Swf/game Auto-grabber

Swf/game Auto-grabber

This is simple job for one who is experienced PHP CURL.

I need a simple auto-uploader script, which can fetched the GAMES THROUGH RSS and UPLOAD it to my AVS script, see AVS script demo as well.

This uploading will be set though a cronjob.

To upload a game into the current system:

Following fields needs to be required:

1-) Title of game
2-) Tags
3-) categories
4-) Source file (Game file)
5-) Thumb Image

I have 4-5 sites who publish RSS so you mag-pie to grab the RSS site list will be provided.. I want an automate system so the game could be downloaded to my server and uploaded on my site via CRONJOB.

If you have anything to clear please feel free to ask.

The budget is very low so do not bid high, as the bid will be removed.

I need to start is asap and finish it a day or two.

This is very simple job for a person knows what he’s doing.


Game Auto-uploader

Game Auto-uploader

This is simple job for one who is experienced PHP CURL.

I need a simple auto-uploader script, which can fetched the GAMES THROUGH RSS and UPLOAD it to my AVS script, see AVS script demo as well.

This uploading will be set though a cronjob.

To upload a game into the current system:

Following fields needs to be required:

1-) Title of game
2-) Tags
3-) categories
4-) Source file (Game file)
5-) Thumb Image

I have 4-5 sites who publish RSS so you mag-pie to grab the RSS site list will be provided.. I want an automate system so the game could be downloaded to my server and uploaded on my site via CRONJOB.

If you have anything to clear please feel free to ask.

The budget is very low so do not bid high, as the bid will be removed.

I need to start is asap and finish it a day or two.

This is very simple job for a person knows what he’s doing.


Reservations Site

Reservations Site
We’re doing a reservation page for a boat club (school project), we have the database/mysql queries and GUI completed, all we need now is help with a php login, logout page, as well as submit reservation to database and a reservation confirmation page. lastly, we need to be able to show queries for usage tracking for the administrator. we’re about 85% done but the PHP has been taking a while to figure out.
-The login page code will take the user’s name and password, confirm that it is correct and log them into the reservation page.
-The reservation page will allow users to rent a boat for a specific date and time and enter the reservation to the database. Once a user submits a reservation, the reservation will be available to view on the “reservations” page of the site.
-The ‘reservations’ page will display a member’s reservation (if they have one) and will have a “cancel reservation” option that allows a user to cancel their reservation.
-Administrator’s “track usage” page will display queries we’ve created to track usage.

This is all we need, pretty simple stuff but we’re learning as we go and we want to get this done quick.


For Hire Php/mysql Programmer

For Hire Php/mysql Programmer
I have small projects from time to time and need a reliable (available via email most of the time; can’t wait a day to get a response).

In most cases, you will provide the scripts and show me a working demo and I’ll be installing it myself. In some cases, I’ll have you directly install it yourself onto the server (depends on the project).

Current Project:
There’s a site that links to documents and videos. A new function is needed for the user to provide some contact information before they can view the document/video/file. This is how I’d like it to function:

-User clicks on link
-It looks for a cookie in their PC to determine if this is a new user or someone who has visited previously (if new, insert cookie)
-If new, request contact information (after it’s provided, record to DB, send email notification and redirect the user to the link)
-If previously visited, record count in DB, redirect the user to the link

DB: I’ll provide you with the fields that are needed and you provide me with the SQL. I’ll add the DB and build the connection. You provide the working script with demo and I’ll install it on client’s server.

PM with your bid and how soon you can complete it. Also, how often you’re available online.

Script To Insert Videos In Db

Script To Insert Videos In Db
i need a php mysql script to insert video swf urls from dailymotion in the database.not youtube.

i want to get thousands of video urls in the database.

The script will work with cron. every 2 hours or so, it will connect to the rss sources of video sites. in the beginning it can be dailymotion.com rss source.

different source scripts can do the same for other video sites.
like vimeo,etc.

i will enter keywords in the script and it will get the swf source adresses, keywords, thumb of the videos.

i get the results

for http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/video/x6z8ud.

the swf parameter is `x6z8ud.`

its a clippro video script.it will insert in the videos table.i can provide the table structure. this is a task for the administrator.

this is later.
if we can finish this part, the we can look in to view these videos in the script. when i video is selected, the page should know that it is a dailymotion video. and pull the dailymotion swf template to view the video.

