Additional Admins

Additional Admins
Looking for someone who can make it to where I can give other users of my site admin rights.

Its a poem site and it already has a cms just need to be able to create moderator accounts pretty much.

The site is a poem site listed at

Jobs pretty straight forward I think, but scriptlance requires I entire more data so I continue to type 😛

X-cart Skin Customize

X-cart Skin Customize
I am looking for a x-cart pro.

Please send sample work of x-carts only.

I have a client with a design in zencart and I need to convert it into a x-cart skin. I will have access to all images and flash so it should be a simple process.

Please only bid or contact if you are an x-cart pro

Here is the zencart design that we need converted:

Joomla Features

Joomla Features
Need to add some features inside phocadownload and jxfiles all details are on site. Please do not bid if you do not have experience and ability to complete project fast and make a good work.
Need this done in not more than a week since it is is not a lot of modification.
Would love to have reliable and experienced person to work with since I have a lot more joomla projects that are coming.

Please check following address for full description.

Need A Photo Hosting Website

Need A Photo Hosting Website
I need a new twitter image hosting website. it will have few internal pages, I have the back-end software that will do all the back-end processing and I am in need of the graphic design, html/CSS and also to modify jquery slideshow plugin (more detail on it below). You will design the layout of front page, the logo, and a prototype for the internal pages.

The front page should be simple: a logo, an upload photo field, the slideshow (I provide the code, take a look at, a bird image (will provide that too), and a footer. THe design should be slick and very attractive. The logo and overall look should have a twitter-like look.

Internal pages: we can talk about that later

logo: needs to be original and catchy looking

slideshow: I have a running slideshow at, you will have to modify this script to do the following:

1- add auto-play, so users won’t have to click to see the next photo, but the pictures will be pulled through Json/ajax from the database, and these recent photos will have to automatically feed the slide-show. Right now if you click on the middle picture, it will zoom-out and display a caption, we will have to change that so that when someone clicks on the middle picture, it will link to the internal page instead of zooming. Also I would like the caption to be at the bottom and display the number of picture’s comments pulled from the database and the submitter’s name. Now you have to click on the blue arrow when the picture is zoomed-out to see the caption, we will need to change that and display the caption automatically.

Please note, all the CSS needs to be TABLELESS (no tables)

Need Classic Asp Coder

Need Classic Asp Coder
hi coders. I am looking for an experienced ASP 3.0 (not .net) coder to assign daily small tasks. I pay $50 weekly max. Again, it will be very small tasks in .asp files from a regular customer we work with .. The fact they are small doesnt’ mean they will be easy to code or not-time consuming, thats why experience is a must

I need a very experienced ASP / database programming coder, specially someone to be online when I need it in order to assign a task . I need the guy to be online everyday, through yahoo messenger /msn

good english communication is a must
please leave your ASP samples through PMB

this can be a life-time position. If I like your work, chances to assign new projects are high
you will be working for a software company, mine

happy bidding

Design a Prettier Web Form with CSS 3

Design a Prettier Web Form with CSS 3

Thanks to advanced CSS properties, such as gradients and shadows, it’s now quite easy to turn a dull web form into something beautiful – with minimal effort. I’ll show you how in today’s tutorial!

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Our Final Product

Subtle background gradients give depth to the fields while shadows lift them from the page. Even more impressive is that this is done without any images at all.

By following this tutorial you will not only end up with a lightweight and beautiful form, you’ll also learn and understand new CSS3 techniques, such as box-shadow, gradients, opaque colors, and rounded corners.


CSS3 is the next generation of CSS that is currently under development, but that doesn’t stop browsers from already implementing most of the prominent features.

Full browser support:

Opera have support for CSS3 (except background gradients) in their next version (10.50 Beta).

Internet Explorer will have full CSS3 support with version 9.

The things you can do with CSS3 (shadows, gradients, round corners, animations, etc) all serve a purpose of creating beautiful effects without having to integrate images or scripts, resulting in quicker loading times.

Step 1: The HTML

Before we begin styling we need something to style, so here is the form.

