Need Full-time Web Manager

Need Full-time Web Manager
I’m looking to hire a Full-time Site Manager to manage 3 websites. This will be a long-term position that will grow is my company grows. The applicate must be able to speak and write english fluently. Additional requirements are below:

•Fully Trained & Certified Professional
•Can Manage Up to 3 sites per month
•Works Exclusively for me
•Expert in Mysql Database usage and Optimization
•Expert in Onpage and Offpage Optimization in Html and PHP
•Expert in SEO with Google, Yahoo, MSN
•Regular Articles, Press Release, Directory Submissions
•Daily Reporting & Work Updates
•Works Minimum 40 hr per week

If you do not meet all the above requirements please do NOT apply.

Magento Add To Cart Problem 3

Magento Add To Cart Problem 3
I have a magento store with custom code. On a bundle item the problem is when clicking add to cart is it not transfering the selected options from the drop down bundle options so when you click add to cart it arrives in the cart with the standard default items.

This was working perfectly fine but stopped when some programmer was fixing something else.

I need it fixing. thanks

Note it works perfectly fine in IE8. I’ve not tested IE7 or Chrome but I assume its fine in them. It does not work in Mozilla so this is what needs to be fixed.


Yahtzee Online

Yahtzee Online
Online Yahtzee

Technical requirements:
– Clean HTML/CSS
– Game play in the same window if able


Yahtzee online will be free for playing. Web site visitors can just click and play and after completion will be prompted to register for the high score list and other activities or just to continue playing. There will be no multiplayer, just single player mode.

I need to have many competitions included. Players can choose for what competition will they play:
1. World Cup
2. National Cup
3. National World Cup
4. Just for high scores

Competitions will be based on seasons, seasons will be divided by weeks. First week will be qualifications, second – 1/8 finals, quarterfinals and so on…

So, players can just play and if they do not choose competition they will be just included in many high scorers lists: for day, week, month, year… But if they choose to play, lets say for national cup, they will have to play maximum 25 games that week and the high scores will make a ranking list and the top players will continue next round. So, you will need to make that every player have a member section to see what games he can play, what is his current ranking or so…

So, the game is not complicated and all that’s count is a high score but statistics and tournaments will be complicated.


All competition will be based on the same structure, I will try to explain:
1. 15.000 players joins competition
2. Every player can play up to 25 games for that round, only the highest score of that 25 games counts
3. Top 3000 players goes to the next round
4. Second round, the same thing, 25 games, the highest counts and 1000 players go next round
5. Same thing, 250 players go next round
6. 50 players go next round… and the winner is the best in the last round

All players should see current ranking list for that round…

This is the way national cups, world cups will be organized.

One thing that will be different is national world cup, let’s see:
1. 15.000 players plays first round, 25 games, highest only counts
2. Calculating results – sum of top 3 results from each country will be counted
3. 30 countries go to the next round
4. All players from that country can play for second round, no matter what they scored before, they just need to be from the country that qualified, 25 games
5. again, sum of the top 3 results will count, 15 countries advance to the next round
6. again, again…

Member sections:
– Simple member registration with mail activation, First name, surname, username, country
– Many statistics for each member, everyone can see that
– Sending automatic mail for players to remind them that some tournament will begin soon or that they advanced to the next round of some tournament and to come to play that round

Web site look:
– Simple look
– Homepage with description, few ranking lists, active national matches, links to the game, tournament announcements…
– Member page: with general information and full of statistics (rank for each month, year, best rank in one day, achievements, top score, country/world statistics, achievements for country tournaments), links to tournament that that member can play…
– Web pages for every tournament

I want to see your web projects and only people/teams that have already done some projects will be considered.

I will pay you some money in advance and some money during the work, rest at the end…

I will be online 24h a day if you want because we will be connected online during development.

Create/transfer Joomla Modules

Create/transfer Joomla Modules
I would like to have all the showcase positions of the Akiraka template on a Vortex one (RocketTheme Templates).

Depending on price I will like also the bottom module positions as well.

I need this ASAP, so please bid only if you are available to work as soon as I choose you.

