Integrate Osc Into Joomla Site

Integrate Osc Into Joomla Site
I have a joomla website.

– install of oscommerce
– integrate with joomla so that two links are oscommerce and rest is joomla site
– create two different layout pages (one for several product and one for a special product).

I only want to see pmb’s with websites you created where part is joomla and part is oscommerce.

I do not want to use virtuemart.

Timeline: 5 days to complete
Budget: $150

Joomla Ads Component Needed

Joomla Ads Component Needed

This must be a simple job for the right person. Have try several Classified Ads modules in Joomla, but the all are just not that perfect. I now work with Almonds Classified ads. This Idea is good. But it has almost no possibility’s. So I need someone to make (a existing) system in Joomla perfect for my purpose. The module need
the follow things :

Paid ads and free ads. (Paid ads with PayPal)
Needs to be SEO friendly.
I need to be able to place text on the first page as well.
Need to have several paid Number 1 positions for ads.

It is no need to send a long story to me, because I just like to know if you can make this. I need to know that you read my Project, so tell me in your response NewJoomlamodule. So I know that you read this.

The module need to be copyright free. So no need to give me a copyrighted module where I need to pay a lot for.

If you can make it work then I am happy.

Let me know as soon as possible.


Website where it needs to work:

Cool Joomla Site Border Design

Cool Joomla Site Border Design
I built a very custom Joomla website for one of my clients on a custom hacked Joomla system I created with other developers. But the border and navigation links on the site is just to plain and boring. I asked for that, but as a suprise to my client I want to jazz it up alot more.

– Width of the website (web pages) I don’t want changed at all!
– each image and text header on each pages won’t change at all!
– Background stays a white background like it is now outside the content of each page.
– Footer stays in the same place at bottom of the page off the main content of each page.
– Navigation links MUST stay text links for SEO reasons, but graphics/colors can be created on or around them to jazz them up some.

I just need some kind of cool graphic designed border/trim that flows with the rest of the colors, concept and copywriting of the website.

You can play with maybe changing the curve graphic that’s at the top of each page.

Pay is $50.00

Before I select anyone I will need a quick demo submitted to me and best design concept gets the bid. Just take the home page and create the border and navigation concept on that page. Then send me a link or screenshot, shouldn’t take very long.

Want this done in next 24 hours and you MUST have Skype to talk on the phone with and email address given to me.

Looking at long term Joomla skin designer for all of my websites using this system I developed that will pay $100-$125 per skin per website. If you look at that site I do everything INCLUDING giving every image to the designer. Designer only takes my pics and creates header for each page, sets up links on website, navigation link and sets up one time footer and uses my already built html site map, article directory, glossary and faq that will be the same system on every website I build.


Sms Platform

Sms Platform
I want an sms auto-responder system. When I receive an sms, the system would parse the message and shoot back automatically pre-configured replies according to the keyword in the sms. We need this implemented in 2 or more of the following 3 methods:

Method 1:
Desktop software to be designed that works with most mobile devices, GSM Modems, and sms Gateways.
The software should be similar to the software that can be downloaded at this website: (remove the (xxx))
I want it to have the same features as this software but also with the following added features:
• The software would only work with the IMEI number that is configured in it for some mobile or GSM modem. This way, I would configure the software to work only with some IMEI number for one customer and another IMEI number for another. The software would not be able to work except with the mobile/GSM modem that has the IMEI number it is configured to.
• Supports sending MMS and WAP Push messages.
• Saves all incoming messages along with the date/time and sender’s phone number and all this information can be exported to Excel, Access Database, or Text File.
• Software should have a “default” message that would be responded back if the keyword in the message did not match any of the other keywords.
• Software should respond back with the “default” message reply even if the sent message was blank.
• If I get an incoming call, the system should auto-reply to that number with some pre-configured message (special message just for any incoming calls). We should be able to turn OFF this feature.
• Ability to import contacts into the software from Excel, Database, or Text file.
• If I receive an sms with the keyword “unsubscribe” then the system would flag that number. The software should check before sending out any sms and skip sending to any number that is flagged. Also, I should be able to later add back that number and clear the unsubscription flag on that number.
• Works on most Windows platforms (Windows XP, Vista, 7).
• Can support sending messages in different languages (minimum English, French, Spanish and Arabic)

Please specify how you intend to implement the first feature (configuring each software copy to some IMEI number).

Method 2:
The same as Method 1, however, the software should connect with the internet every time it starts up and checks the user’s credentials against the database. Then it downloads the number of allowed credits for the user. The number of credits decrements as messages are sent and then software would stop functioning once the user is out of credits. A website interface would be created to allow users to purchase more credits using PayPal.

