Flash Form Validation

Flash Form Validation
Hello, i need validation of a token sent by the user and form processing.

if (token is valid )
form to update contact information should be shown
fields should be inserted in the database
confirmation should be sent via email
invalid token message displayed

there is a table with 250 valid tokens

PHP / mysql are available on the server

Mysql Extreme

Mysql Extreme
I need assistance in a extremly complicated MySQL database.
Your task will be to develop the backend functionality for a stock-price site.

You will asked to create generic quries that can “spot” trends, and calculate prices of such “trends” if carried out.

Knowledge with stored procedures and complex SQL is required.

Base your price on 40h work with complex SQL and stored procedures.

Screenshot App For Tracerts

Screenshot App For Tracerts
Requirement Title: Design an application for Linux, OSX, or Windows which can take screenshots of traceroutes

Requirement Description:

You will be required to deliver an application, which will execute the following tasks:

* The application will receive input from a standard text file, with a list of hosts within, for example

etc. etc.

* I require that the application, execute a traceroute from the local workstation on which it is executed, and then screenshot the traceroute, preferably the entire console window and save the output as a file with the name www.domain2.com-traceroute.jpg, then www.domain3.com-traceroute.jpg, and so on and so forth.

There is flexibility in the platform as I want to leave the task open for developers of different platforms. There is absolutely no preference, although I will mention that both Macintosh OSX and Linux KDE/Gnome have excellent Screenshot capabilities which can restrict the output to a Window, Windows XP and beyond have the same capability however significantly more work is involved in extracting this data from the clipboard and saving to a JPG. Again, this is up to you, we don’t care how it’s done, as long as it’s done.

Again, to rehash – There will be a list of hosts in a single text file, a traceroute from the localhost where the app is executed must be made towards the IP, and then that terminal window must be screenshot into a JPG, imagine that it’s just to be the size of a normal 80×25 console window. I don’t want the entire screen photographed.

Upgrade Mysql Database

Upgrade Mysql Database
I have a very limited database on a website I purchased that was already complete:-


There is a register, log-in, add information/photos and admin function, but there I would require more functionality. The admin function is very basic.

Would any of your experts take a look and see if this can be upgraded please.

Ideally I would like the villa owners that have registered to have their own area, showing the villas that they have listed on the website and an easy way of updating the villa information/photos. Currently, if they wish to update their listing, they have to start again and cannot edit it.

Please advise cost.

Need Very Simple Ror Site

Need Very Simple Ror Site
Need a very simple site designed for users to post and track stories about themeselves. . . similar to fmylife.com.

This site needs to be built within the next 5 days. Developer should have good RoR experience and Javascript. All coding needs to comply to web standards.
The site will have a home page, where sign up/log in occurs, a user issue page where the user can write up issues and see comments from others about their current or past issues, and general area where issues can be read and ranked and shared on twitter and fb.

I have a $250 budget for the work. Should take no more than 20 hours to design and build.

I’ve attached a simple wireframe to show what the site should basically do.

Medical Staffing Website

Medical Staffing Website
I need a website for my medical staffing company.
Take a look at www.masmedicalstaffing.com to get an idea of the capabilities I want. Does not need to be a clone of MAS Medical Staffing but needs to povide similar functionalities. I prefer the site to be built on a content management system (CMS) so that non-programmers can edit and add content.

Clone Of Mod Web Site

Clone Of Mod Web Site
Clone http://www.diy-loanmods.com
do not steal images and do not violate copyrights. The clone should have the same functions, databases and functionality , but the design should look different.
I will give more info when i get a deal with a programmer. Design must be creative and colourful
Admin should also have ability to customize the view,content of the site as and when required and ability to browse data base entries.

Clone Auction Site

Clone Auction Site
I want the same setup as this one. www.bidit.eu
The site is in norwegian, but you probably get the idea… I want to know if you are capable to set this up with payment system and adminpanel to put up auctions.

I want to how this works about time and bidding. How that basicly works.

I want to see some samples, i have looked at many portfolios. And what i see most of the time the system behind is genius, but the layout design is very poor. So i will come up with the layout design and you are the one to implement it..

I dont need what i need for programming so its up to you to sell yourself to me.

Looking forward to hear from you guys.
Best Regards Christian

Osc Flash Image Color Painter

Osc Flash Image Color Painter
I need a flash module in my oscommerce t-shirt store that allows clients to edit the image’s color. I have a t-shirt design switcher in my store that allows me to have multiple design images on each product.

Here is the scenario. When the client selects a certain design for the t-shirt, they can then select a button that says ‘change design color now!’ below. When they do that, a pop-up will appear where we have the flash image color editor that contains an enlarged version of the selected design and a panel on the side with a color palette. Here the customer can select a color from the palette and the cursor will turn to a color fill icon (paint bucket) where the client can paint certain parts of the image.

For example, one of the design images is a .png with transparent background and a green tree and a yellow sun. The client can paint any of these three items to different colors if they choose in the flash module. We will also make a slider that will allow the client to change the color sensitivity level. Default will be 50%. For example, the client chooses yellow on the palette and sensitivity is set to 75%, they will paint all portions of green (light green, green, and dark green) to yellow. If we select sensitivity of 25% then we can only paint plain green to yellow, other hews of green will not be effected.

Once the client is done they will click the ‘save’ button at the bottom. The edited image will be saved on the server in the temp folder and the popup will close and the client will return to the product page. The design they edited will then be displayed on the shirt and a small thumbnail of the edited image will be shown next to the ‘change design color now!’ button so that if the client selects another design again, then they can select back to the edited design again.

You will need skills in php, flash, & oscommerce. Also Ajax and JS may be needed.

Flash Header

Flash Header
Hello There,

We need a vendor to create a flash header which will replace three images. We need very clean and nicer flash presentation of these images.

You will have to encode this header into wordpress website. Please quote accordingly and you should be able to start this project today.