Simple Twitter Clone Or Wp

Simple Twitter Clone Or Wp
I need something like a community micro-blog. Everybody could subscribe as a writer and post their tweets. And anybody can comment on the posts.
There will be a moderation as well (or might be subscription levels)

More details to be shared if you are interested.

PHP/Mysql or good wordpress skills would do, (we will need graphic design as well but we can use a twitter or wp theme as well)

Website Content 3 2

Website Content 3 2
I need original content for my website.

1. Must be perfect American English
2. Free of spelling, punctuation, and spelling errors.
3. Must pass copyscape as original content
4. Would prefer a writer who has experience writing about technical
products because this will be content pages for a widget distribution website.

There will be a total of 11 pages.

Graphic Design High Quality

Graphic Design High Quality
I need a high quality composition graphic using a picture of a person.
it will need to be totally retouched and create a high quality composition.

I have been inspired from this pic:
but of course what I want should be even better and using a picture of a person I have.

In difference, we will make a kind of storm around the guy, and
instead of the phones, we will use US Dollars and Euros paper-bills on the left side of the guy and the words SEO, Technology Management, Online Marketing, Social Media in the right side of the guy.

Then below the left side (below the money bills) we will put a button saying Money Making, This way!

And below the right side (below the words), we will put a button saying Web Projects, This way!

ALL those elements should make a perfect balance with a black background with storm lightings or anything giving a misterious feeling.

I think the ideal size will be 950px x 560px

Mysql Error 2

Mysql Error 2
I have a links directory on my site that I used to be able to fill out a form and it would add a link to one of the pages in the directory. The site has moved server so its not setup anymore and shows an error.

So I need you to fix the error and find where the form is to fill out to add link automatically and make it all work again.

Zencart Tag Modifications

Zencart Tag Modifications
Need help modifying a zencart tag clould addon.

The script is written. As of now, the tag cloud is installed on the product page and is pulling random variable based on meta tag keywords across many product pages.

I need you to recode a couple lines of PHP in order to pull the specific meta tag keyword data cloud for only that specific product page displayed.

Should only take a few mintues.

Simple Login

Simple Login

There are 2 parts to this Project

Part 1:
I would like to integrate 3 different and separately written php scripts (which all have independent databases) so that when a user registers with a Username and Password through the main script – the user can then log into the other two scripts using that same Username and Password.

All of the scripts and databases are on the same server.
–End of Part 1–

Part 2:
Please send me a Seperate Quote to add authorization to the system so that after the user logs into the main script, they are then automatically logged into the other 2 scripts (if that’s even possible). Please send 2 separate quotes for the authorization: the first using cookies, and the second without using cookies.
–End of Part 2–

The requirements for this project are unique meaning unless I can get authorization to give you access to our server, I’ll need for you to provide me with a tutorial on how to do this. If I get the approval to grant you access to the server then I will not need the tutorial and you can just do the work on the server yourself.

I am not exactly sure how to connect the 3 different scripts but here is my random thought:

Somehow, populate the Username and Password fields of the other 2 scripts with the Username and Password created from the main script. This will need to be an instantaneous process and not with scheduled conJobs.

Part 1 is the most important, so if you are able to only do Part 1 and not Part 2, Please still send me your quote and timeframe.

I will be expecting to see your quote and timeframe for linking the 3 logins and if you are able to do part 2 then also your quote for the authorization with and without the use of cookies.

Payment will be done via Escrow and all of the funds will be in Escrow before the project starts.

1/2 of the payment will be released once you allow me to test the tutorial and the remaining 1/2 will be released 3-days later if there are not problems. If there are things that need to be fixed the remaining escrow will not be released until the fixes are tested (3-days max for the testing).

Thank you

Online Mp3 Juke Box Player

Online Mp3 Juke Box Player
I need a juke box player developed for my PHP Based community website.

When somebody goes to my website home page the juke box player should pop up and begin playing music from random folders in the website.

The player should show have a winamp like display and allow for people to pause and skip to the next song.

Please describe how you shall do this.


Import Products 2

Import Products 2
– install/configure and activate MAGE CONNECTOR extension obtained from community extension(if not already installed)
– import Free Open ICEcat content into a magento website’s new storeview/domain/storefront
– all XML format
– 200 sponsoring brand
– 250,000+ datasheets
– upload of shop prices

Coupon Website

Coupon Website
Summary: This project is to complete a fully functional coupon website and make a few modifications to a vbulletin blog/forum.

