Need A Similar Site Like

Need A Similar Site Like
I need a clone of the website –
The site should have listing features same as and

What I have : I have a domain and hosting ready, will provide details to the wining provider.
I am open to the suggestions for platforms but I am familiar with Joomla.
Let me know the cost and time required.
I will pay as per the milestone. 10% upfront and rest in respected Milestone.

Thanks for bidding.
Jhon Doe

Joomla Style/css Modification

Joomla Style/css Modification
I am using Joomla 1.0.15 for my site

I want someone to edit the style that will do the following

In the link above, the article is posted with many links (episode 1, episode 2, episode 3 and so on). I want when a viewer clicks on a link, there will be a cross line over the link, so he will know he has clicked on it. I want this cross line over the links remain for 3 days, even he closes the article and reopen it. So within 3 days, he knows what links he has clicked on. After 3 days, the cross links will be clear

In the above link, this article uses a bot for multiple pages. You see a drop down menu, that a viewer can choose pages for this article. Similarly like above, I want there is a cross line for each page that a viewer clicks on. It will remain for 3 days.


Quick Virtuemart Job – Joomla

Quick Virtuemart Job – Joomla
I would like to add 3 entries in my shopping site made with virtuemart.
– cars
— All
— toyota
— honda

– shoes
— nike
— fils

– drinks
— coke
— sprit

ie when you click on “category cars” we have all products of car category that appear and if you click on “shoes” same thing, and finaly if you click on “all” we will have all products.

Maybe this functionality already exist,i am not VM expert.
* Quick selection

Joomla License Error Code Fix

Joomla License Error Code Fix
One of my client’s websites that’s on a very custom high end Joomla/CuteEditor WYSIWYG platform and hosted by is NOT allowing anyone to edit or get accesss to the 98 web pages thru Joomla’s front end as of last
72 hours for some reason.

We can logon/off the Joomla website fine, all web pages are online no problem there, I can get to any page no problem, but once I click on the upper right hand corner edit page icon to edit a webpage on Joomla front end I get this error message on EVERY page on the website and won’t allow me to edit pages now.

IMPORTANT**Gray window pops up labeled “Message from Webpage”
Yellow triangle with exclamation point graphic that says next to it “License Error: (4) license expired! (SEE SCREENSHOT of this exact error message ATTACHED to this bid).

Makes no sense since it’s been running perfect for almost 2 1/2 months straight with zero problems and never seen any error messages.

Contacted two engineers from my hosting company here is what they told me. “Your permissions are probably the cause of this:
they should be: folders = 755, and files = 644.”

“This is not a server issue. Your getting a license error probably
because your using a non standard plugin for editing. Make sure
that your using the Tiny MCE module for editing and check that
you don’t have any third party or custom editing modules installed
that may require a license.”

I was also told from a freelancer I need to spend $129 for a
cuteeditor license for my client! :O

But others say I might not need to do that????

I need a definite answer and proof to back up your reasoning and include this on your bid. I need to find out if I did or didn’t have a fully paid cuteeditor version. Also I’ve hacked the current
cuteeditor/Joomla with programmer so this site needs to be backed up twice before we would do that.

I have my client very high in SERPS and Alexa top 412,000 in the world. So I need someone that is a Joomla guru and can tell me BEFORE I give you bid what this issue is and how exactly they will fix it quick.

So 3 things need done…

1. You need to copy entire website and custom Joomla & Cute Editor platform to abcallcenter. Should be easy since both websites are hosted by bluehost and even same domain register in Godaddy.

2. Once step 1 is done figure out why we can’t access/edit/create any webpages on the Joomla website and then fix it completely. If we need to buy a paid version of CuteEditor part of this bid is you installing it (We buy it not you of course), but you MUST backup and be able to put back or at least not delete all the other custom hacks/plug-ins/features we’ve added to both Joomla and CuteEditor systems.

3. If we have to buy paid access key/license for CuteEditor help us find someone that we can buy a access key/domain license for $40-$50. People can buy 10 domain licenses for $300 so $30 each, need to buy one from someone like that.

4. Install Google Analytics on every page of my client’s website per Google Webmaster instructions. (We have Google account already will give you access).
Need this done RIGHT NOW and finished by tomorrow at the latest.