-I will not give you the whole template files (only those needed for the module creations).
-It’s better if you are a RT developer member.
-I need you to post JRTD in your bid or PMB or your bid will be ignored.
-Please show me 2-3 examples of SIMILAR projects you have done (I DON’T NEED THE 100’s of websites you have done not related to what I’m asking).

Newsmelt: Rss+twitter+gorgeous

Newsmelt: Rss+twitter+gorgeous
We’re bored of how news works right now in the university, but we’re too broke to fix that worldwide.

Here’s our vision:

An interactive twistori that gets its nuggets of news from twitter (via a list of known users and hash tags) and from a list of known feeds that are local media, local bloggers and national/international media that enable searches to become RSS feeds.

We love twistori (google it, and google twistori-tech to find out what’s under the hood). And we want that same sense of a dynamic conversation.

All ‘interactive’ means is that when people click a nugget (which is a tweet or the RSS item title) they go to a page that puts the nugget into context and allows them to contribute their own tweets if they’re logged in to twitter.

What ‘into context’ means is that if a nugget is an RSS item title, we’ll give it a unique tag and the page you’ll see will boost the title to the top, give it its description and the link so people can go off and see the original, and deliver a stream of all connected tweets, i.e. all using the hashtag, plus a box to add your own tweet (you’ll need a twitter account) – and like it or not that tweet will get the hashtag popped in at the end so everyone can find it). And if the nugget is a tweet with one of our hashtags, the context is the RSS item it’s relating.

[But we can’t control the hashtags… That’s fine, we’ll structure the hashtags to make it less likely we accidentally pick up unrelated tweets, but we’re not sweating the small stuff. By default we’ll go #{nmchar}{r1}{r2}{r3}{r4} – nmchar is maybe %, don’t much mind, the rN characters are the usual suspects a-z,A-Z,0-9.]

I’ve saved a little complexity for now.

One thing I didn’t mention is the idea of category. We’ll have up to 8 categories – they’ll have a function a bit like the ‘love,’ ‘hate’ etc. One of the categories is a default – we don’t know what this is/it’s general. An item will always have one (which may be the default) and it may have more than one category.

And like twistori, when you load the site it will cycle through categories and you can select them directly. Remember, though, these categories are filters, but they’re not searches like twistori uses.

So there’s a tiny bit of complexity here.

Each RSS channel can have a default category. And each category has one or more tag text variants – if we find one of those tags relating to an item, it overrides the default category for the feed. If we find multiple matching tags, the item is in multiple categories.

But a lot of content won’t know about us, so we need also to be able to assign content to categories manually.

So the main site can look a lot like twistori. We clearly need a limited admin site:

1. To maintain the twitter user list (add users, delete users, block users=never feature tweets from this ID)
2. To maintain the RSS feed list (add feeds, delete feeds, assign default category to feeds)
3. For system level choices, such as our hash tag prefix
4. For maintaining our categories and their associated tags

Delivery means back-end and front-end. But design work is minimal – something very like twistori without infringing on them would be just great. If this lifts off we’d love to work with a designer, but we don’t have the cash right now!

Technically we’re not too fussed, though we really like the idea of Ruby + JSON + HTML + Javascript. Because we know that’s workable.

Just one extra detail that’s important to mention. The process of assigning one of our tags to a new RSS item we’ve found needs to go through an API. We think at some future time we’ll want to be able to trigger some actions when a new tag is requested, or maybe to structure a bit of extra human-readable information into the tag. (For instance we’re debating whether the tag should one day somehow reflect whether something is from inside the University.)

If this takes off in the University, I’m sure we’ll want to tweak and adapt or extend. So we hope our chosen provider will be able to take on later mini-projects.

Here’s a ‘nice to have’ – if you can deliver it you have a stronger bid, if you can’t (or can’t in the budget) you’re not ruled out.

It would be great, for items that we can spot have an associated image (in the feed or, if it’s a tweet, from links to consistent add-ons such as twitpic), to get a thumbnail of the image that, if clicked directly, would expand to view, close when done.

