Joomla Website Design & Build

Joomla Website Design & Build
See the attached document for the detail outline.

Sample designs will need to be submitted before the project is awarded.
1. You have made a bid and submit a list of previous work
2. We review all bids and previous work
3. We will contact you if we like what we see and we will ask you to mock up 3 samples (we will pay for this at a price to be agreed between us).
4. We will then select the programmer/designer from the samples submitted.

View Video Then Write Article

View Video Then Write Article
I have videos on my blog – 30 seconds to 2:00 minutes average time. Most are on parenting issues. I need someone to view the video and then write an article 300-500 words based on the content with a few select key words

There will be usually 2-3 articles a week in this format.

This first one is a test. If selected then the person will a select will do all of them in addition to being able to write other article for me.

Need good English and grammar.

Please provide a price for just one article as a test. We will can discuss the fees for the ongoing project once you are selected

Please provide a sample of your writing skills with your bid.

Build Joomla Site From Mockups

Build Joomla Site From Mockups
I have jpeg mockups with the PSDs for a Joomla site we need created. All of the design is done, we just need the design put into Joomla and installed on the web server. This job is under 15 pages worth of content and has little to no custom coding involved.

Please bid for the cost to see this through to completion. This is a test project which is intended to be used to create a business relationship between us for a *lot* of custom business work. Strong social skills are a plus.

Don’t just link to your portfolio, please pick your best work and describe how you got it, and how you did it. If you are selected and you do a good job you could very easily become one of a few goto guys for our firm.

Woth 1000 Php

Woth 1000 Php
need to be able to get membership information from some php. sites

Will give you 2 small sites to test on.

If you do well for first 2 you will get commision for them.

Please reply if you can retrieve the information, I have a username and password for both sites. And also provide me the samples requested.

Hi there I need all the membership info such as emails and stuff from all the accounts on the sites, theirs not many on the sites I have for sample only few hundred.

First site :

USername riz (AT)

Password 1prebendrow

Second Site :

username : fxtrader123 (AATT)

password : 1prebendrow

Please try and let me know

Kind Regards,

mail me and i will reply NOW

Membership Site Contact

Membership Site Contact
need to be able to get membership information from some php. sites

Will give you 2 small sites to test on.

If you do well for first 2 you will get commision for them.

Please reply if you can retrieve the information, I have a username and password for both sites. And also provide me the samples requested.

Hi there I need all the membership info such as emails and stuff from all the accounts on the sites, theirs not many on the sites I have for sample only few hundred.

First site :

USername riz (AT)

Password 1prebendrow

Second Site :

username : fxtrader123 (AATT)

password : 1prebendrow

Please try and let me know

Kind Regards,

mail me and i will reply NOW

Big Money

Big Money
need to be able to get membership information from some php. sites

Will give you 2 small sites to test on.

If you do well for first 2 you will get commision for them.

Please reply if you can retrieve the information, I have a username and password for both sites. And also provide me the samples requested.

Hi there I need all the membership info such as emails and stuff from all the accounts on the sites, theirs not many on the sites I have for sample only few hundred.

First site :

USername riz (AT)

Password 1prebendrow

Second Site :

username : fxtrader123 (AATT)

password : 1prebendrow

Please try and let me know

Kind Regards,

mail me and i will reply NOW

Articles Writer

Articles Writer
i am looking for a long term quality article writer.. this is a short project but there are many more… competitive bids will be considered and payment will be made only on the acceptance of articles and quality check.. this project must be completed in 5 days..

6- 500 words articles
7- 300 words
10 page report

remember no escrow before completion and quality check

$30 is my budget

Coupon Code To Specific Webpag

Coupon Code To Specific Webpag
This seems like a fairly simple project but I’m not sure what type of script will fit the bill or if this needs to have a MySql to handle the list. Here’s my scenario…
person visits my webpage and sees a single text entry form box and a submit button/go button. He/She enters a unique code or number or word in the single form box and when he or she hits the submit button they are redirected to a specific webpage that is associated with what they just entered. Kind of like entering a specific product name and getting redirected to the specific page that talks about that product.
What I need it to be able to do:
have an inventory of the numbers, words or codes that I can add too or subtract from at will. those numbers, words or codes each are associated with a specific URL. Maybe this can all be done with javascript as I don’t care if all the numbers or words and associated URL’s are in the source code. I would then just modify the script to add or subtract possibilities then just re-upload the new page.
When someone enters a number, word or code that is not in the inventory a simple error message will pop up saying “invalid entry, please try again”
It would be nice to track how many hits each one gets but this is not mission critical.