Also you must have Yahoo chat and Skype to talk live on.


Twitter Tool

Twitter Tool
Need something that will..

-Update statues for multiple accounts (every 5-20 min would be nice)
-Mix and generate sentences ex. Make money online, join free , after mixed something like; earn online, join free on charge. ( Things like ; . ; 3 5 can be added to .. so If i insert once sentence I would expect to get about 100 that look the same.

Original: Make money online, join free, payal proof

mix 1: Mmake money online, join free, payal proof

mix 2: Make money online, join free, payal proof ..

mix 3: .Make money online, join free, payal proof ..

mix 4: Make money online, join free, payal proof ;

etc …….

Fix Bugs In Site

Fix Bugs In Site

My ebook ecommerce site has to be thoroughly tested, a test report has to be generated, all found bugs have to be fixed, this may or may not include some code writing.

The site itself is less than 14 main pages in length. So please price accordingly.

Though I do not expect SEO, the site’s sitemap is not functional. I regard this as a bug, and expect it to be fixed.

Payment through Scriptlance Escrow, 35% in advance.

I expect to grant routine Website Maintance to the provider who fixes the bugs in my site. I also expect that I’d be able to direct a lot of design & development work your way, over 2010 & 2011. If you can do SEO, that type of work will also be forthcoming.

Thank you for considering my project.


Mambo To Joomla Migration

Mambo To Joomla Migration
Hello programmers,
so here’s the deal. my website ( was made back in 2006 running on an old version of mambo. its time to get it transferred to the latest version of joomla. joomla has been already installed on the same server. NOW, I’d like to get someone/team to do the migration for me professionally. stuff that I am really concerned about are :
1- USERS (CB database)
2- ALL CONTENT (possibly with their hit number?)
4- Template (if not possible , at least get it very close to the current theme)
no modules or components need to be transferred.

I definitely need more service toward the new site in a near future so if you do a good job you’ll get more business from me.
if you want to browse around the website use username : guest , password : guest

Virtuemart Category Discount

Virtuemart Category Discount
Need to be compatible with Virtuemart 1.1.3. and above
looking for a flexible Discount Module based on:
Category, and/or ,Product Type List, Total amount
discount can be apply: on percentage
The results need to be reflected in the shopping cart…

1. Category A -20% ,B -25%
2. Total more 100$ -5%
3. Product type A -5%
4. 1 – 5 items $5 off or disc. by percentage
5. 6 – 10 items $10 off

Joomla Site Modification

Joomla Site Modification
Ask me for the link to the site

I have a site that I would say is 40% done, maybe more. I had a programmer do the site, but he must of had other work or something, because their were none stop issues with him not understanding me and I’d only get a response from him every 4 days or so. Anyway I’m moving on from him.

He did some of the work. The menu drop down is all there, the design is there, but he didn’t do the homepage right. Anyway I’m willing to pay $130-200 for this project. It must be done in 2 weeks or less.

The site will require a good portion of mods to a joomla template.

The site will requre you to do the following:

Home News Products & Services Events Contact
Latest headlines

Featured Tech

Co. Directory

• US
• International
• Contracts
• Technology
• M&A Cameras
• Visible
International Newsletter

Add Your company



Customer Service
Manned EO Systems
• Land
• Air
• Sea
Unmanned Systems
(Website Tool bar) +Add Your Company Search _____________

Notes on functionality needed:
• Products & Services section needs good (easy, fast, accurate) search capability. Search should be based on either company, product, or service.
• Several places throughout the site will encourage readers to submit information to be added to the site: company information, products, services, resumes, news, jobs, etc. Each one will have a form to capture the information to be posted . The admin tool should allow a simple review and post option by the admin without much if any effort. Simple ‘push of a button approval’.

Home Page Layout (note: follow format similar to is the premier resource for news and information about the components and systems used in military imaging.

Latest Headlines

(instant RSS feeds with mix of sources from list below) Advertisement

Company Directory:

Featured Technology

Information feed or input from site admin (JR) on a topic basis
Topic next few months
NIR Cameras Advertisement

Insert Image HERE

Newsletter Signup
Get the latest information delivered to your email daily, weekly, or monthly.