Method 3:
I want an sms auto-responder website like this one: http://www.txt2(xxx) (remove the (xxx))
When we receive an sms, the website would parse the message and shoot back automatically pre-configured replies according to the keyword in the sms.
Please create a Free Account and study the website well to know all of its capabilities.
The idea is that each user would be given a Keyword and would be allowed to create X number of sub-keywords. For example, a user can have the keyword ABC and sub-keyword A1 and A2. Then if their customer wants information about A1 product, he would send any of the following text messages:
• A1 ABC
• A1 “at” ABC (“at” here is the email symbol)
• A1 – ABC

The website above currently only supports the type of keywords like “subkeyword at keyword”.
This can be implemented as a desktop application connected to a GSM modem and connected to the website, or it can be done with the use of an sms Gateway.

I would prefer a CMS solution such Drupla or Joomla to base this on. Both platforms have some sms modules you could build upon.

For all 3 Methods, please make sure to download the software and study it along with the website well first before biding.
Of course the software should be able to support endless number of keywords and the responses to each one. It should not crash and can run 24/7.

Let me know which programming languages and compilers you intend to use. I would like to be provided the source code at the end.

For the methods requiring internet connectivity, let me know how you intend to create the website. I would like to be provided the source code at the end.

Php Student Loan App + Crm

Php Student Loan App + Crm
Develop a PHP app + CRM to handle a student loan system. From the application form / filter & selection / communication and reporting / payment balance control.

We are a not for profit organization which provides flexible loans for college or graduate studies (a student gets a loan and after graduation he repays it based on a monthly fixed percentage of his salary) We want to update our current selection and monitoring system to a new one which comprises roughly the following processes:

a) Applications
1. Candidate applies via online application form
2. Based on predefined criteria the candidate is rejected or pre-approved

b) Selection
1. Documents are requested to pre-approved candidates
2. Interview is scheduled and candidate is evaluated on certain criteria
3. If approved a contract is generated with repayment conditions

c) Monitor
1. Student starts its program and is monitored on a periodic basis
2. Student updates its program status (Transcripts, reports, feedback, etc.)

d) Control
1. Student finishes the program and starts repayment schedule
e) Report generation
1. Reports/Stats should be able to be generated based on different criteria according to the stage of the process. Ability to export data and user’s data to Excel.

Debugging and warranty period
LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL/Postgres, PHP) environment
GUI Web 2.0 feel/usability (Ajax, JS) WITH vTiger LOOK AND FEEL!!!
Use CSS files (W3C standard)

– Should be prepared for Multilanguage using translation files (lang_spanish.php, lang_english.php)
– Frontend and Backend interface, different access levels (ie: users, admin, superadmin)
– Dashboard: On each user’s dashboard basic statistics should be displayed such as: upcoming activities and personal calendar, system news, messages, etc.
– Thumbnail generation with preset width/height for user uploaded pics and documents
This project could be based on top of vTiger, SugarCRM, Joomla, or other similar application to take advantage of CRM/CMS features (calendar, messaging and communication, ticket, helpdesk, etc.), but we are open to other options/proposals.

A complete overview, functionality requirements, data schema, UI mocks & summary of deliverables will be provided in the full brief. This project will be one of several happening throughout the year.

– Must have demonstrated vTiger/sugarCRM/Joomla development experience
– Fluent in English (communication is key)
– Must be able to commit to deadlines

All interested developers please submit a summary of rates, experience relative to the job & where possible an example of previous development work. As mentioned we are looking to form a long term relationship.

The project will commence as soon as the developer is selected.

NOTE: Further detailed information plus a graphic workflow attached in PDF.

File Conversion Joomla Site

File Conversion Joomla Site
I’m in need of someone to make a joomla file conversion site. I’m willing to pay $150-250 for the site. It must be done in less then 3 weeks It’s mostly just programming and you will need to chop up the psds. You can use plugins and what not as much as you want.

This project is for the development of a new File Conversion site that will allow users to convert different media files through the web based conversion service, similar to Zam(remove_this)
A graphic designer will be handling the majority of the cosmetic design for the homepage / inner pages, so all bidders should submit bids for the Programming / Coding work ONLY for the development of this website. While the majority of the design work will be handled by a graphic designer, the winning bidder will be responsible for some light design work. Note the designs will be done in 7-10 days. So you’ll have to do work outside of that until then.
Key Features that need to be implemented:
1. File Conversion Types – The website will need to be able to convert all the files types from http://www.zam(remove_this) … EXCEPT FOR CAD FILES. The web based conversion process should work just as it does on that site, allowing users to convert files for free by uploading files and downloading videos by inserting the URL.