<form class="form">

	<p class="name">
		<input type="text" name="name" id="name" />
		<label for="name">Name</label>

	<p class="email">
		<input type="text" name="email" id="email" />
		<label for="email">E-mail</label>

	<p class="web">
		<input type="text" name="web" id="web" />
		<label for="web">Website</label>

	<p class="text">
		<textarea name="text"></textarea>

	<p class="submit">
		<input type="submit" value="Send" />


Each field is inside a paragraph with its own class, and the three first fields have a label explaining their use.

How does it look without any styling?

Functional, but dull. Let’s start pimping out this form.

Step 2: Basic Styling

Before we dive into the CSS3 techniques we need to create a basic layout for browsers that don’t yet support CSS3.

input, textarea {
	padding: 9px;
	border: solid 1px #E5E5E5;
	outline: 0;
	font: normal 13px/100% Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif;
	width: 200px;
	background: #FFFFFF;

textarea {
	width: 400px;
	max-width: 400px;
	height: 150px;
	line-height: 150%;

input:hover, textarea:hover,
input:focus, textarea:focus {
	border-color: #C9C9C9;

.form label {
	margin-left: 10px;
	color: #999999;

.submit input {
	width: auto;
	padding: 9px 15px;
	background: #617798;
	border: 0;
	font-size: 14px;
	color: #FFFFFF;

How does our effort look so far?

Not too bad. Now, let’s begin our enhancements with the more advanced CSS3.

Step 3: Box-shadow

Box-shadow does exactly what it sounds like: creates a shadow around a box.

The syntax for box-shadow is fairly simple:

box-shadow: <color> <horizontal offset> <vertical offset> <blur>;

Horizontal offset is the placement of the shadow from left to right. If you set it to “2px” the shadow will be 2 pixels to the right. Vertical offset is the same but up/down.

Blur is simply the amount of blur the shadow will have, where 0 is minimum.

This is how our box-shadow will look like:

input, textarea {
	box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px;
	-moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px;
	-webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px;

Here we have three lines that look similar.

  • box-shadow is pure CSS3 and so far only used in Opera.
  • -webkit-box-shadow is for browsers using the Webkit engine, like Chrome and Safari.
  • -moz-box-shadow is for browsers using Mozilla’s Gecko engine, like Firefox, Camino, Flock, and SeaMonkey.

Until CSS3 becomes the standard, you have to use all three methods. Internet Explorer has their own weird way of doing things, and although it’s capable of making a shadow it will not look the way we want it. 3

You might notice that there was no normal RGB color used, this is because we’re using two CSS3 techniques on the same line: box-shadow and rgba.

RGBA (Red Green Blue Alpha) is, simply put, color with opacity.

The syntax for rgba is this:


It’s perfectly fine to use a light grey for the shadow’s color, but if you are using any other background than white it will look strange. An opaque black on the other hand will work well no matter what background.

So our box-shadow is black with 10% (0.1) opacity, no horizontal and vertical offset, and with a blur of 8 pixels. It will look like this:

The keyword here is subtlety. If we apply too much shadow, it will look ugly; if we apply too little, it won’t have an effect. Basically, we don’t want anyone to notice the shadow, but still have it lift the fields from the page.

Step 4: Background Gradient

While the box-shadow syntax is easy to grasp, gradients are trickier. With CSS3 gradients, you can create some amazing shapes — from dart boards to rainbows — so as you can imagine it has a more complex syntax. Thankfully, we don’t need to code a rainbow today; we just need a straight linear gradient.

Syntax for Webkit:

-webkit-gradient( linear, <start>, <end>, from(<color>), to(<color>) )

Syntax for Gecko:

-moz-linear-gradient(<start> <angle>, <color>, <color>)

As you can see, the methods are quite different, so this will require some explaining.

Webkit gradients require a start point (X and Y), an end point (X and Y), a from-color, and a to-color. The angle is determined by where start and end are, and the gradient will be colored with the “from(color)” fading to “to(color)”.

Gecko gradients, on the other hand, require only a start point (Y), and at least two colors. If you want a gradient going from top to bottom (90deg) you don’t need to assign an angle.