Software For Making Online Mag

Software For Making Online Mag
Hi guys,
Im looking for someone who can make a piece of software to be used privately that will convert PDF’s into an online flash magazine (with pageturn fx).
The input will be a multiple page PDF file
The output will be in flash and very similar to this
the finished flash page i will be placing on the internet so it must be small enough to load quickly (just like the example given above)

I would prefer this to be written in C# with full rights and source code given to me to be distrobuted/edited as i wish.


Flash Product Designing

Flash Product Designing
We require a flash (maybe i dont know too much) script that will run on our website and aid customers in being able to see what shopfronts we do.. Please look on google for aluminium shopfronts.

I have an example of what we want it to be like.

It shouldnt be much work involved for somebody experienced.

We would provide rough sketches for the types of designs the customer can have, we would need you to implement them to suit the script.. They are basics of vertical and horizontal lines (Search for a shopfront on google and you will understand)

Our budget is small as this is just an addition to our site.

Design Features Needed To Site

Design Features Needed To Site
Hi All,

I am a marketeer and sales man, not a web techie, so please excuse me if I dont talk technically! I have attached a more detailed description of the required work, but the basicsare below…

I have bought a website; I have the domain; and a basic (wow is it basic!) layout for what I need.

However, I need some new features adding to the site to make it professional, sleek and create the business opportunities I require.

The site is designed for people to add listings when they want to rent or sell their property.

I need to:

– Change the Property search features – titles etc.
– Add an advanced search option – that has clever type options and picks up the locations from the datadbase
– Add a registration and login section so visitors can upload their own listings, and gain responses
– Change the mapquest location to Google locations to better identify the properties
– Look at adding chargeable areas, through paypal
– Add a discussion board

Possible extra work depending on costing:
Company logo design
Registering the site with all websites to ensure great search enine optimisation
Adding social networking buttons

My main competitor is a website called … Please take a look at their ‘property for sale’ and ‘property for rent’ sections. to give you an idea of what s required.

The site is run through

I hope this gives you an idea of what I need to get up and running.

Please do send any questions and I will do my best to help.



Adult Webcam Site Advertising

Adult Webcam Site Advertising
I am looking for professional adult website advertising for a new webcam site. I am looking for all effective advertising venues such as blogs, social network sites, search engine, video, classifieds, forum e.g. I am throwing a big event event and I need the exposure. The winner will be chosen by their reviews, price and the amount of advertising that will be done for the price. If the winner chosen is to my satisfaction, I will use them for all my events.

Ten (10) German Blogposts

Ten (10) German Blogposts
Hi !

I need 10 high-quality unique Blog-Posts in GERMAN
for “Gartenmöbel” and especially “Kunststoffgeflecht/Kunstrattan”.
Each post must have a minimum of 500 Words.

I could deliver images and a reference website.

I’m from germany, so i could review your posts. I also could review if the post is only copied.

Please only bid, if you are sure you could do this.
I only accept bids thats start with the word ‘event’.

With your bid you accept the additional agreement as follows :
– If you deny or don’t respond to my provider selection, you have to pay a fee of 20USD to me.
– If accept the project but can’t deliver the project as required or in time, you have to pay a fee of 50USD to me

I only pay if project is finished as required and with a high quality. No Milestone or part payments. I only pay with SF escrow.

Onsite Seo / Copywriter Requir

Onsite Seo / Copywriter Requir
Please do not respond to this with a standard package response, in partcular, no offsite work is required.

We require someone to undertaken ONSITE SEO work on a range of our websites, initially starting with one.

Initially we would want approximately 10 sub areas of the site (to present 10 different keywords) with approximately 5-10 pages of SEO focused content for each sub area. The main site also needs approximately 15 pages that are already created to be optimized.

On going we would want to continue to expand the content, adding approximately 10 pages per month.

PMB us so we can give you the website address so you can give a quote.



Display A Zip / Text File Php

Display A Zip / Text File Php
We receive a zip file on our ftp site which has a new zip file that when opens it contains a text file with information that needs to be diplayed using PHP and MYSQL on a website. We need two pages created with this information, we will supply all the design and html code you provide the coding to make this and to get it to update on a daily basis