Cookie User Based On Referrer

Cookie User Based On Referrer
I need a script that will check the referrering url of my website and display images based on where they came from.

Basically when a visitors comes to my website from a unique affiliate URL, I will need to change the header image to a different image and cookie that visitor so it always shows that image instead of my regular image.

If the visitors comes to my website without going through an affiliate url, they will see the regular header image.

The affiliate URL they will going to will look something like this.


So the script will do this.

If user comes from www.automatedsalesmachine.com/app/?ff

then show image id=1118285.jpg and cookie computer to always show this image.

If image id=1118285 does not exist, then show regular image.


The image ID will be taken from the last 7 digits in the URL.


Also, I want a simple control panel added so I can upload header images directly from the internet to my website.

And I want this to be a browser based cookie. not an IP cookie.

Google Books Api Php Ajax

Google Books Api Php Ajax

we need to show a client a prototype of the following task:

Design is not relevant in this task, you can use white background and normal buttons etc.

see the attached excel file. it has 5 steps that will show you exactly what the goal is.

you will be creating a form that will use google books API that can be found here http://code.google.com/apis/books/

step 1) user enters book title, or book author or ISBN number

step 2) form will show up to 3 book search results with ability to click show more (and show previous)

step 3) if user cannot find the listed book, user can simply fill out the 4 fields below the search result and click submit. in this case the user found the book and selected the first one.

step 4)this page shows the Books that they user decided to pick. user has option to remove a book. user has option to write a comment or instruction to the tutor for each book he picked. user has option to add more books.

step 5) once user clicks DONE, an email is sent to admin with the list of books that were selected in the email body.

we have no API key for google. your task is also to show us how to apply for API if a registration is needed.

you will be provided with FTP/cPanel to a dedicated server.

please do not write long generic company description. your bid amount must make sense. if you have done previous google API work before please show us links.

we will not pick a winner before Monday 26th. If you decide to work on this project and show us a preview will be pick you if it is within the price range.

we are among top 20 buyers in SL. you will be provided with a dedicated technical project manager that will be in touch with you for any questions you have for the entire project.

if you can only do part of this project please place bid and write what you will be doing and what you will NOT be doing.

Php Mysql Form Script

Php Mysql Form Script
1) Project Details: (be as specific as possible): I am in need of a php/mysql form script. I would like my client to be able to fill out information that is submitted to mysql db. I also need the script to be able to retrive the information from my database. I need this as soon as possible.

2) Payment Amount:

3) Payment method/ details (Paypal, check? Timeline?): Paypal

4) Additional Info (about project or potential bidders):

Helios Calendar Modifications

Helios Calendar Modifications
I need some modifications to the helios calendar. (http://helioscalendar.com) I have a licensed copy you will have access to once project begins.
You are welcome to use premade open source scripts as long as the integration appears seamless to the user.
Any additional HTML should be semantic, tableless html (except where tables actually necessary i.e. tabular data.). No inline css styles.
Final code can not be encrypted or hidden in any way.
You can work on my hosting space, or on your own, but if you work on your own, must be installed and working on my server upon completion.
Brief daily status report expected once project starts. Failure to send status reports will result in project cancellation.

In your bid please include:
– Send examples of what projects you’ve worked on.
– Include a sample php page of your work so I can view your coding style.
– Completion time – must be accurate, I am not looking for a rush job, but I do want an accurate time table.
– Summarize how you will complete this project.
If you do not include this information, I will not consider your bid!

Brief summary of changes needed:
– User Registration created to replace open id login with more user controls
– Home Page created with new large calendar and change to events list.
– Changes to data displayed on events page.
– Search page criteria modification
– RSS page criteria modification.

