Paypal / Dolphin Genius / Now

Paypal / Dolphin Genius / Now


I currently have a website built using Dolphin 6.1.6.
I am in need of editing the paypal function.

It currently allows a member to pay via paypal for their membership.
I am in need of the paypal function to allow a one time charge of $$$ and it now currently allows recurring billing.

Except on the recurring bill I would like for a different ammount to be charged instead of the initial one time fee. Basically I would like it to stay the way it is with the current first time fee, but a different ammount to be charged after the first month. This issue can be taken care of by editing a few of the paypal files in Dolphin.

I need this done asap. Thank you.

Easy WordPress Project

Easy WordPress Project
I would like a wordpress expert to design a clean web 2.0 landing page for the sole purpose of collecting emails for the launch of a new blog.

The ideal person for this project would be someone with awesome design and optimization talent. I will choose the person based on previous work.

A side note: this small project will provide first opportunity to design and customize the blog…details will be provided upon satisfaction of this project…please include “wp20” when you bid on this project.

Simple Website: Events + New 2

Simple Website: Events + New 2
Project: Re-Design / rebuild

Please provide details how you will do this project (e.g. CMS, php, etc), when you place your bid. Otherwise we won’t take your bid serious.

Project description is available as PDF, on request.

# Generall agreement:
# Please read carefully full project/job description before placing a bid.
# Please provide details how you will do this project (e.g. cms, php, etc)
# Your bid (project duration calculation) is placed for calender days.
# We do NOT accept any delays.
# You will calculate a restricted timetable.
# If you do not deliver on time, we will cut the price for first day of delay by 20%.
# Every further day of delay will lead to a reduction of 5% of the agreed price.
# So please calculate wise and honest.
# We do not privilege the cheapest and fastest bid, more likely the one we can rely on.
# You will send invoice as PDF, XLS, DOC or HTML when work is finished.
# Payment will be made only after solution is completed, via SL/escrow.
# If you should have any questions, please send message before you place your bid!

What the website is about:
film events: an event planer for moviefestivals, where the organizers can list their events
users can search for events in their area
users can be informed via newsletter about upcoming events

What do we need:
complete redesign, new logo etc. (all film related),
all sites fully seo optimized!
All sites with a footer included (in footer put: Navigation in simple text-link form)
Keep it simple! The smaller the better! We are not looking for complex CMS, which has to be maintained. Small CMS is OK, just simple scripts/coding might be even better.

1. Home
2. Events (DE: Termine)
3. Newsletter
4. Organizer (DE: Veranstalter)
5. Insert event (DE: Termin anmelden)
6. Contact (DE: Kontakt)
7. Links

1.unique content / text (top) rated upcoming events (Top-5) (middle) rated past events (Top-3) (middle)
4.unique content / text (bottom)

1.Listing the events (overview),
1.each event with:
5.description / event info (Only short text version will be shown in event listing. All details available on event detail page.)
2.sortable, standard: next/upcoming event on top. Further in future below. On Top and bottom link to old/past events, newest on top. function for events e.g. by cities
4.Date will be linked to event detail page
2.event detail page: one page per event
1.Full information about event (full description + link to website)
2.list other events listed by this organizer (below event details) + user comments (below other events)
1.User can give leave short rating: from 1 to 5 stars
2.User can write reviews and comments to each event (must be spam secure, but should be possible without registration)
2.Meta-Keys/Tags, description: “filmboerse” + <city> + <hall> + <date> + <id>

1.Registration for users to subscribe to newsletter (Name + email)
2.Cronjob to send newsletter with upcoming events within the next x (e.g. 30) days
3.In Newsletter only date and city/hall + link to detail page.
4.Sorted by date, next upcoming first
5.Footer: text with our company / website date
6.Unsubscribe link

