Simple Video Poster Applicatio

Simple Video Poster Applicatio


I need simple aapplication which will post Video to 10 sites using net browser control &c# I dont need fancy GUI as I am going to use its function in my application, Only 4-5 sites required captcha & it is url image captcha so it is not hard to solve.

You need to use xml to store data & need to create two functions one is signup & another one for posting I will send url list to winning bidder all sites are simple does not having any pop up waindow
I need application with error handling & 100% bug free

Wiki Entries

Wiki Entries
Need a total of 100 glossary entries in a new wiki. This project requires excellent writing skills and research ability. Each entry will be at least 400 words.

The bid will be for each entry. We will evaluate your submissions and agree on them before posting. You will be paid on each submitted entry. So in other words, if you only produce one usable entry — you will be only paid for one.

Excellent pay for a professional — please do not waste our time if you are not a writer with English language skills. Writing style must be at Graduate school level.

More than one contractor will be selected.

WordPress Themed And Install

WordPress Themed And Install
We have a website and it is currently using a custom CMS

We would like to change this to WordPress

The tasks
1. Create a theme base on the home page of this site
2. Install WordPress with this theme
3. Create all pages (have links on home page) with empty content as “to come”
4. The left hand side menu is the categories of articles
5. Preserve any off site links

== addendum 24 March 2010

Any links that currently working such as log in and register need to be preserved. The WordPress log in is separate from the current log in.

High Quality Articles Needed

High Quality Articles Needed
I need 16 high quality articles for my credit loan niche website.

Bad Credit- 3 articles
Car Loan – 2 articles
Home loans- 2 articles
Mortgages- 2 articles
Refinance-2 aricles
Unsecured Loan-3 articles
Payday loan-2 articles

SEO ready
500 words per Article,
need the articles optimized, with the h1, and h2-h6 tags .
also anchor text
keyword density 2.5-2.8
no spelling errors please.

Original content required. articles will be run through Copyscape. articles will not be approved if content is copied, re-worded, or paraphrased

Private Membership Club Websit

Private Membership Club Websit
We have an existing basic home made design that needs total professional revamping. attached are the overall requirements.

winning bidder must show us working design on his server to receive 50% payment. Final payment made once transferred over to our server.

All information on site needs easy, simple, user friendly formats, help information to explain site information, well documented and flow simple and easy to follow for members, public and admin users.

I don’t put money in escrow, so don’t even ask. If you don’t like my terms, DON’T BID!!

High Quality Aricles Needed

High Quality Aricles Needed
I need 16 high quality articles for my credit loan niche website.

Bad Credit- 3 articles
Car Loan – 2 articles
Home loans- 2 articles
Mortgages- 2 articles
Refinance-2 aricles
Unsecured Loan-3 articles
Payday loan-2 articles

SEO ready
500 words per Article,
need the articles optimized, with the h1, and h2-h6 tags .
also anchor text
keyword density 2.5-2.8
no spelling errors please.

Original content required. articles will be run through Copyscape. articles will not be approved if content is copied, re-worded, or paraphrased

Web Host Article Writer

Web Host Article Writer
Looking for a Native English speaker to write on-going web hosting related articles. Topics include web host reviews, web host news, and other web host related subjects.

I currently require at least 10 to 20 web host articles each week on-going.

If you are interested please provide me with a sample of your writing, preferably related to web hosting or technology. Also, again, I must stress, you must be a native English writer with solid grammar!

Please place your bid based upon 10 articles.

Five Articles Needed On Anime

Five Articles Needed On Anime
I need 5 articles that are structurally and grammatically correct. I will provide a keyword phrase that each article should cover.

All of the 5 articles will be about 5 different subjects/topics based on anime/manga. The articles need to be at least 500 words in length and have at least 4 paragraphs per article.

The articles must be unique. I will not pay for nor accept articles copied from somewhere else. I will confirm this using, and my own software. So if you feel that you cannot write grammatically correct articles in English that are original, then please do not bid. Poorly written articles will always be rejected and the project canceled, wasting both of our times. So do not bid if you can only write in broken English. This project guidelines need to be followed exactly.

In your bids, please place the TOTAL cost that you expect to be paid for the project and the TOTAL time you expect it will take, not the cost per letter or time per article.

You are welcome to post a bid as a writer or team of writers. If you contact me directly, please state in a brief paragraph “Why I should choose you/your team of writers”.

Presentation is important, so keep that in mind.

Please state your delivery times and you need to ensure that you keep to it as I deliver great feedback for a good transaction.

Ask questions if you don’t understand anything.

My budget is $20.00


Writers Needed: Various Topics

Writers Needed: Various Topics
We’re developing iPhone and Android content applications that are quiz-based, inviting users to test themselves, learn a new topic, prepare for a exam or just have fun playing – anywhere, anytime.

We’re looking for writers that are passionate and knowledgeable — or are willing to learn about — one or more specific topics. These individuals will write 50 to 100 multiple-choice questions on a given topic, and we’ll publish it as an app. You maintain the copyright to the materials, and we’ll pay you 25% of all income (higher in some cases). You write, and we’ll take care of all the editing, publishing, technology, customer service, etc.

In addition to compensation based on the success and sales of the app, you will be able to list that you are the KnowPro expert on one or multiple topics.

A list of topics can be found at

Information about our partner program can be found at

Please contact us through

We look forward to hearing from you.

Modify A WordPress Theme

Modify A WordPress Theme
I am currently using a wordpress theme I downloaded free.

I want to remove the “Powered by WordPress | Find New Sprint Phones for Sale. | Thanks to Bank Reviews, CD Rates and Best Credit Cards” links from the bottom but when I do the theme stops working and displays a message saying the footer cannot be modified.

I am looking for someone who can either modify the theme without that message displaying or someone who can replicate the theme.

The theme can be seen in use here