Details of the modifications:
*User Registration system*
Replace open id system that come with it by default with local user registration.
Users sign up for account, and have email verification to activate account.
Unregistered users can access every part of the that they can in the default install except adding events. Admin pages remain admin pages and unaccessable to users.

User account fields must include:
Username (required) (Alpha numeric underscore only. Minimum 2 characters) must be unique username
password (required) (entered twice to verify they are the same) (minimum six characters)
email address (required)
First Name
Last Name
distance preference.
category preference.

Captcha verification to register – use same captcha system as helios calendar is already using.

Users can access their profile to add/change all the fields. Password change needs to be entered twice to verify against each other.

Admin pages to manage users, including, viewing user account, and user account details, editing those details, resetting password via a reset password email sent to user, and banning users.
*Submit Event*
Events only created by registered users. If not logged in the add event page shows link to register or link to login.

User accounts need to be attached to each event, and the admin account needs to be able to change the user account its attached to in the admin panel.

Users can view the events they’ve entered and modify them.

“Your Contact Information” section no longer needed as event is now attached to user accounts.

*Event List* (on home and events page)
The list of events needs to display additional information – category, city, and state.

*Home Page*
A new home page should be created to replace the events page.

Home page needs search that searches upcoming events, in addition to current items on page.
Disable right hand column

select categories (checkboxes (start with all checked and have “select all” “unselect all” options)
Enter Zipcode (text input)
Enter distance (pulldown with list 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 miles).
Search button

This search should find events within the miles specified from the zip code.
The search results should show without a page load when the user hits search button, (using ajax or jquery or similar. Jquery preferred).
Search shows the first 6 events that are occurring the soonest with a more option that takes user to the search results page with the criteria they entered specified.
Search results also update in big calendar to only show events fitting that criteria.

The events list should by default show the next 6 events. The event should show in line: date, name, categories, city, state. First item on list larger than the others.

If the user is not logged in, the events lists shows 6 upcoming events in based on which are occurring the soonest from all categories and locations. Order should be soonest to latest.(basically how it works now)
If the user is logged in and has categories and or/zip code and distance selected, show 6 upcoming events that are occurring the soonest form that days date, that also matches their search criteria. If no results show, output “there are no upcoming events in your area”.

Large calendar displayed below event list (see next section).

See attachment for home page wireframe

*Large Calendar*
The calendar needs to be modified to be a large calendar that is 940px wide,
and appears at the bottom of the home page. This calendar should function similar to the minicalendar except it lists the events for that day in each day cell. The event listed for that day should be just the title, truncated to fit on one line. Only 5 events per day shown, if more than 5 on that day, then a “more events” link that goes to a list of events for that day. The events listed in each day should link to the full event description.
Show current month by default.
Back and next to other months.
Days and Events that occur in the past are a different color but still clickable.
Click on number and it takes you to the event list for that day.

*Search page*
Date should include an option to search all upcoming dates

Zipcode tab also needs distance field:
distance (pulldown with list 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 miles).
Search with the specified distance of the zip code entered.

Location tab should be last tab.
Zip code should be first tab, displayed by default.


*Rss Feed Page*
Should have the following options
zipcode and distance

Did you read this all the way through? If so, please also include a note saying that you have in your bid and you will be given priority consideration.

Online Booking

Online Booking

Today we are looking for a talented programmer to build a pair of items (details in the attached pdf). These items will be placed into an existing site to extend function and so must be compatible with a linux based server hosted at godaddy. We prefer a php/mysql approach, but will be willing to listen to any reliable solutions. Both items will be embedded into an html page with a pitch and graphics, which we will do, so it’s very important that your coding can coexist in this manner. It also should accept styling via CSS on so that we can make it uniform to the page, regardless of what we do with the rest of the page.

Secure information input, storage and retrieval are the keys to this project. A strong database structure will be a must.

Thorough commenting of any necessary steps needed to integrate it into the site or to place it on the server is required. You will not have access to the final home server.

The product will be demonstrated on your server, all funds will be escrowed and payment will only be made when all files are delivered, working to the full specification.

Please ask if you have any questions, thank you for your interest in our project and best of luck!