1.List of all organizers with:
1.Contact data + website
2.Link to a list of their events
2.Link on Top of page: “Register as Organizer?” (DE: Als Veranstalter anmelden?)
1.with: email, name, address, tel., website
2.organizers can chose which of these data should be published with their events (checkbox: publish in events)
3.After confirmed registration organizers can:
1.manage their events
2.list new event,
3.change event,
4.mark event as cancelled (This event will still be shown in the event-list, so that the users can see that this event is cancelled. Mark text as scratched out, with note in red “Termin abgesagt!”)
5.delete event

5)Insert event (only for registered organizers):
1.we need the following data:
2.time from / till (e.g. from hh:mm – till hh:mm) 24h format!
4.Hall / convention center
5.Entrance fee
6.description / event info (allow html and to insert pictures!)
7.organizer, contact data (will be coming from the data of the organizer)
8.organizers or events website: This detail will not be shown in the event listings, only on event detail pages!

1.static page, showing our contact data (NO contact form)

1.simple page with linkpartners (e.g.
2.Link to site with information how users can register their site: (e.g.

8)Other information
1.Ads (please each placeholder in one separate file, which will be included)
1.left side, below navigation: placeholder for text links or small buttons
2.right side of all pages, placeholder skyscraper
3.event listings, after every 5th event: placeholder for bannercode or Google AdSense.
4.event detail pages (somewhere below the event details): Placeholder for bannercode or Google AdSense

If you have any other ideas what to implement (e.g. Blog), please let me know!
Project description is available as PDF, on request.

Simple Corporate Website

Simple Corporate Website
KhushKimet is a family foundation to support our family.
The purpose of the website is to further our effort to support our family – educating members about our effort, and further raising funds.

Simple homepage – large image

Each page MAY have several sub-pages.
• About the Foundation
• Executive Committee
• Programs & Project
• Grant Guidelines
• Get Involved
o Form
o Incorpororate PayPal payment
• Contact Us
• New
• Blog – tell me which one you will use and incorporate
Should be able to add new pages with a standard template easily with ease to add to menu

We prefer not to use Sub Menus; we are considering the use of a second menu on the left header (and the body is actually embedded in a “sliding pane” component) example: Another slider example:
Simple website – with Open Source CMS, but tell me why you picked it.

Strong Home Page – main element will be basic flash slide show

Must have a disciplined CSS approach.

Show me example website of a similar build / or element you would recommend using.

You must have experience not just with web programming BUT web development and design as well.

Please add the name KhushKismet to your bid.

Simpe Joomla Corp Site

Simpe Joomla Corp Site

Please read the entire document. Please do not send a standard response.

SwiftTortoise is a idea generation, incubation and development company. We develop many different ideas – and are the holding company for such ventures if implemented.

This basic website is mini-portal for the company. The main purpose is to show a summary of the ideas, currently:

Squash Design
Premier Performance Squash
CasinoRe / BetRe
BeTheHouse (To Be Renamed)

Buttons on Main Menu:
• Home
• Projects – See above
• About Us

* BLOG – must add a blog with custom theme

• Contact Us

Each Project will have its own Page – Standard layout:
• Header
• Clean table with rounded borders (see

Should be able to add new projects easily (new page and content) with ease to add to menu.

Currently each project only has 1 page
• We need your ideas on how to incorporate another menu – for each project – the number of pages and button titles will vary by project
• We prefer not to use Sub Menus; we are considering the use of a second menu on the left header (and the body is actually embedded in a “sliding pane” component) example:
• Another slider example:

Simple website – with Open Source CMS, but tell me why you picked it.
Strong Home Page – main element will be basic flash slide show of the given projects
Must have a disciplined CSS approach.

Show me example website of a similar build / or element you would recommend using.


Corp Site – Under Us200

Corp Site – Under Us200

Please read the entire document. Please do not send a standard response.

SwiftTortoise is a idea generation, incubation and development company. We develop many different ideas – and are the holding company for such ventures if implemented.

