Small Photo Website

Small Photo Website
I need a 5 to 8 page website to advertise my business, Please see for type of site and business.

This is NOT my company but a run a very similar company, I think the site should be good design and easy to read.

I will also need a way to password protect areas of the site for private photos and to be able to share those photos via twitter, facebook, myspace etc …

Full specifications and website copy and photos will be provided to the winner. Good design is a must you will be designing logo and site.

Please ask any questions through PMB my budget is at Max 200 US, good fast work will be rewarded with more work.

Project must be tested and finished within 14 days of award of contract

Mp3 Site

Mp3 Site

I want a clone of one mp3 script, it should be develop in php and mysql and should have all features as the original. No bugs and everything should be working.

The clone should have all features as original and if you want to add more features it will be great

I want to have a nice design, let me know if you are also able to make the design.

At the end, as I said the script should be without bugs and have all features as the example I will give you

Please send me a PM for more details

Thank you

Facebook T-shirt Application

Facebook T-shirt Application
I am looking for Facebook applications, which can help us to sell our funny tshirts. So, we prefer easy and funny way which has a viral potential. If you have some ready made apps from your previous work, or you can make some new app for us, please make offer to us.
We prefer good experience with developing Facebook applications. Please send us examples of your previous work.
We offer long term partnership – we will need more apps.


Server Recording Applet – Java

Server Recording Applet – Java
I need a server based Audio Recording Java app, for a radio station, that will do all of the following functions:

All files to be worked with/created by this java app will be high quality mp3

Allow for simultaneous recording of more than one person so that interviews may be recorded.

Allow for user-selected music file(s) to be automatically prepended, inserted and appended to the session.

Allow for music to be recorded while speakers are being recorded
– use a music cue with lower audio level to remind speaker to break for ad
– allow pre-defined audio ads to play/record during session

Admin functionality included:
– define times to automatically insert ads into session, ie 20 minutes in, 40 minutes in, etc.
– define file(s) to be inserted
– define total session length (60 min, 15 min, etc)

Must be able to record at least 60 minute sessions.

A decent skin – something easy for novices to use and figure out with Record, Play, Pause buttons (etc) along with the ability to select music files to be pre-prended, inserted and appended to their session from a drop down list. Record level indicators (lights)

Presenters / Hosts / Interviewees will log in and a ‘dash board’ type skin is presented.
Host can start / pause process as necessary.
Automatically name final file with user ID and air date (system provided) saved in system defined location.

This must be installed on my server and demonstrated, be fully documented, Complete source code included, 100% owned by me

Will be used in LAMP environment.

*** Expect your app to be vigorously tested before you get paid! Payment through Escrow only! ***

Please PM complete proposal and links to similar solutions you have created.
Please Do NOT send me links to websites that have nothing to do with audio recording!

Preference given to developer with something similar that can be demo’d now.

I am a developer working for this client. I’ve been using scriptlance for work for years. This is my first proposal. Please, no game players, bot bids, etc!

Developer must have skype for daily update sessions.

*** Will award this project to the first developer who has a decent demo / solution with a fair bid and good feedback. I’d like to have it 100% done and installed by Feb 5th so give me your best shot!

Easy Joomla Yootheme Install

Easy Joomla Yootheme Install
I have a licensed copy of a YooTheme (Symphony). I would like you to install it with all the required modules. YooTheme makes this very simple with one big install file – you just need to do the upload and initial configuration, I’ll take it from there.

This will be a brand new site so there is no content to worry about or old templates to mess with. I use HostICan whic has Joomla available through Fantastico if needed.

Pretty straight forward. I tried to install it myself but am still too much of a novice and I don’t trust myself.

Joomla Website Wrap-up

Joomla Website Wrap-up
We are looking fo someone to finish a Joomla website project we began. The site currently needs the shopping cart added that will be third party and the appropriate links will need to be added for skus, images and links to shopping cart. We currently have a shopping cart to use but need the website product images re-arranged so the website is easier to change, navigate and update on our end. This project is not overwhelming and only requires knowledge of Joomla. We also need to be shown how to function website upon completion based on how it will be arranged and updated. All pages have been created. It is only the details that need to be finished. All images are currently on website. I can give current website information upon find the person who is best for the job and can get the project done promptly.

