Modern New Website

Modern New Website
Looking for someone that can make a new website template to be modern and industry related to my business. I have other industry websites i can provide you with to help you.

Please only bid if you have positive feedback on scriptlance & please do not bid if you have 0 ratings

I know the cost of making a website, so please do not bid more than $100

Marketplace Website Clone

Marketplace Website Clone
I would like a total costing to clone of the following website in some changes to make it look and feel different.

we want it fully custom so we can edit each section ourselves once built, advertising boxs, flash buttons etc


The sucessful bidder must bid total cost as you will only be paid for how much you bidded.

this could lead to ongoing work with us

Please let us know total cost and time frame to build

Looking For Website Clone

Looking For Website Clone
I would like a total costing to clone of the following website in some changes to make it look and feel different.

we want it fully custom so we can edit each section ourselves once built, advertising boxs, flash buttons etc


The sucessful bidder must bid total cost as you will only be paid for how much you bidded.

this could lead to ongoing work with us

Please let us know total cost and time frame to build

Write 50 X 250 Word Articles

Write 50 X 250 Word Articles
Hello, I’m needing to create some original content for a series 50 similar websites.

I need you to write 50 completely original 250 word articles. I don’t want any spinning, scraping or other garbage that google might end up banning. I just want original written content. It needs to be written in clearly written english. If that’s not your strength then this project is not for you.

The subjects will be all very similar in nature: ie: a name of a city or province followed by the subject on “debt consolidation”

Toronto Debt Consolidation
Vancouver Debt Consolidation
Montreal Debt Consolidation

So you’d talk about how many people living in the city or province are facing debt problems and financial problems due to job losses or other reasons, and how many are using debt consolidation as a way to reduce their financial debt. Talk about how debt consolidation works, why it works, how it works, why someone should use it, when someone should use it, where to find more information on debt consolidation, and how it can help the person. To make it unique mention something unique in a sentence or two about that city or province. To find that info use wikipedia or just google the name of the city and you’ll find unique information on it to incorporate into your article. ie: population, climate, major industries, important landmarks, or whatever, you can find about that city or province.

Need this done in 5 days if possible. If you do good work I have one more project like this available. (another 50 article project)

Article Writers

Article Writers
I am looking for english writers to write articles on Alot of different topics. and also alot maybe product writeups.

looking for long term work.

here are the basic requirements.

articles should be error free, articles should pass copyscape
well researched articles.articles should be min. of 600 words
and must past ezine approval.


600 words of article $1.10

should be able to start it now .

The keyword phrase needs to be in the article title, first sentence and used another 5-6 times throughout the article for a total keyword density of 1.5-


I pay via PayPal within 24 hours of completion of each article project of 25 articles, so the sooner you can finish the articles the sooner you will receive


When I hire a new writer I pay them $11 at completion of the first 10 article batch to show that I pay.

The articles need to be informative to the reader with 100% correct grammar, punctuation and free from factual errors.

Also, the articles must be at least 100% unique; they will be reviewed through Copyscape and Plagiarism Detect for plagiarism. If an article you submit to me

does not pass Copyscape or has spelling and punctuation mistakes, you will not be paid for that article until it is corrected and resubmitted to me for


I will not be able to pay if all requirements in this listing are not met, so please don’t bid if you can’t meet these requirements.

You agree that upon sending me the articles all rights to the articles transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in

any way.

Please be able to communicate at least 1 time per day via email or messenger.

Bids will only be considered with a sample article on a topic that I choose.

If you are slow and can not produce 10-20 aday please do not bid

Need 8 Articles 12 Blog Posts

Need 8 Articles 12 Blog Posts
I need 8 articles and 12 blog posts. The article and blog post topics will be on business cards, techniques and tips and small business growth tips.

– Excellent Proficiency In English Is Required To Qualify For This Project.

– The articles need to be at least 500 words long and the blog posts need to be at least 250 words long, with correct spelling and grammar.

– The articles must use the keywords provided to you. Keywords must appear in the title, the first paragraph and the last word of the last paragraph. The rest of the keywords dispersed throughout the article. Should meet ezine article requirements.

