Scrape A Website…

Scrape A Website…
I will PM the exact link to the website…

There are around 2500 records that need to be scraped into a MySQL database… so, a pretty small list.

Basically you will need to crawl 2500 pages.. the link to each is almost identical except for a special ID number on the end.

These are the fields of data required:

Company Name
Phone Number
Fax Number

That’s it! I can provide a link to the website via. PM…


Simple Fun Voting System

Simple Fun Voting System
This system is a VERY simple system – the best anology is
We want to create a simple interface where people will come and do the following:

1. Register an account.
2. Upload 2-5 images or write 2-5 different texts
3. Give it a name
4. And “create a vote”

Now, on the home page of the site, random site visitors/users will be able to just VOTE for their favorite and it will keep strolling by all the open votes.

Example of how it’s used:

Let’s say you are debating between 3 different shoes, well you upload a picture of each of them and start a vote. Now, you let the WORLD tell you which one to pick!

Maybe you want to start an ad campaign and are debating 3 different headlines, you can put them in this system and let people tell you which one they like the most.

Maybe you’re picking a name or logo for your company – you can again have the mass world tell you which is best.

Features Needed:

1. Membership Management

2. Emailing Users

3. Users Create Votes (That are pending approval from Admin)

4. Admin Features/Control over all aspects of site

5. Categories to insert votes into (users who visit can browse by categories for open votes)

6. Ability to create TWO links to a vote.
One link a user can use to send to their FRIENDS (it will track the results separately).
The other link will go to the public…

7. Ad management system to float ads on the pages
There will be NO project creep on this project. It’s a simple system.


Word Press Multi User Automati

Word Press Multi User Automati
We have multiple WPMU sites on several different web hosts. We would like a way to be able to post to all of them. Perhaps log in to a central control panel and add posts to each one without having to login to each and every WPMU site we have. If you are able to do this or something similar please bid/contact us. Thanks.

Psd Designs

Psd Designs
I need 6 psd or ai pages designed. I’m willing to pay $50-80 for this work.

The homepage was done somewhat, but the client is having problems contacting that programmer. He sent a bunch of files, but I’m not sure if it’s the homepage design or just the template he was using.

So the homepage will need to be designed. If you are lucky you’ll have some of the homepage made. The other pages are not made at all.

The programmer acceting this project agree to give me daily udpates? If I don’t get daily updates (excluding Sunday) I will cancelling the project.

Ptc Website

Ptc Website
We are currently looking for experienced, professional programmers, designers who can work throughly an exceptional Paid-To-Click investment project with a unique script and secured website. Among the important stuff needed:

– Neobux engine, system and even better
– Unique and fully custom web design with the use of jquery & java contents
– Source code must be hidden ( example)
– Full website functionality must be superior then (
– Fully customized and well accessible admin area and member area
– Payment processor to be supported: Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, AlertPay & Wire Transfer all through API interface to the exception of Wires that is manually done via admin.
– Fully accessible signup page stype with tooltips, and error contents provided through jquery
– Welcome email, account change email change detection all provided through email.
– Unique account security options
– More to be discussed….

All contenders are required to read careful the requirements and must have knowledge with PTC otherwise do not bid because I will refuse it. Serious bidders only and no advance payment is given, only escrow.

Seo Article Writings

Seo Article Writings
I am looking for an EXPERIENCED WRITER to write (100) Keyword Rich, seo Friendly Articles to promote a high end teeth whitening kit .

ENGLISH SPEAKING mother tongue or Highly Skilled English Writer.
Articles must pass copyscape 100%
Grammatical blunders will not be accepted.
Payment shall by escrow only and shall be released after completion of task.
You must write with conversion in mind because our ultimate aim is to get people to buy our products. and related keywords.
$1 per 400 words
need to submit 5 articles per day, finish 100 articles within 30 days
On-Going Projects will be offered to Quality writers after the first project.
Please bid for 100 articles here. Assume each article 400 words.
We’re looking only for serious writers only.

Save Time and Money by Systematizing your Photoshop Workflow

Save Time and Money by Systematizing your Photoshop Workflow

Repetitive tasks can quickly become tedious. As a designer, you probably often find yourself designing the same elements over and over from scratch. STOP!

Wasting time is so old-fashioned. It also means you’re wasting money! So, let’s review some ways that you can automate and systematize your Photoshop workflow. And be sure to download the project base for all of your new designs!

File Tree & Re-usable Project Base

The first step in systematizing your workflow is to organize your files. Identify all common elements you use within your designs.

You may come to a list such as the following:

  • Home Page template
  • About Page
  • Contact Page
  • Services Page
  • Fonts
  • Assets

The Project Base

Consider how your final deliverables are used. If they are shipped to a coding business, be as organized and thorough as possible, including notes and fonts where applicable.

You can ensure that you have perfectly organized themes by creating a package that allows you to “fill in the blanks”, so to speak. Simply copy this folder, assign it to the project by renaming it to the project and get working. This is a very simple and efficient way to work, and means that websites you built four years ago can easily be edited, because everything is packed into its very own place.

Download the Project Base

In the zip file, you’ll find a simple re-useable template starting point. This file contains elements such as dividers, buttons and a pre-gridded template to speed up your design workflow.

See how simple starting a new project is now? It may take a couple of minutes to set-up, but the time saved later is more time for you to be doing what you love best – designing!