Enter email address______________ Advertisement
Featured Products:

NOTE: Content Sites for newsfeeds: as of 11/28/09

About Us:
The site is a new web portal designed for the International Defense & Aerospace Industry. It is a source of daily information for Manufacturers, OEM’S, System Integrators and Contractors. The portal focuses on military imaging equipment (cameras, optics, detectors) and systems (Manned EO, UAVs, UGVs, UUVs).
We provide a comprehensive breakdown of products and services from leading industry contractors, with up-to-date news and press releases when exciting developments occur. The Site provides links to the most important Defense related organizations, events and players in this market worldwide.

Elance Posting:
I am looking to create an informational website through the aggregation of relevant news items. This is a full design job for a new site including logos, colors, and CMS.
My company sells products to the target industry and the intention is to use this website to:
• Generate repeat visitors by providing useful news and information to my industry
• Generate leads for my company / website
• Generate networking opportunities in the industry
• Encourage participation via forums and postings
• Generate some revenue through selling ads & keywords
Basically I would like to import my content from other sites using RSS feeds and whatever other means are possible. The site needs to be able to capture RSS, etc. specific to my industry and also allow forums and comments. Essentially the site should look professional and interesting with content coming from other places.
Important Site Considerations
• The site needs to have an easy to use admin tool so I can change content myself
• Other than content updates the site must be easy to maintain and virtually free to operate (except my time, updates, hosting, etc.)
• The site should be cost effective to create and have the ability to add more to the initial design in the future.

In the end functionality is more important than design to me. The ease of administration, and ability to bring in up to date topic related news is more important than a custom template or from scratch design. I really want the site to encourage users to view and post things. When they post it should be a form based posting that gives me the ability to ‘hit a button’ and publish… For example ‘add a company’ would be based on products and services that company offers. So under ‘Cameras, Infrared, the information for Flir Systems would show up (address, website, telephone etc.). I also want to be able to upgrade those listings by having their logo added etc. for a fee. The newsletter is also a key piece. I need to capture visitor information and then allow them to receive daily or weekly updates that summarizes the news.

Here it is in the attachment the site outline and most important elements.
1. Toolbar
2. Organization
3. Multiple ‘entry’ points for interaction – news, jobs, resumes, products, etc.

Note: I’ll provide the words needed for each of the forms for you to design. Ideally, it will be simple so that if someone fills out a form it goes to the admin in a type of holding pattern until the adminstrator (currently me) can do a quick scan and hit ‘publish’ so that it will go live.

Joomla Project For Expert

Joomla Project For Expert
I need a joomla expert to develop a rss feed directory site. I want the main page to function like a news site, but feed articles from blogs and video blogs (youtube) via rss feeds.

The secondary pages will be for categorizing the remaining blogs and video feeds by (3) sections: blogs, videos, and articles. Each section will have multiple categories that separate blogs, videos and articles by types.

The sample sites I like are the following.

Note: I have the templates and extensions for both templates.

Ask questions, and bid accordingly.


100% Escrow
No payment in phases
I will give a bonus if programmer completes project on time. A day later, and you lose bonus.

Improve Site Design And Logo

Improve Site Design And Logo
Create a logo and improve design and layout for, which is a libertarian consumer education web site. This must be implemented in joomla. You will need to create your own joomla site (which I can view). You will not have direct access to The design should be simple and elegant.

You should provide several options for both logo and site design from which I can choose. You may also create a list of existing sites to use for ideas.

Convert Frontpage To Joomla

Convert Frontpage To Joomla
Basically this is a very low level conversion:

We need our current FrontPage site converted to Joomla
– Take all current pages, remove current html and re-create each page in Joomla to gain the maximum control and consistency.
– Insert new logo and enable the template
– insert photographs and images used on the current site
– configure all moduals
– setup to e-mail registered users when updated.
– add a youtube RSS feed for a particular account to show on the site.
– upload documents that are in word and create file name and post this to the front page automatically.
– also would like the site to be viewable on cell phones such as windows mobile blackberry and android.
– add rss for the site

I need a quick turnaround