This basic website is mini-portal for the company. The main purpose is to show a summary of the ideas, currently:

Squash Design
Premier Performance Squash
CasinoRe / BetRe
BeTheHouse (To Be Renamed)

Buttons on Main Menu:
• Home
• Projects – See above
• About Us

* BLOG – must add a blog with custom theme

• Contact Us

Each Project will have its own Page – Standard layout:
• Header
• Clean table with rounded borders (see

Should be able to add new projects easily (new page and content) with ease to add to menu.

Currently each project only has 1 page
• We need your ideas on how to incorporate another menu – for each project – the number of pages and button titles will vary by project
• We prefer not to use Sub Menus; we are considering the use of a second menu on the left header (and the body is actually embedded in a “sliding pane” component) example:
• Another slider example:

Simple website – with Open Source CMS, but tell me why you picked it.
Strong Home Page – main element will be basic flash slide show of the given projects
Must have a disciplined CSS approach.

Show me example website of a similar build / or element you would recommend using.


Programming Project 1271578820

Programming Project 1271578820

Please read the entire document. Please do not send a standard response.

SwiftTortoise is a idea generation, incubation and development company. We develop many different ideas – and are the holding company for such ventures if implemented.

This basic website is mini-portal for the company. The main purpose is to show a summary of the ideas, currently:

Squash Design
Premier Performance Squash
CasinoRe / BetRe
BeTheHouse (To Be Renamed)

Buttons on Main Menu:
• Home
• Projects – See above
• About Us

* BLOG – must add a blog with custom theme

• Contact Us

Each Project will have its own Page – Standard layout:
• Header
• Clean table with rounded borders (see

Should be able to add new projects easily (new page and content) with ease to add to menu.

Currently each project only has 1 page
• We need your ideas on how to incorporate another menu – for each project – the number of pages and button titles will vary by project
• We prefer not to use Sub Menus; we are considering the use of a second menu on the left header (and the body is actually embedded in a “sliding pane” component) example:
• Another slider example:

Simple website – with Open Source CMS, but tell me why you picked it.
Strong Home Page – main element will be basic flash slide show of the given projects
Must have a disciplined CSS approach.

Show me example website of a similar build / or element you would recommend using.


Magento / Brand Website Build

Magento / Brand Website Build
Squash Design is a clothing company – focusing on squash players. Selling clothing is a very tactile and emotional decision, so selling clothing online is a big challenge. We must design a site that address this challenge.

Things to consider in the design:

1. The design elements should speak towards the liveliness of the line and brand. We do not want stale – static design. Please do not use out of the box templates.

2. We will have s small line – but the line will be constantly (every
3 months) changing with new products

3. We have several world class players – they must be showcased throughout the site. We have a photographer who will be providing high quality images of our players in events

4. We also like to show normal average people (our squash community) members in the apparel – playing

5. We support events through the year – this must be captured and updated easily.

6. Tons of photos, video – this needs to be easy to update

7. For your reference- current site is

We are asking for your design/creativity.

1. The base build will be a clone of As a base EVERYTHING in here will be in scope – with some addition, or minor modifications.

2. Homepage – please price out including a flash home page similar to We have independent bids separate for this – please make sure you create the placeholder for this.

3. Menu should js like lodger page. If we change items – it should be easy to modify this menu. Please note the tabs in the menu.

4. Departments ( – note image and mouse over change. This has to be dynamic build as we add and remove items. Each department should have its own page

5. Our department (Roughly speaking)

6. Item page (; note the following
* Mouse over on the picture to show alternative views
* New images when color selected
* Three tabs – (overview, how to wear it, what comes with it)
** We like this one as well ( – 5 tabs; but companion product is one of the tabs
* Breadcrumb on top
* Companion Products with mouse) over
* Wishlist

7. SquashDesign Blog – we currently use wordpress – but are willing to move to anything – should have a non-basic layout; the header should match our general layout – seem seamless.