So to get a simple linear gradient from top to bottom – black to white – we would do like this:

background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#000000), to(#FFFFFF));
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #000000, #FFFFFF);

And it would appear like this:

(I will continue to use the black color for demonstration; at the end, I’ll switch to the real color we will be using for the form.)

Now that we have the basics out of the way, we can start making the form look how we want. The first thing we want to do is limit the height of the gradient so that it looks the same for both input fields and textarea; otherwise the gradient would fill the entire height, like this:

This is how we limit the background gradient to 25px in Webkit and Firefox:

input, textarea {
	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left 25, from(#000000), to(#FFFFFF));
	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #000000, #FFFFFF 25px);

For Webkit, instead of setting the end point to “left bottom,” we set it to “left 25″, indicating it will end 25 pixels from the top.

For Gecko, we do the same thing by simply adding a “25px” value to the end color.

And the result is:

The second thing we want to do is create a thin white line at the top of the gradient, to give the subtle visual impression that the field is raised. How important can a single pixel be? Take a look at this article: Adding Depth with Pixel Perfect Line Work.

To create this, we’ll need three points in the gradient. In the previous example, our gradient had two points: top and bottom (black→white). Here, we’ll add an additional point in between them (white→black→white).

To illustrate:

How do we do this?

input, textarea {
	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left 25, from(#FFFFFF), color-stop(4%, #000000), to(#FFFFFF));
	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #000000 1px, #FFFFFF 25px);

In Webkit we use the color-stop function, but unfortunately it doesn’t support values in pixels, only percentage. But thanks to paying attention to math in school we figure that 4% of 25px is 1px.

For Gecko, we simply add a third color between the first two and give it a “1px” value, indicating that it should end 1 pixel from the top.

The thin white line:

Now, let’s change the black color (#000000) to a more fitting light grey (#EEEEEE):

Just some small detail work remains.

First, we’ll create a darker shadow for the fields when the user hovers or selects it:

input:hover, textarea:hover,
input:focus, textarea:focus {
	-webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 0px 0px 8px;

It’s just an increase from 10% to 15%, but what we are after is, once again, subtlety.

The last thing we do is create some rounded corners for the button3 to further make it stand out from the other elements:

.submit input {
	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
	-moz-border-radius: 5px;

The value is the radius the corners will be rounded by. The standard border-radius is intentionally left out since Opera seems to have some problem with it.


Step 5: The Other Browsers

Now we just need to take care of the browsers that don’t support CSS3 yet (IE), or only partly does (Opera).

We want the different versions (CSS3 and the normal) to look as similar as possible, and the simplest thing is to go back to the old way: images.

Simply take a screenshot of the beautiful CSS3 form and save a small portion of the gradient as an image.

Next, use it in the input and textarea as a background. As long as the CSS3 gradients comes after the background image, browsers that support CSS3 will ignore the image.

input, textarea {
	background: #FFFFFF url('bg_form.png') left top repeat-x;

And now we are done! Enjoy your form and I hope you have learned something.

Final Preview

Chrome (4.0), Firefox (3.6), Safari (4.0):

Opera (10.50b):

Internet Explorer (8):

Full CSS

input, textarea {
	padding: 9px;
	border: solid 1px #E5E5E5;
	outline: 0;
	font: normal 13px/100% Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif;
	width: 200px;
	background: #FFFFFF url('bg_form.png') left top repeat-x;
	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left 25, from(#FFFFFF), color-stop(4%, #EEEEEE), to(#FFFFFF));
	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #EEEEEE 1px, #FFFFFF 25px);
	box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px;
	-moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px;
	-webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px;

textarea {
	width: 400px;
	max-width: 400px;
	height: 150px;
	line-height: 150%;

input:hover, textarea:hover,
input:focus, textarea:focus {
	border-color: #C9C9C9;
	-webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 0px 0px 8px;

.form label {
	margin-left: 10px;
	color: #999999;

.submit input {
	width: auto;
	padding: 9px 15px;
	background: #617798;
	border: 0;
	font-size: 14px;
	color: #FFFFFF;
	-moz-border-radius: 5px;
	-webkit-border-radius: 5px;


That’s all there is to it! With minimal effort, and the power of CSS 3, we’ve turned a bland and ordinary form into something beautiful. Thanks so much for reading, and feel free to ask any questions that you might have below.