Similar websites are;; Study these sites and their features as this is what you are bidding on. I already have the design mock up but it needs to be converted for the site and for vbulletin (blog/forum). MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THIS PROJECT FULLY. MUST KNOW HOW TO PULL DATAFEEDS FROM DIFFERENT NETWORKS VIA API/REST/SOAP/XML…detail your experience when you bid.

MOST IMPORTANTLY you MUST build this entire web application using AJAX Technology. If you are not a pro in AJAX please do not bid. If you are still not sure of what I mean here is the link of everything I expect my website to be Also, inline editing is a must. I should be able to tab into a field edit and tab out and have it saved. Editing the coupons on the back end should show in an Excel style interface that hooks into a database through Ajax. Most of the logic that creates the richness of the application is handled with jQuery.

Project Details:

If you are looking at as an example of what I need please see below.

I will NOT need the price comparison feature at this time.

I will also NOT need the auctions.

Lastly but very importantly let me end by telling you that I am a picky employer and have very high expectations. If you are not a detail oriented provider please DO NOT bid. I expect clean commented code and all of the basics that go with building a top notch web application. I expect the project to be completed on time. I expect you to test your work before you send it to me. I’ve noticed that many programmers do not do this simple task which then causes delays for all parties involved. During the project, I will have a second party on board checking the code.

All bidders should PM me with what they believe is the best solution to build this website and how they are going to go about doing it. Sending me links of prior work is okay and welcomed but it doesn’t tell me much. To win this bid you must PM me with a solution on how you plan to build this site and your overall understanding of what is needed to get the job done. If you just provide me the standard response you give all of your potential employers I will just ignore it.

As you bid, more detailed information will be provided by PM.

Import Products/navigation

Import Products/navigation
Import products into a Magento website. About 100,000 products and images from multiple suppliers websites. XML and CSV files.

-Some of the product file/data are not formatted and you will have to format the data.

-Frontend horizontal navigation need to be fixed and customized for the following main categories – computers, software and accessories; electronics; cellular phones; books; clothings,watches and jewelry; fragrance and lingerie; sports collectibles; gifts baskets and candles; beddings and baths; home and garden; office and furnitures; magazines and posters; outdoors; pet supplies; movies, music and games; automotives,tools and appliances OR

– You may create a category menu for the home page using the above main categories

Website For Custom T-shirt

Website For Custom T-shirt
The project is to build a online store where the client can customize their own t-shirt, banner, flyer or business cards with the some identical features
as and

The detail of the application will be send to the developer in due time. We want the application to use php and ajax so
more platform can be compatible just like The user can upload a design in jpg or preferably vector files and apply it to the t-shirt, banner, flyer or business card.

After the client finishes the design a vector PDF is generated so he can confirm the final product and once he confirms then a copy of it is stored into the client’s member profile and also stored into the “Orders Section” of the site. For the payment method we are going to use paypal and preferably we would like the whole store to have absolutely No Flash programming.

The shipping has only two option normal mail by ground and UPS. The user can save up to 5 designs in the profile for 30 days and after that they will be erased. The site language is English. Please check carefully and understand
the requirements correctly before bidding.

Deadline: 6 week

A bonus will be give if the project completed in a month time (4 week).

To Fix Bug On WordPress Plugin

To Fix Bug On WordPress Plugin
As the wordpress plugin is resulting in lots of javascripts for each bookmark such as Digg, Facebook, Yahoo Buzz and others, thus slowing down the speed of loading the page substantially, I need to comment out the javascript code for each of these plugins now shown at the very top before each blog post is made, and then also save the image for each respective bookmark as a graphic hyperlinked to the bookmarking url.

This ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION on top would achieve the same result, but load the blog and its pages MUCH FASTER !!!

Prefer WordPress Experts who frequently install WordPress Plugins to perform this job, as they will be more familiar with WordPress and its Plugins. Payment for a job fully done and not partial completion !!!

WordPress Theme Required

WordPress Theme Required
Hi there

I require someone to source and install a custom WordPress theme. It needs to be just like the example below, I need you to provide a sample of the theme via PM when you bid

example found here –

The project details are as follows:
– Source WordPress design and installation
– add categories I provide, and put test article on each of these (image provided)+ add pages
– Recommend pluggins for site functionality and in installed, bonus will be paid (SEO package, sitemap etc)
– Must have advertising modules, so adsense etc can be used
– Add our logo (provided) and footer info.
– We need to add a rating (5 stars, 4 stars etc) to every article, so you will need to add a plugin to allow this.

– Layout must look very close to example, but not an exact copy
– Template must function 100% before payment released

it is a fairly simple project so if you want to design yourself thats fine but the template must function perfectly

Happy to use escrow if your feedback is above 10 and very good

Many thanks and happy bidding.