Website Develop Plus Consult

Website Develop Plus Consult
Require a website developed, we have the PSD file of the Main and Secondary pages.
(attached jpg images)

We will provide the layered PSD files and any associated scripts required

-splice our PSD files in to clean and fluid CSS
-install and configure the following scripts (we will provide scripts)
a) pool script
b) blog script
c) flash gallery script
d) contact/ signup form

NOTE: looking for a complete solution, where the selected programmer works with us thru MSN and email and provides examples till our site goes LIVE

Refer Script For Php Form

Refer Script For Php Form
I have a contact form that would like to send the source of the visitor included in the form email. I have seen it before where it will send time on site and what keywords were used to search for the site and include it on the form submission email. I believe it was done using Google Analytics and urchinTracker, but not sure how to do.

I have attached my sample form pages…

Php Form Mailer

Php Form Mailer
I have an html form. I need a php script written that will validate each form field, allow an attachment to be included and mailed to a specific address using an smtp server that requires authentication. After submission, script should redirect to a specific page on my site. Send script with sample data in these fields and I will fill in smtp server, username and pass, email address, redirect address, etc. Normal php mail() function will not work. Must be smtp.

Gmail Email Sender Script

Gmail Email Sender Script
I have purchased a script that i do not know how to setup its called
What i am trying to establish is send out 15 emails at a time and change ip addresses so that my acccount is not suspened by gmail and does this i do know how to set up this script i need help with setup and make sure that the script is fucntioning properly and i am able to reach my desired results
I am looking for a technicallly savy person who can figure out scripts ands set it up for me so i can focus on the work i need done you must be technically sharp to understand scripts please dont waste my timne or yours before you have not studied the script only if you are confident and understand my requirenst and know properly to set up the proxy and renew ip fucntion of the cript do not contact me
If you do this script sucessfully i will have lots of work for you for other scripts also

Micro Continuity Ecourse

Micro Continuity Ecourse

E Course writer wanted for 24 Micro Continuity Ecourse in the Kitten training niche


I am looking for someone to write a 24 Micro Continuity Ecourses who is also willing to commit to further projects once this project is complete.

This project you are bidding on is for the creation of a 24 Micro Continuity Ecourse in the Kitten training niche*.

I am looking for someone who is fast, efficient, has English as their primary language, delivers on time, provides value for their work, has very clear communication, and is willing to take on more work once this project has been completed.

Project details:

The project details are as follows:
Micro Continuity Ecourse
This Micro Ecourse is part of a larger project
Chapter Overview:

The title of the Micro Continuity Ecourse is
Seven Secrets on How to have your Kitten to become a loving Cat

The titles for each chapter:
-Will be one of the seven secrets

The overall theme of the each chapter:
-Break out each secret into 3-4 Ecourses
-Each Ecourse is one weeks content
-Each Ecourse should be 20-30 minute long.
-The Ecourse is teaching the “how”
-Each Ecourse will included the Zeigarrnik Effect at the end (Giving a incomplete preview of what’s coming up next)
-Each Ecourse should be written in friendly conversational mode.

Note: Each Ecourse has a audio recording giving the writer a detailed understanding of how to write each secret

Project timeline and additional information:

The project should be completed in 13 days after the project has been accepted…

I am very prompt with payment, and clear with communication and detailed in what I expect.

How the Micro Continuity Ecourses should be written:

The Micro Ecourse should be sent in .doc format
It should be very well researched and clear in its message
It should be written in 12pt Arial font
Pictures should be used if/where necessary to emphasis the wording
It should be 100% typo free and grammatically correct

Further information:

When posting to this bid, please provide:
A sample of written work you have done of a similar nature

And answer this question for me:
Are you willing and able to do more work once this project is complete, if yes, what is your monthly capacity (how many can you do of this sort of quality on a monthly basis)

Penny Auction Software Wanted

Penny Auction Software Wanted
Hello, Please quote me to set the site up and install on the Network solutions Severs.

Here are my complete requirements….

I would like to purchase a Penny Auction Software like SWOOPO.COM or WINNERS24.COM Complete with CMS (Content Management System) and checkout.

The site would have to be SSL secure, and operate very similar to or, except i would like my auctions to run every 30 min (1-3 at the time).

I would need a person who would do all the designing and build the site from scratch for me, so all i have to do is start operating it.

Thank you.

Seo Financial Content Writing

Seo Financial Content Writing
I need 50 articles, between 400 and 500 words long. The articles are for a page rank 3 site so they need a good keyword density, must be original and must pass Copyscape.

The general topic is about investment in gold, silver, platinum, oil and other resources.
All articles topics must be approved before the article is written.

The deadline is at the end of February

Please provide a 100 word example of your writing skills via PM

Translate Articles In Spanish

Translate Articles In Spanish
I need 10 articles translated by hand (no babelfish or google) into spanish from english. These articles must be translated in a manner where the reader is reading exactly the same meaning that one would get in english. These are all beauty articles.

This will be checked for by spanish readers who will report to me in english if the articles have lost some of its meaning or are translated poorly they will not be used.

If you do a good job, more jobs will be posted on a regular basis.

Simple Website/squeeze Page

Simple Website/squeeze Page
I need a simple 3-pag website which will do the following:
1. Have apply now buttons on the home page with affiliate links to a main website.
2. Have a squeeze page with AUTORESPONDER which will enable visitors to sign up for an ebook and receive an automated link to download a free pdf file.
3. An autoresponder to collect and store emails in a simple mailable format.
Please explain exactly how you would set about doing this task.