2. Premium Members Section – The website will need a Premium Members Section (similar to Zam(remove_this)zar) that allows users to create paid accounts that offer additional conversion services including faster conversions, online storage for managing conversions, etc. Users also need to have the ability to make changes to their account information, change their password / email, etc.

3. Automatic Email Notifications – We need automatic email notifications to be sent out every time a customer signs up for the first time, makes certain changes to their account, monthly subscription payment is due, etc. In addition, when someone fills out the Contact Us form or a new user signs up, we need an automatic email notification sent to our administrator email account.

4. Merchant Account Integration – When users sign up for a premium subscription plan, the web developer must be able to integrate our Merchant Account to process the payments (we will be using PayPal).

5. Backend Administration – As site administrators, we need the developer to create a simple to use back end that allows us to manage customer accounts including:
– View Customers’ accounts / account activity / payment activity
– Suspend / Delete / Create Customer Accounts
– View Conversion History / Remove illegal files
– Conversion Statistics reporting the total # of conversions

6. Progress Bar – When users are uploading files on either the Free or Premium sections of the site, we want a progress bar implemented that shows the progress of the conversion.

The website will consist of the following pages:
Sign Up
Contact Us
About Us
Account Login / Admin for Customers
As mentioned before, the majority of the design work for the home page and inner pages will be handled by our graphic designer and this project is primarily for the programming / development of the site.

You will be responsible for putting the site on the server and installing it and what not.

Additional information submitted:
02/17/2010 at 16:27 EST:
Additonally different members will have a storage plan.

Free Users –

Maximum File Size = 200MB

Ads and Popups

Lowest Conversion Priority

Only Convert / DL 1 file at a time

20 Second Wait to Download after file has been converted

Basic Plan –

1GB Storage Space (allow users to store/share/delete previously converted files with customer admin section once logged in)

Faster Download Speeds (Priority over Free users)
No Download Wait time (20 second wait for Free users)
Resume Broken Downloads
No PopUps, but will have Static Ads
Convert / Download up to 10 files at once

Maximum File Size = 500MB
File Conversion Progress Bar
Share converted files with friends through Social Networking / email links (Similar to Addthis)

Pro Plan –

5GB Storage Space (allow users to store/share/delete previously converted files)

Faster Download Speeds (Priority over Free and Basic users)
No Download Wait time (20 second wait for Free users)
Resume Broken Downloads
No Ads or Popups
Convert / Download up to 15 files at once

Maximum File Size = 1GB
Secure Conversion over SSL
File Conversion Progress Bar
Share converted files with friends through Social Networking / email links (Similar to Add (removethis)

The work will be done on my server then put on the client’s server after the work is done. I need it done on my server for 3 reasons: I can’t show the work to my client if it’s on some other companies url, 2 I want to be able to see the work you have done. Too many times programmers have told me “I can’t show you any work because it’s on my local server”. Some tell the truth, but other’s lie and just haven’t done any work,
3 I’ve had client’s steal my work and not pay money. A lot times this happens when programmers don’t do enough browers and site funtionality testing. So anyway having it done on my server eliminates the chance of them stealing the work. If they want the work they have to pay me and you.
Also if you agree to this project you are agreeing to give me daily updates (excluding Sunday). If I don’t get daily updates I’m cancelling the project.
I live with mentality that I’d rather work with a programmer who has a lot issues and runs into a lot issues but communicates these issues with me, then a programmer who can get all the work done, but only emails me every 3 days.
All people who accept the project will do all the installation on my server and the client’s server when the work is done.

Joomla Design Expert Start N 3

Joomla Design Expert Start N 3

For my custom Joomla design I need a Joomla expert to fix something.

The website is www. ri mo without the spaces.

The menu is not working as it should be.

As you can see,there should be a submenu when you go over a menu button,but this doesn’t work.

Find here an example how it should work:

The job has to be done immediately,I will pay you $15 after the job is done via Paypal.

Please be aware that you have enough experience to do it,cause some people already had a look and they were not able to fix it.

Only people with experience!

Need Joomla Expert Now

Need Joomla Expert Now

For my site www. ri mo ho st . nl (withou spaces)i need a REAL Joomla expert to fix something.
First of all the menu need to be fixed,the submenu is not working,I think a problem with the code.

Please only REAL experts can place a bid!!!

I already spent too much time with people here and at the end nothing is solved.

I really hope ou are able to fix this within a short time.

Payment $25 via Paypal when the job is done.