Migration Script Problem

Migration Script Problem
Hi! We bought this script to migrate products from Cre Loaded to Virtuemart:

Step 1 – Migrate Categories – Went Ok!
Step 2 – Migrate Products – Went Ok!
Step 4 – Migrate Manufactures – Went Ok!
Step 5 – Repair SKU – Went Ok!
Step 6 – Migrate Customers – Went Ok!

* Step 3 – step is to add oscommerce products attributes to joomla virtuemart

Step 3 did not work, we need this script to execute properly and add the products attributes from Oscommerce to Virtuemart products.

I attached the script, I need it fixed and working asap please. Only bid if you can fix it fast, Thanks a lot

Joomla Plugin Modification

Joomla Plugin Modification
Our client needs the following:

The Imperial Consulting Network needs to add functionality to the slideshow on the front page at www.thinkimperial.com

The 7 ‘icons’ at the bottom of the slideshow need to scrolls slowly from right to left, at a speed that emulates the feel of a stock market ticker. They must loop, so as on scrolls past the left border, it appears again from the right.

The movement should stop when the cursor is moved over an icon, and resume again when the cursors is moved off the icon area.

This slideshow is based on a javascript joomla plugin called Front Page Slideshow ( http://www.frontpageslideshow.net/ ). You will be customizing the module to add the scrolling functionality described above. The flexibility of the module must be maintained, I.E. the back end functionality of FPSS must remain unchanged.

We are a small software development company that would like to find a joomla and javascript professional to work with on this project. Attention to detail and communication are key to working with our firm. We will need this project completed by 3/17/10.

Twitter Api Integration Clone

Twitter Api Integration Clone
I’m going to launch a website that pulls in tweets that are subject specific. It will be designed the same way StockTwits.com is designed (check out stocktwits.com for an example). On StockTwits.com, users go to the site because they like to view all tweets relevant to their stock(s) aggregated on one site. This site and my site will do exactly that. It’s community-driven.

What I need:

(please reference the StockTwits.com website to understand what I am talking about)

1. Those interested in using the site and having their tweets show up on the site’s live feed will have to login into StockTwits.com with their twitter username and password. Example: Once a user provides that information (and with their permission), their tweets can show up on the StockTwits.com website if they post from their regular twitter account or from a texting platform (cellphone).

2. When the user is on their own twitter account and they want something to show up on the StockTwits.com website, they place the following designator, “$ $ ” at the beginning or end of their tweet. That way not everything they tweet shows up on the feed – only relevant material. Also ticker symbol with “$” infront of it (ex. $BAC) should be pulled into the stream as well.

3. The tweet stream on the site must update in realtime (or as close to realtime as possible) as shown on StockTwits.com. There must also be an entry bar where people can post straight onto the site as StockTwits.com allows.

4. The functionality must be almost identical to StockTwits.com where the user’s name, picture, the date and time of each tweet are displayed on the stream. Further, by clicking the name of the tweeter you can see all that person’s tweets aggregated as well. You can then “follow” them if you’d like and even see a small profile of them.

5. I need to have some kind of back end access to monitor the signups and tweets to delete users that are spamming or violating posting policies.

6. The construction should be scalable enough to replicate the same exact model for several sub-categories just as StockTwits.com which we can do at a later date.

NB! Only experienced people should bid for the project. Also you must have previous experience with twitter API and be able show previous work.

This is only the first in a series of many projects related to this site. There will be plenty of more work in the immediate future.

Also bid only if you are able to fit in the budget!

Joomla Site Php Fixes

Joomla Site Php Fixes
I’m willing to pay $100-150 for this work. It should done in less then a week.

The site is here www.rev(remove_this)eral.com

(1) reference request issue Should be: (request, register, fill in, (user taken to profile pg), reference pending, approve, reference visible (via email) — as noted

(2 Search: some registered users do not come up… I went through JOOMLA Users — the register data for those who do not are no different than all the names that do come up. It’s 1 in 5 that’s not coming up.

(3 on Chrome — profile page, input info into “What do you do” , upon clicking Save.. people from the request email who can write on Profile are getting the error… this may not happen to you —

(4 new button. Top nav. Right of Profile “Add References” .. Links to the contacter page.

(5 Please push down the image on the register page (from the email request).. its cutting into the heading.


i think this bug might go away, but when u click a ref request link from the email and register, it now takes you to the profile pg (i know its supposed to go to the reference pg), anyway on the profile pg. its unwritable, but if u click “add client” it scrolls down with the following error:

Warning: require_once(/home/rev(REMOVE_THIS)eral1/public_html/jobsite//includes/defines.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rev(REMOVE_THIS)eral1/public_html/components/com_rev(REMOVE_THIS)eral/htm/addclient.php on line 7

remember — i only get that bug, when i register coming in from a reference request link…which i’m supposed to jump over the profile pg into the “fill in the reference” page.

I don’t get the bug registering from the splash page.


Whn clicking the link “request a reference” I got a page with this

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/re(REMOVE_THIS)veral1/public_html/components/com_octazeninviter/octazeninviter.php on line 148

8. The email can go to the person who requested a reference, following the person submitting the form they filled out (its origin from a reference request).

The email states:


User name filled out a reference request for you

send that invitation accept email too — but a reference request is just that.

Also the last piece of this puzzle is to remove the reference form below the Octazen (once the email box opens up), since I cant write one reference for the 500 I’m requesting here.