Product Description Writing

Product Description Writing
Looking for a competent copywriter to research and write short descriptions (20 – 25 words) for african art products (around 250 products).

Future writing jobs will be possible after successful completion of this project.

Only bidders who are available to work on this project, can work independently and can provide quality work in a timely manner need to bid.

Must have excellent research and writing skills, also Must Master the English Language.


Real Estate With Idx Site

Real Estate With Idx Site
Real Estate Website with IDX & MLS integration required on a Word Press Platform (preferred but open to suggestions).

A few big features

1) Live Data Mapping (like – we need a system to display information and for us to enter the information

2) IDX Listings with custom design for displaying the info

3) Website will need to be duplicated for multiple url’s upon completion (with a different database, however).

Documentation and mock-ups are attached.

We are looking for SERIOUS programmers with a good portfolio. Good communication is EXTREMELY important to us – so please tell us about your availability. We are in Eastern time so if there is someone available during eastern time hours that is preferred but not a must.

Happy bidding!


I need to make a website with this detail.
I will have the design in psd format.

The website is a site with menu and sub menu, regular data and has listing of entities from a dynamic unlimited database.
It should have screen resolution detection so that it fits clearly with any resolution starting from 1024×768 and up.
A sign in module with username and password in order to access the details and to be able to interact with specific areas
It will have search and advanced search,
Listing results with thumbnail, brief and some of the fields in the database with the read more option that takes you to details including text of different fields and photos with a gallery per entity and videos for each entity, email forms directly to entity with option of adding attachment, interactive links of webaddresses…etc..
Google maps with every entity data.
Print/save/download pdf should be available.
Add to favorites for each entity.
Sorting results should be available.
Make text small and large module.
A promotion to promote a special offer linked to the database.
A newsletter module with all the control functions.
A calendar of events with all the control functions.
A separate photo gallery linked the database.
A video gallery linked to the database.a ranking module.
A news section with the mentioned before option as well as download pdf file.
Advertising area linked to a database.
This should be multilingual taking into consideration that arabic should be mirrored as it is from right to left like ….all the database will change to arabic and will be mirror of the design not only translation. (it will need data entry in 2 languages(arabic & english))
Recommend us to a friend module linked to the database.
Write a review about each entity with the details of the writer, date and hour of writing the review/comment which all goes to the database.
Top ranked area linked to the ranking module to show the top ranked.
Featured entities linked to views count.
A register with us module that links to database so any entity can add itself with all its details, photos, videos, date and hour of registration, etc…

The backend/CMS should allow u to do anything from there. The database should be flexible to add/edit/delete a category, add/edit/delete subcategory, add/edit/delete a field. (it will need data entry in 2 languages (arabic & english))

I expect to have the website developed, and delivered working online with the source, the client side and the backend.
I want to know the total amount of hours and date and rate to finalize it.

If there is anything that needs clarification, pls do not hesitate to ask at projects name as it is a domain and i am the only user.

Awaiting your reply.

best regards.


Joomla Experts Wanted

Joomla Experts Wanted
This iS Santa Again
This time i am posting a project of my theme ‘christmas’:)
I am planning to buy a template from template monster here it is.

I just need to do some minor changes like
Edit the christmas text in logo in small letters in the template and change the slogan under it,replace the footer,messages from the contact page forwarded to my email etc
also The home page will look same as in the original template there will be 3 articles displayed on the front page with an image for each article and they will be attached.

Its a simple few hours job.So expecting real quote for the price.
I have one more project in Joomla,if you succesfully complete this one,I will award the next project directly to you without opening it for bid.

Please participate now!

Thanks Again

Best Regards

Vidiscript Customization

Vidiscript Customization
I have installed the script and have the basic running. However, I need someone to build a custom template and help with the implementation of the system into our web site.

I need someone who is extremely fluent with the VidiScript system who can give a serious quote to get this completed asap. If you have any questions let me know. Thanks!