Fix Bugs In Facebook Clone

Fix Bugs In Facebook Clone
** This is only for highly experienced php/mysql developer who has built/cloned facebook before **

The bugs are related to
1) News Feed and Wall
2) Photo tagging
3) Inbox
4) Friend For Sale Application
5) Yahoo Importer, AOL Importer
and others..

** If you’re a highly experienced php / mysql developer, please pmb me **

I will PMB you the list of bugs in specific

** Only highly experienced php/mysql developer **

Fix A Critical Bug

Fix A Critical Bug
I am taking out a PHP project for experienced PHP coders
only. There is a bug in this script I need fixed which basically
causes a feature to not load correctly. This is in maybe 2 files
but probably 1 file, but it is important you are an experienced
PHP programmer because it is a key part of the script that
affects other parts of the whole script.

I also need someone who will be available to IM between 6pm and
11pm Eastern Standard time because I need to recreate this bug

Need A Designer/coder

Need A Designer/coder
i have a thesis theme and my site is going to be about mobile phones.
i need someone who can redesign it..
the site will need major design tweak and minor code tweak..
if you can do it, pls reply in the thread with your examples/portfolio.
if it suits me, i’ll give you a pencil layout of what i have in mind and examples of some sites that i like (probably it’ll be on the shades of engadget, blogussion and few others)

all other details regarding the design will be proceeded further after i hire the designer. timeframe will be 2-3 days.

Converting From Pdf To Ms Word

Converting From Pdf To Ms Word
I need to some with very good proof reading skills to convert a pdf file into a Microsoft Word document. Its a very simple project, that needs to reproduce the word equivalent of the pdf, but needs someone who can pay particular attention to detail.

I have attached a sample pdf of what I might give you.

In addition, there is the following criteria:

– You will need to finish the articles by the deadline you state in your bid.

– The final product needs to be accurate, and I will not accept articles with several grammar mistakes or punctuation errors. I do not want to spend my time revising your articles due to improper grammar, word usage, etc.

– You agree that upon sending me the articles all rights to the articles transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these documents in any way. I will check also in the future that these articles are not sold again, otherwise I will contact the Staff (sorry but I have to do that).

– Please be able to communicate 1-2 times per day by email or messenger.

If you cannot comply with the criteria above, please DO NOT BID on this project.

In your response please send a sample of your work e.g. attached file, only if you are serious about this project.

Instead of the generic reply, please type “I fully understand” in your bid. This way, I know you have read and understand the terms.

Web Content ( 3

Web Content ( 3
Within the next two weeks or so, we will be launching a new, comprehensive news site featuring articles on all topics. Right now I am looking to find a writer or more who might like to write for us.

For this project I need 60 articles on various topics

Articles will cover all topics, especially hot topics in the news right now. We will also focus on narrower, niche topics, and regional news.

I am looking to establish a long term business relationship with a writer/s who will be who will be able to deliver quality, ORIGINAL articles on short notice. Standard length will be roughly one page in Word, 12 point Arial.

I do not have lots of specific assignments yet, but once the site is ready you can expect steady, consistent work. You must be easy to contact and have a quick turnaround time.

The better your quality and the faster you can produce your articles, the more I will contact you with assignments. I am looking for writers whose work will not require much/none editing.

All written articles must be in your own words and follow the guidelines I specify. Each article will be ran through Copyscape in order to check for duplicate content. Should you submit any plagiarized content without citing your sources, we will end the agreement and you will be fired.

= = Pay rate: = =

The articles must be high quality, ERROR FREE, that\’s way the native writers will be preferred. I know that quality comes with a price and I\’m willing to pay even 4$-5$ or even more, per article, BUT ONLY if you can deliver high quality articles respecting all my indications. Tell me the price for 500-550 words article.

– I can escrow the money

– This is serious job. It must be 100% unique and original, if not, you risk legal action!

I\’m looking to receive 2-3 per day, but I\’m more quality concerned and isn\’t a big deal if you write slowly, all I care is that the articles to be high quality work.

If you are interested, place your bid, I will analyze all the applications, more information via private message board. Please include samples of previous work.

Oscommerce Wig Shop

Oscommerce Wig Shop
I am interested in an e-commerce/ online store. I am looking to sell lace wigs through this website which would include a variety of pictures, item descriptions, prices, etc. I’m looking for an individual who has excellent marketing skills to help attract customers to my website. I’m also looking for someone who will be dedicated to my project and offer 100% effort. I am open to new ideas. Feel free to contact me for more details.
Here are a few website to check out. These are some of the top websites online. I would like a e-store similar to these. I really like the ideas they such as blogs, customer reviews, etc. I like a lot of color and interaction on the website. The more interaction with the customer the more they will be likely to buy!