NOow puts me into my own writable page — which is offafter they’re directed into the form.


so we have a lot of people hitting the site and am getting hit with errors on all directions.. we can figure out some type of payment arrangement, but the sites reference system and profile page are unstable

— if ur not seeing what the newbies are seeing — have ur friends try it out.

— u definitely need an account to have a reference go through the system.. just replying to an email (request) and writing a reference won’t go through — I won’t see it in “Pending requests”

– profile page — saving “What do you do” in Chrome gives you an error “There was a problem with your request” when I hit “Save”

10. Saving items on a a profile are an error upon save “what do you do”

11. Portfolio: Add Documents (in addition to images) — it can be a second up loader

. – user needs to be able to mark portfolio as public/private

12. Search: Add “Company” field — to be able to search for companies

13. Meetings and Chats: If I set up a chat or meeting, a number appears in my sidebar, but the chat or meeting does not. It does however appear (which is ok) on the person I set the chat/meet with. I need to be able to see it as well.

14. – Users need to be able delete chat or meets. Currently I have 70 of them for an account.

Site Seo + Ranking

Site Seo + Ranking

I have an IT consulting business website (Australia) that requires SEO. I would like to increase the ranking of my site to the first page of Google, Bing and Yahoo (link building, site submission etc…). The website is built on Joomla.

Please send me a list of what you offer and the tasks you will perform.

Only SEO experts need apply.

Thank you.

Joomla Support Script

Joomla Support Script
Totally we need 20 hours to implement the below tasks. will send you the cost for 20 man hours.
Will start the work,once you did the half of the payment.

Client comment:
I need the ability to open knowledge-base , articles and downloads, in another window. I also need each knowledbase item , article , download to have a url link so I can paste it into a ticket response? Does that make sense?

Response : Time-line for this task 4 hours

To integrate the above changes on the ticker response section, we need the extra time-line.
For the above task we will add the Copy URL button, on the admin download listing and knowledge-base and article listing page.

When click the button you can copy the corresponding link, after that you can paste this link to the ticket response.

Please refer the attached knowledgebase_copyurl.jpg, downloadlist_copy_url.jpg screen shots.

Below tasks : Time-line – 10 hours

Add a button to the right of customer id. The button should say Customer, this button would call this pagehttp://start asmallbiz. com/administrator/components/com_support//admin/users_list.php

Give me the ability to choose a customer and have it put it into the field

We will need to also add a search box to the Customer list so it easier to find a customer.

My Comments: Is there table we are populating in support db for customers? Can we add just fields on the support side that ties into joomla registration?

Fix and create installation of script to work in joomla. Make sure it works in current templates

See picture. Can we add another field for customer record. Add a field for “Customer Name” and add a field for “Phone Number”.

Client Request :
Add the mark knowledge-base,articles or downloads as internal only.

So these items would not be visible to customers/users but available to support side.

So search would not include these items for reg users just support.

Please show this field in the list for kb’s, articles,downloads

•We need ” 6 hours ” to implement the above task
•Will provide you the option to mention internal only
•Will include this in knowledge-base,downloads,announcements,
•A new check-box will be added to it…If checked that particular knowledge-base or announcement or downloads will be visible only for support side alone
•The same will be available in edit pages of the same (only in administrator end)
•The internal items wont be included in listing for customer.
•The internal items will be displayed to admin , with the word internal to notify the administrator.

Temp. To Joomla & Move Content

Temp. To Joomla & Move Content
This project is urgent because another provider has really messed up my site. I might just do a fresh install to save time if you feel that it’s beyond repair. I will allow the winning bidder the option to correct the previous work or to start fresh.

1. I have an html template that must be converted to joomla. Some of this is done already, but it’s very sloppy. The content must be made dynamic and integrated into the new template so that edits can be easily made in the future.

2. Activate SEO url’s within joomla (SEF module?)

3. Original website content is saved on the server. This content is stored in a backup folder and must be moved to the new template. The content to be moved should include the company logo, text, page titles, keywords, and descriptions.

4. Add a couple of fields to the contact form.

5. Complete acajooma install for newsletter and integrate into the contacts page and form.

6. Drop down CSS on navigation bar. Some of this has been done, but the previous provider could not grasp that the font size needed to be smaller.

7. The news page should function similar to a blog and allow updates to be posted to it.

If you would like to see what work has been done, send me a PM for that info if it will help your bid. Please be an expert in Joomla and Joomla site conversions. Do not bid if you cannot handle this job and provide clean, professional looking work.

Joomla Virtuemart

Joomla Virtuemart
Site: www.LejAnlaeg.dk
1. We need our the content on lejanlaeg.dk from the tabulized Joomla articles to virtuemart.
2. Change design on LejAnlaeg.dk to the same as www.LejDJ.dk.
3. A small amount of SEO optimization onsite. Only things that makes sense without knowing the language. Some technical stuff in the headlines and so on? I can give you some relevant keywords if you believe that you can make a difference.

Unfortunately the page is only in Danish.

Virtuemart is already installed, and the design from LejDJ.dk is uploaded, but needs some menu customization vice versa.

Philip Leth

Joomla Template And Site

Joomla Template And Site

We need a joomla expert to convert a design (see attached) to a Joomla 1.5 template or use a suitable 3rd party template with customisations

please provide examples of best looking sites completed so far and references

Requirements for the Joomla Template are:

– compatible at least with IE7, IE8, FireFox 3+
– drop down menu systems specified
– daily feedback required
– some extensions
– when programmer is selected, job needs to be done and tested in less than 5 days