Sales Copywriting

Sales Copywriting
HI Guys,

This is my first projext on here..

I am looking for a sales copywriter with html skill who can create a sales page that looks like www dot massppv dot com. The site which i need doing are www dot listbuildingexploded dot com. As you can see it is been started on but now need to take it to the next level. The angle is there already just a matter of getting creative. Plkease let me know if anyone can handle this project. also here are good examples of nice formatting also for more reference points,,, CAn anybody out there think they can do this for me?

Clothing Resale Website

Clothing Resale Website
I would like a website designed the same as this website for starters I do not want to copy the site exactly. Just would like same link layouts of the following Links (GIRLS, BOYS, ACCESSORIES, CLEARANCE (I want it called Bargain Bin). Also a Link ABOUT US. This is a good start. I need the website to be very easy for the ADMIN to navigate and add new pieces of clothing. I want the adding of clothing to be VERY SIMPLE!!!!!!!! Kinda like this Click Add new Item, Select from a pull down menu where it goes, Select from a pull down menu the condition (New, Mint, Etc), Add a Description, Click to add a picture, I want it to automatically give it an item # then click Done and it lists it on the website. That easy, nothing complex. Once I figure out who I would like to design this site I will explain alittle more. Please look over the website I want my site to look like as this will be what your pricing it on. I will provide my own graphics. Thanks

Install Jfb Connect Component

Install Jfb Connect Component
1. Install JFBConnect component on

2. Remove Paula Kyle Walden logo at top
-centre buttons at top
-centre Paula Kyle Logo in footer above copyright c paula walden

3. Facebook logo with link to facebook fan page on bottom right of footer (all pages excluding STORE)
4. Facebook: link to fanpage:

Htacess Edit Html To Php

Htacess Edit Html To Php
I need my .htaccess file updated so that the following folders automatically rewrite any .html files to .php files.

I don’t want every folder to have this rule, only the folders I specify below.


Please use as my site, I will be adding this to my .htacess file myself.

I will provide escrow for this project, I need it done asap, I communicate via MSN messenger for the project and email.

Spider&clone Artcles Directory

Spider&clone Artcles Directory
Would like to spider and clone selfgrowth d-tcom, and put the articles into my own articles directory.

I had a programmer install a script called Articles CRM. We customized a few features and the templates, but no major changes.

Articles CRM uses a mysql database on the webserver (we use host gator to host our sites). Articles CRM is written in PHP and is easily customized.

Important: I’d like to be able to run an update once a day to see if any new articles have been added to the original articles directory, and then spier them and bring them over to my articles directory.

If possible, I would like your coding to create an account on my directory for each individual author. And then create a random generated password. Then any articles that are spidered by the author on the original directory, would now be added to this author’s account that is now created on my own directory.

Forms/login/database Php

Forms/login/database Php
I need some forms made with certain specs (three forms go into one email)
Info from forms go into a database (name, address, phone, social security number, email, etc)
Once the forms are filled out, either a Username using info from the forms is generated or a Associate ID #
That also goes into a database

To go to a certain page, they need to login using only the username or Associate ID

If it is forgotten, it can be retrieved immediately from the database by typing in the email or social security number they filled out in the form

Info is emailed in email (forms, name, email, address, etc) to the email I will provide

Email is sent to the person filling out the form with a confirmation of stuff filled out and a seperate email is sent with only the users username or Associate ID

Must be generated, not provided by associate

Need this script working by tomorrow evening (9pm Eastern Standard Time)…

Cheapest bid gets it.

Joomla Fixing

Joomla Fixing
I have a site at and i have attached jpg, Here is what i needed

1. this site should be compatible with all main browsers.
2. Need cookies turn on
3. I had a question on the search feature and if the logo section is editable
4. Is it possible to add a search button on the front page next to the free shipping sticker like jpg? and is the logo section editable?
Low price and more reviews will win

Joomla Image Placement

Joomla Image Placement
I need someone to add 2 images to a Joomla Template called “EXPLORER BUSINESS” By

I need the following completed ASAP:

1. I have 2 images and I need one placed at the top left and 1 at the top right of the header.

2. I need the font size changed on the text at the top left of the page.

3 I need an explanation of how it was done so I can do it myself in the future.

Website/URL is in the text file

Production Descriptions (100)

Production Descriptions (100)
I need 100 product descriptions (500+ words) written on certain products for keywords. I will provide keywords and links for the products to be described. These product descriptions should not be very technical, but more geared to the everyday reader.

A product description would be something like this (this is an estimate):

Intro – 100 words – use keyword in first sentence
Review – 400 words – 3-5 product descriptions

The exact keyword should be used 3-5 times in the description. Also, I will provide 3-5 other keywords that need to be used at least twice in the description.

Requirements are:

1. Written in smooth, understandable English. If I have to edit the articles, then it is a waste of money.
2. Written grammatically correct and with proper spelling.
3. At least 500 words.
4. 100% unique – free of plagiarism. I will verify each description before payment.

If you respond, include a sample of your writing either in the bid or through a link. I will be checking for smooth writing with correct grammar, spelling, and attention to detail.