Joomla Property Php Css

Joomla Property Php Css
In short ..

if you go to the link ::


You’ll see tabs in the main content i need the style same as the navbar/menu (ja-splitmenu)


In main content you see the properties, i need the whole box clickable not just the image, which then leads to the listing.
Also hove over effect on the text.

Hit me with prices and time frame… !!! REASONABLE PRICES !!!

Website Customization

Website Customization
We have a Joomla site that will replace a local in-house payment system for football website. We need to track players, cheerleaders, and coaches. The new Joomla system will have the following features.

Online player registration using an online forms and will integrate with Virtuemart for the purchase of registrations, pads and equipment.

They have existing user database is in MS Access and will need to be imported from an Access to MySQL. The forms flow will need to be created based on the following flowchart. The Virtuemart payment modules will accept Paypal and We also need to create several custom payment reports that would pull from MySQL. We will have a Scholarship option that will use a standard virtuemart coupon code. The admin will create the coupon codes for the scholarship requests that are specific only to the registrations not the pads or equipment. The admin will also flag users that did not return pads and equipment from the previous season. Any player that does not return the pads will be manually flagged by the admins and prevent the player from registration without paying the fee for the unreturned equipment.

A user will be able to edit certain details, and see payment history.

more details will be provided to selected programmer.

Joomla / Jobline / Jomsocial

Joomla / Jobline / Jomsocial
We have a website built using joomla. We also have a variety of extensions running including jobline, jomsocial, SOBI2 and others.

This project concerns the jobline and jomsocial components. We would like for registered users to be able to set-up “job alerts” so they can be notified when a new job is posted in a category they are interested in.

1) Registered users will login, go to jomsocial profile, and there will be a new tab titled “Job Alerts”.
2) Within this tab, they will have the option to subscribe to receive alerts when jobs are posted in any category they select.
3) This should be built so that a cron runs one time per day. When it runs, it simply looks for any user that has subscribed to job alerts and if there has been a new job posted within a category they have selected, then they will get an email with the job title and a link to the job.

We would prefer that the email field be pre-populated with the email address associated with their profile.

Photoshop Joomla Photography

Photoshop Joomla Photography
Need an expert with photography and photoshop background to help fix and upload photos to joomla gallery. Have 1000 high resolution modeling photosper month. Some will need to be color corrected to look nicer, Need to add watermark, and need to upload to joomla gallery. 1000 photos per month. Before and after examples will help.

No3 Convert Flash To Joomla

No3 Convert Flash To Joomla
PLEASE SEE TEXT FILE FOR DOMAIN/URL that needs to be converted to Joomla

I am a Certified Webmaster and I PAY FAST!!!

I give excellent rating for Excellent work!

I need my current flash website converted to joomla 1.5.xx. I want it to look “Clean” & “Corporate” I want it to look exactly the same or close as possible to how it is now including all the images, video’s, logo’s etc.

I would consider a temporary solution to the shopping cart by using the Joomla “Wrapping” feature for the existing

I intend to replace the cart startign Jan 15 to an alternate solution to get away form WIX completely.

Full SEO customisation

The goal is to allow me to do as much updating (text, menu, adding pages etc) and changing of photos myself.

****need completed in 5 days or less

-provide samples of your work (joomla websites)
-be able to respond promptly to PM or emails
-be able to me keep me updated on project
-be able to communicate in clear english
-ask specific questions if something is not clear

Convert Flash To Joomla

Convert Flash To Joomla
I am a Certified Webmaster and I PAY FAST!!!

I give excellent rating for Excellent work!

I need my current flash website converted to Joomla 1.5.xx.
Full SEO customization

The goal is to allow me to do as much updating (text, menu, adding pages etc) and changing of photos myself.

****need completed in 2 days or less

-provide samples of your work (Joomla websites)
-be able to respond promptly to PM or emails
-be able to me keep me updated on project
-be able to communicate in clear English
-ask specific questions if something is not clear

Please see text file for website that needs to be converted.

Install Ip Board Package

Install Ip Board Package
1. uninstall current joomla site –
2. install ip board software suite –
3. make sure installation is good.
4. do not respond to this with a general response that has nothing to do with my project.
5. do not bid without feedback. ** Sorry got burned twice already!**
6. potential for more work on customizing site
Thank you,

Website Redesign Required

Website Redesign Required

Last year I used scriptlance to pick what I believed to be a very good website developer.
He designed the site, the business card, logo and a multimedia audio/video move-like trailer, amember payment page integration and eFront LMS front-end graphics integration.
The gentleman has very good graphical abilities but was plagued with other offline issues.
He designed the site to be used in Joomla. Shorlty after I gave him access for him to upload the final version, the site was immediately compromised and therefore I have had no use of my site.
I wasn’t given all the final source files and have tried tirelessly to communicate with the developer and have him complete the project despite paying for 6 months included support.

I have some of the final source available. The original files on the web server are still online but not displaying properly.

I would like someone to finish this project and securely bring the site online. Redesign the site if necessary if they can do something better.
Of course since I’ve plunked down money already I have only a small budget.
The person needs to have good graphical ability pictures and mini movie-like multimedia trailer.
If you are interested I can make what I have available to you.


Joomla Search Plugin

Joomla Search Plugin
Hi Joomla experts !

I need asap a simply Joomla Search Plugin.
I like to include in the default Joomla Search feature in advance search a new table in MySQL db.
Example: I create a table called jos_travel an when I use the default Joomla search in advance mode, I like to have the option to choose “TRAVEL” do get listings.

Details how to create a Joomla plugin is here:



Virtuemart-attribute Change

Virtuemart-attribute Change
For our ecommerce digital printing we need to change the attributes of Virtuemart. We must first add a specific SKU for each attribute, which must be combined with the overall product. This consists of one SKU of product and attributes must be present at the checkout, email, etc.. We also need to add the attribute for which the price should not be multiplied by the quantity of product required. Also in the detail page will appear a button to calculate total before inclusion in the cart.

Please kindly send us an offer for such an extension (for Joomla 1.5 and Virtuemart 1.1.4) with exact description of the necessary timeframe and cost.