Write a Plus Tutorial

Did you know that you can earn up to $600 for writing a PLUS tutorial and/or screencast for us? We’re looking for in depth and well-written tutorials on HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript. If you’re of the ability, please contact Jeffrey at [email protected].

Please note that actual compensation will be dependent upon the quality of the final tutorial and screencast.

Write a PLUS tutorial

WordPress Plugin Install

WordPress Plugin Install
We need an experienced wordpress developer to install and configure the slidepress plugin for us to an existing wordpress site header.

we have the license for slideshowpro, and will supply the standalone swf files required.

The developer will need to do the install, create a sample slideshow for us, and integrate it into the header. The header will need to be sliced and the slideshow should be placed where the static large image is currently. You can see the site url in the attached text file.

Must have IM available, and be available to do asap.

Joomla Cb Module

Joomla Cb Module
I want a module developed based on my existing s4j User Online Module

Module in action here:

I want the module to have the same configuration possibilities but change the function to only display the last x number of users logged in. X being a field where the administrator can enter the number of users to be displayed.

Should be an easy project for any Joomla Programmer as you can take the existing module and change the functionality of it.

So this module will not display online users, but the last number of users that logged in to the joomla site and will have a symbol next to the user name indicating if they are currently still online or not like our New Users module:

Upgrade Website

Upgrade Website
I have a website and would like to make it more database and iphone friendly. (no flash) All my messages is already on server – we will do all the linking of files.

I need an more modern look

All files (video and audio) should be made podcast that people can download it into itunes (this should happen automatic)

I need rss feeds on the site

All messages should be in categories as it is under the arcive button but I need to be able to search a message like under FAITH and then those we tagged faith will come up.

Here is the kind of template I want

Forum Readership

Forum Readership
We have created some new Technology Forums and are looking for help building a solid readership on the site. The forums included on the new site include computers, computer hardware, operating systems, web development, gaming, domains, ect. These are only about a week old, the site existing site has existing traffic however it is so far in-active as far as taking part in discussion or posting new topics.

We are looking for someone experienced in this area who has interest in taking up a part-time project developing the new readership base. If you have prior experience in this area and feel you can improve the total number of active members, we will need to know your cost, time required, what sort of results we can expect and the marketing practices you plan to deply.

Please use the PMB to explain in detail your marketing practices, these practices should have no negative impact or connentations to our online business. The practices you use should be respectful and professional.

Budgetting Script

Budgetting Script
I need some a budgeting worksheet added to my wordpress blog. Budgeting sheet should be written in PHP/JavaScript/MySQL and can simply be link off my main page.

Budgeting Worksheet – this is a form that users will fill out and submit. On submit the sheet will insert the data into a mySQL database table and the user will be presented with a report. The report should be neatly formatted and be able to save as pdf. I’ve attached a sample excel worksheet that provides the functionality. It should be a pretty simple job. Only programmers with positive feedback need apply.

Htaccess Url Redirect

Htaccess Url Redirect
We have implimented OpenID server on our site. Each user now has a [username] for the site and an OpenId address.

The OpenID address is ugly and looks like this:

Instead, we want to allow users to use the following as their openid:

The site displays a profile for each [username] at this address:

We have modified the htaccess file to allow them to use:

Our programmer can modify htaccess to allow one or the other but not both. We need someone to modify our htaccess file to allow redirecting of both

It may be a possibility to move the openid code to a subdirectory but I would prefer to leave the files as they are since OpenID was such a chore to get working.

The awarded programmer will have access to a development site for testing prior to application on our live site.

Attached file is the current htaccess file. The OpenID code is at the end of the file.

Magento – One Step Checkout

Magento – One Step Checkout

Im looking for someone who can made same one step checkout for magento look like this:

I need support in administration, where i will be able to edit some options. like in demo..

Please bid only real magento programers who understand what i looking for.

Thank you