Php Mysql Code

Php Mysql Code
We are looking for code that will delete profiles (rows) from several tables based on a query.

The initial query:

SELECT member_id FROM `profile` WHERE (`status` = 3 AND `continent` = 6 AND country = 207) OR (`status` = 3 AND `continent` = 6 AND country = 80);

will result in several rows from member_id field displayed from the profile table

I then want to perform a delete operation on several tables based on the results of the above query.

The delete code i currently use when deleting 1 by 1 is below. I need the code to take into account that the new input will now be the query above:
$query = “select member_id from profile where id = ‘$del_id'”;
$row = f(q($query));
$query = “delete from relationship_x where profile_id = $del_id”;
$query = “delete from interests_x where profile_id = $del_id”;
$query = “delete from address_book where member_id = $row[member_id]”;
$query = “delete from favourites where owner_id = $row[member_id]”;

Hope this makes sense. I realise this is probably pretty easy – if possible paste the solution in the PMB. First correct working script will win the project.

Twitter Bulk Tweeter

Twitter Bulk Tweeter
Every 5-30 minutes I would like twitter to post 4 bulk tweets and 1 promotion tweet all at the same time.

The 4 bulk tweets I would like to come from this site (or unless you know of a better site) They can be random or the top tweets from it. As long as there not repeated, if they are repeated make sure twitter doesn’t see it as a duplicate post.

The promotion Tweet I would like to function like this.

Mix and generate sentences ex. Make money online, join free, paypal proof (Link)

After mixed something like this

Make money online, join free, paypal proof; (Link)
Make money online, join free, paypal proof. (Link)
Make money online, join free, paypal proof1 (Link)
Make money online, join free, paypal proof. (Link)
Make money online, join free, paypal proof4 (Link)
Make money online, join free, paypal proof! (Link)
Make money online, join free, paypal prooff (Link)
Make money online, join free, paypal proof$ (Link)

Things like ; . ; 3 5 can be added .. so If i insert once sentence I would expect to get about 100 that look the same and doesn’t change the message of the tweet and in anyway. (This is simply to bypass duplicate tweets)



-If possible, add treading topics at the end of the tweets. Only if tweet isn’t 140 characters long.I would like to be able to turn the feature on or off. If this is too much of a hassle don’t worry about it.

I would like this to be web operated on not software because I would like it to run auto pilot. I have hostgator so my hosting has pretty much every feature.

It would be amazing to actually see this script made. I would be amazed.

Quexs+asterisk Install Test

Quexs+asterisk Install Test
queXS installation, testing, programming a CATI questionnaire/survey
+ Asterisk installation, testing and set-up.

What I need or require:
We are looking for a programmer / technician with the PHP and MySQL database know-how to install queXS (run offsite on our dedicated server) test and program CATI questionnaire/survey, ;

Asterisk installation, testing and set-up automatically dialing, a telephone server needs to be set up (this can be run offsite, on our dedicated server) along with a VoIP provider.

What I already have versus what the provider will build:
We will provide:
1. A draft of the questionnaire
2. How many interviewers will be accessing the CATI system: Two (2)
3. What web browser we use: We use IE, Firefox
4. Server access to run queXS, Asterisk, offsite on our dedicated server

Other context/requirements that providers will need to know:
If the person is familiar with LimeSurvey, much the better, as queXS uses LimeSurvey for the actual survey instruments, queXS only requires a web browser to operate.

Specific expertise that I am seeking:
queXS installation, Asterisk installation, testing and set-up,
+ programming a CATI questionnaire/survey using queXS, and training us on both the queXS and Asterisk software

Please provide in writing
1. Your resume, two (2) USA client references who can verify your programming work.

2. A flat fee cost for services listed above (queXS installation, Asterisk installation, testing and set-up,
+ programming a CATI questionnaire/survey using queXS, and training us on both the queXS and Asterisk software.

3. Please indicate if training is remote, onsite or both

4. The deadline date that you can complete the work by

Timeframe for delivery:
We need to have queXS and Asterisk installed tested up and running ASAP