Joomla Video Component And

Joomla Video Component And
hello, i have hwvideoshare installed on my server i need my video player updated i need to keep the logo theres but i need a better player so things so alot clear, i also need my community builder working again with adds like ( where the members can make there own page and edited it fully like myspace and add videos and music, pics, ect on it

Website Modifications

Website Modifications
Whe have let created a website
On this website companies can register inputting where they provide there services and what services they provide. Please check the website for this.
Visitors can go to the website and select the place where they need a company to provide the requested work and select the work needed.
The website then showes all companies listed within that area that also provides the selected work.
These results are not always accurate so whe need all in the website for this to be fully checked.
The users are listed in Amember. This is a user registration system.
Now companies can input and chance there working area and provided services when registrating there company and also when they loginto Amember. Here whe also have some errors so this does not always works 100% perfect.
I need all to be checked and fixed. This should be a very small thing but you need to know what and where to look.

Jsp Project Debugging

Jsp Project Debugging
Hi All,

Please bid as this is an urgent project. Only if you are free today/tomorrow to work on it, please bid on it. thanks.

Basically, its a simple jsp web application with 3 main functions. Add, Edit, Search. The add, edit is done. We need someone to debug the search part. pretty straight forward and should not take more than a day for those who are familiar with JSP.

Database is mysql. kindly revert soonest. thank you!

Bidrivals Clone

Bidrivals Clone
I need an exact Copy of BidRivals, admin panel and all the features like the Page from

– Different languages (capable for editing with only one file per language)
– Penny Auction system
– Bid Packs
– Full Admin Panel
– Autobid function ( VERY IMPORTANT AND FREE BUGS )
– Refferal function
– Voucher function
– Free credits at Registration
– User registration and account verification.
– The time increasing by 10-30 seconds (you can change this time in the CMS)
– The bid butler system – the ability for users to ‘book their bids’.

Please contact us ONLY if you have a demo ONLYat-YM:kobestinx

we pay $2000 for this FREE BUGS script

Fix Openvpn Admin Script

Fix Openvpn Admin Script
My VPS was recently migrated and after the migration , the openvpn admin panel is now blank and no longer accessible. The script is PHP/MYqsl based and it is used to manage openvpn clients accounts . I need someone to help me fix it. You can view a demo of how the script works at

I have a backup of the script folder before the migration

Additional: I need Roundcube webmail also installed on a windows dedicated server with PLESK control panel

Hsbc Install Help

Hsbc Install Help
Hi, I posted another project to get hbsc installed on a clean osc v3.0, I also need hsbc working on my existing OSC 2.2 while I get the V3.0 developed into a usable site.

I installed HSBC XML API v1.2 but as you guessed it’s not working, It doesn’t even show up in the admin because of these errors,

Warning: include(/home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/hsbc_api.r1.2.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/modules.php on line 136

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/home/xxxxxxx/public_html/includes/languages/english/modules/payment/hsbc_api.r1.2.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/admin/modules.php on line 136

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class hsbc_api in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/includes/modules/payment/hsbc_api.r1.2.php on line 37

If somebody would like to talk me through it? I have msn and can send files etc

Article Rewriter 300-500 Words

Article Rewriter 300-500 Words
Hi and thanks for bidding,

I am looking for high quality writers to rewrite articles on a regular basis. I will Supply you with all of the articles to be rewritten as well as all keyword phrases.

All articles must be written by a NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKING writer. The
Rewriting will need to be concise and to the point. I can’t accept articles just filled with fluff words meant to fill space.

I pay $1.00 to start per 300-500 word articles and will increase it with proven reliability and writing skills.

I am looking for 2-3 GOOD writers who are looking for long term work.
The keywords I provide you need to be used in a normal and conversational way throughout the articles please.

The keyword/keyword phrase needs to be in the article title, first sentence and used another 5-6 times throughout the article for a total keyword density of 1.5- 2.5%.

I pay via PayPal within 24 hours of completion of each article project of 10 articles for $10 dollars, so the sooner
you can finish the articles the sooner you will receive payment. I expect around 24-48hr turn around on 10 articles.

The articles need to be informative to the reader with 100% correct grammar and punctuation.

Also, the articles must be at least 85% unique; they will be reviewed through Copyscape and Plagiarism Detect for plagiarism. If an article you submit to me does not pass Copyscape or has spelling and punctuation mistakes, you will not be paid for that article until it is corrected and resubmitted to me for approval.

I will not be able to pay if all requirements in this listing are not met, so please don’t bid if you can’t meet these requirements.

You agree that upon sending me the rewrites all rights to the rewritten articles transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any way.

Please be able to communicate at least 1 time per day via email or messenger.

Bids will only be considered with a sample article.

When bidding please bid on the first project of 10 articles at $1.00 per rewrite.

Please type “x2” in your bid so I know you read and understand the requirements.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you:)

Website Powersports Design

Website Powersports Design
What i want is the layout of this site With a few editions like make model year search fetured items exc. I Also want it to have a black/dark purple. The website is for powersports aftermarket parts. My cart is cartstore(oscommerce) with the sts template system set in. Im looking for a custome website with my own touches to it such as my loog slitly faded into the background. Must be seo friendly and function well with my cart. This project will not start untill next week. I just want to get the best person for the job so im researching.

Website Clone Needed(donanza)

Website Clone Needed(donanza)
Hello all,

This is a very simple project for an expert so please bid if you are agree to complete this in next 7-10 days.
I have design with me and need to implement code in it.This will be a clone of

My Budget is tight this time but I assure you for 3 more projects after this in first week of Feb.

Hurry up I do not have time.


Submittable Form Parsed To Xml

Submittable Form Parsed To Xml
We would like the attached pdf used to create a submittable form. the results of the filled out, submitted form would be sent to the client as an attached xml document, NOT just as text in the field of the email. Some other paramaters:

1. The solution or script would be universal, in other words, we could use it for any other form we created later, with different fields. Having to add or edit the fields in the script itself is ok.

2. Following the same logic, we should be able to add, remove, change the existing fields at will, even if it means we also have to do so in the script or solution. We should also be able to add different TYPES of fields. In other words, if the existing form has no radio buttons, we should be able to do so later without too much hassle.

Both myself and my client are versed in html so you don’t have to make it too “idiot proof” but as simple as possible please.