Make Site Multilanguage

Make Site Multilanguage
Dear programmer / designer,

I need a communtity profile website so be multilanguage.
I have templates now for a foreign language.
I want a template for the english language.
I think loading a different template when choosing a language will do the trick. Or am i wrong?

Language is hardcoded in the scripts. I need this to be put in lanuage files. Its not neccesary to put the complete website in english language file. If i know how to do it and get a headstart i can do it myself.
I prefer different langauge files for the different modules.

If you have another plan how to solve it, then i’m open for suggestions.

In short what needs to be done:
– make in the header 2 flags where people can select the language
and make sure the right template is used then.
– Make english template
– Make language files

WordPress Email Sender

WordPress Email Sender
Need a WordPress plugin for email list management and autoresponding.

The list of users for emailing should be created from the regular wp registration process. A lot of solutions available now work by creating a NEW registration form that adds users to a list – not what we want. We want them added via the normal WP registration process. (syncing would be fine if needed)

Plugin should enable the admin to:
*create new lists for segmenting, and moving users into
*create/save draft/edit/send/ email with the wysiwyg editor
*manually add and remove subscribers
*email blast all users to any list that is set up
*create email autoresponders i.e. someone registers – day 1 they automatically get sent an email, day 2 they get another pre set email, day 5 another follow up email, and so on.
*should allow users to automatically unsubscribe themselves from any email that goes out
*global input for address that to be added to footer of every email to insure CAN-SPAM compliance
*track opens, clicks

Mailpress does all of this. However it also does a lot more that isn’t needed and often conflicts with other plugins, etc. A much simpler version of that is what we would like.

The plugin should be free from an ongoing royalties with us being able use it on multiple sites. Plugin code to be transparent so we can edit it later if we need. No encrypted files.

Fb & Wp Easy App 2

Fb & Wp Easy App 2
i need a easy app for facebook in a wordpress plughin…

Is very easy, is a facebook app with the possibilities to insert in my page and a wordpress plughin to insert in my blog.

Like for

I have a button that open a pop up with a botton for became fan of my page and the list of my friend. If i became fan i have 10 point and 1 for all the friend invited.

After i have a classific of the user ordinated for the people that have more point, and a list with the friend that have became friend whit this tool.

This easy app can be installed on my wordpress blog with a plughin and on my facebook page…


Programming Project 12628862 2

Programming Project 12628862 2
I need a script to scrap ALL posts from all types of blogs (, self hosted wordpress, blogger, and typepad).
If a blog has 1000 posts, I want all 1000 posts to be extracted and stored in a database.

I will input a list of blog urls from an admin area and the script will get me all posts of the blog and store them into a SQL database.

The data extracted will be similar as what I will get from the rss feed of a blog. See below blog feed for an idea of the data i need…

If you have an existing script, please quote me a price.
If you need to develope the script, please briefly descript how your developed script will work.

Web Content Writer Needed

Web Content Writer Needed
I am looking for a writer to write 20 articles on different keywords for websites.

The articles need to be:

Original and unique to pass copyscape checking
Good English, no grammatical or spelling mistakes
SEO, good quality and informative
Between 450 to 500 words

I shall have the copyright of the articles , you can’t re-sell or re-publish them.

Thanks for bidding, and look afterward hearing from you soon.

Simple Copy & Paste

Simple Copy & Paste

I’m currently promoting a couple of websites and I’m looking for anyone who can take 5 or 10 minutes of his time to help me out.

There are 4 websites where I need to post reviews, but since I can’t post all the reviews on my own, I need you to post some reviews.

Once I choose you as the winner for this project, I’ll send you a .doc file with the instructions. You simply need to go to 3 websites, and copy and paste the reviews I wrote for you.

Then, 5 days later, you do the same with the second round of reviews.

I wrote some reviews, so you simply visit the websites and place the reviews there.

This project can be done by anyone who has a couple of minutes so, if you’re looking for a fast review, please make your bid.

Also, let me know where you’re from. Since these websites track the IPs, I would prefer to select anyone from Europe or USA.

Thank you.

Blogdirectorie Entries

Blogdirectorie Entries
Insert a new blog into

– 10 GERMAN Blogdirectories
– 10 international Blogdirectories

The inserts at the german directories must be in GERMAN

Please only bid, if you are sure you could do this.
I only accept bids thats start with the word ‘event’.

With your bid you accept the additional agreement as follows :
– If you deny or don’t respond to my provider selection, you have to pay a fee of 10USD to me.
– If accept the project but can’t deliver the project as required or in time, you have to pay a fee of 30USD to me

I only pay if project is finished as required. No Milestone or part payments. I only pay with SF escrow.

Customize Cre Loaded Templat 2

Customize Cre Loaded Templat 2
I want to customize the default template for my CRE Loaded store. I will provide all the guidelines for the new template design, as I want a simple but clean layout. I also have a sample site whose design can be used as a reference.

Please only bid on this project if you already have experience with CRE Loaded store and template as i have no time for trial-and-error.

Website Copy Writer

Website Copy Writer
Need a copy writer for website. Must know about real estate, i will supply a out line of what i want and you will build on that. Must be optimize for search engines. Must also have knowledge of website design, i need forms installed as well as a video. I have the template already just need the above taking care off. it will be about 5 pages.
So if you can do this job to my satisfaction I AM LOOKING FOR A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP. As i grow you will grow with my company So for this trial i willing to pay $50-75. Remember this is just a trail you will grow with me as i grow so don’t get stuck on the price for this job.