Now that we have a solid base to build upon, we can starting filling out our ‘boiler-plater’ with specific files and concepts.

Web Template

The sample template will allow you to create a page of your most used elements, ready for quick inclusion in your latest project.

If you’re a web designer in particular, you’ll find that a lot of your projects, even those different in every possible way – use and re-use common elements.

Begin by building a few re-usable templates. Don’t worry about which elements you wish to include just yet, because you can always go back and look at your previous projects and analyze more popular features – then re-create them here.

Personally, I use just one template. I have a home page (this contains elements such as news bulletins, blog post stylings, menus, logos and call to actions). I can modify this template to suit blog pages, buy it now forms and more.

The page also has a pre-applied. This has been included for download at the end of the article, in the template boilerplate.

Once you’re set-up with this concept, you can build designs very quickly. However, you should definitely consider developing your own, and tailor it to your clients and team. You could go further by adding icons, search elements and online store related items – anything to suit your client base.

Grouping & Organizing

The above image demonstrates the tangible difference between an organized layer palette, and a messy one!

When you’re in a real creative flow, it can be difficult to stop and start naming and grouping layers. Photoshop doesn’t really help in this area by default either!

So, take the time as you go to name and group layers. This will help you later when coding the design, or if you ship if off for coding elsewhere.

Name each layer, and try to use a descriptive and short word – such as ‘menu’ for the navigation. Group specific areas, such as the header or a contact form.

This has a two-fold benefit.

  1. You can toggle whole areas (or the whole design) on or off in order to work on the background or other elements.
  2. You can move sections of a design without the need for moving each element. This can save hours per project!

So, take the time to stop every five minutes or so, and name and group each element. You’ll be glad you did!

Make good use of the select tool! You can toggle the select mode between layers and groups. This facilitates mass updating and re-aligning designs, so don’t forget it!


If you don’t use actions in your work-flow, then you should begin using them immediately.

Photoshop actions are entirely configurable lists of actions Photoshop should carry out automatically. You can create your own, or choose from the bounty available online. If you work on Photographs for example, and have 400 pictures to edit and resize, this would take a long time. Instead, you can create an action that adjusts the contrast, alters the size and then saves the file in .jpg format, blasting through 400 files in seconds! You must use actions!

If you do not have the knowledge, or experience to create your own actions, GraphicRiver has a large selection of actions available for purchase from $1!

The actions on sale range from simple photo effects to this action which can add various pre-formatted text sections such as contact details or blog posts in seconds.

Start using Actions and you will notice a significant increase in your productivity and reduce the amount of times you need to repeat monotonous tasks over and over.

Creating and Using an Action

Making your own action is easy. As an example, we’ll create a simple action to re-size several images at once, then save them.

First off, you need to hit the new action button, on the actions palette.

You shouldn’t need to change any settings as standard, bar changing the name for better organization. Photoshop is now recording your actions. So, all you need to do is re-size the image. Go to image size, and alter the dimensions. The action will change any image to these dimensions. Then hit save.

Finally, press stop on the action palette.

Now, when you press play on the action you’ve created, Photoshop will follow the list of defined actions on your image. Although very simple, an action such as this one could save you hours of monotonous resizing photos and images. This is only a very simple look at actions. They can do so much more, so take your time to get to know them and really use them. The beauty of them is in how you can record basically any action in Photoshop – selecting, changing styles, transforming, re-sizing and saving.

iPhone & UI Design

Do you work with user interfaces? If so, you really need to download a GUI element pack for Photoshop.

There are many available for most popular operating systems and mobile platforms.

For example, if you work with the iPhone, you can download the iPhone GUI pack that contains all elements available in the iPhone interface library, and then simply start designing your app. Simple, quick and much easier than attempting to create these from scratch.

Android GUI Kit

Teehan Lax Kits

The agency, Teehan Lax have several high quality, life-like UI kits. These are great for building an iphone app sales site, or designing the actual UI of an app. Kits are available for the iPhone, Palm Pre and Browsers.

Palm Pre


Browser Elements


I hope we’ve given you some tips that you can use to improve your productivity and efficiency. Photoshop is a wonderful tool, but, if we’re not careful, we can find ourselves repeating the sames tasks over and over. So be sure to implement the above tips and start saving time, money and your sanity!

Download the Project Base

Do you have any Photoshop time-saving tips? Have any ideas on other tasks that could be automated to save time and repetition? Feel free to share them with the community via the comments.

Very Quick Paypal Integratio 2

Very Quick Paypal Integratio 2

I have a script exactly like

Its open-source.

What i need is someone to integrate PayPal in it within next 24hrs-48hrs. max

PayPal will be added in such a way that i just need an Yearly Subscription button of PayPal to be on the page of registration.

There are two account types on script : Listner and Artist

However, i would like the PayPal yearly subscription button to display only on registration page of Artists.


Jamroom-joomla Bridge 2

Jamroom-joomla Bridge 2
I need a bridge between Jamroom and Joomla.


– I need that my users can signup in Jamroom or Joomla and the both signup are writed in the same database (joomla db).

– Users can login in Jamroom( listeners) or Joomla.

– Dual login, if a user is logged in joomla is too logged in Jamroom or vice versa.

– If it´s possible I want that this bridge were a plugin of jfusion open source component for joomla, I need this because two briges in the same web will crash the db.

We have in mind more projects in the future, if the programmer works great we will work more times with him.
Please only joomla experts.

Best regards,