8. At eheck out – have recommended products based on shopping cart content (see cart) – with pop up window to add products.

9. True working 1 page checkout – please price this optionally

10. Other pages at a minimum will include give us options here some basic vs something creative:
* These are important pages – prefer something creative
** Player page: We sponsor a number of top players – we need a page to showcase the player
** May have light flash element (example from Technifibre: –
** Photo gallery – we will have many pictures – with more coming with time
** Events – we sponsor many events through the year – would like to have this capture

* SquashDesign Blog – regarding the company

* From the current site: ( we will supply the content – the design team supply the layout)
• About Us ( We like the WHOLE section about the Lodger experience ( – including overview, etc (our sections will be different)
• Photo History (maybe this can be included above)
• Logo Evolution (maybe this can be included above)
• Past Collections (maybe this can be included above)
• Sponsorship Inquiry
• Shipping
• Returns/Exchanges
• Contact Us
• Privacy Policy
• Terms Of Use
• Site Map

11. Please sign into lodgerfootwear (create ian account). All functionality shall be cloned here as well

12. All correspondence templates (email, invoice etc) will ‘ modified

13. Optional Section (Price wit and without this selection)
* We would like a section that is only available to a certain log in type (like wholesaler) – and a section will appear similair to ([]=115) – but does not include any details to uploading art.
** Select Color
** Quantity per size is selected
** Pricing is calculated based on
• Number of shirts
• Number of total colors
• Number of Print placements

14. Additional requirement
* Images and content will be ready in the future – please use stock content to demonstrate functionality
* Any 3rd party template, flash, plugin etc – that are commercial must be approved before use
* No clip art
* All content must be Magento compliant – not a hack – and designed in such a way that may be extended seamlessly (this includes but not limited to – new products, categories, sub-categories)
* All work will be owned by SquashDesign
* We currently have a test magento site for testing.
* We prefer work is done on a local server with interim builds loaded to extremesquash

15. Biding Requirements
* Bid with a Dollar Estimate and Timeline
* Supply proposed project plan (a least a general plan) and milestones

Simple Corp Site – Under Us200

Simple Corp Site – Under Us200

KhushKimet is a family foundation to support our family.
The purpose of the website is to further our effort to support our family – educating members about our effort, and further raising funds.

Simple homepage – large image

Each page MAY have several sub-pages.
• About the Foundation
• Executive Committee
• Programs & Project
• Grant Guidelines
• Get Involved
o Form
o Incorpororate PayPal payment
• Contact Us
• New
• Blog – tell me which one you will use and incorporate
Should be able to add new pages with a standard template easily with ease to add to menu

We prefer not to use Sub Menus; we are considering the use of a second menu on the left header (and the body is actually embedded in a “sliding pane” component) example: Another slider example:
Simple website – with Open Source CMS, but tell me why you picked it.

Strong Home Page – main element will be basic flash slide show

Must have a disciplined CSS approach.

Show me example website of a similar build / or element you would recommend using.

You must have experience not just with web programming BUT web development and design as well.

Please add the name KhushKismet to your bid.

Auto Submission Tool 2

Auto Submission Tool 2
Searching for an auto submission tool.

It would search websites like

1) The auto submission will be able to log into website

2) Use search terms like Telesales, Telemarketing and it wil search for jobs posted in these search terms

3) The tool will count how many jobs it has found in these search terms

4) The tool will send a Cv in pdf format and make an application for these jobs it has found in the search terms.

Tool to be created in PHP, Mysql, Ajax

Urgent project ready to start right away.

Project For Usin 2

Project For Usin 2
Here the project details

1) use the design you have shown me add code which is developed by my coder to your design

2)Install & configure this script script with my application adjust it to our pages & script so user have to sign up before he user the site

3)create a data base so user can save data to his profile like currently you can see my script can only do post it is not allowing user to save data data base will include user name password,article,rss url,ping url only few fields,

4)user can schedule the time for article posting cron job configuration