Poll Results

Poll Results
1= I need this page sent to a poll like the poll sample separate page (pie charts updated with each subscriber, with names and percents in them): scriptlance poll.pdf.
Poll will only allow 1 entry per person

2= All fields on the form needs to be filled in or a popup says please fill in XYZ

3= When they click continue, it goes to www.subscribe.masoncreekpublishing.com

P.S. the htm page will be imbedded in a php page

Vbulletin Coder Needed 2

Vbulletin Coder Needed 2
I need a vbulletin coder that can port my new skin. Its already coded into xhtml/css just needs integrated into vbulletin.

It will need ported into vbulletin 4.0.2 If you have never worked with vbulletin please dont bid on this project as i dont have time for you to learn, i want someone who has worked with 4.0.2 before.

all work cant be used in your portfolio.

Pre Enroll Script

Pre Enroll Script
Simple Project…I need a php script that I can use pre enroll members before a site launch. I need it to use Paypal and mysql to hold the data. I need to be able to set membership levels (at least 3-4) and have a counter the displays how many enrollees there are and last…this is the begining of a future project that will be like http://sponsoranything.com/index.cfm. I prefer php because I can stumble my way through it but if you have better suggestions please let me know. Installation guide required.

Groupon Clone W/ Minor Tweaks

Groupon Clone W/ Minor Tweaks
Scope Overview:
The solution for this project must be “Ready to Run” Script (back/front end) to create a heavy traffic/transactional e-commerce web site with the following characteristics:

• All the required functionality to clone groupon.com
• 100% Open code/No obfuscation and secure
• Web 2.0 feel/usability

We are looking for a functioning site similar to groupon.com with some minor changes in mechanics and how it operates (this will be disclosed once a provider is selected). Please familiarize yourself with how http://www.groupon.com works; you can also take a look at, http://www.buywithme.com.

The website should allow us to sell coupons for businesses. The coupon will give the buyer a product or service at a business for a discounted price (the ‘Deal’). However, in order for this ‘Deal’ to occur, a minimum number of coupons must be sold. For example, there may be a ‘Deal’ featured on the site that requires a minimum of 100 people to purchase it before the deal goes ‘live’. If the minimum number is not met, nobody will receive the ‘Deal’ and nobody will be charged for it.

There will be a new ‘Deal’ each day/week, so the member will have to purchase the coupon before the deal expires. At any given point in time, we will only be offering one ‘Deal’ for each category.

In short, we need a back-end system that will give us the ability to provide ‘Daily/Weekly Deals’ to members.


For completeness, I will list some features that will be required for the platform. Of course, these are not the complete requirements and adjustments may be required, so please visit Groupon.com to gain a fuller perspective on what is required.

Administration Rights:

• The ability to control the site through an interface, with a secure login, so that an administrator can login remotely.
• The ability to create multiple administration accounts with different rights / privileges.
• The ability for an administrator to create a new ‘Deal’ for the category for which they have permission.
• The ability to specify an start date / time, ending date / time, minimum purchase requirements, maximum purchase requirements, and the key terms and conditions (cost per coupon etc.)
• The ability to view all members, their contact details, and coupons purchased.

‘Deal’ Features:

• The ability to create separate ‘Deals’ or coupons for each category.
• The ability to set a maximum of the number of coupons that can be sold (a) in aggregate; and (b) to any one member. If the limit is reached before the deal closes, nobody should be able to purchase any more.
• The ability to set a minimum number of coupons that need to be sold before the ‘Deal’ becomes available. If members purchase a ‘Deal’ that does not reach the minimum, they are automatically sent an email stating that the ‘Deal’ closed.
• The ability to restrict the time period for which ‘Deal’ is available (typically 24 hrs to 7 days).
• One the side, the ability to post a ‘Bonus Deal’ or ‘Side Deal’. This functionality would be hidden in the beginning.
• Each coupon will need the following fields: ID Number; Price Paid (by the member); Coupon Value; Short Description; Logo; Address of the Business; Key Terms & Conditions (expiry date etc.)
• For each ‘Deal’, a discussion page in which members can ask questions about the ‘Deal’ and an administrator can login and answer questions for all members to see.

Expired ‘Deals’:

• The ability to select certain expired ‘Deals’ to show on a “Prior Deals” page.
• For each expired ‘Deal’, the ability to show the client’s logo, the ‘Deal’ offered, the number of coupons sold, the total dollars saved.
• Emails:
o The ability to create an auto-generated HTML email, which is sent to all members who opted in for either a site wide or specific category email, alerting them of each day’s ‘Deal’.
o When a member signs up for emails to be sent to them, they should fill out their email address and select which category they would like ‘Deals’ for.
o The ability to create an auto-generated HTML email, which is sent to the member post-purchase, with a link to where they can login and print out any coupons purchased.

E-Commerce Functionality:

• The ability to facilitate payment options with direct credit card transactions or via PayPal.
• The ability to store credit card information for members so that coupons can be purchased once they are logged in.

Member Login:

• The ability for members to login to the site to view and print coupons purchased, credit card information, personal details (name, contact details).
• The ability to import contacts from Facebook, Hotmail, Twitter etc. and refer contacts to our site.
• An affiliate system that credits customers accounts upon the referral of other members (once they make an initial purchase).
• The credit should only be used for the purchase of other offers i.e. cannot be withdrawn for cash.
• Client (Business Owner) Login:
• The ability for clients to login to the site and see total coupons purchased for their specific ‘Deal’.
• The ability to check-off coupons that have already been claimed by a member.
• The ability to print a list of coupons outstanding (not yet redeemed).

