASP(dot)Net based. The designer should have relevant experience of working and designing on ASP(dot)NET based applications is past. Complete details will be shared with the chosen provider. We are willing to pay on the basis of pages or based on project.

Please contact immediately for details, as we are looking to start immediately

Penny Auction Website.

Penny Auction Website.
We are looking for a graphic design/programming team to develop a w3c compliant penny auction website. The auction site must have
the same functions and controls as SWOOPO & BIDRIVALS, but must have a different/unique appearance – NO TEMPLATES – Original
graphics work only. Would also like the Website to be accessable from mobile devices (ie: Mobile Phone).

Specific information will be given when started

DO NOT BID IF YOU WILL BE USING PRE-BUILT TEMPLATES. Experienced people only please.

Flash And Magento

Flash And Magento

I am creating a flash custom framing tool from scratch similar to the one on www.art.com which will be integrated in Magento CMS as a Plugin. We are looking to integrate the framing tool with the API offered by pictureframes.com for custom frames. We need someone who has experience in similar platform and is an expert. Please do show your experience in integrating this API and your knowlegde level. Quote accordingly. Thank you

Create An Online Course

Create An Online Course
Some background information
I currently deliver a one-day Training Course which is divided up into 3 separate one and a half hour to Two hour mini workshops.
I have all of the material in word document and PDF format for each of these mini workshops.

I have attached one of these documents to this posting for you to look at.
I also already have a website set up to market each of these Training Courses.
Here is one of them

What I require is this
That you take the materials and create an online learning course. So that students can register and pay and take themselves through the 3 modules ( one of which is attached to this posting)
With clear stages so that they and we can gauge their progress.
I also require there to be some sort of system of questions and tasks that they do to complete each of the four modules so that they demonstrate that they have taken on board the knowledge and achieved the learning’s.
When they have finished the four modules I then require them to indicate to us that they have completed the course by hitting some sort of submit or completed button.
Which would then generate an automatic certificate for them branded with their name, the date, the title of the course etc
(we can design the certificate)
It is also important that these students can save their work on a regular basis so that they can return to it and pick up where they left off.

Where payment is concerned. That is when the students pay for their online course
We are also already set up with merchant accounts and the ability to take money online.
You just need to create the online forms for payment ( our IT people will finish off the payment bit)

We will pay only by Escrow.
50% will be deposited into escrow when we appoint you
The other 50% will be deposited into a scroll and paid on the successful completion of the job.

I would like to see some previous examples of similar work you have done
There are many public domain online learning products that I am sure you could use to make this job quite easy

When we have chosen you for this job we will then supply you with the first three word document is to create this course.
If you do a good job we have had three other identical courses you to work on.

So that I know you have very red this briefing. When you place your bid please put the word “learnings” in your bidding

Looking forward to working with you

Advanced Scraping / Crawler

Advanced Scraping / Crawler
I need an advanced scraper/crawler built, it should be web-based with an admin panel and store all the scraped data to a MySQL database.

1. It should scrape a database of products from a cosmetics review site, in addition it will also scrape all the reviews for these products and the user information of the people who wrote the reviews
2. Using the product database from step 1 it will then scrape 2 additional websites for further product information such as description, image and so on.
3. It will then scrape 4 additional websites where these products are being reviewed and scrape all reviews from these websites

The scraper needs to be able to run on a regular basis to scrape any new products/reviews/product information that is added to any of the websites. As the products may be named slightly differently on each website the scraper must be able to deal with this, one way could be to allow the admin to type possible aliases for each product/and to suggest potential aliases.

Further details provided on PMB.

Please do not bid unless you have scraping experience, I am tired of people wasting my time.

Advertising Server

Advertising Server
Dear SL Members. We are here looking for a very professional team of coders for the development for a professional advertising adserver. We need the possiblity to Mannage advertisers, sites, campaigns, banners, adwords (google API), aswell as the complet Reporting and Billing.

Please only bid you can do such a task for this high-scalability system. and work 7 days per week if possible in shift.

Reskin Php Script

Reskin Php Script
We have a script that needs reskinned to look like http://cams.xclip.tv or at least really close. The script is the same type of script but it needs laid out like the site above. If this is something you feel you can do let us know. Low bidders will be looked at first and high ball bids will be ignored. We would like to find a designer who can do work like this on a regular basis as we have customers requesting this type of work. Warning this site does contain adult content so if your against adult content please ignore this project.