– All articles will be 100% unique – content and will be checked for plagiarism/ spam via several pieces of software, sample

– You should have experience of writing SEO optimized articles.

– The articles should be written in a friendly tone and should not be dry and technical.

To get a good feel of your style to get action for the reader, while
sharing your message not selling it:

I also need a sample blog post called “The Importance Of An Effective Business Card”

Will pay $4 per article & $2 per blog post. 1st payment after the first 2 articles and 3 blog post are done. The second payment after 3 more articles and 5 more posts are done. The last payment after the last 3 articles and the last 4 blog posts are done.

All rights to the written articles and blog posts transfer to me.

Please bid/message only when you agree to our terms.
While PMBing us – please make sure – you mention –
1. That you agree to all our terms including the payment terms.
2. Mention in how many days it will take you to finish each stage.

I am looking for a long term relationship for future projects, if possible.


Looking For Article Write (1 3

Looking For Article Write (1 3
I am looking for writer to write an articles on different niche topics.Each article must be around 500 words.

Articles should be SEO friendly, and will target 1 keyword or phrase per article. I will provide the list of keywords/phrases.

Each article must be well researched, completely original, grammatically correct, and pass Copyscape. You agree not to resell or use these articles again in any way.

I am looking for a long term relationship and BONUSES may be given for excellent work / quick turn-around.

Bid for 10*500 words article.

Wirting Content For Web-site 2

Wirting Content For Web-site 2
Daer All

I will be launching a new website in January and I have written contents for different pages on my site. This content I have taken from various websites but I cannot use it as it would be copying.

I would like the writer to come up with new content, very similar to what I have copied to draw the potential client to use my services. The website is about home improvement/construction. The writer should have a strong background in wirting & marketing and have excellent references regarding this type of writing.


H Boss

Tla Clone

Tla Clone
Looking for a clone of:

This would be the ‘Publisher’ and ‘Advertiser’ tabs only. No Affiliate section necessary.


1. No ‘Ad Code’ installed on webmaster sites. Instead, there will be a spider built to verify links.

2. Fully functional spider which will check links and ensure they are properly placed. It must have the ability to check for ‘tricks’ such as: No Follow, Robots Exclusion, Orphaned Pages, etc..

3. Must integrate login with a vBulletin Forum.

4. Escrow System to ensure links are placed prior to release.

5. Payments system allowing: Paypal and Google Checkout

6. ‘Publisher’ called ‘SellLinks’

7. ‘Advertiser’ called ‘Buy Links’

PLEASE: Checkout TLA completely before bidding. I do NOT want a clone that might already be on the web. This is a job that needs to be done well and by good programmer(s). Once this is done there WILL be additions to the code.

Code: Done in php/ajax. Framewords can be used. Prototype/MooTools/etc..

Server: You will use your own server and I will test on that server copmletely before escrow is released.

Website Application

Website Application
Design stickers online.

Find all information in specs.doc

1. Question: What if text is too big for sticker, as I got it, we need to cut it?
Answer: No you don’t need to cut it, just hide the extra part. (check image001.gif) Check the image002.gif to see the result we need when we try to generate the vector file.

2. Question: Is it ok to create as a result any vector file, or you need just .ai and .eps?
Answer: Yes you can use any vector file format. (if we can open the file with illustrator and export it in eps than it is ok.)

3. Question: The graphics can be in SVG?
Answer: Yes.

4. Question: Why the site need to create vector file? I dont see any vector element, or I dont understand something?
Answer: We need a way to open the file in adobe illustrator and resize it without any lost in quality.

5. Question: Can I use ImageMagic?
Answer: Yes.

A Poker Site Needs To Be Made

A Poker Site Needs To Be Made

I basically need the software so I can create a poker software that is to be used so people can basically play poker, can be scrubbed from other poker scripts, needs a good admin and easy to control and look around.

Can you give me a price for a flash game (viewed on the web page) and a normal game (downloadable package and installed into your computer)
