I need to make a website with this detail.
I will have the design in psd format.
The website is a site with menu and sub menu, regular data and has listing of entities from a dynamic unlimited database.
It should have screen resolution detection so that it fits clearly with any resolution starting from 1024×768 and up.
A sign in module with username and password in order to access the details and to be able to interact with specific areas
It will have search and advanced search,
Listing results with thumbnail, brief and some of the fields in the database with the read more option that takes you to details including text of different fields and photos with a gallery per entity and videos for each entity, email forms directly to entity with option of adding attachment, interactive links of webaddresses…etc..
Google maps with every entity data.
Print/save/download pdf should be available.
Add to favorites for each entity.
Sorting results should be available.
Make text small and large module.
A promotion to promote a special offer linked to the database.
A newsletter module with all the control functions.
A calendar of events with all the control functions.
A separate photo gallery linked the database.
A video gallery linked to the database.a ranking module.
A news section with the mentioned before option as well as download pdf file.
Advertising area linked to a database.
This should be multilingual taking into consideration that arabic should be mirrored as it is from right to left like ….all the database will change to arabic and will be mirror of the design not only translation. (it will need data entry in 2 languages(arabic & english))
Recommend us to a friend module linked to the database.
Write a review about each entity with the details of the writer, date and hour of writing the review/comment which all goes to the database.
Top ranked area linked to the ranking module to show the top ranked.
Featured entities linked to views count.
A register with us module that links to database so any entity can add itself with all its details, photos, videos, date and hour of registration, etc…
The backend/CMS should allow u to do anything from there. The database should be flexible to add/edit/delete a category, add/edit/delete subcategory, add/edit/delete a field. (it will need data entry in 2 languages (arabic & english))
I expect to have the website developed, and delivered working online with the source, the client side and the backend.
I want to know the total amount of hours and date and rate to finalize it.
If there is anything that needs clarification, pls do not hesitate to ask at projects name as it is a domain and i am the only user.
Awaiting your reply.
best regards.