Data Collection:

• The ability to collect data for each ‘Deal’: the number of members that viewed the ‘Deal’; the number of coupons sold.
• The ability to download data into a CSV file for any ‘Deal’.
• Integration:
o The ability to integrate the ‘Deal’ each day with Facebook, Twitter and email.
o Search Engine Optimization for Google, Yahoo!, and Bing web searches.


• The ability for members or business owners to suggest new businesses that they would like to see a ‘Deal’ for.
• Basic information pages: About Us, Contact Us, FAQ, Terms & Conditions etc.
• Overall, the website should be flexible in terms of functional amendment. In the future, the provider may be hired to add or remove certain functions. This will likely be an iterative and on-going assignment.
• We will provide the logos, text, and design (mockups) for the site, the web developer must provide the full script which will be based on Groupon.com

Windows Asp.net Needed 2

Windows Asp.net Needed 2

alright im going to be straight up and frank, this site is 99% complete. It’s all in ASP.net form, need you to upload to a web server (windows) and test it, and edit any bugs, plus create an autobid system with a bit of design IF NEEDED. The autobidding bot will autobid specific items upto a specific price after a member has placed a bid, within the last 1-5 seconds of the auction.


Programmers For Web-portal(s)

Programmers For Web-portal(s)
Our project is a portal for amateur sports, cups and tournaments in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. It will therefore be 4 languages, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish and English.
Translations will be provided by us.

It is a complex project, who also will link up to / share database with a travel / accommodation site for the same areas, with another web-address / portal.

The portal will show coming tournaments for youth-sports, with access for arrangers to fill in information about the event, manage applicants, manage payments, set up play-plans and so on.

There must be google-maps with drive planning possibilities, and automatic suggestions for stay from the db at the travel-site.

There is also need for a forum, where participating teams can communicate towards arranger, and also between members of participating teams.

We also want a connected blog, where team members can report for their families and local community.

Portal front is also, besides showing ongoing and coming events, planned to keep a news-section with automated feed for local amateur sport events.

For arrangers we are also providing a “tool-box” covering tips about arranging their type of activity, rules for their sport, like lane measures, regulations, and that kind of information.

The major benefit for users to actually use the portal is making things easier. Therefore we need automated services like e-mail notification for participating teams, automatic invitations to built in club-lists, automatic registration up till the preset number in each class and other features.

Our portal is also meant to be used for clubs / teams communications, also when not participating in an event.

There will in the future also be a loyalty programme, with web-shop, partner offers and so. We will also have transport/bus-companies as partners, and a way for our customers to order transport trough the portal.

The travel portal will be made on same platform on a later stage.
A travel portal “light” for coastal areas with things to see and harbours and accommodation for boat users will also use information from this.
From the same base there is also planned an event – site based on Nordic themes.

We do understand that our requirements are massive.
We do also understand that programming this is a big job, and not for everyone to begin at.
Economically we will also need to take one step at the time.

We will therefore need to have samples that shows that both our goals with this project is understood, and also some samples of earlier work that can show that we are talking the same language around this project.

A programmer or team that can sell in their skills and that communicate good and don’t let us down, will have good chances of being with this project for a long time.

Anyone biding for this project must be loyal to our demands that this project not appears as a clone from their hands. We do also demand that our company keeps all rights for the works paid for, and that any site to appear on web must not be property of any other company or person.

We are looking forward to many skilled bidders.

Need Classic Asp Coder 2

Need Classic Asp Coder 2
hi coders. I am looking for an experienced ASP 3.0 (not .net) coder to assign daily small tasks. I pay $50 weekly max. Again, it will be very small tasks in .asp files from a regular customer we work with .. The fact they are small doesnt’ mean they will be easy to code or not-time consuming, thats why experience is a must

I need a very experienced ASP / database programming coder, specially someone to be online when I need it in order to assign a task . I need the guy to be online everyday, through yahoo messenger /msn

good english communication is a must
please leave your ASP samples through PMB

this can be a life-time position. If I like your work, chances to assign new projects are high
you will be working for a software company, mine

happy bidding

Mod-rewite Expert Needed

Mod-rewite Expert Needed
I need the htaccess file mod-rewrites fixed up or adjusted for my website. I have Google telling me there are crawl errors and duplicate website page titles etc.. in webmaster tools for the same page. I had some programmers fix up this php based review script for my website so it doesn’t show “…index2.php?item_id=# ” for the page url and make it show “../review-items/name-of-review”

The problem is Google is crawling multiple variations of the same page and calling them duplicate from the webmaster tools account.

Writter For Sales/pitch Copy

Writter For Sales/pitch Copy
Im working on a website to use for a clickbank campaign to help sell the 8 script bundle package found at phpcontactform.com and require some sales copy written.

I guess the typical marketing pages “work” or else they wouldnt be so popular – but they seem to be a little too “gimmicky” for my taste … so I would like a healthy mix of the standard sales/pitch pages and a more laid back approach.

I will need to see samples of your work in the PMB