Photographer Website

Photographer Website
I require a simple website for a photographer.
I can provide addresses of sites that i like so you know what i’m after, but of course it will be an original design.

Will consist of simple html pages( about 7 of them) half of which will be a photograph and the other half text, scrolling .
one page will have a small flash gallery, that will open full page albums. i’ll provide a gallery.

Several links to a blog and client galleries, contact page, SEO optimized, etc…

I have a rough idea what i want, but i’m open to suggestions.

Magento – Script Fixes

Magento – Script Fixes
PROBLEMS since we have moved the web folder to a different location:

1. FACEBOOK INTEGRATOR: I have installed latest version of Facebook Integrator extension ( there is some kind of java script error at front end /checkout/onepage/ when I enable this feature. This feature must work seamlessly.

2. CHECKOUT PAGE FORMATTING: front end /checkout/onepage/ page need to be modified with template matching buttons and must show correct buttons on all browers. currently show no “continue” button and formatting looks bad on IE6.

3. GOOGLE CHECKOUT API: Google checkout is not working properly. API callback URL is not working corretly.

4. Help Desk Ultimate ( email is not parsing back to the ticket.

5. GIFT REGISTRY: register link with the product page link is not working.

6. ALERTS not sending. does not seem to be sending any emails.

7. WordPress blog is missing template design that was there. It is not linking for some reason.

8. I can’t get export customer info to work properly. I can’t have the file to show on the correct folder.

Must complete the project WELL WITHIN 3 days in the order it is listed. Must show progress and communicate well via MSN.

All original files must be backed up. “upgrading” to a NEW version in attempt to fix anything is NOT allowed. Any changes made MUST not touch the core files and not be disruptive for other features. I use EE magento. You will be dealing with a LIVE site.

Room Inspection Project

Room Inspection Project
I need a programmer who knows how to work with database on the web. We have 28 hotels and each general managers need to randomly inspect 10 rooms per day. This web interface can collect the data of what room number they inspected. What’s wrong with each room and another box to input that they did to improve the room. There should be a status on each room if they are Good, Medium, and Bad. and what type of beds are in each room (double or king, suite, etc.) The managers can log in separately and can only see their property(ies)

New Years Website Banner

New Years Website Banner
I am looking for someone who is good at making simple banners and flash banners. There will be other jobs in the future so the cost should not be high and the time long.

I need a simple banner created this time for my website. I have a sample one for the sizing and pics for the design image I am after.

Basically I want the New Years scanned pics (they are from a book and go together) to be recreated into a banner with just the design not the writing that was scanned also. I do not want the box with 2010 and white mochi stuff with mandarin on top of it…. instead I just want the tiger as a whole. And, I want the words Happy New Year 2010 added into the design somehow. The other stuff in the picture can be added in as you see it. This needs to be remade not photo shopped in from what I am giving. If you have any questions please ask and I will try to answer. Thanks


WordPress Website Updates

WordPress Website Updates
Hi All,

I have rather an exciting project here if you guys are interested in Music and Podcasting.

Anyway this is a personal project of mine. 6 months ago i setup an exclusive podcasting website to promote exclusive house music mixes across the world. The site has become a huge success over the last 6 months, and in the month of december we had over 30,000 visitors.

The site has been developed using WordPress, and is using a plugin called “PowerPress” to deliver the podcasts. The template has been purchased as a complete package, which im prepared to have changed.

Ideally i would like to convert the site into a Magazine style of website keeping the existing colours and design elements if possible.

The situation is, its time to take the website to the next level and provide more interaction for our visitors but to also expand into new area’s.

This is the website at the moment. –

The site is fairly clean, and works well but we would like to implement a number of new features to the website.

1 – Better visitor profiles i.e. pictures and brief biogs
2 – Ability for registered visitors to only be able to podcast the shows. If the visitor is not registered they can only listen to the shows on the site.
3 – More advertising spaces across the site.
4 – Making the navigation more simpler
5 – Having images and brief descriptions on our artists page (
6 – The ability for artists to submit their own tracklistings via the admin pages. i.e. Individual artists will be set to a new user level to accomodate this.
7 – A list of scrolling members who have registered to the website

Other features we would like to have on the home page specifically are the following:

1 – News Articles
2 – competitions
3 – Interviews
4 – Latest Charts
5 – Events

At the moment any post we add to the site, whether it being a podcast or an event comes up with Podcast and itunes subscribe features. The way we have added competitions, and interviews is a bit messy and ideally i would like to improve this. The same applies to the Artists page.

The key thing we need to do is to keep the SEO aspect of the site intact. Our SERP are doing exceptionally well within Google at the moment.

We love the existing template, but would be prepared to make some changes to this to accommodate any new features and improved functionallity.

Im looking forward to hearing your thoughts and recommendations going forward.
